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Chapter 132 Nitro, who do you think you are?


Hart punched out, but the black frame did not move at all, and scolded: "Didn't you eat? This is strength, I can only give it an F!"

Is this the lowest rating? Hart backed away in frustration.

Zhehao pushed aside the crowd, took one step forward, and punched with all his strength. In just a few inches, he completely twisted all the muscles in his body into a rope, poured out of his right fist, and hit the sternum of the black skeleton heavily.


The black skeleton nodded with satisfaction, and wisps of energy from Zhehao's body were quietly sucked away by it. Gray light surged in his two eye holes, "Yes, this is called martial arts, and the kung fu is very deep! It can be rated as B+!" "

No A? Zhehao was extremely depressed and walked away angrily.

The rest of the people were watching, gearing up and eager to try, completely losing the atmosphere of fighting with the black skeleton just here.

There is no doubt that the current state of these people must have been affected by something, and they unknowingly believed that the black skull's statement was correct.

Yun Gu was also about to step forward, but was held back by Jing Yang.

"Shall I try?" Jing Yang walked towards the black skeleton and clenched his right fist.

Yun Gu reminded: "The test is about the use of strength, not the use of 'qi' to strengthen strength..."

Zhehao, Hart and others all looked at Zhen Yuanzi's right fist.

The energy wrapped around Zhen Yuanzi's body was rapidly converging on his right fist, so that other parts of his body seemed to be in "absolute" state, with zero defense. Only his right fist was struck by a thick and bright blow. Wrapped in a mass of Qi, in the eyes of those who could see the Qi, this mass of light was so intense that people could not clearly see Zhen Yuanzi's fist within it.

This is "hard"!

"Hard", to put it bluntly, it can be regarded as the most basic special move of the enhancement system.

This simplest and crudest way of concentrating, erupting, and bombarding Qi can only be used 100% by those with enhanced telekinesis abilities.

But it doesn't mean that people with other telekinesis abilities can't use this technique.

Abandoning the defense of other parts of the body, just to focus on one point of attack and defense, this itself carries natural constraints, and it is a kind of awareness that failure or failure will naturally bring greater power.

However, Jing Yang knew subconsciously that he had the resilience of a star, so it was no big deal even if other parts of his undefended body were injured.

The depth of this kind of enlightenment is naturally not as good as that of people with normal mindfulness abilities.

But others didn't know that he was actually confident. When they saw him delivering such a "hard" punch, they all gasped.

Not everyone among the martial artists here can use "hard".

"Hard", but it is an advanced application that can only be exerted by combining the five techniques of entangling, jutsu, training, hair and condensation. If it were not so difficult, how could it be used as a sure-kill by the strengthening system?

The black skeleton said: "I -"


Jing Yang punched out, piercing the sternum of the black skeleton, and exploding black bone fragments erupted behind him.

"You, a junior, can't understand human language?" The black skeleton lowered his head, and a faint gray light danced in the eye holes.

"How do you look like a human being?" Jing Yang asked, the air concentrated in his fists flowing back along his arms like water, quickly covering his whole body.

Jing Yang pulled away and stepped back, a thick "hard" was already built up on his body - although it was far less thick than when he was in his usual prime.

"Zhen Yuanzi! What are you going to do?"

The others became dissatisfied with Jing Yang, "Master Sky is hosting a competition for us. Why are you fighting with Master Sky?"

Even Yun Gu, Hart and Zhe Hao had similar reactions, obviously not agreeing with him suddenly breaking the rules of the competition.

The black bone fragments rolled back on the ground, jumping like fried beans and flying back to the black skeleton, closing the breaks.

"What a arrogant young man!" The two rows of teeth of the black skeleton were clicking against each other, and black energy emerged from his body. "Let me teach you a lesson and let you know what it means to be more dead than the sky and more violent than lightning! Look! Palm!" He said, and kicked him with a skeleton foot.

"Is this your palm?"

With a thought in Jing Yang's mind, the star mark on the back of his neck activated instantly, "shooting stars are like the wind"!

The sapphire-like light in his eyes danced, and Jing Yang seemed to be awake but not awake. His instinctive reaction and self-control reached perfect harmony. He could make the best response to every move of the black skeleton... This wonderful display of tricks made Master Sky on the other side unable to help but applaud.

