Nitro was mostly bald, and the remaining white hair was tied into a braid on the top of his head.

His white eyebrows are very long, just like his pair of long earlobes that look like Buddha.

The white goatee is very thick. The remaining black section at the end of the beard has a barb like the tip of a brush, adding a less serious and playful feel to this old monster who is suspected to be more than a hundred years old.

This playful old man who is not so serious, the president of the Hunter Association, and the leader of Xin Yuan Liu, is wearing big sleeves, with wooden clogs on his feet. He is sitting casually on a corner of the roof of the hotel. He is really not afraid of falling scorpions. Go down. While blowing the cool breeze from a thousand meters altitude, he formed a circle with the thumb and index finger of his right hand, as if pretending it was a telescope, looking into the distance...

"Jingyanque" instinctively checked when passing by in the air diagonally above.

The location where Nitro was observing was exactly the training ground where Master Houshan's Sky Master was conducting his first competition in the first three days!

Who is he observing?

Sky Master?

Or Yun Gu and others who accepted the competition?


Perhaps because of the gaze of "Jingyan Bird", Nitro suddenly turned his head and looked towards him.

Jing Yang thought it was a stone statue for the first time, but it suddenly started to move.

The Nitro in front of him was like a tall mountain standing in front of him. Looking up, it was clear that the mountain was motionless, but it made people instinctively suspect that the mountain would roll down at any time and put him in ruins.

Jing Yang thought of the stone Buddha under the peach blossom tree he saw in last night's dream, and the Bodhisattva's image made of petals all over the sky...

Just for a moment, the feeling just now disappeared like an hallucination. Nitro, who was sitting in the corner on the roof, seemed to be an ordinary old man. Except for his eyes, which were not as dull as those of ordinary old people, and the location where he was walking. Apart from being unusual, there is nothing surprising about it at all.

Nitro stroked his black barb-like beard and looked thoughtfully at the little gray bird hanging in the air.

"I am just a passing bird, I am just a passing bird..."

"Jingyanque" repeated these words in his heart, flapped his wings a few times, landed on the roof, jumped a few times, looked at the crooked head and the old man a few times, then jumped a few more times, lowered his head and pecked casually. Then he spread his wings again as if nothing had happened and flew away quickly... But when he flew away from the roof and headed towards the front mountain, he heard Nitro muttering to himself behind him: "The flow of air is a little unusual."

What an old monster!

The "Scenery Rock Bird" dropped down, lowered its height, and flew close to the top of the mountain. He had the illusion that Nitro had seen through it just now.

is it possible?

Based on experience alone, is it possible to tell at a glance that the bird is possessed?

Jing Yang thought about this possibility.

He had not observed the subtle differences between the state of Qi on his body when he possessed the rock bird, especially the look of his eyes, and the rock bird's usual appearance...

On the contrary, over at the practice ground, Master Sky was not affected at all. He neither looked back at the roof of the hotel where Nitro was, nor paid special attention to the changes in Zhen Yuanzi's body and the soul behind his head. He stood calmly and calmly at the front, Looking at the twenty martial artists of various schools who are still maintaining the state of "separation of spirit and body" in the field.

After the initial discomfort, the remaining warriors have been able to maintain this strange state very well, enduring the hardship and loneliness of "walking outside the body". Some have even begun to try to survive in this state. Command your own body.

As for the dozen or so martial artists who had been eliminated, some were watching reluctantly, and some were already preparing for the next round of martial arts competition and were giving each other moves.

Hart calmed down and was waiting for Senior Brother Yungu. He was about to meditate when he saw Xiaodi picking up his phone and taking pictures.

Isn't this not good? His mouth opened in surprise.

"Click" "Click" "Click"...

As soon as I got off the private airship, I was greeted by the sound of shutters ringing one after another. Kurapika and other bodyguards surrounded their employer and quickly entered the villa in the front mountain of Sensui Mountain, keeping as much distance as possible from the photographers following them.

