After "Reflection" consumed a layer of Qi on Kurapika's body, it separated from his body and flew out.

However, it did not fly far, like a black eight-clawed demon, floating around Kurapika, always staring at him.

The target he was eyeing was the original location of the wound that Kurapika had given himself before.

The reason why it is said to be the original position is of course because the wound has healed long ago.

"It's not just about eating the energy that exists on my body..." A layer of sweat appeared on Kurapika's forehead, "The share he ate just now was about one-eleventh of my total energy. It’s the maximum intensity of ‘manifest energy’ that I can release at one time.”

"The way 'Reflection' absorbs the target's Qi is to possess it. The first drop of blood will forcefully absorb a portion of the target's manifest energy." Xiaodi calmly concluded, "Different people have different proportions of manifest energy. The difference is that the worst one should have twelve-thirds of the total amount of thought, and a very powerful master may be able to reduce this ratio to one-tenth, or even higher."

"After entering the fiery red eye, my total amount of thoughts will increase significantly, and my apparent amount of thoughts will also increase to one-tenth of the total amount of thoughts..." Kurapika thought to himself, "In this way, Jing Yang's This mind beast will have a surprising effect on opponents with higher total mind power and stronger cultivation. Even if it only takes the first bite, it can cause a lot of trouble to the opponent."

One bite can eat one-tenth of you. Even if a telepathic person is at his peak, how many mouthfuls can he hold back?

What's more, the consumption of every minute and every second in actual combat, offensive and defensive battles, and test rounds cannot be ignored. The special move is a big consumer of mental energy and cannot be used easily.

If you are accidentally bitten by this eight-armed telekinesis beast, the worst case scenario is that the remaining "potential telekinesis" is no longer enough to support the use of any trump card...

"Can you please stop looking at me like that?" Kurapika felt uncomfortable being looked at by the "reflection" and looked at Jing Yang with dead fish eyes, "It doesn't want to take a second bite, does it?"

Jing Yang crossed his legs and said, "It's no use telling me. They said it's similar to a guardian spirit beast. It attacks you out of defensive instinct. I can't 'use' it directly..."

According to Jing Yang’s analysis, it’s probably like this:

The clone with the characteristic of "The solitary shadow of heaven and earth is drunk to death and dreams of life" left behind by Gro = Hui Guoru back then was probably developed with reference to his own guardian spirit beast.

Although Gro himself couldn't see his guardian spirit beast and couldn't control him, at any rate he succeeded in winning the battle for the throne with the help of this guardian spirit beast. It was impossible for him to really not know anything about it - ——Gero himself can't see it, but his subordinates can see it. If he asks his subordinates to advise him, he will definitely have a close grasp of the various characteristics of his guardian spirit beast.

Otherwise, he, a good Kajin emperor, would not be so obsessed with wandering around the world, and even went to the Dark Continent to wander around, and even died of wandering.

He was not willing to give in before his death, and he was not willing to give in after his death, so much so that the clone he left behind, "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth, Drunk to Death and Dream of Life," also inherited this unwillingness, referencing the "Egg in the Pot" and the Guardian Spirit of the Gray Guoru Royal Family. In the story of the beast, "The Solitary Shadow in the World" used self-destruction and poisoning to transform himself into a new variant of the guardian spirit beast, and continued to survive in a new form.

It's a pity that the egg-in-a-pot ritual requires blood to be dropped into that special prayer pot. The prayer pot will feed the rosary back according to the blood dripped into it. Participants in the ceremony who eat the rosary will get their own guardian spirit beast, and they will He couldn't see or control the opponent - Jing Yang didn't have the process of throwing blood into a pot to eat the exclusive rosary, so he could see the mind beast parasitizing on his body.

He was able to "deceive" this mind beast's "reflection" to a certain extent and trick it into the target controlled by his "star mark", which was an unexpected gain.

If he didn't even have this kind of control, Jing Yang estimated that he would rather feel regretful afterwards than ask Tonitero to get rid of this thing.

He didn't want to have an uncontrollable eight-clawed mind beast hanging around when he was dating Xiaodi in the future...

After 20 minutes, the eight-armed black shadow telen beast "Reflection" seemed to have lost interest in Kurapika, and flew back to Jing Yang like a personal bodyguard.

"For the first attack, after eating the target's maximum manifest energy, it will continue to be on alert for about 20 minutes." Xiaodi wrote down this rule.

"What about the second time?"

