Zhehao looked suspicious and was kicked out of the field.

Nitro's left foot didn't move at all in the center of the training ground, and he looked around at everyone with a smile, "Who's next?"

"I come!"

Jing Yang was full of energy, jumped up and stood opposite Nitro.

Yun Gu, Zhe Hao and other people who had long known or seen Zhen Yuanzi's strength all watched the competition attentively. ——Although there is no doubt about the final result, it is worth observing to what extent Zhen Yuanzi can fight with Nitro, how many skills he can display, and how far he is compared with him.

Being able to be taught by a martial arts master like Nitro is an opportunity that many martial artists in the world cannot ask for, let alone being able to watch so many fights from the sidelines.

Jing Yang tied his belt and asked, "Can I use my mind power?"

"Of course." Nitro pinched the barb-like beard of the brush, "Didn't you just use the last one secretly?"

The old man blinked at Zhehao, who was bruised and swollen on the sidelines.

How old are you to still pretend to be cute?

Jing Yang glanced at Zhehao, who had been busy chatting with Yungu just now, but he didn't notice that Zhehao actually used his telekinesis ability in the competition with Nitro, which can only be used in the ring competition. What is it called..."Judgment on the Arena"?

It is indeed a judgment call.

Although the energy on his body was suppressed by this telekinesis ability to the point where it was 50/50 equal to Zhehao's, Nitro still beat Zhehao into a pig's head as if nothing was wrong.

This is because Nitro loves to play. Otherwise, if he comes up and uses the operating system to attack people, Zhehao will be able to hold him tight if he doesn't get beaten up.

Jing Yang's "star mark" is so convenient and easy to use, so he won't just put it on people when he has nothing to do.

It had been so long, and it was when I saw Killua, the cutie, that I couldn't help but test it with the star in order to test whether his brother had inserted a needle into his head.

Zhehao is a pig-headed man, and he is convinced of Nitro's skills.

Jing Yang stimulated the energy in his body and entered "hardness".

Nitro put his hands on his hips, stepped on his left calf with his right foot, and stood as steady as a loose foot on one foot. He smiled and said, "Why don't you try your new telekinesis?"

Jing Yang said: "I don't have that ability!"

He opened his arms and activated the star mark on the back of his neck, entering "Meteor Like Wind".

When Biyou analyzed the ability of "Reflection" on the cliff, Nitro was present and naturally knew that the target's blood was needed to activate the ability of this mind beast.

Jing Yang thought that he didn't have the ability, so he beat Nitro until he bled.

What's more, with so many people watching the competition, Jing Yang only had time to show off his telekinesis abilities in public.


Jing Yang swayed and rushed towards Nitro.

The old man is very playful, but also very arrogant. Since he decided to stand still on his left foot and play with the juniors at the beginning, he will not take the initiative to make an exception.

If Jing Yang hadn't rushed over, the old man might have been able to wait until dark...

Killua's grandfather commented that the reason why Nitro has been able to live for so long is because his "spiritual level is already in a plant-like state."

Jing Yang didn't want to compete with such a monster.

Then let’s compare this old man’s bodhisattva heart.

Jing Yang rushed to Nitro's side like an afterimage, and the thought energy accumulated in his legs was like a big white ball, approaching Nitro's body.


Seeing this, even Yun Gu was shocked.

is this necessary?

Being "hard" is risky.

The most basic requirement of this move is to gather all the Qi in the whole body into one point.

In other words, the body beyond this point is basically in an absolutely undefended state. The defense in this state is, to a certain extent, inferior to that of ordinary people.

Ordinary people who have not mastered mind still have naturally radiating qi on their body surface.

This is why, one way to enlighten ordinary people is to use "Fa" to hit the mind energy on their bodies and forcefully open the sperm pores all over the body.

Ordinary people can withstand this "Open Thought Attack" under normal conditions. Even if the Open Thought fails and dies, they will die from the drain of energy rather than being killed by this palm.

And if a person with telekinesis ability actively enters the state of "absolute", if he wants to withstand this attack full of telepathy energy, he may have to lose half of his life even if he doesn't die...

"Hard" is such a technique of exchanging high risks for high destructive power.


Nitro raised his arms to block Jing Yang's side kick.

The "hardness" formed by all the concentrated thoughts on the feet was slowly deformed by the pressure of the layer of air on Nitro's arms.

