I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 130: Northern Beggar and Western Poison

Jing Yang controlled the rock bird to quietly approach a waiter who was leaving the exhibition hall with an empty plate. He lowered his head and pecked out a feather from the rock bird's body. The base of the feather was stained with a trace of blood. Under the weak breath of the rock bird's body, it transformed. It flew to the back of the waiter's neck in the shape of a five-pointed star and quietly printed on it.

Contrary to Jing Yang's expectation, the star mark did not take shape and failed.

The five-pointed star blood line left traces on the skin of the waiter's neck, slowly flowing down as he walked away.

Don't you feel itchy?

Jing Yangfei landed on the ground beside the wall and quietly watched the waiter walk away. When he passed the corner, he suddenly felt the latter's breath disappear suddenly.

This is not Jing Yang using "Yuan" to control Yanque's body. In fact, Jing Yang's kung fu has not reached this level yet - only when the target uses "Absolute" to seal off his own aura at such a close distance. It is necessary to use the "circle" for detection. Otherwise, for someone like Jing Yang who has practiced mindfulness for a long time and his normal senses have become extremely sharp, the aura of a living person suddenly disappears at a normal distance, or someone else's line of sight suddenly disappears. He can notice it if he keeps a close eye on himself.

But just now, after the waiter turned the corner, his breath suddenly disappeared.

"My operating system failed for two reasons: 1. The other party has been operated by someone else; 2. The other party is not a human at all."

Jing Yang was thinking.

"If it's case 1, then unless the effect of manipulating the waiter's ability is to transfer him out of thin air, otherwise it's most likely case 2... But why did he disappear as soon as he turned a corner?"

"Because I used my ability on it, what's the reaction?"

"Try another waiter..."

Jing Yang was thinking this and suddenly found that the feather he had pecked out had floated back and grown back from where it was plucked out.

"The star's self-healing..."

Jing Yang recalled that when the head of the wild wolf he controlled originally fell off, the severed head slowly moved towards the severed neck under the control of the star. It was obviously not that another part of the body was regrown from the part carrying the star.

"If there are residual limbs, they will be recycled first. If there are no residual limbs, it will take more time and slowly grow back..."

In the previous duel with Yun Gu in the Sky Arena, Jing Yang broke off an arm. If the broken arm was completely destroyed, it would take Jing Yang who knows how long it would take to recover.

Rebirth after a broken arm and rebirth after a broken arm are two different concepts.

"Find an opportunity to test it?"

"Who are you looking for..."

[Aren’t the waiters alive? 】

Kurapika used the ring to transmit sound and asked, [How many waiters did you find to use the star test? 】

[Let’s say 8. Four of them, like the first one, cannot be marked with a star. ] The little gray bird stepped on his shoulder. As the night got darker, Kurapika's employer took a walk and was ready to go back to his room.

Kurapika asked as he walked: [Where are the other four? 】

[I didn’t touch the other four, I just followed them to see what was going on. Control variable method! 】

【What? 】Kurapika was confused.

Jing Yang then explained the initial anomaly of the waiter disappearing as soon as he turned the corner.

As expected, Kurapika had a bright idea and immediately understood Jing Yang's intention. Obviously, Jing Yang was confirming the reason why the waiter disappeared around the corner.

[So, what’s the result? ] he asked.

[The eight waiters have all disappeared. 】 Jing Yang said slowly.

[In other words, their disappearance has nothing to do with you. 】

[It may not be irrelevant. 】

Kurapika thought about it carefully, [You said they disappeared around the corner, which means that the condition that triggered their sudden disappearance was not being attacked by someone, but——]

[——Not seen by anyone. 】

The two voices sounded in each other's mind almost at the same time.

At the same time, in the hotel corridor, there was a waiter at the front corner carrying a tray with several bottles of wine on it, passing by everyone quietly and calmly.

On Kurapika's shoulder, the little gray bird's head twisted and looked at the opponent's back.

[Is he one of the people you have followed? ] Kurapika asked.

【Um. 】 "Jingyan Bird" retracted his gaze, lowered his head and combed his feathers, "Now it can be confirmed that they did not disappear, but just moved." 】

[The condition is that as long as they are not seen by anyone, they will find an opportunity to disappear quietly...] Kurapika analyzed it for a while, and soon felt speechless, [but it will appear again, and the identity Still a waiter. What is this for? Is it simply to save time on walking? 】

As a result, half a day passed and no response from Jing Yang came to his mind.