Kurapika touched the healed wound on his finger, "According to what the twelve-branched 'Mao' said, the mind beast parasitizing you, Jingyang, could possibly suck out even the most fundamental vitality, isn't it? ? But according to its behavior pattern, it shouldn’t directly absorb the life force the second time..."

"I guess the second time will absorb all the remaining potential energy, and then continue to be vigilant. The third time will start to drain the life force until the target dies." Kurapika said slowly, "Judging from the severity, In the middle, there is a step to extract the target's Qi and make it enter the forced "Extreme", which is more reasonable."

Jing Yang asked with interest, "Want to try it?"

Xiaodi grabbed the chainsaw fish and prepared to cooperate.

"I will die!" A tic-tac-toe popped up on Kurapika's forehead, "What if the second bite directly extracts life force? Don't forget that you yourself can't control this parasitic mind beast..."

Jing Yang comforted him: "Don't worry, if something happens, I can activate the star mark on your body and transfer it to parasitize you. It will definitely not suck the host, right? ... Probably?"

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Do you want to try this too?"

"What are you trying?" Jing Yang turned to look at her.

"Would it hurt the host?" Xiaodi turned to look at him, "Transfer to Kurapika and try again."

"I thought you were going to experiment on me, Xiaodi!" Jing Yang's expression was exaggerated.

Xiaodi shook her head.

"I'm talking about you!" Kurapika looked at these two people and couldn't calm down.

So Jing Yang and Xiao Di both turned to look at him.

Soon another attempt began.

But unfortunately, when the "reflection" returned to Jing Yang in the past 20 minutes, the counterattack ability of the mind beast seemed to have been reset.

This time Kurapika pretended to attack Jing Yang, and at the same time he pricked the wound on his finger and threw a drop of blood out. After the "reflection" sucked the drop of blood away, he responded exactly the same as before.

Disappeared out of thin air, put his armor on Kurapika's body, sucked it in with a big mouth, and swept away Kurapika's largest manifest power.

After being extracted two eleven-tenths of the total mind power twice in a row, it was close to one-fifth. Kurapika looked tired and refused to help any more.

Calculated numerically, with these two bites of "Reflection", it is estimated that 2,000 energy was taken out of Kurapika's body.

Kurapika rubbed his brows and got down to business.

He glanced at Ma Xiu=Harrison, who was still sleeping like a dead pig, "I may want to ask you for help with something."

Jing Yang smiled, but patted his ears and turned his ears to Kurapika, as if to say, the wind was too strong and I didn't hear clearly.

"Boss, I have something I need your help with." Kurapika said calmly, "When I interrogated him, in addition to getting the pair of flaming red eyes he bought, I unexpectedly found that he was holding a pair of flaming red eyes with three other flaming eyes recently. Contact... Among the three, the identities of two of them, Ma Xiu = Harrison, can be confirmed."

He looked at Jing Yang and the two, "I can't take care of the three goals at the same time, and I'm also worried that they will transfer the flaming eye they hold."

After all, these three people will keep in contact with Masuo = Harrison, and they have the intention to change hands of the flaming eye.

Jing Yang said: "It's easy. Do you want us to help you find the two whose identities are known?"

"Just one of them will do. I will take care of the other one myself," Kurapika said. "I will also investigate the remaining target that has not yet been confirmed."

Jing Yang nodded in agreement.

He originally didn't want to separate from Xiaodi.

Kurapika breathed a sigh of relief. He is happy to help his friends, even at the expense of himself. But on the other hand, it will be very hesitant.

After returning to his room, Jing Yang tried to seal the sperm pores on his body. The Qi on his body became weaker and weaker, and the "reflection" of the eight-armed mind beast hanging around him like a guardian spirit also became weaker and weaker.

Jing Yang maintained the Qi on the body surface at a very thin level. Sure enough, just like the experiment on the rock bird, the "reflection" was barely visible, leaving only a faint afterimage of the eight arms. If not used If [Ning] had gone to look specifically, he would probably have simply ignored such an anomaly.

"Speaking of which, this guy can eat mind energy. Can he help with his practice?"

Jing Yang is eager to try, but no matter what, he is the host of "Reflection". Even if he attacks himself, he will not cause "Reflection" to fight back.

As for letting Xiaodi attack him and provoke the "Reflection" to fight back?

Forget it, Jing Yang didn't want to give it up.

"It's been a long time since I practiced seriously." Jing Yang and Xiao Di looked at each other and started practicing together in the room. "You come first and I come first?"

Soon, the two of them maintained their "firmness" one after another and practiced in the room.

A few hours later, when the size of Jing Yang's body began to shrink, a sudden change occurred.