Jing Yang's eyes focused on Qi, but he didn't notice at all when Nitro used "Flow" to mobilize his Qi to his arms for defense... Even if he kicked Nitro on the arm, But Jing Yang still couldn't feel how much energy Nitro had gathered.

Whoosh, Jing Yang used the force to spin around, and used the "flow" method to gather all the energy from his feet into his right fist, and hit Nitro in the face.

Nitro subconsciously wanted to pat Jing Yang's open body, but stopped on the way.

There is no breath left in this kid!

And Nitro's palm wrapped with thought energy was like a magic weapon, but the opponent came up to him with his arms bare.

Whenever Nitro touched this flesh and blood body, not only would he disembowel the latter, but he would at least break pieces of bones.

After closing his hand, Nitro had no choice but to turn his hand and block Jing Yang's hard fist.

The bang made Jing Yang's finger bones numb and his clenched fists loosened.

"It hurts!" Jing Yang grinned.

"Treacherous brat." Nitro grabbed Jing Yang's wrist and threw him out.

Jing Yang turned over nimbly, slapped his hands on the ground, jumped back, and rushed forward with his fist again without hesitation.

Yun Gu was sweating on his forehead. He could tell that Jing Yang was sure that President Nitro would not intentionally hurt the junior, so he had the confidence to use "hard" indiscriminately.

Even if President Netero can see exactly where Jing Yang's "hard" aim is at a glance, even if President Netero can accurately intercept the gap in Jing Yang's body that has lost the protection of his mental energy, he can easily target it. Jing Yang was seriously injured... President Nitro would definitely not do that.

In this case, the biggest risk of "hardness" no longer exists.

On the contrary, in this way, President Nitro's counterattack strategies were also compressed, and he was forced to defend or attack Jing Yang's "hard" parts.

It’s really shameless!

The martial artists who were watching the battle had good eyesight and quick minds, and they understood it immediately. At the same time, they felt very regretful. Why didn't I come up with such a shameless tactic?

If he had used the normal play method, he would have been thrown out of the field after being given some advice by Nitro, just like so many others before.

Even if Zhehao uses his mind power to force a 50-50 split, there are no exceptions.

Until Zhen Yuanzi came on stage. Now under the gaze of everyone...

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

There were constant sounds of beatings in the field. Around Nitro, who stood with his left foot like a pillar, a figure flashed from time to time, either punching or sweeping his legs. In a continuous offensive, every move was " "Hard", hitting Nitro all over his body unscrupulously.

This, this is simply treating Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association and the leader of Xin Yuan Liu, as the most useful wooden dummy!

"Idiot! It's a tactical trick, so what?"

Zhehao, holding a pig's head with a bruised nose and swollen face, was secretly frightened while watching the battle, "How many of you have the same 'hardness' and can fight it out so quickly?"

"And in such a high-density offensive, every punch and kick, the condensed 'hardness' is in different positions... Which one of you can do it?"

"Who can be as fluent as Zhen Yuanzi?"

Anyway, Zhehao asked himself that he couldn't do it.

If you ask him to use "Hardness", he must concentrate on it... he must practice all the techniques and use them all together to get "Hardness". Every step requires a high degree of proficiency to avoid distraction and to be truly hard. Just seeing Zhen Yuanzi's "hard" punches and kicks is enough to make people's scalp numb. The more knowledgeable people are, the more frightened they are.

Yun Gu was frightened.

Even Biyou and Gailu, who came to watch the excitement, were very interested. They didn't expect this young telepathic user to be so proficient in basic kung fu.

No matter how talented he is, if he didn't practice day after day, he wouldn't be able to perform as freely as Jing Yang.

But Jing Yang, who was fighting against Nitro on the field, uh, beating Nitro like a wooden mannequin, was the one who became more and more frightened the more he beat him.

The old man Nitro has really mastered the use of Qi. Jing Yang can't see the slightest fluctuation in his movements.

Jing Yang threw a "hard" punch, but Nitro's palm was already blocking it, as if he was not trying to parry, but Jing Yang was aiming at the opponent's hand and probably hitting it.

Jing Yang's "hardness" couldn't even break Nitro's "tangle".

"Tangle" can increase defense power, but it will never increase it so horribly.

No matter how powerful Nitro is and how powerful his telepathy is, if he wants to defend against the "hardness" that has poured all of Jing Yang's telekinesis into it... Even if you add a layer of telepathy on the basis of "tangle", even 1%?

