I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 137: There’s no need to think about it

Half an hour later, at the top of Xianshui Mountain, there was the half-broken front yard of the villa that no one had repaired.

Several people have returned from the cave.

The body of Sky Master, the former Kajin Emperor, Gro Gray Guoru, has been buried by Nitro.

Only then did Yun Gu know that President Nitro had brought a coffin up the mountain this time. It seemed that he had decided from the beginning to let his old friend rest in peace this time.

Jingyang and Xiaodi were taken away by Gai Lu in Yungu's room. When Yungu heard that they were back, he led Hart over to see the situation. He immediately noticed Zhenyuan next to Xiaodi. Child - abnormality on the body.

"So," Jing Yang folded his arms and pondered, raised his head and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"We're the ones asking you, right?" Hart held his head and widened his eyes, "What is that octopus on you?"

Yun Gu condensed his energy and looked at Zhen Yuanzi.

I saw eight arms, like ink stains dragged out by a thick brush, wrapped around Zhen Yuanzi's body and shaking gently.

The main body of these eight arms floated behind Zhen Yuanzi, like a dark half-body figure, with a cracked smile on the head and gray eyes, and suddenly looked towards Yun Gu. , its eight pitch-black arms also quietly changed directions, slowly pointing towards Yun Gu.

Yun Gu was slightly shocked, was this thing hostile to him?

But looking at Zhen Yuanzi's demeanor, there was no change.

In other words, are this thing and Zhen Yuanzi independent of each other?

Yun Gu relieved his eyes and could still see the eight-armed black shadow on Zhen Yuanzi.

He switched quickly and entered the "absolute" state.

At the moment of "Jue", Zhen Yuanzi's Qi and the eight-armed black shadow coiled around him disappeared - to be precise, Yun Gu couldn't see it.

"The parasitic mind beast, currently, it feeds on the energy in your body to ensure its own survival."

Biyou held the laptop with one hand and clicked with one hand. Her slender fingers with pink manicure seemed to be dancing on the keyboard. "It doesn't require much thought. Judging from the change curve of Qi in your body, The speed of its consumption can’t keep up with your normal reply—huh? By the way, what’s your name?”

The bunny girl seemed to find something surprising. She finally took her eyes away from the computer screen in her hand and looked up at Jing Yang.

"My name is Jing Yang."

"Yes, his name is Jing..." Hart nodded, suddenly startled, "What's your name?"

Jing Yang glanced at everyone present.

Nitro, Rabbit, Snake, Yun Gu, Hart.

It's not that Jing Yang has much trust in these people, but that Jing Yang is really not afraid of Ka Jin or that he will have to bear the pseudonym Zhen Yuanzi for the rest of his life.

Anyway, he will definitely change back to his real name in the future. For example, if he takes the exam for his own hunter's license, Jing Yang does not plan to use a fake name.

These people are all professional hunters. Except for the Yun Gu brothers, each of them is a real boss of the Hunter Association, so there is no need to use pseudonyms for them.

"I've caused some trouble. It's not convenient to use my real name in a place like the Sky Arena." Jing Yang said with a smile, "I won't recognize you when you call me after we get off the mountain."

Sure enough, Nitro and the others didn't pay much attention.

Biyou looked at Jing Yang and the eight-armed black shadow on his body, "The speed at which your telekinesis naturally recovers is faster than many enhancement systems. This parasitic telekinesis beast is harmless to the host and is a symbiotic type. Normally, the energy absorbed from the host should be kept at a level that does not make the host feel tired all the time. If you put it on you, it will probably feel like there is no feeling or burden at all."

"But it always feels weird to have such a thing on me." Jing Yang said awkwardly.

"Weird?" Hart raised his hands and shouted strangely, "Like a black armor, like a berserker! So handsome, okay?!"

"How can there be a berserker with eight arms?" Yun Gu touched Hart's head, "You should play less video games."

Jing Yang pointed at the black shadow on his body and said dissatisfiedly: "Nitro, it seems that this thing is all caused by your old friend's things. I don't care, you have to find a way to deal with it. Find a mind-killer to solve it. Come on!"

Nitro touched his chin beard and said, "Hehehe, it's not easy to find a mind killer."

"You are the hunter guild leader, what's so hard to find?" Jing Yang asked curiously, "Don't tell me that a hunter association as big as yours can't even recruit a mind-killing master."

"Even if you are a mind-killer in the association, you are first and foremost a hunter. Hunters have their own things to hunt, and it is not part of their job responsibilities to help you remove your mind. What qualifications do I have to boss you around?"

"Why do I feel like this old gentleman like you is messing around..."

"Hehehe," Nitro looked at it with a smile, "Since it is a symbiotic mind beast that is harmless to the host, it has some abilities. Are you really willing to get rid of it?"

Jing Yang said: "I'm pretty good myself. If I have more, it's not too much. If I have less, it's not too much."

As he spoke, he glanced back at the armor-like black figure of the eight-armed berserker, who showed no reaction to his words.

