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Chapter 131 True and False Sky

The sudden change caught the martial artists participating in the competition completely off guard.

They knew nothing about the dream they had just had, but the strange black skeleton that suddenly appeared was undoubtedly not a legitimate thing, and it made people terrified just to see it.

Hart called for help, and a dozen fighters who were still competing actively or passively lifted the "soul" air mass one after another, and their bodies revived. They looked at the terrifying black skeleton that exuded a strange temperament. Some people stopped and hesitated. Their faces faded, but some stepped forward without hesitation and stepped forward to help - Zhehao was one of them.

However, Yungu arrived first and punched decisively. Being an enhanced type, he condensed a thick ball of Qi into his fist and hit the black skull without hesitation.

boom! !

The force was enough to break a giant tree dozens of meters high like the one in the dream, and it hit the front of the skull hard, but the latter did not move at all.

"How could that happen?" Yun Gu was shocked, "It doesn't work at all?!"

A pair of eye holes showed a gray glimmer on the black skull head, and two rows of teeth clicked together, as if laughing.

The energy in Yun Gu's fist was like a circle of ripples, being sucked into it by the skull eye holes.

"It's the same type of gas, but it tastes good!"

The black skeleton actually opened his mouth, and the upper and lower rows of black teeth opened and closed, making a cackle of laughter. Taking advantage of Yun Gu's shock when his attack was ineffective, he hugged the opponent with a pair of skeleton arms and started sucking!

"Senior brother..." Hart was shocked, but he had just been sucked a few times and was a little weak now.

It's not that the black skeleton sucked too hard, but that Hart's total thoughts were too small, and he almost bottomed out after just a few sips.

Yungu is much better, the black skeleton is sucking, and Zhehao and other martial arts assistants have arrived.

"What a monster! Let him go!"

"Look at the punch!"

It's a pity that these people's attacks, whether they were fists or kicks, hit the black skeleton hugging Yun Gu and enjoying the mind energy, and they were like mud and cows in the sea, without any reaction at all.

The other party remained motionless, but strangely, Zhehao and others did not feel the pain in their fists and feet due to the shock when they were kicked on an indestructible iron plate...

"It's not...defending..." Yun Gu gritted his teeth and slowly shouted to everyone, "It's marking us and making it immune to our attacks!"

Unfortunately, he shouted too late. A martial artist who was a few steps behind used all his strength to squeeze a ball of telekinesis. He jumped up, roared and fell from the sky. He squeezed the glowing telekinesis ball and smashed it onto the black skull with a bang. top of head.

This time everyone saw it clearly.

The condensed thought ball was obviously very powerful, but it did not cause any shock when it hit the head of the black skull. Not only that, after the black skull opened its mouth and took a sharp breath, the thought ball was like melted snow. It disintegrated quickly like a ball and was sucked clean...

"It must be because of the peach petal marks above our heads! All attacks from those marked by peach petals will be ignored by this black skeleton!"

"The marked person has become this guy's chopping block..."

Yun Gu was sucked away by the black skeleton in front of him, but thoughts were racing in his mind, "If this is the case, then the only one who can ignore it at this moment is..."

At this moment, an arm-thick teleportation bomb shot through the air!


The thought bomb hit the side of the black skull accurately!

The black skeleton's body and head were separated, and the skull was beaten away.


Yun Gu escaped from the trap, staggered back a few steps, and let out a sharp breath.

The other martial artists, after attacking the black skeleton, seemed to be attracted by the opponent like a magnet, and now they also broke free, each one in shock.

what is happening?

Zhehao and others all looked at the place where the bullet struck. That single thought bullet just now was done by Zhen Yuanzi!


Jing Yang moved his hands and feet.


Xiao Di stretched out his hands, and a ball of thought energy condensed, manifesting into a weird-looking vacuum cleaner.

The black skull that was hit had stopped in mid-air and spun around in a circle. The bones on the side of the head that had been hit just now were full of cracks, but they were being repaired quickly, and they were all closed soon.

A pair of gray eyes stared at Jing Yang, and said in a shocked voice: "You kid, why are you beating me?!"

Everyone is shocked, you monster, are you a little self-conscious? It's already now, and you still ask why others hit you?

Click, click, click, the black headless skeleton was bouncing on the ground, and the marked warriors had no way to stop it. They allowed the headless skeleton to leap forward and click to connect with the suspended skull in mid-air.

