I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 134 Parasitic Mind Beast

Lead-gray poisonous clouds filled the air and rolled over the top of Xianshui Mountain.

The entire back mountain villa was also shrouded in gray poisonous clouds, but a statue of Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara rose vaguely in the gray shadow.

Avalokitesvara waved a palm, like a strong wind passing by, cutting out a clear scene like an eraser in the dense gray poisonous cloud, and then the air seemed to be an afterthought, and a strong wind was stirred up due to the difference in air pressure.

boom! boom! boom!

As the shadow of Baishi Guanyin's palm flew around, a calm "bulging-eyed fish..." rang out in the gray mist. Soon, a powerful suction force sucked away all the remaining gray poisonous cloud.

The poisonous wind roared, and in just a blink of an eye, the gray mist was swallowed up by a big mouth full of sharp teeth.


Nitro, who was holding his breath and planning to clear away the poisonous mist as quickly as possible, saw this and looked over, but it was the girl with black hair and glasses among the two little guys who came close to watch the battle. He transformed into a strange vacuum cleaner and sucked up the poisonous mist that he had dispersed.

Space-type materialization ability? It's rare.

Nitro breathed out, and the air flow was like a sharp arrow, creating a shallow crater on the ground.

He raised his eyes and looked at the sky. Gro's unique telepathy avatar "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth" seemed to be making a final struggle, and then disappeared quietly with the explosion of snake shadows all over the sky.

Nitro looked at the clear sky for a while, and suddenly heard the buzz of the vacuum cleaner again.

Xiaodi cut a wound on his and Jing Yang's arms, held the big-mouthed head of the "bulging-eyed fish", and extracted all the trace amounts of gray mist poisonous gas that they had inhaled from their bodies.

Jing Yang's wound healed quickly and he wondered: "What kind of poison is this? Why don't you feel anything at all?"

With the star mark on his body, even if he was infected with the poison of the rose bomb, he would probably be able to breathe his last breath. He was not worried about being poisoned to death by the so-called Cajun Emperor's final self-destruction.

The combination of star mark and small bulging-eyed fish is simply the nemesis of all poisons.

"I don't know." Xiaodi shook his head. After the detoxification was completed, he casually scattered the "bulging-eyed fish" into a ball of energy to remove it.

Nitro came over and asked, "Can you two do me a favor and go check on the conditions of the other people who participated in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference in the Back Mountain Villa?"

The old man smiled and said: "If possible, I would like to trouble you two and remove the poison from them."

Jing Yang estimated that even if he and Xiaodi refused to help, the twelve-branch snake sister would still be able to cure all the poisoned people on the mountain. After all, she was a poison hunter, and this was her professional field.

He didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement, "Of course, if nothing else, Yun Gu and his two brothers still need to be saved."

Although the toxicity of this gray mist doesn't seem to be very violent.

As soon as Nitro heard the young man's words, he knew that he knew something about the relationship between Xin Yuan Liu, himself, Yun Gu and others. This was not surprising, after all, he was a young man who came to participate in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference.

"That's good." The old man smiled, "I wonder which sect you are disciples of? It's really good to have such strength at such a young age."

"No one has any sect. He came from the Sky Arena." Jing Yang couldn't hold back and asked, "President Nitro, Sky Master... who are they? Why did those people who fought with you just now merge into one? , and what kind of Kajin Emperor does he claim to be? Is he really the former emperor of Kajin Kingdom? "

Nitro thought for a while, grabbed his beard like the barb of the brush, and smiled slightly, "Want to know? That's okay. I'll do you a little favor later and I'll tell you."

Jing Yang said honestly: "President Nitro tells us first, and then we help, isn't it the same thing? We can't afford to refuse."

"Let's clean up the poison thing first."

Nitro waved his hand and walked towards the front mountain with his big sleeves fluttering, "I'll go take a look from the front."

"No, why should we look for you again?" Jing Yang shouted at the old man's back.

"Someone will be looking for you."

I didn't see how Nitro was running, but his speed was as fast as teleporting, leaving behind an afterimage as he rushed to Qianshan Villa, where the gray mist and poisonous gas in the sky had not yet dissipated.

"Let's go."

Jing Yang looked away and subconsciously pressed his heart, "I hope no one will be poisoned to death..."

Xiaodi was originally not enthusiastic about saving other people, but after hearing what he said, she immediately became enthusiastic.


Xiaodi followed Jing Yang and quickly returned to the back mountain, first going to the training ground.

Zhehao and other martial artists, with the demise of the guy who called himself Emperor Cajin, the materialized dreams around him also disappeared, and everyone lay on the ground in confusion, as if they were tired and fainted.

