I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 136 This is its escape route

The black shadow with eight arms hugged Gailu from behind, as if he wanted to swallow her whole.

However, Gai Lu seemed calm and calm. When the eight-armed black shadow submerged her, she quickly "teared" the other self out from the side, leaving what seemed like an empty shell...


The eight-armed black shadow smashed Gailu's outer shell into pieces.

Gailu escaped with great difficulty.

The ability to manifest thoughts - snake slough!

After the eight-armed black shadow fell into the air, it clattered to the cave floor like a pool of ink, and then emerged again at an angle like a sharp black arrow.


The black shadow with eight arms wrapped around him rushed towards Gailu's true body again.


A mobile phone wrapped in white thoughts flew towards him, like a heavy brick, cutting off the eight-armed black shadow like a sharp arrow.

The black shadow bent and fell to the side, turning into a puddle of black mud again.

Before the phone landed, it turned into a ball of thought energy and dissipated.

Over there, "Maotu" Biyou waved her hand, and the mobile phone just now materialized in her hand again.

Is this how you use embodied creation?

Jing Yang couldn't help but raise his eyes.

But speaking of it, if Xiaodi is in close combat, she also likes to manifest herself into a bulging-eyed fish, and hit the enemy's head with a vacuum cleaner... Now she has upgraded the bulging-eyed fish to a chainsaw bulging-eyed fish, which probably can't knock , but changed to a saw. You can imagine how lethal a chainsaw with mind energy can be when sawing.

The black mud struggled, many protrusions shaking like wavy bars when playing music, and finally the eight-armed black figure rose up again, and rushed towards Gailu with a "swish".

There are so many people here, why does it want to find Gai Lu?

Jing Yang and Xiao Di were puzzled at the same time, and soon they saw Gai Lu turn one of his arms into a long snake, hissingly opened the snake's mouth, and bit him.

Just when he was about to pounce, the eight-armed black shadow stopped in mid-air. The eight skeleton-like hands hung in front of the calm face of Gailu, and finally turned into black mud and pattered on the ground in front of her feet. .

Click, click, click!

Biyou's other hand was already holding the laptop, and her five fingers grasping the phone were flexibly typing on the keyboard.

At some point, her "circle" that looked like a green code had opened up, covering the entire cave inside and outside.

A model of an eight-armed black figure appeared on the computer screen, with garbled codes scrolling on the side, seemingly analyzing this thing that suddenly appeared.

"Were you detoxifying just now?" Xiaodi looked at Gailu curiously, and one of the latter's arms changed from a long snake back to its original shape.

This look, this movement, this process, Jing Yang and Xiao Di had seen before in Yun Gu's room, and Gailu used the same method to detoxify Yun Gu's brother.

Jing Yang said: "So you didn't detoxify yourself..."

Gai Lu said: "Always confirm the true purpose of this poison."

She looked at Nitro, "It seems that the last poison left behind by that special clone is indeed to mark one or more targets for its final attack or struggle."

At that time, gray fog filled the top of the mountain. When Nitro went to the front mountain to help dispel the fog and disperse the poison, he relayed to Gai Lu what he said when the gray fog finally exploded in "The lonely shadow in the world is drunk and dreams of death."

This is what is called "No matter how my will changes, I will always exist, just like my resentment, just like these poisons."

Gailu made an antidote and detoxified everyone on the top of the mountain, but only left some toxins on her body unprocessed. Sure enough, something happened just now.

Changes occur again.


A thought sound formed by vibrating ripples of thought energy, with a strange and sharp tone, suddenly echoed in the cave, followed by the twisted eight-armed black shadow slowly rising from the black mud.

Biyou and Gailu frowned at the same time.

Xiaodi covered her ears.

She glanced at it and saw that Jing Yang simply practiced "Condensation" in reverse, removing all the thought energy from his ears and entering partial "Absolute".

In this way, with the ears closed, this so-called special chanting sound cannot be heard at all...

