I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 138 Octopus or Phoenix

There are many reasons why Jingyang raised his hand and refused Biyou to contact the Nian Master.

First of all, the ability of the eight-armed black shadow beast parasitic on her body that she analyzed sounded pretty good.

Secondly, since it is a guardian spirit beast similar to Kajin Gray Guorou, even though I cannot completely control it, it has the attribute of "guarding" and it is estimated that it will not be harmful to me - Biyou's analysis results It has also been proved that this thing has a counterattack ability, proving that it will only activate its ability when it is attacked by itself as the host, or when it itself feels hostile or attacked; the energy it absorbs when it is parasitic cannot keep up with its own natural recovery. efficiency.

In the end, Jing Yang did not tell the truth to Nitro and the others.

He had an intuition that he seemed to be able to control the parasitic mind beasts on his body to a certain extent. Of course, he hasn't found a chance to try it yet, but he shouldn't be wrong.

A mind beast that I can probably control a little, and has pretty good abilities, and doesn't put too much burden on me, there seems to be no need to be too hasty to get rid of it.

"Are you sure?" Biyou looked at him, "If you want to get rid of it, now is your best chance. After all, President Netero is here to help. If you regret it in the future, it won't be so convenient. , there is a fee. It will be a sky-high price."

Jing Yang smiled and said: "If I regret it in the future, then I will just join your Hunter Association, and maybe become the president of the association. In this way, you won't charge me a sky-high price in addition to memorial fees, right?"

"Hehehe." Nitro laughed.

Biyou, who was as calm as ever, immediately darkened his face when he heard this, closed his laptop with a snap, glared at Jing Yang and said: "If you want to challenge President Netero, you are eight hundred years too early. "

It's really like in the comics, the Hunter Association's cabinet "Twelve Earthly Branches", except for the "Rat" Pariston and the "Hai Pig" Jin Fulis, the other ten people are all president Nite Luo's biggest fans, or even die-hard followers, do not hesitate to change their daily attire, behavior and even personality to match their respective zodiac totems in order to match the titles assigned to them by Nitro.

That dog nose that bitch girl Qi Duo has, I guess it was either transformed by a tool with the ability to transform, or it was some kind of fake decoration...

It’s true that Snake Sister Gai Lu is a person with the ability to manifest transformation, but before she became a member of the Twelve Branches, she might not have the fighting style of turning her hands into snakes...

Biyou looks like a nerd who likes to surf the Internet. I am afraid that in her early years, she might not have worn a bunny ears headdress and dressed up like a bunny girl...

The same goes for "Weiyang" Yinda and "Yinhu" Kangzai whom Jingyang met earlier. The former's body was so hairy that it exploded like a sheep, while the latter almost had the word "王" tattooed on his forehead. His hair was exploding all day long. Damn...

On the way back, Biyou kept a straight face, pressed her cell phone and ignored Jing Yang.

Actually she wasn't still angry. But someone just lost his temper out of control, and afterwards he felt that he was overreacting, and the president himself didn't take it seriously. But he lost his temper, as if he suddenly put on a talkative face, and seemed a bit unable to get off the stage... He simply turned into a mobile phone and surfed the Internet to play.

Jing Yang actually didn't care. When he recalled Yinda just now, he couldn't help but think of Men Qi, and he didn't know where this young food hunter was wandering around now.

Speaking of which, the food made by Men Qi is indeed delicious...

"Speaking of which, where is Kurapika?" Jing Yang touched the languid Yanque on his shoulder, "Let's see if his matter has been resolved, Xiaodi."

After saying goodbye to Nitro and others for the time being, Jing Yang took Xiaodi toward the front mountain.

On the road, an eight-armed black shadow flew over the ground like a black shadow and appeared behind him. From a distance, this appearance... was particularly awkward.

Xiaodi looked at him, then at the eight-armed black figure lingering behind him, "Would it be very inconvenient?"

Anyone with other telekinesis abilities would be able to see this thing at a glance.

"So we have to find a way to control it a little, and it's best to put it away." Jing Yang said as he walked, "Don't think that after eating my anger, you can still dangle in front of me. It's necessary and unnecessary. If you take action, it will not only be an eyesore, but also a hindrance."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "What should I do?"

Jing Yang pondered: "Since it feeds on my Qi and becomes a parasite..."

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the limp little gray bird on his shoulder. The latter jumped up with excitement and tilted its head to look at him in confusion.

A sapphire-like glow flashed across Jing Yang's eyes, and he gave an order to Yanque: "Protect your star and don't let anyone destroy it."

The rose gold five-pointed star mark on Yanque's body shone slightly, and the special Qi belonging to Jing Yang sprouted and took root like a seed, mixing into Yanque's own Qi, which was not that strong.