When Yun Gu looked at it just now, it clearly reacted.

Is this thing sane?

Or is it really the same as the guardian spirit beast spawned by the egg in the pot in Cajin?

The buddies are so inseparable that they are not of Gray Guoru blood, but in the end, they end up with the standard guardian spirit beast of the Cajun King?

Then isn’t my godmother’s hard work in vain...

But one of the characteristics of guardian spirit beasts is that the host cannot see its own spirit beast at all, and it cannot direct the spirit beast's actions at all!

And Jing Yang can see this thing on his body...

Xiaodi looked at the bunny girl, who understood what she meant, spread her palms and said: "If you want me to help analyze its ability, then give me money."

"You actually charge a fee?" Jing Yang was shocked.

"It is risky to analyze the core secrets of an unfamiliar mind beast at the level of ability," Biyou said. "If this guy has a counterattack ability, he is very likely to attack me while I am analyzing it. Who can Do you know what kind of attack it is? If it is the counterattack ability of the operating system, I may not even have any resistance and become a thing controlled by it. Just look at its appearance and you can tell that it is not serious..."

Jing Yang was really shocked. Who is not serious?

"Who knows if I will fall into its hands and become random-"

A snake head stretched out and turned around on Biyou's head, tying up her mouth as she kept talking.

Gai Lu calmly complained: "What websites do you usually browse?"

Hart's head was filled with doubts. Yun Gu broke into a cold sweat, making Jing Yang wonder if his enhanced attributes were fake.

In the end, Biyou agreed to help Jing Yang analyze the ability of this parasitic mind beast in him.

In fact, she was also very curious about it.

What is the most important thing about being a hunter? It’s this curiosity about the unknown.

"The time it takes for the analysis to produce results is unknown. It may take several hours," Biyou warned in advance. "It has occurred beyond 24 hours."

Jing Yang asked curiously: "How many people have you analyzed, so you are so skilled?"

Biyou shook her fingers and tapped on the keyboard for a while, and soon a green code-like air swept towards Jing Yang like a big net.

Jing Yang came over and took a look.

On the laptop screen, the model of the eight-armed black shadow became clearer.

"Don't worry, I didn't scan you." Bi You said calmly, "The more convenient and versatile the ability to think, the more it must have its limitations. My analytical ability is combined with the "circle", and whoever is scanned will definitely be able to sense it. Until I was scanned. My ability to analyze the other party is my advantage, and the other party's ability to kill me before my analysis is completed is the other party's advantage. Do you feel that I am scanning you? "

"No." Jing Yang said, "So I want you to scan it."

Xiaodi was thoughtful.

She could tell that Jing Yang wanted to use the rabbit ears' ability to analyze the problem of his heart and death energy.

This time it was Biyou who looked at him a little strangely. He actually took the initiative to ask for his analysis ability. Is he so undefended?

Jing Yang looked sad, "You know, there are always some things that are hard to explain..."

Biyou looked at him, then at Xiaodi, and reminded, "I'm not a doctor. If you have any incurable diseases, you'd better go to Qi Duo."

Gail Lu said quietly from the side: "Qiduo is the world's top in the field of academic research, but in the clinical field, it may not be as good as those experts from top universities and first-class hospitals."

In the ant chapter in the comic, Nitro and others found a doctor to give first aid to the queen ant. They also found a female doctor from a certain university, not Chiduo from the Twelve Branches.

There are specialties in the art industry, and professional hunters may not necessarily be the absolute best in their professional fields.

For example, even if there is a chess hunter, he will definitely not be able to play Wheat.

Xiaomai has sworn since he was a child that he will commit suicide if he loses at chess.

If this is regarded as some kind of oath and restriction, then Xiaomai's consciousness is even more harsh than Kurapika's "the five-finger chain, the middle finger binding chain can only be used by the Phantom Troupe, otherwise I will die", and even more cruel……

Gai Lu's words reminded Jing Yang of Qi Duo, the "Xu Dog" in the Twelve Branches, who indeed looked more like the top student monitor.

But, are you here to see a doctor?

Jing Yang's eyes suddenly turned blind.

Over there, Nitro waved to Jing Yang, "Okay, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

Want to start telling a story?

Jing Yang understood. The old man had promised before that he and Xiao Di - mainly Xiao Di, of course - would do him a small favor and clean up the abnormal poison on the remains of Ge Lu and Hui Guo Rou. He told him about Ge Lu past events.

Due to the involvement of this body with Ka Jin after time travel, Jing Yang had to be cautious about everything related to Hui Guorou.

The dog's life is at stake!

Especially the royal family of Hui Guo Rou, who spend all day messing around with things like gods, ghosts, ghosts, and witchcraft...

Jing Yang followed Nitro to the cliff.

Biyou followed with her laptop.

Jing Yang looked at her.

"What are you looking at? The analysis hasn't been completed yet. Of course I have to follow." Biyou said.

"Okay." Jing Yang nodded.

Xiaodi followed Jingyang.

Nitro looked at Xiaodi.