The little gray bird on Jing Yang's shoulder, on the other hand, was so dizzy by the strange sound that it fell on Jing Yang's neck with its mouth crooked and its eyes squinting.

Nitro raised one palm, and the majestic thought energy surged out, slowly transformed into a big hand, and slapped the eight-armed black shadow on its head.

As if slapping a paper figure flat, Nitro pushed it from head to the ground with one palm.

A five-finger mountain composed of white thought energy easily suppressed it.

This is the use of the ability of the transformation system.

With Netero's hundreds of years of practice, he can naturally understand the six major systems of telekinesis.

It's just that he has a relaxed personality. He prefers hand-to-hand combat with fists and kicks, fighting with martial arts, and is more willing to defeat any opponent head-on with a motionless posture and enjoy the pleasure of duel...

Energy, time, talent, he doesn't lack any of them.

He could have developed many weird and unpredictable special abilities if he wanted to, but he didn't. If he had that kind of character, he would have simply stayed in the Dark Continent and spent his whole life fighting with the nature there. In turn, it is precisely because of his mentality that he has reached the pinnacle on the path of strengthening the system that is more suitable for him, and he has no rivals in the world of Guanyin.

Not to mention, the change system is an adjacent system to the reinforcement system.

The practice of Shingen-ryu encourages the practice of Yamaji, and Nitro himself is the grand master of Shingen-ryu. He can strengthen the two adjacent elements, change and release them, and Nitro can do it at his fingertips.

Jing Yang thought to himself as he watched.

Wuzhishan took the photo, but Nitro let out a soft "Hey". After removing his big hand, the thing that should have been photographed into a puddle of black mud disappeared.


Biyou hit the Enter key, data flowed rapidly on the screen, and immediately said: "It escaped with the help of the divine word!"

Thoughts after death!

Several people present thought of this word immediately.

After so many years of independent development and alienation, after so many years of independent development and alienation, the special clone that Master Sky separated from, after the strange poison in Master Sky's body was cleaned away, it became completely free from worries and turned into a very rare and stronger mind after death... ...Only Nitro's expression didn't care much about this. He probably thought of such a result when he assisted Gro Gray Guoru to create this unique clone.

For those who would rather create a thought clone to preserve a trace of life, one can imagine how strong their obsession is before death.

This obsession before death will be reflected in his thoughts and undergo changes after death.

"The solitary shadow of heaven and earth is drunk and dreaming of life" spreads the gray mist to the entire mountain top in order to create hundreds or thousands of targets for itself to choose from.

If it hadn't detoxified everyone, it would have probably attacked someone on the top of the mountain, possessed him, or taken his body, and then quietly descended the mountain and left.


With a palm from the air, Nitro cracked the cave wall. The cracks spread, tearing the divine characters apart, and the telekinesis ability injected into them quickly disintegrated like dominoes.

The sharp chanting sounds sounded again, and a black shadow flew out from the pattern of divine characters in the corner of the cave.

The black shadow opened its eight twisted arms, and a ferocious fanged mouth opened on its head. Its long and narrow gray eyes stared at Nitro and roared unwillingly.

Nitro was unmoved and struck out with another palm.

The green code-like "circles" flowed, and all the information perceived was fed back to Biyou's laptop, turning into lines of data that seemed chaotic but not chaotic...

Biyou typed on the keyboard, "Its energy has begun to weaken and it is at the end of its rope. Even if you don't do anything, President, it will disappear completely in three days at most."


Nitro slapped it away with his palm, breaking another corner of the stone wall.


The shadows fled.

boom! Uh-huh!

boom! brush!

Gai Lu was sweating secretly when she saw it. The president was just playing around, right?

"Wait a minute," Biyou analyzed the new content and took a closer look, "This characteristic... President, I think you should be more careful. This guy seems to have some potential similar to a parasitic mind beast..."


The eight-armed black shadow, seemingly cornered by Nitro's tricks, pounced towards Jing Yang, who had a black line on his forehead.

Dude, you are not of the Huiguo flesh bloodline, so why are you so blindly throwing yourself at me!

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