Jing Yang tried his instinct and thought.


The eight-armed black shadow swaying behind him like a spirit behind him floated around and flew towards the little gray bird on his shoulder.


The little gray bird was startled and flapped its wings and flew up.

The eight-armed black shadow chased after it, and its size shrank by more than half accordingly.

The rock bird just flies and escapes.

The eight-armed black shadow just flew and chased.


A bird's cry sounded like it was being ruined in the air.

After a while, it flew down "chichichichichi" and happily showed Jing Yang the eight-armed black shadow on its body.

A dark shadow like a berserker's armor floated on it, and its eight arms were like eight tail feathers swinging gently. Looking from a distance, I didn't know whether the flying one was a phoenix or a bird-headed octopus...

Jing Yang projected his consciousness and switched to the first-person perspective control method. He leaned over the rock sparrow and adjusted its Qi.

The apparent Qi on the body gradually weakens...

The sperm pores of the bird's body are different from those of humans. Jing Yang also relived the experience of being clumsy when controlling Qi.

This was the experience he had during the first two minutes when he first started practicing Nen.

After that, he has never been so clumsy or inefficient...

If it were his own body, Jing Yang could switch between "absolute" and "firm" several times in one second, but on Yanque, it took him half a minute to barely block all the energy. Kong converged all the Qi on his body and entered "Absolute" - In an instant, the eight-armed black shadow summoned by Jing Yang to parasitize on the rock bird's body, the eight-armed black shadow that resembled the tail feathers of a phoenix, gradually faded away. Until gone.

"It didn't come back to me. Very good." Jing Yang nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, when Jing Yang doesn't need this thing, he can lock it in Yanque's body and hang it on himself when he needs it.

"Remember this feeling, it's called 'absolute'." Jing Yang tapped Yanque's head with his finger.

The rock bird regained consciousness, twisted its head in dissatisfaction, and combed the feathers on its neck with its beak, but the energy in its body still maintained the "absolute" state just now.

With the help of the command control of "Star Mark", Jing Yang can force Yanque to remember "Jue" with his body.

However, it is not possible to let the rock bird "Kill" all the time. Not to mention that in the eyes of other telekinesis users, it is difficult not to notice a bird with no Qi on its body. The risk of "Killing" alone is requires attention.

When entering "absolute", the body and mind have no ability to protect themselves.

You are the ant king Meruem. If he dares to take the initiative to enter the "Extreme", a slap from any hunter who is well-trained can destroy him physically and mentally, guaranteeing that he will not be able to get back up again.

So, during the rest of the journey, Jing Yang tried to teach Yanque to release a small amount of Qi on the body surface.

"Absolutely" means that the Qi on the body surface is 0, and the parasitic mind beast will disappear if it has no Qi to absorb.

And when the rock bird lifted its "extreme" and released its energy, the eight-armed black shadow on its body also appeared bit by bit.

In order to control the energy in Yanque's body to a point where it would not be as dangerous as "Absolute", nor would it cause the eight-armed black shadow to appear, Jing Yang spent a lot of effort and even tried to control himself several times. I personally took the call, used the rock bird's body to perform micro-manipulation adjustments, and finally controlled the Qi on its surface to about a quarter of the "tangle" level.

Such a small amount of qi is equivalent to the state of exhaustion after a rock bird has flown for 10 kilometers without stopping. It is equivalent to qi, which means that a lot of physical strength has been consumed, but it is not to the point where it can be called "absolute".

There is such a thin layer of Qi on the body, which at least has defensive power. Once there is an unexpected impact, there is enough buffer to relieve this state and release the eight-armed black shadow beast that resides on the body...

"Eight-armed black shadow beast...it's so annoying to read it." Jing Yang pondered, "Can't you give me a name?"

Walking side by side in the corridor of Qianshan Hotel, he looked at Xiaodi.

Most of the day has passed, and after Gailu's detoxification, everyone in the hotel should be almost awake. Along the way, they saw many people gathering together and muttering with confused faces, as if they were wondering what was going on. They were chatting and having fun, picking up the piano in the lobby, and playing with each other.

Nitro should be able to handle the situation at the top of Xianshui Mountain, and Jing Yang estimated that Nitro would probably pretend that nothing happened and let the art exhibition continue to its conclusion.

The real disappearance of Sky Master actually had more impact on the martial arts competition in the back mountain.

Xiao Didi said: "Okay, what's the name?"

"Hmm..." Jing Yang pondered, "'I will still be wandering when you receive the letter'?"

Xiaodi wondered: "Isn't it longer?"

"Then pick one up."

Xiaodi thought for a while, "'Octopus'?"

"It's better to... call it 'Feng Qiuhuang'." Jing Yang glanced at the rock sparrow, which was chasing its tail curiously - wandering in the air with its head chasing its own tail.