"It seems that we are the only ones on board."

Jing Yang looked at the situation and took the first step.

If the opponent is not made of flesh and blood and has strong self-healing ability, then your Huabei Mind Ball move can easily kill you in turn; "Star Mark" can control living things, and can also use a lot of energy to control objects. But it is of no use to Nian's creation, and the opponent is obviously either a Nian beast or some kind of strange Nian clone...

Jing Yang clasped it with his fingers. Apart from the star mark and close combat, his most effective trick at the moment was undoubtedly his magical power.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

A circle of sharp teeth emerged from the head of the vacuum cleaner in Xiaodi's hand, and it spun rapidly like a chainsaw, making bursts of roar.

With a snap, the black skeleton fell to the ground.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Jing Yang fired several quick rounds with his magical power, hitting the black skeleton backwards.

At the same time, in his other hand, a finger-flicking magic power was always accumulating. The mind ball was suspended on his finger, spinning rapidly, getting bigger and bigger.

Xiaodi rushed forward, swung the electric saw to the bulging-eyed fish, and slashed at it.


The black skeleton was stiffened by several rounds of Jing Yang's magical power and could not dodge. The sternum was chopped into pieces under the ribs, and the black bones flew away.

"It hurts me to death!"

The black bone palm stabbed Xiaodi, but Xiaodi raised the chainsaw to block it.


The force of the bone palm caused Xiaodi to fly backwards.

"No! You have to be in so much pain!" The broken sternum and ribs of the black skeleton have healed. It clicked its mouth, obviously furious, and chased Xiaodi and Jingyang, "I'm really angry! Get out of here!" Zhehao, Yungu and others came from the left and right, blocking its way.

"If our attacks are ineffective against you..."

Yun Gu and others joined forces to attack, and countless fists and kicks came towards the black skeleton, "Then it must be the same in reverse!"


All the attacks hit the front of the black skeleton, but they did not cause any shock. All the energy went into the sea and was absorbed by the black skeleton.

Although it was not hurt, Yun Gu and others successfully stopped its movement and made it stop.


The black skeleton's eyes were filled with gray light as it sucked the energy from the people blocking the road in front of it. Soon it cursed: "No! No! Why are you sucking! Those two little bastards behind you! Come here and let me I’ll hit you twice!”

Xiaodi turned her fingers on the side of her head and looked at Jing Yang doubtfully. Is there something wrong with this skeleton's mind?

Jing Yang held out a hand, indicating that this guy's head was empty, so of course there was something wrong with it.

Xiaodi nodded with deep understanding.

"Get out of the way!" Jing Yang said loudly, "This shot requires twenty years of skill. I can't even catch it with my frame..."

A full ten thousand qi thoughts were concentrated on this magical power of snapping fingers!

"Get on target!"

Zhehao and others tried their best to wrap their arms around the black skeleton, leaving its head for Jing Yang to take aim at.

Yun Gu shouted: "You can't beat it crookedly!"

"Fart!" Jing Yang yelled. He took aim with his fingers. The mental ball spinning on his finger was as big as a mug. It was the longest shot he had ever accumulated. No matter if it hits the target, If he doesn't hit it, most of his energy will be drained, "You have to hold on tight! Don't wander around! Be careful of your own heads being smashed!"

"Don't say such horrible things!" The others shouted angrily.

"Come on." Xiaodi said softly, holding the chainsaw bulge-eye fish next to him.

"If you refuel, you'll be drained..." Jing Yang took a deep breath and was about to pop out the mental bomb that was ready to go, when the black skeleton entangled by the crowd roared with extreme anger: "Absurd, absurd, absurd, absurd! Today’s juniors... you are going to kill me, the master of the sky! This is simply ridiculous!!"

Are you a sky master?

Everyone was immediately stunned, even Yun Gu was no exception.

They could feel that there seemed to be an unimaginable black energy accumulating in the body of the black skeleton, which was about to burst out uncontrollably.

It's really angry!

"If it has been absorbing the energy of the martial artists who participated in the Fairy Mountain Tournament for so many years, and if it burst out all of a sudden..."

Such thoughts flashed through Yun Gu's mind, and he shouted: "Zhen Yuanzi! Stop -"


Jing Yang shot out his magic power with a snap of his fingers, and a teleportation bomb as big as the mouth of a bowl was shot out with a bang!

"You traitors!"

