Isn't this Sky Master?

The person we met yesterday at the foot of the mountain, and the person who led us to compete in the practice field for a whole day today, was... not the Sky Master? !

Hart felt like he was listening to a ghost thriller. It was the classic chatting with a character for a long time, and then another person came over and said, "Who are you talking to?", "There's no one at all," "That little girl." He died ten years ago"... He was so frightened that all the hairs on his body stood up on the spot.

Xiaodi just said "Oh" and then informed Jing Yang of this information through the moon mark on her index finger.

At the practice ground, Jing Yang was very surprised when he received Xiaodi's message, and then looked at Master Sky in front of him.

The white-haired boy with a boyish face looks like an immortal, and he looks like he has an extraordinary temperament. He is an unparalleled master. But he turns out to be a fake?

Why would the counterfeit go to all this trouble, waste a whole day, and compete with so many martial artists?

Master Sky looked towards Jing Yang.

Jing Yang looked at him nonchalantly for a while and asked, "Are you in charge of the food?"


Master Sky was very surprised, then smiled and said, "Of course I don't care."

After a while, the waiter from the villa brought the dining cart.

Some of the nearly two-thirds of the fighters who have been eliminated have already left and returned to the hotel, while the other part is still here, observing the remaining people who are still persisting. The "out-of-body" experience, although it is simulated and false, is still rare. The taste of it, and if you savor it carefully, it does make sense to temper your mind... In short, everyone understands it this way. Otherwise, why is this all happening?

Jing Yang acted like a normal person, controlled his body and ran to the dining car, lifted the cover, and immediately revealed all kinds of delicacies underneath. The aroma was immediately fragrant, making people scream in the stomach.

His physical body, except for the lack of brightness in his eyes, as if he was sleepwalking, was no different from usual. His eating and drinking movements were quick but not rude, and his concentration on enjoying food could actually increase the appetite of onlookers... So the remaining martial artists who had already been eliminated looked at each other and joined in. Soon more waiters brought more dining carts. Under the leadership of Jing Yang, these people were eating enthusiastically in this training ground. At first glance I thought Jing Yang had also been eliminated.

What a torture!

The "souls" of a dozen warriors who were struggling to hold on in the scene tried their best to control themselves and not watch the scene of those people enjoying the delicious food.

Their consciousness has been out of the body for a whole day, and their experience can be described as torture every minute.

Even Yun Gu, who was holding his breath to keep his "soul" alive, couldn't help frowning and secretly smiling bitterly.

Jing Yang also secretly communicated with Xiao Di through the ring on his body, and at the same time glanced at the seemingly fake Sky Master from the corner of his eye from time to time.

[If he is not Sky Master at all, then someone should have recognized him when we were at the foot of the mountain. ] His voice sounded in Xiaodi's mind, [For example, Yun Gu. It’s not like he’s never been to the event before, so how could he recognize the wrong person? 】

【Yes? 】

In the hotel room, Xiaodi typed up Jingyang's doubts and sent them intact to Bisji.

At the same time, Bisji, who was in another corner of the world, was wearing cute pajamas and walked to the window with his bare feet. He looked at the starry sky and pondered for a while, thinking: "I'm afraid it was the Fairy Water Mountain Conference forty years ago. What did President Tero do to Master Sky..."

She clicked into her phone and sent.

Buzz, Xiaodi's phone vibrated, and she clicked on it: "The Sky Master I saw 40 years ago was a senior who looked much older than President Netero. Since the Sky Master Yun Gu saw back then is the same Sky Master you see today. From the appearance of this person, then: 1. Sky Master has been replaced at least ten years ago; 2. Sky Master has used some kind of ability to restore his youth..."

And the following "PS: Are you Zhen Yuanzi?"

Xiaodi used the moon mark to read Bisji's reply to Jing Yang, and replied "yes" to Bisji.

[If it was a swap, then the waiters on the Immortal Water Mountain would probably have been replaced a long time ago... If some kind of telekinesis ability was used, it would probably be a transformation-type ability of the materialization system! 】

Jing Yang at the practice ground said this, thinking of Nitro he saw on the roof of the hotel at noon.

At that time, Nitro was looking in the direction of the training ground. Was he observing this seemingly real and fake Sky Master?

However, if the appearance of Sky Master at least 10 years ago has been so drastically changed from the decrepit old man Bisiki saw 40 years ago, if Nitro is really curious about such changes Even suspicious... Why did Nitro come here to observe just today?

"Unless Sky Master's change was originally caused by Nitro..."

"In addition to martial arts competitions, art exhibitions began to appear in Xianshui Mountain 40 years ago. Is it because of this change that happened to Master Sky?"

"What is Nitro doing? Are you conducting some experiments on Sky Master? It doesn't fit his character..."