Kurapika glanced sideways at the little gray bird on his shoulder. The little gray bird also twisted its head and called out to him, "Chirp?"

Kurapika immediately understood that Jing Yang's consciousness was no longer on the bird.

"Kurapika, you are in charge of the front entrance." The bodyguards began to coordinate with each other to assign tasks. They are responsible for the night shift and have to be on duty until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

[I have something to talk about later. 】Jing Yang's voice finally bubbled up.

Kurapika's eyes were closed and he nodded calmly, planning to check the situation by himself after 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

As for Jing Yang, the main reason why he was disconnected was because he saw Xiao Di coming.

It was late at night, and the other martial artists who had been eliminated long ago, and those who insisted on staying and watching before, were not there at night. They all went back to the hotel to rest and adjust.

Xiaodi, on the other hand, had a starry moon. She came back to the practice ground from the hotel and sat alone on the sidelines.

The "soul" in Jing Yang's mind looked over and said, "Go back to your room and rest by yourself. What are you doing here?" 】

Xiaodi hugged her legs, rested her chin on her knees, and looked at Jing Yang from a distance, "I can't sleep alone." 】

Jing Yang's "soul" immediately shouted to Master Tian who was sitting on the ground meditating in front of everyone: "As long as the 'soul' remains, it's not a violation for the physical body to do anything, right?"

Master Sky closed his eyes and meditated, as if he didn't hear it.

Jing Yang repeated it twice more, but the other party still had no response.

Jing Yang thought to himself: "Even if the 'Nian Yin' I shout out in my current state can only be heard using 'Condensation', this so-called Master of the Sky will not be unresponsive, right?"

Forget it, bro, stop pretending.

"Take a rest." Jing Yang's body uttered human words, and after giving a perfunctory sentence to Master Sky, he ran directly to Xiao Di on the sidelines and sat next to each other. Xiao Di naturally tilted his head to meet his. Leaning his head, he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Jing Yang's "soul" over there, which was still floating in the air, and then looked at Jing Yang's body here, and said confusedly: "With so many perspectives, Jing Yang doesn't know how to do it." Feeling confused?"

"Soul" Jing Yang smiled, "There is no one with my ability..."

"Of course it will feel confusing." Jing Yang's body next to Xiaodi said. Then came Xiaodi himself, the look in his eyes changed, and he smiled in Jing Yang's tone: "But I won't. Because although there are a few more perspectives, there are also several 'brains' to help process it."

Phew, Xiaodi recovered and nodded thoughtfully.

The other struggling martial artists in the training ground were shocked by this change, but when they looked at Zhen Yuanzi's "soul" who was still "in place", they didn't know what expression to make.

Is this okay with him? How to calculate this?

Zhehao even broke the technique on the spot, his "soul" disappeared behind his head, his body woke up, and he fell to the ground with a long sigh.

"Zhen Yuanzi's operating system seems to be the type that can completely control the body..." Yun Gu's "soul" thought silently while looking at the Sky Master in front of everyone.

Jing Yang's physical body seemed to get up from class and say hello to the teacher before slipping out of the back door. Master Sky opened his eyes and looked at him. This also made Jing Yang confirm that this so-called Sky Master with gray hair and childish face at least did not He's not deaf...but he couldn't hear Jing Yang's "soul" calling him at first. Is it an act or is he artificially retarded?

Is it really a mind clone?

Or is it simply an embodied humanoid mind beast?

The move this guy used to hit everyone's "souls" was undoubtedly a release type.

If it is a release system, whether it is teleporting from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, or the fact that the mind beast can be released at an ultra-long distance, it can be explained.

At this time, the little guy Hart came over. He was simply frightened. His senior brother was not here, so he stayed alone in the hotel room. He accidentally saw the black skeleton drawn by Zhen Yuanzi last night, swallowing the sleeping clouds. Senior Brother Gu was so angry that he was so frightened that he rushed over, crawling on the ground. When he arrived, he realized that Xiaodi was already here...

Under the night sky, there are huge peach trees tens of meters high.

What is flying in the night are endless peach petals, gathering into ribbons and flowing above everyone's heads...

On the endless grass, the crowds of people, densely packed like zombies, appeared again.

Jing Yang, who was in the crowd, regained consciousness almost as soon as he entered. He turned around and saw that it was Xiao Di. With a thought in his heart, he activated the star mark on her body and woke her up.

In fact, there are many ways to wake her up. Jing Yang guessed that just shouting to Xiaodi in this "dream" might wake her up. After all, this is a dream-like ability, and Xiaodi carries a star mark. , and was not really controlled by the other party; of course, the easiest way to relieve it is to shake Xiaodi awake in the outside world, and treat it as if she had dozed off.