Xiaodi raised his hand and materialized into a chainsaw fish with bulging eyes.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The sharp-toothed chainsaw roared, and Xiaodi carried the terrifying chainsaw vacuum cleaner as he walked along, leaving wounds of varying depths on the skin of the sleeping warriors one by one. It looked like they were being slaughtered. She was busy killing pigs and sharpening her knives, but her expression didn't show any anger at all... Finally, Xiaodi turned on the vacuum cleaner and said, "Suck the poison in their bodies, fish with bulging eyes."

After cleaning up the place, Jingyang and Xiaodi quickly went to the hotel without bothering to worry about whether these people would wake up.

Without the waiters transformed by the gray-scaled snake, the entire back hill and the entire hotel became large, empty, deserted, and eerie... Xiaodi followed the same method and put the fainted ones he could find in the corridors, rooms, and... The poisons on the people in the lobby were eliminated, and finally they found Yun Gu and Hart.

Hart was still sleeping, but Yun Gu had already woken up and was looking at his tattered clothes and glasses that were crushed by someone with confusion on his face.

Hearing footsteps, he turned around and saw two vaguely familiar figures walking over.

Yun Gu didn't have any spare glasses to replace, so out of desperation, he actually concentrated Qi directly on his eyes, relying on the Qi-enhanced eyesight to make up for the extremely poor eyesight caused by high myopia, and then he saw clearly that it was Jing Yang and Xiao Di.

"What happened?" he asked quickly, while waking up Hart who was lying on the floor and sleeping.

Jing Yang briefly told Yun Gu what happened that he could understand and saw with his own eyes, and finally looked at the tops of Yun Gu and Hart's heads. Sure enough, they were just like the others, the one with peach petals The mark, along with the disappearance of the five-in-one so-called Kajin Emperor, also disappeared.

However, it is also something made by the power of mind. The dreams and marks will disappear, but the gray mist poison will not. It is really interesting.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

What Hart heard in his ears was the roar of some kind of machine. He opened his eyes in confusion and immediately saw a sharp-toothed electric saw hanging in front of him. He woke up on the spot, his hair stood on end, he shook for a moment and almost peed. .

In fact, Xiaodi just held the chainsaw and didn't move.

After learning that the two of them had been poisoned by some kind of gray poisonous mist, not to mention Hart, Yun Gu was a little unsure because they didn't feel any physical discomfort.

"Really?" Jing Yang thought deeply and raised a finger to suggest, "I think so too. Why don't we do an experiment and detoxify first and see what happens to you two in a day and a half?" What changes?"

Yun Gu nodded, "That's fine."

Hart's face turned pale, "This, this, senior brother, is it not necessary?"

Yun Gu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Since Zhen Yuanzi suggested this, even if something happens, he won't watch us being poisoned."

He used his eyes to signal his younger brother to stay calm.

Hart hesitated to speak. Senior Brother Yungu doesn't wear glasses now. He just stares at people with his "concentration". His eyes are really strange...

Yun Gu naturally has his reasons. According to Zhen Yuanzi, President Nitro brought twelve groups of Si Snakes with him, and the front mountain was also affected by a large area of ​​gray fog poisonous gas. Presumably, Si Snakes, as top poison hunters, would be able to eliminate them. Poisonous method. In this case, if you can avoid asking about Zhen Yuanzi and their methods of detoxification, you should try your best to avoid it.

Jing Yang also had similar thoughts. If it was his own ability, he wouldn't care. He would just let the Yungu brothers know about it. But the detoxification relies on small drops of "eye fish".

After all, Yun Gu is not like Kurapika, who joined the Akatsuki organization and recognized him as Jing Yang as the boss...

Front mountain.

Kurapika nodded, "Thank you."

Two snake teeth left the back of his hand, leaving two shallow bloody holes. The long black snake hissed and spit out a message, and what was connected to its tail was an arm of "Si" Gai Lu, one of the twelve branches of the Hunter Association.

Kurapika also didn't think there was anything serious wrong with his body.

But unlike others, he was not affected by the materialized dream, and naturally did not fall into a coma due to the release of the dream. He was awake the whole time and saw the gray poisonous mist entering the room through the gaps in the door and windows. He was very aware of the situation in which he was forced to inhale this suspicious gray mist.

Gailu walked around their room, detoxifying all the sleeping people with snakes turned into their arms in the same way, and then planned to leave.

Kurapika was about to close the door to see off the guests when Jing Yang's voice came to his mind: [Why are you patronizing yourself? Is there any detoxification here? 】

[Don’t you have Xiaodi to help you? 】Kurapika was confused, and when he looked back, he saw the little gray bird chirping, turning his head to stare at him with bird eyes.

It turns out that Jing Yang regained control of the rock bird at some point, and the one he was talking about was still waiting to be detoxified.

Kurapika was ashamed and hurriedly called Gailu and asked her for more help.