Many speculations flashed through Jing Yang's mind, and finally he thought funnyly, "It can't be that Nitro holds an art exhibition to cultivate his sentiment...or seduces artistic young women? Uh..."

Anyway, Nitro is certainly not a hundred-year-old innocent spinster.

My son is so old!

[So you suspect that all the abnormalities are related to Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association? 】

Front Mountain Hotel, Kurapika side.

Jingyang briefly told Kurapika about the situation on his side through the moon mark on the ring.

Kurapika also communicated through the moon sign, and nodded as he asked himself questions, [He is the strongest, and he is from the same era as the Sky Master you mentioned... Didn't you suspect that he was a mind clone from the beginning to the end? ? Since it is a clone, the person with the telekinesis ability can adjust what it looks like. It is normal for it to become younger and more in line with one's wishes. 】

"Kurapika!" At this time, other bodyguards came over to greet him, "It's almost 7pm. It's time to change shifts."

"I see."

Kurapika got up, cleaned up, changed his clothes and went out with several other bodyguards. He went to the hotel restaurant to find his employer Damat.

Celebrities came and went in the restaurant, especially at Damat's table. This important critic was very popular.

Kurapika and the others changed shifts with the bodyguards who were on duty during the day. Those on the night shift had to protect their employer from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning.

As for the little gray bird on Kurapika's shoulder, his colleagues didn't say anything when they saw it.

Bodyguards like them can carry pistols, let alone a little bird that doesn't look eye-catching?

What's more, the methods of telekinesis users are unpredictable. Who knows whether this little bird is some kind of helper for Kurapika to use his abilities... But for that matter, these knowledgeable bodyguards of telekinesis users also don't know. If you have nothing to do, you will ask others about their abilities, which can easily lead to enemies.

After dinner, his employer Damat left the restaurant, chatted and laughed with others and headed to the art exhibition hall.

Kurapika and the other bodyguards followed him from afar or close by.

[So, have you found your prey? 】"Kingyanjabi" stepped on Kurapika's shoulder, but the sound transmission came from the main body far away in the back mountain through the ring on the main body's finger. In fact, "Jingyanque" only acted as a "camera" throughout the entire process.

Kurapika sent a message: [Not yet. 】

[Then why don’t you hurry up? 】

[My current duty is to serve as a bodyguard and I need to protect my employer. The art exhibition lasts for three days, and there will be six or seven days of other activities afterwards. Ma Xiu=Harrison will not leave so early, there is always a chance to meet him...] After a pause, his eyes were dark, [As long as I can see him up close Later, it would be best to get a drop of his blood, and I can find him again with the help of the Book of Revelation. 】

Jing Yang said unexpectedly: [It seems that you plan to wait until the event is over to settle the score with that guy? 】

Kurapika said: [The other party may also have bodyguards around him. There are so many people here, I can’t guarantee that I can do it without causing any commotion, and I can’t predict whether innocent people will be affected...]

In the art exhibition hall, different paintings are displayed. Men and women in formal wear whisper to each other, stopping in front of each painting and then slowly leaving. Even the waiters who come and go try to keep their voices down. Wherever Damat goes, he will inevitably attract silent side glances. How long he stayed in front of this painting, how long he looked in front of that painting, whether he spoke, what he said... Many people are extremely concerned about it. His movements.

Except for the personal bodyguard with a Chinese character face, the rest of Kurapika and the others followed closely. Naturally, they, the bodyguards, also wore black attire appropriate to the occasion.

During the night shift, Kurapika had to protect his employer nearby; during the day, Kurapika had to rest.

Why are you here? "Kingyanjabi" glanced at Kurapika from time to time.

Kurapika asked: [What about you, if you are willing to help, with your star ability, you should be able to subdue Masu = Harrison silently, and then control him to hand over the flaming eyes. 】

As a result, Jing Yang did not respond.

"Jingyanque" just turned his head and looked at him with his left and right eyes, but said nothing.

Kurapika suddenly turned into dead fish eyes, and finally said: [Boss, if you are free, please help me. 】

The face of the little gray bird can actually be read as a look of relief that "a child can be taught". At the same time, Jing Yang's voice message rang in Kurapika's mind: "I can't get away, the competition is not over yet." 】

[Then I have to wait for the opportunity...]

[But who said that I can only use the "Star Mark" with my body? 】

Kurapika was very surprised, and with a flash of inspiration, he asked: [Can the target marked by you with a star also spread the star? 】

[What is communication? Can you use words? I see you as a source of communication. 】

[I do have a star on me. 】While transmitting the message, Kurapika glanced at the small gray bird on his shoulder, 【Can the bird's wings and claws successfully use the star mark? 】

At this moment, there was a hushed noise in the quiet art exhibition hall, and a group of people were whispering.