"I didn't expect so many reporters to come?" The employer was a middle-aged man who looked like an ordinary office worker. His collar without a tie was casually open. He smiled and waved to the person taking the photo. When he turned around, he cursed in a low voice: " Shit, what kind of cats and dogs can sneak in? Who sent invitations to these low-class paparazzi? It’s really low-key..."

The bodyguard with the Chinese character face joked: "Maybe the reporters also want you to rate them."

The employer laughed and said, "Let their value skyrocket? That's a good idea!"

The Chinese-character face shrugged, "Those artists and gentlemen can't wait to spend all their money to get a compliment from Damate. Who among the reporters chasing artists and celebrities doesn't want to get a compliment from Damate?"


The employer, Damat, patted the Chinese-character-faced bodyguard on the shoulder and laughed.

The other bodyguards looked calm. The one with the Chinese character face is the strongest and has the most seniority.

Kurapika also showed no expression throughout the whole process. From the corner of his eye, he saw a small gray shadow coming towards him and flying to the corner of the room, looking at him.

When he turned to look, the little gray bird also turned to look at him.

【Jing Yang? 】

【What if? After being offline for so long, I thought you couldn't find your way up the mountain. 】

[If I really encountered difficulties, I would have taken the initiative to contact you for help. Didn’t you guys contact me too? 】

[Hehehe, there is no reason for the boss to take the initiative to contact the third child! 】

[That makes sense. 】

Kurapika nodded, and suddenly his employer Damat said in disgust: "Get rid of him quickly! It's... it's unreasonable! How could such a thing appear in Xianshui Mountain?!"

Kurapika thought it was Damat who discovered the little gray bird controlled by Jing Yang, but when he turned around, he saw that it was a beggar who rushed over and was stopped by the bodyguard on that side.

【what's the situation? 】

[Didn’t you arrive before me? 】Kurapika answered through the ring mark on his index finger, and at the same time said to his employer: "I will handle it."

His employer Damate nodded, avoided the beggar with disgust on his face, and quickly entered the hotel in Xianshui Mountain Villa with other bodyguards. When he saw the lobby waiter who greeted him, he scolded: "What are you doing? What's wrong? Why do you let beggars go up the mountain? This is a place of art! It's really ridiculous..."

[I didn’t ask about the beggar. I'm asking you, the employer. 】The little gray bird flew over and landed on Kurapika's head.

Kurapika's eyes suddenly turned blind.

He reached out and snatched the little gray bird from his head and put it on his left shoulder. [He is the most influential critic. The price of artworks he reviewed has experienced a miracle of increasing 50 times in price overnight. Deeds. Even movies and pop songs can become more popular if they get even a compliment from him... He was invited to participate in the Xianshui Mountain Art Exhibition and temporarily hired some hunter bodyguards. 】

[It seems that those people just now are not all folk hunters. 】

[Two of them are professional hunters. To be honest, the strength and level of professional hunters are much lower than I originally expected...]

【hehe! 】

Kurapika stared blankly again and sighed, [...Of course that's because I have a good teacher. 】

[Teacher, please don’t do it. The boss is very good. 】 "Jingyanque" waved his wings generously and said, "I thought you would find an artist to ride over. 】

[At first I really wanted to find a painter. The best case scenario would be, of course, if Masuo=Harrison hires me directly, so I don’t need to come to Xianshui Mountain...]

While using the ring to communicate with Jingyang quickly, Kurapika had already helped the beggar on the ground. Kurapika asked kindly: "Are you okay?"

The beggar raised his head, and his pure black eyes met Kurapika's.

"Kingyanque" noticed that Kurapika's "voice" suddenly dropped out and there was no follow-up text. He couldn't help but be puzzled. He turned around and saw that the old beggar Kurapika was holding up had dark eyes and a strange smile.

The old beggar had a sharp voice and said with a strange smile: "Compared with him, you are like a work of art! Add up, add up..."

This smile was so big that the corners of his mouth almost reached the base of his ears!

Kurapika reacted instinctively and decisively grabbed the old beggar's arm with such force that it was almost doubtful that he could break the old beggar's arm.

