Yun Gu also tried to imitate Jing Yang's operation, using only "hard" throughout the whole process to compete with President Netero.

Nitro must attack and defend against his "hardness", and cannot use moves with too large a range, otherwise it will affect Yungu's zero-defended torso, causing death or injury.

The old man was not annoyed.

At his age and level of strength, the juniors can bring some challenges and difficulties to his boring invincible life for many years. It's too late for him to be happy.

As a result, Yun Gu himself was useless.

The speed of using "hard" was a beat slower than Jing Yang's before.

Between the attack and defense rounds, using "flow" to mobilize the energy at different positions of the fists and feet, and switching the "hard" focus point, is not as smooth as Jing Yang.

Yun Gu's total thoughts exceeded Jing Yang's, so his "hardness" was naturally higher in intensity.

However, during the rapid transition between offense and defense, the speed of using "hard" becomes slower and slower, and the switching becomes more and more laggy... The overload of concentration and attention aggravates the consumption of mental energy during battle. If Jing Yang only consumed 5 qi per second when competing with Nitro using the same tactics, then Yun Gu consumed at least 10 qi per second, which was much higher than the loss when he fought normally with his accustomed style.

This is naturally incomparable.

Jing Yang was half-managed by Xingbiao's "Meeting Stars Like the Wind". As soon as a thought arose, the thought energy gathered consciously, without the need to pay too much attention.

No thoughts, no thoughts.

Taking the concept of Dragon Ball Super and substituting it into it, it almost has the charm of the ultimate self-reliance.

Yungu is an enhancement type, and does not have this kind of self-operation method. As the battle progresses, he is mentally exhausted, and after hesitating at the slightest flaw, the vicious-eyed Nitro seizes the opportunity - targeting Yungu. The energy in his body paused slightly, but before it could form "hardness" somewhere in his fists and feet in time, he immediately struck out and pointed a finger in the air.

The teleporting iron fingers are very similar to the release moves of the "Sky Master" back then.

Yun Gu had already missed the opportunity, knowing that it would be too late to "deceive him", so he had to use his mental energy to defend himself in front of him, but he was still thrown out of the field by this instruction.


Yun Gu fell to the ground and looked at his swollen arms. If he hadn't had a decent level of cultivation and was a thick-skinned and strengthened person, with the president's finger, he might have broken both of his arms.

Nitro announced in a good mood that there will be such competitions in the next three to five days.

Yun Gu was helped up by his junior brother Hart, and thought to himself: "The president did it for Jing Yang! After all, Jing Yang lay down on his own because of exhaustion, and it was not because the president found a way to defeat him and defeated him head-on..."

The remaining martial artists went into battle one after another, all wanting to repeat Zhen Yuanzi's approach, leaving a good impression in front of Nitro and showing off.

The results were all without exception. Drawing tigers could not be compared to dogs, and Nitro manipulated them at will.

It was nothing to be manipulated by Nitro, but as a result, everyone immediately realized the gap between themselves and Zhen Yuanzi - even Yun Gu's performance was far inferior, not to mention that he persisted for a full hour until he was exhausted. Zhen Yuanzi who collapsed from exhaustion? And this is very frustrating.

Gail Lu watched the president playing in the field, then turned to look at Biyou who was leaving.

Xiaodi helped Jingyang go away, and Biyou walked beside him, heading to the hotel together...

While he was resting in the crook of Xiaodi's legs, Jing Yang had a thought in his mind and projected his consciousness onto the star on the other side of the ocean.

When he left before, he left instructions for Wu Er's star mark, so he could sense its presence and operate it at any time.

The sense of command operation is not strong, and there is an ocean across the ocean, so far apart, Jing Yang can still successfully connect to Wu Er's star mark... Even Jing Yang himself has to admit that this is indeed outrageous.

Pat pat pat, the sound of footsteps flooded into my ears. Ahead is a forest scene of flying shuttles, with trees flying back in the peripheral vision on both sides.

Obviously, Wu Er is following the instructions of Xingbiao, running 10 kilometers every day to lose weight.

Jing Yang was so tired that he slowed down and paced, then leaned against the tree beside the road. Only then did he realize that the pale ghost-like boy riding on the tiger's back was none other than Xiaobai.

Xiaobai has no weight, so he helps Wu Er lose weight like this.


"Jing Wuer" stuck out his tiger tongue and panted. He was so tired after just a few kilometers of running. The last time Jing Yang experienced this was a lifetime ago. After practicing mindfulness in this life, running is basically the same as walking in his eyes. If he wants, he can run from morning to night. This physical loss is not as good as his body's automatic recovery.