"What a fart!" The black skeleton was furious, and the black aura on his body became stronger and stronger, quickly putting Jing Yang at a disadvantage.

Jing Yang stepped back and shouted, "What about martial arts?"

"It's you who didn't follow the rules first!" the black skeleton yelled.

"You're right!" Jing Yang clapped his hands, "So I abstain! Is that okay?"

The black skeleton snorted coldly and stood with his hands behind his back, looking too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Yun Gu, Hart, you should also abstain." Jing Yang turned to the two men.

"Why should we abstain?" Hart was puzzled.

Yun Gu didn't agree either, so he opened his mouth to speak.

Jing Yang shouted: "If you don't give up, forget it, I'm going back to the hotel to harass your master! Xiaodi, let's go."

Xiaodi gave up at the beginning and followed Jingyang out of the practice ground. She didn't care the least about the weird things happening here.

Yun Gu couldn't ignore what Zhen Yuanzi said.

After much hesitation, he decided to leave with Hart and hurriedly followed Jing Yang on their way back to the hotel.

"Zhen Yuanzi, you'd better not..." Yun Gu caught up and said.

Jing Yang turned around and looked at Yun Gu with sharp eyes, "Remember what happened."

"What happened?" Hart was full of questions.

Yun Gu thought about it carefully, and soon cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Why did we really think that the black skeleton was the Sky Master, and even exclaimed in a very submissive manner: "Is this - because of the mark on our head?"

Hart had also woken up at this time and shuddered with fear.

My senior brother and I were unknowingly bewitched by that strange skull thing!

How could it be Sky Master?

"Things are getting weirder and weirder. I think neither that skeleton nor the one at the beginning is Sky Master," Jing Yang said, "but they are probably all related to Sky Master."

Yun Gu said solemnly: "The top priority now is to remove the marks on our bodies."

Jing Yang said: "I can't help it, I'm not a mind-killer."

"Then we can only let others control us?" Hart said sadly, "We don't want this kind of thing!"

Xiao Didi said: "In another seven days, when this conference is over, maybe the mark will disappear on its own?"

When Hart heard this, he became even more worried. He held Yun Gu's arm and begged: "Senior brother Yun Gu, please ask your master to find a solution!"

It's best to invite her over!

Jing Yang said speechlessly: "If you want to get help from someone, why bother looking for something far away? Find your beloved boss, Nitro! Isn't he just on the mountain?"

The sky was already getting slightly brighter, and many people in the villas around the top of the mountain were still asleep.

Jing Yang and the four returned to the Houshan Hotel. A waiter came out from the corner of the lobby, smiled and asked, "How many guests..."


Before he finished speaking, Jing Yang grabbed his wrist like lightning.

"Who are you?" Jing Yang focused his eyes and looked at this guy carefully, "This unfortunate place is really weird..."


The waiter's entire head turned into a gray-scaled snake head, and his dark yellow snake eyes stared at Jing Yang.

Hart was shocked and turned pale. Yun Gu immediately braced himself and stood ready. The waiter with the snake head scattered all over him into many tiny gray-scaled snakes, crawling all over the ground and quickly disappearing out of thin air.

Jing Yang's eyes were focused on Qi throughout the whole process, and when he saw a little trace, all these gray-scaled snakes turned into Qi and disappeared.

Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang nodded. These gray-scaled snakes were obviously the same ones they had seen in that dream before.

Previously, Jing Yang thought that the appearance of those snakes was due to the dream reflection of the twelve-branched snake sister.

Now that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

These gray-scaled snakes, the peach blossom tree in the dream, the old beggar sitting on the tree, and the black skeleton that can absorb Qi are all related to that weird dream!

Or, it also includes the one with white hair and childish face, who everyone initially thought was the Master of the Sky.

Jing Yang and others rushed into the hotel. Along the way, they saw waiters from time to time. Without exception, every waiter who saw them disintegrated into gray-scaled snakes all over the floor and quickly dissipated.

"What on earth is this?" Hart was about to burst into tears. "What on earth is this place? Senior brother, are we in a horror story?"

Yun Gu was speechless. He suspected that when he participated, there were old beggars, bizarre dreams, peach petal marks, and black skeletons absorbing the energy of the participants. However, he was unaware of it from beginning to end. I thought I was participating in a martial arts competition... But now that I think about it, I can't even remember the specific details of the martial arts competition that I participated in.