"What are you looking at? My business is Xiaodi's business. Of course she can listen in." Jing Yang said.

"Okay." Nitro nodded, "To talk about Gro = Gray Guoru, we have to start from 120 years ago..."

How old is he? Xiaodi was very curious. Jing Yang spread his hands, who knows.

120 years ago, when Nitro's kung fu had not yet been fully developed, martial arts entered a bottleneck.

He has few opponents in the human world.

This is the bottleneck.

He never met an opponent who could challenge him, a strong enemy, which made him feel as lonely as snow for a while while enjoying the hearty martial arts battle.

Until he met Ge Luo = Hui Guo Rou.

If we use the metaphor of characters in comics, then Nitro meeting Gero is like Gon meeting Killua.

However, Nitro and Gero each have some elements of Gon and Killua. Neither of them is as straight as Gon, and they both have some evil elements of Killua.

Groh fought with Nitro.

Nitro lost.

"You actually lost?" Jing Yang felt outrageous upon hearing this.

Nitro smiled and said: "At that time, I was not as strong as I was later. I was almost only at my peak..." He was modest, "One-fifth? Alas, maybe less."

"President, are you really being modest?" Biyou complained.

Nitro smiled proudly for a while and said with emotion: "Gero has been bragging all day about how he compares himself to Cajin's original Zhenwu King. This has made me regret for many years. It is a pity that I was not born in the same era as Zhenwu King!"

Shaking his head, Nitro continued: "Later, Gro went to the Dark Continent alone, and I went into the mountains to practice cultivation alone. When I saw him again, it was more than ten years later. I hadn't changed much, but he had aged. He seems like another person, and he is poisoned..."

"In order to find an antidote for him, I found two helpers and headed to the Dark Continent together." The old man recalled the past, "With some experience provided by Gro, the three of us arrived at the Dark Continent smoothly. However, it took several years and finally... Still disappointed.”

He touched his barb-like beard and said, "I'm quite disappointed. I don't know if the other two have gained anything."

Poison from the Dark Continent?

Jingyang and Xiaodi looked at each other.

Even Xiaodi didn't know where the things sucked by the bulging-eyed fish were. There are no examples of things being inhaled mixed with each other, so they are not worried that the toxins inhaled by the bulging-eye fish will be mixed with their personal belongings or even food... Not only that, the small droplets can now be freely Judging from what was swallowed by the bulging-eyed fish, this strange poison from the Dark Continent can even be used as a final trump card.

For example, the ant king.

If this guy can't withstand the rose poison, he probably won't be able to withstand the strange poison that poisoned Gro Gray Guo Rou.

Jing Yang solemnly patted the back of Xiaodi's hand. "Don't forget about this little thing. You won't be able to take it out when you need it in the future."

Jing Yang continued to inquire about Gero = Hui Guoru, but as expected, Nitro only knew about Gero, but he didn't know much about Hui Guoru.

Just like Gon and Killua, the two brothers are so good, but Gon doesn't necessarily know anything about beating up the enemy Hakka.

Jing Yang was not disappointed either. At least he knew that Ge Luo Hui Guo Rou was a person who once compared himself to Zhenwu King Wei Hugo and Hui Guo Rou in terms of strength. And he got a copy of the abnormal poison that can be used as a killer weapon, as well as the so-called parasitic mind beast that after Gro's death, his last thoughts were entangled in him as if he had some occupational disease...

At this moment, the eight-armed black shadow on Jing Yang became more and more uneasy. It seemed that he couldn't bear it anymore and launched an uncontrollable attack on Bi You.


An arm was like a sharp sword, stabbing toward Biyou's door.

Biyou lifted up the laptop.


The shadow's arm was blocked by the back cover of the computer. Biyou tilted her head and said, "You want to get my blood, right?"


Another arm came towards her, but Nitro reached out to grab it and threw it off the cliff.

Jing Yang didn't feel anything at all.

This thing really looks like a guardian spirit beast hatched from an egg in a pot. It feeds on his energy and has the instinct to automatically protect its master. Jing Yang cannot control its attacks, but it has no effect on Jing Yang at all if it is attacked by others. .

Before the eight-armed black shadow flew up from the cliff, Biyou typed on the keyboard and said: "At present, its ability is - after eating the target's blood, it can absorb the target's Qi. The number of times the blood is obtained The more Qi you have, the stronger the ability to absorb Qi. It is speculated that at least it can drain away the target's manifest mind in an instant, and then drain it into "Extreme", until it can also drain the target's life force..."

"It is a telekinesis ability with conditional characteristics," Biyou said, "but it is essentially biased toward strengthening, so it should not be immune to those who operate telekinesis abilities."

"It's a very dangerous mind beast, and you seem to be unable to control its actions." Nitro pinched his beard, "Biyou, the mind-killer in the association, are you free recently?"

"Let me see..." Biyou tapped on the keyboard.

"Wait a minute." Jing Yang raised his hand, "There's no need to remove it, I'm fine."

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