Gai Lu nodded and said she didn't mind. She also liked small animals. The little gray bird flew over and fluttered in front of her. Gai Lu stretched out her hand. The little gray bird landed on her raised index finger and turned its head to look at her. Gailu's other arm flicked and turned into a vivid snake again.

Realization system... "Jingyanque" thought like this, and let the snake on Gai Lu's arm open its bloody mouth and bite him.

He almost swallowed it in one bite.

The two snake fangs, like hoes, pierced the skin under the bird's feathers with just enough force.

"Jing Yanque" clearly felt that something was injected from the tips of the two snake fangs into the flesh and blood under his skin, uh, the rock bird.

This is how to detoxify?

Not long after, when Gailu came to Yungu's room at the Back Mountain Hotel and once again used the same technique to detoxify the Yungu brothers, he and Xiaodi looked on and couldn't help but secretly think in their hearts.

Gaeluna's graceful figure is like a beautiful snake. Jing Yang suspected that as a person of the materialization system, she seemed to have transformed her body into a humanoid pharmaceutical laboratory, so that she could make poisons at any time, including antidotes, and finally materialized them through her arms. The snake transports it out...

When Shekou let go of his arm, leaving two small blood holes, Yun Gu asked: "What are the final consequences of this poison?"

"Currently, it looks more like a type of hallucinogen." Gai Lu simply said it. In fact, according to her analysis, the gray poisonous mist left behind by "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth" was obviously It was affected by the strange poison from the Dark Continent that Sky Master himself was exposed to, and has similar characteristics.

After all, the strange poisons in the Dark Continent are not that easy to imitate. Even a top poison master like Gai Lu was at a loss what to do for a while. The gray mist poison imitated by "Heaven and Earth Solitary Shadow Drunk to Death and Dreams of Life" is just a replica.

Gailu swallowed a little bit of the gray mist toxin from the poisonous snake that transformed with its arms, and quickly made the corresponding antidote.

After detoxifying Brother Yungu, it was just a casual move after arriving here that he found that they had not detoxified. Gailu came here specifically to calm Yuanzi and Xiaodi.

"President Nitro wants to help you with something." Gail asked, "Can you come with me?"

She couldn't help but look at Xiaodi, a quiet black-haired girl with glasses who looked cute and cute. Especially her figure, her breasts are bulging against the black sweater, which contrasts with her face.

Xiaodi felt strange about her gaze, a question mark appeared on her head, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang hurriedly held down her hand to prevent her from twirling her fingers around her head again. This action seemed to be taunting her face that there was something wrong with her head...

"Okay." Jing Yang agreed.

Gai Lu nodded. Of course she doesn't have any hobbies, she's just curious about cute and beautiful things.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di followed Gai Lu. As they were walking on the road, a small gray bird flew over, fluttered its wings and landed on Jing Yang's head. Jing Yang grabbed it, held it in his hand and flicked the bird's head. .

"Chichi!" the rock bird shouted dissatisfied.

Gai Lu glanced at the little gray bird in Zhen Yuanzi's hand.

It seemed too late to pretend to be unfamiliar with the bird at this time. Jing Yang quickly ignored it and threw Yanque onto his shoulder and stood up.

Soon, Jing Yang, two people and one bird followed Gai Lu into a cave, and followed the twists and turns of the tunnel, all the way down.

After all, Jing Yang and Xiao Di were both pretty good at it, and they followed Gai Lu's footsteps smoothly.

Gai Lu led the way with a flashlight. Not long after, Jing Yang and Xiao Di finally found a bright light in front of them inside the complex mountain. Suddenly, a more secret cave appeared.

Xiaodi poked Jingyang's arm with her finger.

Jing Yang nodded. He also noticed that there were traces of divine characters on the stone walls inside and outside the cave.

It makes people's scalp numb. Could it be that there are divine words similar to these inside the entire mountain?

Jing Yang immediately thought of the dream ability that could affect the entire Fairy Water Mountain. If it was amplified by the divine word, it would make sense for this ghost ability to have such a strong effect.

In the cave, Nitro and another familiar figure to Jing Yang were facing away from them. The latter was the bunny girl who also met by chance in the cave.

Biyou turned around and saw the person coming, and her eyes quickly fell on the little gray bird on Jingyang's shoulder.

Nitro's eyes glanced at Yanque and said to Jing Yang: "Let me introduce you. This is Sky Master and the former Kajin Emperor, Gro = Hui Guoru..."

After he stepped aside, Jing Yang finally saw the decrepit old man with gray cracks all over his body, huddled in front of the inner wall of the cave.

"The remains of..." Nitro finished.

Although Jing Yang's expression did not change, he could feel that the hairs on his back were standing on end.

If this is really Hui Guoru, and a former emperor, then obviously, this is the former winner in the succession war of Cajin Kingdom.

Therefore, this Gro = Hui Guoru, Master of the Sky, should also have a mind beast obtained through the egg-in-a-pot ritual...

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