But soon, Kurapika's hand gradually loosened up, and he froze in place. He didn't know that he thought he was frightened by the old beggar's "sunny smile".

what's the situation?

"Kingyan Bird" opened his mouth to give an order to Kurapika and activate the star mark on his body, but he only heard the "chirp" bird call coming from his own mouth.

By North!

"Kingyanjabi" grabbed Kurapika's shoulder clothes and pulled it with his feet, and simply switched to the first-person perspective control mode.

Possessed Kurapika!

Jing Yang instantly gained Kurapika's perspective.

Everything in front of him seemed to be immediately covered with a layer of light red mist.

It's like fire, and it's like blood.

"Jingkula" took action decisively, grabbing the strange old beggar in front of him with a burst of energy, but missed.

The old beggar disappeared out of thin air as if he didn't exist.

Even if "Jingkula" uses "Condensation", he can only see a fleeting mass of energy that disappears right in front of his eyes.

Did he escape when he switched the operating mode and controlled Kurapika?

Jing Yang thought like this and released his control on Kurapika. The star mark under the clothes on the latter's chest quickly fell silent.

Kurapika staggered two steps and held his knees to steady himself.

"Jingyanque" asked: [Are you okay? 】

[I'm fine...] Kurapika stood up straight.

【your eyes. It's not like it's okay. 】

Kurapika's eyes were still burning red. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath to regain his composure, glanced at the ground where the weird old beggar was no longer there, turned and walked towards the hotel.

[The moment I looked at that person just now, I seemed to see that day...] Kurapika clenched his fists and said with a wry smile, [It may be an illusion caused by some kind of telekinesis ability used by the other person. After you took control of my body, my consciousness was pushed into the depths of my mind, and my hallucinations became longer...]

What Tsukuyomi!

"Jing Yanque" scolded, and then asked: [The old beggar just said that you are more of a work of art than him? 】

[He should refer to my employer. 】Kurapika said calmly, 【Probably because he regards my experience as material for some kind of artistic work. As far as I know, in this art exhibition, the latest painting that the painter who bought the pair of flaming eyes from the gangster will exhibit has this theme...]

【calm! My eyes are turning red and warm again! 】

Kurapika quickly entered the hotel.

"Where is that old beggar?" Damat, the employer, asked with a frown.

"Already sent away." Kurapika replied. The employer was an ordinary person. He couldn't say that he suspected that the other party was a telepathic user with malicious intentions and used some means to escape.

"You still said there are no beggars!?" Damat turned around and got angry at the hotel waiter, but the other person still had a polite smile. In short, he asked three questions. Either you bring the old beggar over and take a look.

"Kingyanjabi" just stood on Kurapika's shoulders and blended into the atmosphere. Others only thought it was a bird that Kurapika picked up outside.

The bodyguard with the Chinese character face reminded him on the way upstairs: "You have to be careful with strange foreign objects, whether they are objects or living creatures."

"Thanks for the reminder." Kurapika said calmly, "The beggar just now was not sent away by me, but he disappeared out of thin air after launching an illusion attack on me."

The bodyguard with the Chinese character face was very surprised, "An attack with telekinesis?"

"Anyway, be more careful."

They can't even figure out where the enemy is, so everyone can only deal with it this way. They are bodyguards, there to deal with any trouble that may come close to their employer.

The employer, Damat, had two rooms and arranged two shifts for the bodyguards, day and night. One group would live with him, and the other group would live next door to rest together.

Kurapika was assigned to the night shift, so he had some free time to rest during the day. After gathering, he listened to his employer talking for a while before disbanding and going to the next room.

The other bodyguards who were also on the day shift planned to go out for a walk to familiarize themselves with the terrain. Kurapika said he would go later.

After the others left, Kurapika sat alone on the sofa and looked at his hands.


The little gray bird jumped on the coffee table in front of him.

"What?" Kurapika looked confused.