The eight arms of the "reflection" swayed, attached to Jing Yang's back like armor, and its head was like the helmet of a berserker's armor, banging on Jing Yang's head.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

Xiaodi immediately materialized into a chainsaw fish with bulging eyes and stared at the abnormality on Jing Yang's body.

"Wait." Jing Yang raised his hand to stop him.

Xiao Di focused her eyes and was surprised to see that the Qi in Jing Yang's body, which had become weaker due to long-term practice, suddenly recovered a lot.

Jing Yang stood there, taking in the changes in his body for a while, and suddenly realized.

"It gave me the breath it sucked from Kurapika."

He maintained a calm look on his face, maintaining his much recovered "hardness".

After a long period of practice, before reaching the last quarter of the stage where he was really unsustainable, Jing Yang could maintain a relaxed mental state no matter how exhausted he was, and would not be distracted by the powerful load.

"It probably started to react when my remaining energy... was less than one-tenth, which is less than the full maximum amount of manifest thought."

Jing Yang speculated, "Does the mind beast think that when my mind level is lower than this level, the risks I face will be greatly increased?"

However, the amount of energy "Reflection" sucked from Kurapika's body was only about that.

It’s about 2000 breaths, and I still breathed it twice...

Jing Yang's current total amount of energy is close to 20,000 qi. He can restore 2,000 qi at once. Although it is enough, it is not that sufficient.

"If it's the 'second bite', it should at least be able to absorb all of the target's thoughts. This will definitely be enough for me..."

Such thoughts flashed through Jing Yang's mind, which even startled him.

I'm going to blanch it, isn't this a great way to attract stars, so let me do it?

He always felt that it was easy for him to become like a person in the devil's path... Jing Yang then thought about it, and the mind-breaking beast was not under his control. It was a counterattack type. It only reacted when others attacked him, and it also had to eat the target. Just a drop of blood. If you want to do whatever you want, it's not that easy to do.

Xiaodi suddenly raised his hand.

"What's wrong?" Jing Yang asked.

Xiaodi pointed at him and then at the clock beside him.

Jing Yang took a closer look and saw that the timer had exceeded his usual maximum time. Although he was tired, he felt like he could last at least half an hour more.

It’s because of the 2,000 Qi I replenished in the middle...

Therefore, Jing Yang maintained his "hardness" for more than 2,000 seconds before finally turning off the flames.

While Xiao Di was practicing and Jing Yang was resting, he closed all the sperm holes in his body and entered the "absolute" state to speed up his recovery. With the "star mark" on the back of his neck, his recovery speed soared.

Xiao Didi wasn't even halfway through, but Jing Yang was already full of energy and was back to being a good man again.

Just super hungry.

Jing Yang picked up the phone to order food. Because the "Jue" was released, the eight-armed mind beast appeared on him again.

Feeling that it was in the way, Jing Yang activated the star mark on the rock bird and transferred the "reflection" to the little gray bird.

"Hello? Please send dinner for 5 people to room 502." Jing Yang seemed to hear a "hmm" from the other side and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he remembered, weren't the waiters in this hotel all transformed from gray-scaled snakes separated from "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth"?

I have sent "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth" by myself, and now it has become a "reflection" hanging on Yanque's body. How can there be any waiters?

Is it really haunted this time?

After Xiaodi finished practicing, she had already taken off her coat because she was covered in sweat, and gave Jing Yang a confused look.

Jing Yang said: "I'm thinking that because 'reflection' gave me a boost in the middle, it caused me to be 'hard' for longer. Logically speaking, this way of practicing 'hard' is the reason why it can increase the total mind." The core principle of quantity is not the consumption of qi, but the consumption of willpower and concentration to maintain "hardness", and of course there is also the consumption of qi."

"In short, it's all about suffering."

He said, "If you want to use air skills to drain your body of energy, it is skipping class, so it is ineffective. You must persist in the whole process and suffer every minute, so that you can increase your mind power. Now, I just lost my mind because of "Reflection" , the total duration of suffering exceeds what I should bear, then I always feel..."

Xiaodi understood and suddenly said: "Your thoughts have increased even more? Is your efficiency higher than usual?"

"You have this kind of intuition. You won't know until you try it." Jing Yang said with a smile.

Ding dong!

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Jing Yang, who was naked to the waist, went to open the door, and the bunny girl Biyou came in pushing a dining cart, "The dinner you ordered for 5"

She looked at Jing Yang, who was shirtless, and then at Xiao De, who was wearing only underwear and covered in sweat.

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