Xiaobai blinked and looked at him.

"Ho ho..." Jing Yang opened his mouth to speak, but all he could say was the low roar of a tiger.

In desperation, he raised his tiger paw and pointed in the direction of the amusement park outside the woods. Xiaobai understood and led him deep into the woods.

Jing Yang couldn't help but feel curious.

Xiaobai and Wu Er appeared in the high tower office of the amusement park before, and they probably didn't enter through the main entrance of the amusement park. So is it the secret passage from the underground tomb?

But then Wu Er needs to enter the underground tomb of King Zhenwu first. As for the entrance to the tomb, you need to activate your mind power to pass through...

Arriving in front of the stone with the divine characters on it, Xiao Bai suddenly transformed into a four-winged bone dragon, picked up the big fat tiger in his mouth, just like a fat white house cat in his mouth, bumped against the divine characters, and disappeared together on the spot.

"It's pretty good!"

"King Wu Er" shook off his tiger skin fat, walked in the empty tomb of King Zhenwu, which had not changed much, entered the secret passage with Xiao Bai, and soon arrived at Alandriel's tower office.

In the office, there are various toys prepared by Alandriel on a daily basis for Xiaobai's entertainment. Looking at them now, many of the toys have left many marks of being torn by tiger claws. It seems that Wu Er has been attacked a lot in the past six months. scourge.

Xiaobai was riding on a round plush ball, curiously looking at "Wu Er" who had changed his temperament, with a vivid look of contemplation on the fat tiger's face.

"Although I asked Yun Gu to lead the way and use the fake orbs sold at the amusement park here to seduce Bisigi, but even if everything goes well, Bisigi is really caught on the island. What happens next?"

Bisiji is a two-star gem hunter. With such a status, he is rarer and more precious than an endangered animal like the Moon Tiger. It must not be a big problem to get Wu Er's adoption rights.

The big question is, if Bisiki comes to Ghost Island, how can he trick her into adopting Wu Er and bring it to him?

Jing Yang had to think deeply, and the two fat tigers crossed their front legs and lay down comfortably.

"If it really comes to a point where we have no other choice, then we can only resort to the last resort."

Jing Yang thought for a few times, and it seemed that the only thing at the bottom of the box that could be used to trade with Bisji was - Greed Island.

There is a gem called the Blue Planet on Greed Island!

Jing Yang didn't know how rare this thing was, but judging from the plot of the comic, at least Bisiji himself really wanted this thing, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to Greed Island.

It is obviously unrealistic to get Bisji's help based on just a piece of information. As a two-star gem hunter, Bisji may not know the whereabouts of the blue planet at this moment.

The difficulty lies in the location of the blue planet. Greed Island.

Greed Island can only be entered through a special game of the same name. In addition to the results of landing on the island, Jing Yang and Xiao Di had experienced it personally a few months ago.

A total of one hundred sets were issued that year, and are now extremely rare and hard to find for hundreds of millions of dollars.

After reading the comics, I knew that the rich man named Batra had collected many sets of Greed Island...

The Greedy Island on the left hand and the Blue Planet on the right hand will ensure that nothing goes wrong. It is estimated that Bisji can be successfully caught to help.

It's just that the process is a bit troublesome...

How great would it be if we met Bisiji instead of Yinda at the beginning of time travel? With his "natural talent", Bi Siji is not allowed to see Lie Xinxi on the spot. She doesn't even have to ask for it, she can't help but train her, and she won't carve this rough jade into a brilliant gem. Don’t give up…

Jing Yang couldn't help but smile.

After wandering around the office, I found a stack of white paper and a bottle of pen and ink wrapped around the tiger's tail.


He took out his sharp tiger claws and quietly peeled off the ink bottle cap with a swipe of his hand.

Dropped Claw dipped his hand in the ink.

Jing Yang tried to use "Meteor Like the Wind" on Wu Er. After trying for a long time, he could barely draw a picture of what Bisji looked like in his impression.

Of course, it is the look of a little girl in a princess dress.

He had only seen the two-dimensional version of Bisiki in the comics. In order to prevent Wu Er from admitting his mistake, Jing Yang drew pictures of Bisiki with a single ponytail, double ponytails, and different hairstyles with bunted hair.

"That's probably what she looks like, Wu Er, remember it well." Jing Yang reminded Misue Huhu's consciousness in his mind, "In the future, if you have nothing to do, walk around the amusement park more often. If you see a girl like this, prick her with your claws." Breaking the skin activates the self-healing function of the star to remind me to sign up."

"Roar..." A tiger's roar came from the back of his mind.