Even if it only increases by a negligible 01%, the flow and condensation of that little bit of Qi should be traceable.

But the result is that Jing Yang can't see any movement.

Nitro stood there like a stone statue carved into a human form. He can talk, laugh, and hit people, but you can't feel the slightest movement from him.


Jing Yang was grabbed by the ankles by Nitro for an unknown number of times and thrown out.

Nitro could only throw like this. Jing Yang's feet were condensed with "hardness". Other than that, there was no energy at all in his body. They were as brittle as a piece of paper. Unless Nitro also entered "Extreme", he would be able to break them if he touched them with his hand. Jing Yang's body was shattered... This was the kid's plot to deceive an old gentleman like him, and Nitro was willing to fall for it.

"This kid is progressing so fast."

Nitro thought to himself, and kept attacking for about a stick of incense. He saw with his own eyes that Jing Yang was condensing "hard" faster and faster, and the flow and accumulation of Qi on the body surface became smoother and smoother. .

"It's like trying to imitate me."

As soon as Jing Yang, who was thrown away, landed on the ground, he fell to the ground with one hand and once again left an afterimage of his energy on the spot, attacking Nitro tirelessly.


Nitro stretched out his hand sideways, grabbed Jing Yang's "hard" right fist, pushed forward with the heel of his palm, and punched out with a majestic force, shocking Jing Yang back and forth, holding his fist and blowing air .

Compared with 20 minutes ago, Jing Yang's "hard" intensity has not declined at all.

It can be seen that his potential thoughts are still abundant.

"Hiss!" Jing Yang grinned and waved his hand.

The healing power of the "star" on the back of the neck quickly eliminated the discomfort in the numb and painful fists.

The fighting, uh, dummy fighting continues, and there's a lot of banging going on.

Jing Yang was busy working in full swing. It was rare to catch an old man and the number one martial arts master in the world to train with him. How could he give up so easily.

Nitro also found it interesting. This kid's moves were perfect, without any flaws. The most valuable thing is that he persisted for so long without slacking off at all. His fists and kicks were not out of shape at all, as if he was a fighting machine, executing the martial arts performance meticulously. .

You could say he was a machine, but he could adapt to the situation quickly and without any lag, which really made Nitro happy.

Zhen Yuanzi's match lasted for a full hour.

Everyone watching the battle went from being shocked at the beginning to gradually becoming numb. Ordinary people can lie down from exhaustion even if they stand still for an hour and pump their fists, let alone fight with continuous mental energy? And every punch and every kick is "hard" filled with all the energy of thought!


Jing Yang could no longer attack Nitro like the wind. At this moment, he was sweating profusely and exhausted. He gathered all the remaining energy in his fist and hit Nitro in the chest.

"You're so tired, how can you still muster up the energy to finish 'hard'?"

Gai Lu watched as Jing Yang's last punch landed "lightly" on Nitro's chest. It was still enough to crack the stone monument, but it failed to shake Nitro in the slightest.

Nitro looked the same as he did an hour ago, with no trace of sweat on his forehead. He cleared away the thoughts in his palms and patted Jing Yang on the head with a smile.

Jing Yang fell to the ground with a thud, and Xianyu turned over, lying with his eyes straight and panting.


This was the first time he used this method, using "hard" actual combat to squander all his mental energy.

"It seems like a full hour of fighting..." Biyou's mind moved, and the calculation was completed. "His total energy is about 19,000 or more, and close to 20,000 qi. This is almost an intermediate fighter. But judging from his "hard" and "flow" proficiency, how many intermediate combatants in the association can compare with him?"

"Hehehe, not bad, not bad." Nitro waved to Xiaodi on the sidelines.

Xiaodi walked over and helped Jing Yang up. Jing Yang was so tired that his whole body was as limp as a ball of mud, and the sweat all over his body was stuck to Xiao Di's body. Xiao Di didn't care at all and helped him back to the sidelines to rest.

Nitro was in a good mood and said to everyone: "The exhibition in Qianshan will not end until three to five days. Let's do this. We will gather here at 7 o'clock every morning for the next three to five days like today."

"Who's next?" the old man asked with a smile.

Everyone swallowed their saliva, Yun Gu took a deep breath and stepped out, and was thrown out 10 minutes later with a bruised nose and face.

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