After Jing Yang's efforts, its normal state now is that the Qi on the body surface is weaker than usual, with only a thin layer. Therefore, the mind beast parasitizing the body has also become weak, with only eight small hands and black shadows looming. The ground is attached to its tail feathers. Except that it looks longer and darker, it is no different from its usual appearance.

"No, no, the temperament is too different." Jing Yang shook his head.

"'Reflection'." Xiaodi said, "How about this?"

"This is good!" Jing Yang smiled, "It's called 'Reflection'."

Boom, he knocked on Kurapika's room. No one responded for a long time, so he simply pushed the door open and entered.

The other bodyguards were not there, and only Kurapika was sitting on the sofa, holding a square glass jar in his hand, which was full of some kind of solution, with a pair of red human eyeballs floating in it.

Kurapika turned his back to the door, making his expression invisible.

On the carpet next to the sofa, a decent-looking young man was unconscious. His long hair was messy and the carpet was messy. His mouth was crooked and his eyes were slanted. The pain and fear remained on his face when he was unconscious.

This person is probably the young painter Masuo Harrison who bought the pair of fiery eyes from the young gang leader. I don’t know what Kurapika did to him...

Jing Yang took a closer look and found that there was almost no Qi in this man.

Squeezed dry?


The little gray bird swayed around the room, flew to the coffee table in front of Kurapika, and tilted its head to look at him.

"You guys are back... Huh?" Kurapika suddenly noticed something strange about the rock bird, "What's wrong with its tail..."

"Is it so easy to be discovered?" Jing Yang wondered.

"He's very close. He's very familiar with what Yanque looked like in the past." Xiaodi explained seriously.

Kurapika smiled, sighed, raised his hand and materialized into a dolphin bookshelf, and pulled out the sixth book, "Resurrection".

Wow! The pages were spread out before him.

With a complicated expression on his face, Kurapika pressed the retrieved pair of fiery red eyes into the book and stored them like this for the time being.

Jing Yang estimated that this kid was probably inspired by Xiaodi's bulging-eyed fish to come up with such a space-based storage ability - but judging from the book he chose, he knew that in order to successfully exchange for the effect of storing flaming eyes, He is probably limited to the condition that he can and can only store flaming eyes.

"Anyway, this is the situation..."

Jing Yang sat down opposite him, spread his arms and casually talked about what happened.

After listening to this, Kurapika pointed out: "All this is based on the premise that this parasitic mind beast is really, as you guessed, a guardian spirit beast similar to the so-called Kajin Gray Guoru royal family. And, you The information on the guardian spirit beast is conclusive...otherwise, the danger of this thing would be unpredictable."

"It should be fine. How about you try it?"

Jing Yang sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and with a thought, he turned off the control of the star mark on Yanque.

Suddenly, the "reflection" disappeared from the little gray bird's body, and soon slowly floated up behind Jing Yang, opening its eight dark arms.


Under normal circumstances, Kurapika would definitely not be willing to take such a risk. The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

But now, with the star mark, he seems to be half-immortal...


After Kurapika finished speaking, the energy in his body suddenly rose, transforming into a big skeleton hand and grabbing Jing Yang on the opposite side.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The sound of a chainsaw came from the side, and the saw struck the big skeleton's hand that was transformed by the thought energy, and the debris of the thought energy immediately flew away.

Kurapika was helpless, "Xiao Di?"

Xiao Di held the chainsaw and said calmly: "The conditions for the activation of the ability of 'Reflection' are the blood of you, the attacker, Kurapika. If you attack Jing Yang by yourself, the conditions cannot be met..."

As she spoke, she turned the blade of the chainsaw and struck at Kurapika himself.


Kurapika jumped away quickly, hey, are you taking this too seriously?

He looked at Jing Yang opposite. This guy was actually quite leisurely, still crossing his legs as if it had nothing to do with anything. Behind him was an eight-armed black shadow. Because of the attack, he became hostile to Kurapika, and the eight arms were uneasy. The ground was shaking; in addition, there was Xiaodi chasing after him with a chainsaw and vacuum cleaner. Kurapika suddenly felt tired. He pretended for a few times and simply gave it to himself. After scratching the wound, he flicked a drop towards Jing Yang. …


"Reflection" is like a beast coming out of its cage, swallowing the flying blood in one mouthful.

The next second, the "reflection" disappeared in front of Kurapika's eyes...and Xiaodi stepped on the sawed-to-shattered sofa and looked at Kurapika curiously. Jing Yang saw that the black eight-armed "reflection" was put on Kurapika's body like a berserker's armor. He opened his ferocious mouth and removed a layer of Kurapika's body from the top of his head. I was so angry that I ate it up in an instant.

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