Kurapika and the other bodyguards immediately followed the sound and approached their employer in unison. The direction of the noise was not where Damat was, but somewhere else. The sights that were originally paying attention to Damat's movements disappeared as the crowd gradually gathered elsewhere... Damat's face I felt a little unhappy at the time, but there was nothing I could do about it. Because the person who attracted the crowd there was the president of the Hunter Association, Isaac Nitro.

You must know that any professional hunter is a kind of person with a transcendent status. Although anyone has the opportunity to hire professional hunters to serve themselves, tasks are tasks and status is status.

And Nitro is the person who stands at the top of all professional hunters. Compared with Damat, he is as different as clouds and mud.

When others pay attention to Damat, they will also worry about the atmosphere in the art exhibition hall and not be too rude. It can be seen that when the president of the Hunter Association appears, everyone can't help but get closer...

"The president is here too?"

Among Damat's bodyguards, there are two rare professional hunters. Of course, they know their guild leader.

They also recognized the woman following the president over there.

Wearing a rabbit ear headband, the outfit is fashionable and playful. Isn’t this the twelve-branched “Mao Rabbit”?


Damat had a stern look on his face, but he couldn't help but move closer. This... is the president of the Hunter Association after all!

""Eye of the Curse"...hehehe..."

The two of Nitro passed by a painting. After a brief glance, Nitro laughed casually.

Everyone who gathered around to watch had already seen this painting. It was a new work by a second-rate young painter. It seemed to be inspired by the genocide of the Kuluta tribe two years ago. There were stumps and severed limbs all over the painting. Arms, two heads rolled together, they are a pair of little men and women, their eyes are black and hollow, the most vicious thing is, these empty eye holes have two fingers painted on them, and because they are scattered all over the floor No one can tell whether these fingers were left behind by the Phantom Troupe who caused this tragedy, or whether they were left behind by the Kuluta tribe themselves...

And in the hellishly dark night sky above, a full moon was scarlet and gloomy, and it was painted like a fiery red eye, like the cursed eyes of a devil, staring indifferently at the human tragedy on the ground.

An uncomfortable and unclear work... No one was very interested in this work, but Nitro took a second look at it, which inevitably made people stop and take a closer look. Since Nitro seemed to sneer twice before walking away, the purpose of this detailed article is mainly to think in a "derogatory" direction...

【calm! Pikachu, you have to calm down! ] Jing Yang's voice exploded like thunder in Kurapika's head, which was filled with anger, [Are you wearing contact lenses? 】

Kurapika stared at the "Cursed Eye" signed "Ashu = Harrison", took a deep breath, [Wear it. 】

[You should be happy. This painting was moved because of Nitro. That Harrison must have been impatient to show up...] The little gray bird rubbed its claws on Kurapika's shoulder, [Now , it was a good time to take advantage of the chaos to arrest Harrison. 】

[Then I’ll trouble you. 】

The "Jingyanque" that was already preparing to take off stopped again.

Kurapika's eyes narrowed, [It's my fault, boss. 】

"Jingyan Bird" flew away silently and flew towards a passing waiter. It seemed that he planned to control a waiter first and then find out where Masiu = Harrison lived... But very quickly, " "Jingyan Bird" flew back quietly again, with a lively expression on the bird's face as if it had seen a ghost.

Not far away, Nitro and Usagi Biyu, who were passing by Kurapika and the others, were walking and chatting.

Biyou suddenly asked: "By the way, where is Gailu?"

Nitro touched his barb-like beard and said with a smile: "I asked her to take care of an old friend..."

Deep in the Immortal Water Mountain, there is a dark cave somewhere.

One of Gailu's arms transformed into a snake that was spitting out messages. The snake's body was Gailu's original arm, with a section of it roundly bulging, and then rolling around in chaos. Gai Lu frowned slightly, and finally the long snake her arm turned into opened its mouth and "hissed", and a cloud of gray poisonous mist was sprayed out.

The snake's body was chapped, and finally turned into a layer of snake sloughing off, falling into gray powder on the ground.

Gai Lu's arm returned to normal, and she said solemnly: "It is as difficult as going to heaven to break this kind of poison..."

In front of her was a man bound by iron chains in front of the cave wall with gray cracks all over his body. He was very old, with gray hair hanging down. The entire stone wall behind him was covered with black runes, which were densely packed with telekinesis abilities. The divine word.

"Ho...ho..." The old man, whose body was covered with gray cracks, had cloudy eyes and growled at Gailu in a meaningless voice.

"The strange poison from the Dark Continent, the president can really pose problems to people."

Gai Lu thought so, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

"you say--"

After listening to Jing Yang's words, Kurapika subconsciously exclaimed, stopped in time, and asked through the ring: "Your star mark cannot take effect...are these waiters not living people?" ! 】

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