The black skeleton roared, and Yun Gu, Zhe Hao and others hanging on the left and right sides of the body were blasted away. Black mental energy burst out from the skeleton like lightning, turning into a black tide and attacking towards the mental bullet light beam. Flooding everywhere.

Xiaodi took the chainsaw and blocked the fish in front of Jing Yang.

"Stop it!!!"

The forgotten Sky Master could no longer bear it any longer. He yelled angrily and waved his sleeves to create a tsunami-like wave of air. In an instant, the ground in the training ground was lifted up by several inches. Sand and stones were flying among Yun Gu and others. Before he could even hit the ground after being blown away by the black skeleton, he was blown away by this overwhelming wave of air again, causing him to double jump...

Sky Master swooped over, grabbed Jing Yang's wrist, and used his finger-thick magical power to break through the black tide-like waves, and swept upward diagonally as if blocked, grazing the black skull and leaving a crack.

The wave of black thought energy washed away. Master Tian held Jing Yang's wrist and blocked it in front. Together with Xiao Di, the three of them were safe and sound.

With a pop, Hart, who was blown away by the air waves like a kite with its string cut off, fell back to the ground, screaming in pain.

Yun Gu and others also fell to the ground like dumplings, but they were not seriously injured. However, the several changes in the situation made many people more and more confused. Which one is the Sky Master?

Sky Master's beard and hair were flying, he was trembling with anger, and he glared at the black skull, "You...you...who allowed you to come out!"

"I am the Master of the Sky. Where can I go from this Immortal Water Mountain?" The black skeleton laughed loudly, and the two rows of black teeth on the top and bottom clicked rapidly, "You can still control me?"

"It's ridiculous! I am Sky Master!" Sky Master was so angry that he lost his temper, "You, get back here!"

"Where to go?"

"How do I know?!"

This man actually started to curse, and Jing Yang said speechlessly: "You just keep scolding me, can you please stop pinching my wrist? It's about to break!"

Without saying a word, Xiao Di calmly picked up the chainsaw and slashed at Master Sky's arm holding Jing Yang's wrist.

Master Sky retracted his hand as fast as lightning and looked at the little black-haired girl in surprise.

You, you, you, why are you doing this? !

"Now that we can communicate, can you explain the situation clearly?" Jing Yang sighed, "Which of you two is Master Sky, and what is the current situation?"

Yun Gu helped Hart, who had regained some strength, and looked over with the other people who had regained consciousness. Their eyes moved back and forth between Sky Master and the black skeleton who also claimed to be Sky Master.

"You still need to ask? I am the Master of the Sky!" The black skeleton clicked its teeth.

It doesn’t look like it to you! The martial artists shouted in their hearts.

"Hmph!" Sky Master rolled up his sleeves and snorted coldly.

Yun Gu looked at Jing Yang and exchanged glances. Jing Yang glanced at Zhehao and others, and nodded to Yun Gu.

Everyone else does have peach petals on their heads.

Yun Gu understood that at least, the black skeleton must be related to the strange dream that pulled them into it.

Hart asked pitifully: "Then why did you..."

The black skeleton's gray eye holes turned to look at him. Hart was so frightened that he trembled and said, "Why do you want to suck our breath!" After saying that, he hid behind Yun Gu.


Just when Zhehao and others thought that this sentence could defeat the other party, they did not expect that the two rows of teeth of the black skeleton would knock and let out an uninhibited sneer, "Let you juniors contribute a little mind energy to help me cultivate my energy. What's wrong with that?" Is that okay? I don’t want you to die!”

"It makes sense..." Several martial artists around Zhehao nodded.

Is there any nonsense? Jing Yang looked at the black skeleton. Does this thing look remotely human?

"Who am I? I'm the Sky Master!" The black skeleton didn't show any surprise, and even said carelessly, "Come on, come on, isn't this a martial arts competition? Let me come and test the martial arts of you juniors! Just let me test the martial arts of you juniors! Let’s test our strength first, who can come up first!”

Hart was in a daze, raised his hands and blurted out: "I'll go first."

The black skull clicked his teeth in disgust, standing and gesturing to his sternum, "Come on, come on, follow this and punch me!"

There was a faint gray light in the skull's eye hole, and Hart walked up and charged up his fist.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di looked at the others. Yun Gu, Zhe Hao... everyone seemed to have believed the black skeleton's words. They had skipped the stage of doubting its identity and naturally entered the step of accepting it to host the competition.

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