This is probably the result of being affected by the peach petal mark, and the memory has been revised to the point of blurring, like seeing flowers in a fog.

In the end, Yun Gu could only comfort him like this: "Don't be afraid. When senior brother attended the Fairy Water Mountain Conference, the Sky Master he saw was also the one from the beginning. Since senior brother has been safe and sound until now, then nothing will happen this time. The worst is like just now. As I said, just wait until the conference ends in seven or eight days..."

Hart was about to cry but said without tears: "But senior brother, you didn't have the situation you are in now! In horror stories, if someone revealed the true identity of the ghost, they would be in bad luck!"

Yun Gu had a headache.

Jing Yang thought to himself: "Dreams, mind beasts, mind clones, peach petal marks... If dreams are materialized as Bisiji guessed, then among these four, no, five weird things, There must be someone who belongs to the materialization system. The palm of the 'Sky Master' is undoubtedly the release system; the black skull has a bubble in it, as if it is the reinforcement system; the group of gray-scaled snakes can be combined into different waiters , is he acting as an NPC in the villa? I guess he is from the transformation system... Where is the old beggar, he is from the materialization system? Is he the one who materializes everyone's dreams?"

What about the person in charge of the operating system?


Jing Yang thought of the dead tree he saw on the edge of the cliff when he passed the long steps to ascend to immortality.

"But these things, whether they are black skeletons or old beggars, can be seen with the naked eye. They are obviously embodied..." Returning to the room, Jing Yang pondered and analyzed, "But if the black skeleton is considered an enhancement system, , and it can use the peach petal marks left by the suspected peach tree to secretly control you... Can the abilities of these gadgets be exchanged and borrowed from each other?"

Xiao Didi said: "But the Black Skeleton and the 'Sky Master' don't seem to have a good relationship."

"There is still a trait system left..." Jing Yang said to himself, "There is a trait system that has not yet surfaced. Who is the real Sky Master?"

"Ah, I'm completely confused!" Hart rolled on the sofa holding his head, "I really want to go home! Who is the Sky Master?"

"Jiajiajiajia, Sky Master, of course it's me, the old man?"

Suddenly, both Jing Yang and Xiao Di heard a familiar strange laughter coming from above their heads. When they looked up, they saw that the old beggar from before was indeed hanging upside down from the ceiling chandelier.

"Young man, do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to truly live?"

The old beggar opened his arms and said with a weird smile, "Enjoy the real carnival! Jiajiajia..."

His whole body disappeared suddenly and turned into a ball of gas.


It was like a strong wind swept through the room. Papers on the coffee table were flying, the carpet was lifted from top to bottom, the tables and chairs shook, the windows trembled, the door of the room shook, and something seemed to have changed in the air...


Suddenly there was a noise, and a pile of garbage appeared out of thin air in the room. Several children with fierce eyes stepped on the top of the garbage pile, holding baseball bats embedded with nails, glaring at Jing Yang and the others.

"This is... Xiaodi's dream about Meteor Street?"

Jing Yang was surprised, had the dream truly materialized into reality?

After Xiaodi glanced at it, she said to Jing Yang through the ring: [Jing Yang, control me. 】

Jing Yang's voice immediately sounded in her mind, and she used the third operation to issue the command: [Protect the star from being destroyed. 】

Xiaodi did not show any obvious reaction to being manipulated, but the piles of garbage and the little gangster-like children in the room quickly disappeared.

"Senior brother, you look so weird!" Hart's laughter came.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di turned around and saw that Yun Gu had turned into a two-meter-tall burly man at some point, with bulging muscles. His clothes were stretched to pieces, and he took off his glasses with a confident look on his face. crumb.

But the "senior brother" in Hart's mouth was not him.

In front of Hart, there was a thin Yungu who was half a head shorter than him.

Hart laughed loudly and used his martial arts skills to subdue the thin Yun Gu easily. He was very happy.

There was a cheerful atmosphere in the air.

This is not an exaggerated description, but there is really an atmosphere overflowing, almost condensed into substance.

Xiaodi just glanced at Yun Gu and Hart who were immersed in the materialized dream, then ignored them and said to Jing Yang: "They have been marked by Peach Blossom Petals first, and there is nothing you can do."

"Yeah, I know." Jing Yang nodded.

