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Chapter 135: Mind Beast Supervises the Country

"He was actually dead a long time ago. It was all because of this strange poison in his body that he ended up in such a half-dead state."

In the cave, Nitro looked at the decaying old man with gray cracks all over his body. The latter made a sound of "ho...ho...", his eyes were cloudy and his pupils were dull.

Nitro said slowly: "At the beginning, I made a pact with him just to help his special clone, 'The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth, Drunk to Death and Dream of Life', survive for hundreds of years. He thought that he could abandon his true body and regain his life with this thought clone, but …”

The president of the Hunter Association shook his head, "But within a few years, I began to discover that it was not that he was reborn in the clone, but that the clone gradually became him."

"Ji?" The little gray bird on Jing Yang's shoulder tilted its head and yawned.

"In the first thirty years, the behavior of "The Solitary Shadow in the World" became more and more like the former Sky Master, but in the next thirty years, it was like going through the first thirty years in reverse. This thought The avatar's mind gradually became stiff and alienated. It didn't look like a human being, not like a living person, and certainly not like Gro=Huiguoru."

Nitro stroked his beard and said, "So, I found some tricks, and in the next forty years, we are now like this. Finally, the hundred years have expired, and the oath has been cancelled. I can go and worry about something. The physical body of an old friend can also be liberated.”

Jing Yang heard a burst of slander, so you just dismantled this lonely shadow of heaven and earth into five things. The evil in the east, the poison in the south, the emperor in the north, and the beggar in the north have magical powers, right? What's the point of setting up an art exhibition to gather a group of artists with wild ideas? Using the inspiration from this dream as an anchor to maintain the mind clone? The martial artists participating in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference are responsible for providing a little bit of Nian Qi as a power bank...

Although no lives have been lost in the past forty years, judging from Yungu's experience, there are no sequelae, and I don't even remember what happened specifically, but what Nitro did is a bit confusing to others. Not kind.

But this had nothing to do with Jing Yang. He was still more interested in the matter of Ge Lu = Hui Guo Rou, so he gave Xiao Di a look.

Seeing that Xiaodi was about to take action, Biyou and Gailu politely exited the cave.

Gailu had already obtained a small sample of the abnormal poison from Gro's body, enough for her to take back for further research and analysis.


The small drip tool transforms into a vacuum cleaner with a large mouth.

Nitro did not leave. He had seen this little girl use this ability to detoxify the boy before.

When Xiaodi was holding the vacuum cleaner and preparing to remove the poison, Jingyang stretched out his hand to hold her down and asked Nitro: "This Gro = Gray Guoru, there should be a mind beast around him that he couldn't see when he was alive, right? ?”

"Oh?" Nitro was extremely surprised. He recalled it briefly and shook his head, "I've never seen it before."

"Ah?" Jing Yang suddenly wondered, "Then this Gro, who said he was the Kajin Emperor, could he be just bragging?"

Is it an illegitimate child?

Or is it similar to your own situation?

What's more, there was a civet cat exchange for a prince in the Cajin Palace more than a hundred years ago, and this Gro was the civet cat?

Stop talking...

Kajin does not have a prince at all.

The winner of the succession battle will be directly crowned. What's more, before the inheritance war ceremony, the parasitic mind beast will be exchanged for the parasitic beast through the drop of blood from the egg in the pot. No matter how you look at it, it has the function of verifying the bloodline of the royal family. If you want to exchange the civet cat for the prince, it is probably a fool's errand. Doesn’t make sense…

Unless, this Gro is indeed a gray man, but he is a side branch of the royal family, an illegitimate son of blood? But when he was walking around in the world, he boasted that he was a Cajun emperor?

This doesn't seem to make sense either.

Cajun is a world power. Although the Internet age had not yet entered a hundred years ago, it was not possible to disguise the identity of the emperor of such a big country, and he still pretended to be in front of Nitro...

Then, the remaining possibility is...

Jing Yang looked at the decrepit old man who was chained in front of the stone wall in a confused state of mind, and thought to himself: "Is this the parasitic mind beast of Emperor Hui Guoru... the kind that only appears and manifests itself when the body leaves the country?" To govern the country for the main body? If I remember correctly, the egg-in-a-pot mind beast of the Kajin princes is actually assisting the king, not a chicken-eating assistant to continue the war."

The mind beast supervising the country belongs to...

If this is the case, then when he was still a prince, Gro Gray Guoru got a mind beast that was useless against eggs in the succession battle, but managed to survive in the finals, then he is really a ruthless person. people.

So it's Sky Master?

Jing Yang couldn't help but think of this man's martial arts. I'm afraid that when Gero participated in the Succession War, he was already a powerful telepathic user and a master of martial arts. This is simply a super high-end version of the current first prince Benjamin. Although it is a bit late, it really makes people want to light candles for the princes who were at the same time as him.

"I have never met him, but I heard him talk about it during his lifetime," Nitro said. "Not long after we met, I saw him in the newspaper and asked him how he managed to be an emperor and become a general at the same time. Those who have practiced martial arts to this level..."

"He didn't say it clearly at the time, but I can probably guess that someone became the emperor for him in the Cajun Kingdom. There was no relevant news in the newspapers. Now based on what you just said, the person who became the emperor for him is who you call him. A mind beast that I can’t see?”

The old man touched his barb beard, looked at Jing Yang, and asked playfully, "So, Zhen Yuanzi, are you right? You know a lot about Hui Guo Rou?"

I’m very familiar with twice-cooked pork…

Jing Yang smiled and said: "I am also a telepathic person after all. It is not surprising to learn some unknown information."

Nitro said: "That's true. Wouldn't such a young talent consider becoming a professional hunter? Otherwise, it would be a pity."

"If Mr. President issues me a license now, that's not impossible."

"It's necessary. The rules still have to be followed. Only those who pass the hunter test can get the hunter's license. Even a little guy with your strength is the same. If you want to get the license, just take the test."

"Nitro, you don't look like an old gentleman who likes to follow rules."

"Hehehe..." Nitro smiled and touched Barb's beard, "It's you who are troublesome with these rules, not me."

Jing Yang's eyes suddenly turned blind. If he couldn't beat him, he would have given this old man who deserved a beating two punches.

"President! Are you okay?" Biyou's voice came from outside the cave.

"Xiao Di, let's start." Jing Yang turned his head.


Xiaodi, who had been silently holding the "bulging-eye fish" on standby, was finally ready to start work.

She turned on the vacuum cleaner and pointed it at the decrepit old man who was huddled in front of the stone wall. Soon, a burst of suction came from the big mouth at the top of the vacuum cleaner, sucking all the poison out of the former's body.

In the blink of an eye, the decaying old man was still decaying, but the gray cracks all over his body had disappeared. At the same time, his originally dull and dull eyes completely darkened, and there was no longer any strange sound of "ho ho" coming from his mouth.

Jing Yang stared intently.

No death came over me.

It seems that as Nitro said, this sky master has been dead for who knows how many years, relying on the strange poison in his body to keep his body fresh.

...It’s so powerful, where did the poison come from?

Jing Yang had some guesses in his mind, but suddenly he felt an unusual aura emerging from outside the cave behind him.

Nitro took the first step, followed by Jing Yang and Xiao Di.

A shadow that resembled eight black arms spread out, similar to the black skeleton that Jing Yang had seen before, like a black shadow, quietly appeared behind Gailu, and eight evil claws suddenly attacked and rushed towards her...

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