【Why are you dazed? 】"Jingyanque" switched to Yuebiao's communication channel, 【Did you find anything unusual? 】

"Yeah." Kurapika looked at his palm and said telepathically with the moon mark, [The moment I had an hallucination outside, I grabbed the beggar's arm and pierced his arm through the "Skull Knight" The skin of his arm got a little bit of his blood...]

[Oh, your ability requires the blood of the target as a medium. 】

[But when he disappeared, the blood I obtained also disappeared. 】Kurapika looked at his clean palm, suddenly raised his hand and threw out a ball of energy that turned into a dolphin bookshelf, and pulled out the fourth volume of "Revelation" from it. Kurapika's eyes burned red, entering the flaming eye state, and activated his special telekinesis ability "Absolute Time".


The fourth volume of "Revelations" opened a blank page and floated in front of Kurapika with red eyes.

Jing Yang knew that Kurapika's "Apocalypse" had the function of detecting lies and finding people. Especially after entering the flaming eye state, this function was upgraded again. Even if he had met strangers once, he could detect them. Surveillance screen lie detection, tracking and divination from a distance... But now, Kurapika burned "Absolute Time Apocalypse" for a full 30 seconds, and the blank page was still a blank page, and no trace of the apocalypse appeared.

Phew, the books and the dolphin bookshelf disappeared, returning to a ball of air.

Kurapika rubbed his eyebrows and said to the "Kingyanjabi" on the coffee table: "That beggar... is not a real creature."

It's dusk and it's getting dark.

In the back mountain training ground, seven or eight more martial artists could not hold on any longer and returned to their physical bodies, their "souls" dissipating.

There were only eleven or twelve martial artists left in the field who were still holding on.

Yun Gu and Zhe Hao are among them.

Jing Yang didn't need to say more. He didn't need to use persistence to describe it. The whole process seemed very ordinary and there was no difficulty at all.

Next to him, Yun Gu was sitting cross-legged on the ground in order to control his physical body. He was struggling and almost failed. At this moment, the "soul" behind his head was holding his breath and concentrating obediently, sitting cross-legged in the air, not daring to move.

Jing Yang's "soul" was sitting on top of his body, his chin resting on his hand.

If it weren't for the stars on Iwajak, Xiaodi, and Kurapika that allowed him to truly "wander around the world" and not get bored, he might have given up long ago...

Seeing him doing nothing, the "souls" of Zhehao and other martial artists almost became unstable and collapsed.

Is the gap that big?

[Did you take the photo? ] Jing Yang's "soul" looked at Xiaodi, and his voice reached Xiaodi's mind through the ring on his physical index finger.

Xiaodi shook the phone, and then said to Hart: "Go back."

"Huh?" Hart touched his head.

Xiaodi didn't even say it a second time, and turned around and walked towards the back mountain hotel.

Hart looked at his senior brother Yun Gu, who was meditating with his eyes closed and had no time to pay attention to either his body or his "soul", and hurriedly followed Xiao Di's footsteps.

On the way, Xiaodi said: "Do you know Bisji's mobile phone number?"

"Are you talking about Senior Brother Yungu's master? Only Senior Brother Yungu knows about it, right?" Hart wondered, "But the call record of the hotel's landline phone from yesterday may still be there..." After a pause, he added, "Senior Brother Yungu It’s rather sloppy, it must not have been deleted yet!”

When they arrived at their hotel room, sure enough, the call record with Bisji last night was still there.

Xiaodi sent the photo he took to this number with the following text: "This is Master Sky. Has he changed in any way compared to forty years ago? - Yun Gu"

Hart took a glance and suddenly realized that it turned out that Sister Xiaodi was taking pictures of Sky Master!

Soon, Xiaodi's phone vibrated, and Bisji texted back:

"You photographed the wrong person, this is not Sky Master!"

"PS: Yun Gu is not this number! Who are you? Zhen Yuanzi?"

Hart looked at the reply from senior brother Yungu's master. He was dumbfounded and couldn't recover for a long time, and suddenly shuddered.

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