It is said that the first mover in the operating system will win. This is true. I can use this to avoid being manipulated. Then the two Yungu who have been controlled by others can no longer use the star to intervene.

"Ignore them for now. Although daydreaming is scary enough, it doesn't seem to be causing much harm."

Jingyang took Xiaodi out of the room and saw many strange scenery in the hotel along the way. There were about twenty martial artists who had returned to the hotel to rest, and now various strange scenes came from their rooms.


A martial artist who transformed into a humanoid mecha warrior broke through the wall and rushed out of the room excitedly. He raised his mechanical sword and shouted at the biochemical monster emerging in the air: "Don't run!"

The biochemical monster panicked and jumped towards Jingyang and Xiaodi.

The small drop tool materialized into a chainsaw fish with bulging eyes, and slashed with a "buzz" sound, sawing the biochemical monster in half, blood flew everywhere, and then dissipated in the air.

The entire hotel was filled with demons dancing wildly!

The waiters have disappeared.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di came to the training ground all the way, and the situation here was no different. The entire training ground materialized into a huge arena. Zhehao was wearing a golden battle armor and was killing everyone. Jing Yang took a closer look and saw that among the people who were beaten by Zhehao, there seemed to be Yungu. , also has oneself...

The black skeleton and the Sky Master have long since disappeared.

There weren't many people staying in the back mountain area. Although the hotel and training ground were in chaos, with about thirty people sleepwalking together, it was actually not bad.

On the other side of the front mountain is a strange place.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di were far away in the back mountain, and both could see a blurry group of light covering the entire villa in the front mountain. The sky was reflected in ever-changing images. Sometimes there were several vortexes in the oil painting starry sky, and sometimes It's the shadow of a huge clown jumping, and sometimes a sunrise suddenly rises... Countless people's dreams are repeatedly intertwined, realistic, surreal, twisted, crazy, and holy, all of which are transformed into substantial forms.

"Artists are all lunatics." Jing Yang clicked his tongue.

Xiaodi pointed to the other side, and Jing Yang looked at it. At the end of the long steps to reach immortality, the dead tree on the edge of the cliff had turned into a peach tree just like the one in the previous dream. The peach blossoms on the tree were in full bloom, and with the gentle breeze With a slight sway, the petals flew out like a tide, melted into the air, and drifted into the mountains in front and behind in the wind.

"Gagagagagaga! Isn't this so exciting!"

The old beggar stood on the branch and clapped his hands and danced, "Otherwise, how happy would life be?"

"What's the point of dying?"

There was a sound from nowhere, followed by two bangs, and the master with the black frame and the white-haired face was sent flying over, smashing the front door of the back mountain villa into pieces, and half of the vestibule collapsed.

In the flying dust, Nitro walked out with his big sleeves fluttering and glanced at the peach blossom tree on the edge of the cliff.

"Nitro! Who do you think you are!"

The old beggar on the peach tree suddenly became furious. As he screamed strangely, the entire peach blossom tree shook as if in response.

"Nitro! Who do you think you are!"

"Nitro! Who do you think you are!"

Countless gray-scaled snakes emerged densely, converging into identical human shapes, all of which were the image of Nitro, and all of them issued the same shout.

Nitro picked his ears with his little finger and said, "I haven't been here for so many years, old friend, why don't you show up and see me?"

"I said it all..."

The master with a black skeleton and a childish face climbed up in the ruins, and his figures gradually overlapped. Soon, the entire peach blossom tree withered in an instant, and the old beggar disappeared. The "Nitro" filled with ruins on the ground and courtyard disintegrated into Countless gray-scaled snakes swarmed towards the overlapping figure, and finally a tall and heroic middle-aged man emerged from the dust of the ruins. He pointed his halberd at Nitro and said coldly and angrily: "Nitro, who do you think you are! I am Emperor Kajin, what qualifications do you have to meddle in others’ affairs?”

Nitro's expression remained unchanged and he walked over calmly, "I'll say it again, Gro = Hui Guoru, you have been dead long ago."

As he spoke, he clasped his hands together and took out a palm to slap.

What is this all about? !

Jing Yang and Xiao Di came close to each other from a distance, almost unable to understand the plot. What are these developments? Why did I just hear Ka Jin? Can a Kajin pop up here?

[Jing Yang, what happened? 】Kurapika's anxious voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Jing Yang sighed, [I still want to know! 】

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