"Remember, the harder this girl feels, the more real she is." Jing Yang added, lest Wu Er would notify him if he caught a girl who looked similar.

Wild animals have strong intuition and are much sharper than humans in judging whether a target is threatening. And Bisiki will definitely not enter "Jue" when shopping.

As for Bi Siji's true appearance, the tall muscular figure in the JOJO style, Jing Yang did not draw it out in any way.

No matter how you think about it, Aunt Bi, who loves beauty, can’t walk around the streets with that kind of skin when she goes shopping. In that case, how can she pretend to be cute and cute to others...

Over at Xianshui Mountain, on the sofa in the hotel room, Jing Yang rested his head on Xiao Di's legs and asked, "Are you ready?"

It is not difficult for him to handle things with two threads.


On the other side of his head, sitting was Biyou. The bunny girl said casually. She crossed Jing Yang's face with one hand and pressed it on his chest. She put the laptop on her lap and typed on the keyboard with her other hand.

Green code-like thoughts flowed down her arms, followed the fingertips pressing on Jing Yang's chest, and entered Jing Yang's heart, like a bag woven with codes, covering Jing Yang's heart.

Limited edition, shrink-type "round".

"Are you ready?" Jing Yang asked again. Looking up, he could see Biyou's slender white arm, and beyond the white arm, there was Xiaodi looking down at him.

"No." Biyou was like an old Chinese medicine doctor, pressing her palms back and forth on Jing Yang's chest, frowning from time to time, "Why are you urging me? Be careful, I charge!"

Don't frown!

Very scary...

Xiao Di rubbed Jing Yang's temples on both sides, and Jing Yang simply closed his eyes to rest.

In the end, Biyou, an old Chinese medicine doctor, made the diagnosis: "The only thing that is certain is that what is in your heart is indeed something similar to Nian."

"Isn't it the same as not saying anything?" Jing Yang opened his eyes.

Paji, Biyou slapped him on the face, "It's thought, that's the only way I can describe it. I've never seen such chaotic thoughts. There are at least three or four different components entangled together... "

The bunny girl pinched the cheeks on both sides of Jing Yang's mouth where he wanted to speak with one hand, and supported his chin with the other hand, frowning as he observed the partly confusing and partly clear analysis results on the screen.

"Life and death... resentment..."

She said to herself, "Why is there both a healing feature and a part that is similar to thoughts of death? The healing part can explain your boy's unusual recovery speed... What about the part of thoughts of death? Hello. , Zhen Yuanzi, has your heart been haunted by the thoughts of some dead person, or has it been modified?"

Jing Yang's mouth was pinched, unable to speak, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Biyou let go.

Jing Yang said: "Absolutely. My heart became like this after my mother passed away."

Biyou looked over.

"But I hadn't awakened my thoughts at that time." Jing Yang said, "I don't know if she has the ability to read thoughts. Can ordinary people leave thoughts after death?"

"Of course." Biyou said as if he was looking at an idiot, "Aren't those with telekinesis abilities just from ordinary people?"

"The same goes for the other way around," the bunny girl said, "Even if you have telekinesis, can you definitely leave behind thoughts after death? Among telekinesis people, their minds, perseverance, courage, obsession... are not as abundant as those of ordinary people. , the vast majority of ordinary people remain ordinary people throughout their lives, perhaps just because they have not encountered the right opportunity or the right guide to open their mind."

Xiaodi said curiously: "I heard that ordinary people also have the ability to awaken their thoughts."

Biyou said: "If a person like that doesn't have to awaken on his own, but accepts guidance and learns chanting step by step, he can still be among the best."

"Those who can awaken their mental abilities on their own, even if they just explore the existence of Qi on their own, are all rare talents." She looked at Jing Yang and said, "I think in your case, after the change in your heart, you are already considered a rare person. This is the kind of person he is."

Jing Yang sat up, rubbed his cheeks, and said with a smile: "Even so, I can still be considered a situation where I was enlightened by others. How can I be awakened on my own?"

"Unless you already knew the existence of telekinesis at that time."

Biyou said, "Otherwise, even if someone has punched the sperm hole, and can control the passing Qi independently without knowing anything, it can still be considered as a self-awakening."

She pointed to her head, "In the field of mind, consciousness, subconsciousness, cognition... any difference will make a huge difference. Knowing and not knowing are two completely different situations. Don't forget, In the word concept, there is the existence of thought.”

"Then I'm definitely not a person who awakened on his own. Who told me that I had read Hunter comics in my previous life?" Jing Yang thought to himself, but then he thought about it. When he first came through, he didn't even know that this was the Hunter World. Without knowing anything, he used his thoughts and abilities to control the wild wolf for his own use...

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