Xiaodi blinked, and the images of the bizarre dream reflections on his body quickly diminished.

Most of the people around them were martial artists, and the dream scenes reflected on them were basically related to the ongoing "competition of wills"... Jing Yang and Xiao Di quickly looked towards the destination in front of where everyone was wandering. It was the tree that was suspected by Bisji and was the subject that left the peach petal mark on Yun Gu and Hart's heads. It was one of the cooperative abilities mixed with this strange dream.

This time, no stone Buddha appeared under the huge peach blossom tree.

"What method did the president use to avoid being pulled into the dream?"

On the other side of the crowd, Maotu Biyou and Sishe Gailu were also among them. They also noticed that there was no one under the peach blossom tree this time.

"Maybe you used your willpower to resist the 'sleepiness'?"

"This dream ability is probably of the materialization type. It cannot be so silent and can unconditionally pull people into it. The real operation on the target pulled into it is probably hidden in the dream. That peach blossom tree... Just because of the interference of this embodied dream, and the strength of the president's thoughts, as long as you are alert, you will not be so easily affected by it..."

Maotu and Sishe made eye contact for a while, and soon they each used their own tricks. One disguised himself as a vest with a false address and stayed here, while the other shed a layer of snake skin and also left a false clone in this so-called dream.

After escaping from the dream, they recalled the scene in the dream and suddenly felt a little strange. Did they see a ball of fire? What was that?

In other words, whose dream projection is that?

A fire ignited on the grass, and corpses lay scattered on the ground among the embers. Everyone was wearing the unique clothing of the Kuluta tribe. The only thing that was the same was that everyone's eye sockets were black and their eyes were gouged out. Some people even had their entire heads chopped off. One boy had his neck broken, but his head was missing...

Jingyang and Xiaodi quickly noticed the movement here, and they couldn't think of anyone who could refract dreams on their bodies to such a large range, except for Kurapika, who had endless anger and hatred hidden in his heart.

Jing Yang was about to activate the star mark on Kurapika to wake him up, but when he got closer, he realized that Kurapika had woken up on his own.

His eyes were red and he stared at the scene in front of him expressionlessly, especially the headless boy's body, which he stared at for a long time.

This situation was something Kurapika would never forget every day and every night. He would dig it out from the corners of his heart all the time. Even though it was bloody, he forced himself never to forget this anger and hatred.

"Hey hey hey, hahahaha..."

Suddenly, a strange laughter came from above the three of them.

Jingyang, Xiaodi, and Kurapika looked up and saw the old beggar they had seen sitting on the peach tree dozens of meters high.

The old beggar sat on a branch, overlooking the bloody scene of the Kuluta tribe's destruction that had not yet dispersed around Kurapika. He looked into Kurapika's fiery angry eyes without hesitation, clapped his hands and feet, and laughed strangely. : "Jiajiajia! Let me just say, you are like a work of art! Jiajiajia..."

He laughed louder and louder, so much so that even the peach trees shook, and the peach petals floating in the sky became chaotic.


The dream is broken and everyone wakes up.

At the door of Qianshan Hotel room, Kurapika held on to the door frame, feeling like he was in a trance, but the dream just now was so real... He turned to look at his colleagues in the room, and found that they were in the same situation. It seemed that they were just in a daze. He looked dazed for a moment, leaned against the wall and the sofa, nodded and took a nap, and didn't feel anything unusual.

At the back mountain practice ground, Jing Yang and Xiao Di opened their eyes at the same time. Before they could say anything, they heard a very miserable scream.


Why is it this kind of Conan plot again... Jing Yang turned around and saw that this time it was a bit new, because the one who screamed was none other than Hart who woke up from his dream.

The black skeleton that Jing Yang had seen before pressed Hart to the ground. The black skull came close to Hart. The eye holes, nose holes, and even ear holes seemed to have some kind of devouring force, sucking away the energy from Hart's body. suck away.

The "souls" of other martial artists were stunned one by one, and disappeared one after another.

"Help, senior brother!!!" Hart shouted, twisting desperately, but couldn't break free.

Yun Gu did not hesitate. His "soul" disappeared. After his body woke up, he recovered after a short pause. The ground was crushed under his feet, and he rushed over like a ball of cannonballs.

Jing Yang's "soul" also dissipated, and he condensed his "flicking magical power" with his fingers, aiming at the black skeleton suppressing Hart.

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