I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 143 Take a breath of cold air

After the consultation, the old Chinese medicine doctor Biyou waved his little hand, and the laptop turned into a ball of thought energy and disappeared.

She is a manifestation type, unlike the manipulation type who is taboo about letting others know her telekinesis type. As long as the specific ability information of the embodied item is hidden, she has nothing to worry about. What's more, Jing and Yang already knew that she had the ability to manifest. And, her strength, after years of practice, is not just the ability to read.

Biyou stood up and planned to leave.

"That's it? Are you leaving now?"

Jing Yang complained and asked, "It's the same as not coming. You didn't even explain the patient's condition clearly!"

Biyou wore a bunny ear headband and leaned on her waist with one hand: "The patient himself has not fully explained his condition. No matter how good the doctor's medical skills are, what can he do?"

Jing Yang blinked.

Xiaodi also blinked. Indeed, although Jing Yang said that he suspected that his heart was harboring abnormal thoughts and was worried that there would be unbearable hidden dangers in the future, he did not tell this woman about the death energy.

"Okay, Doctor Rabbit, I'll explain."

Jing Yang raised his hands, "Whenever someone dies within a radius of about 1 kilometer around me, there will be a special thought, what I call the death energy, that will attack my heart uncontrollably..."


Biyou materialized a laptop and tapped it on Jing Yang's head.

"I'm not a doctor. And don't call me Dr. Rabbit."

As if she had no bones in her body, she sat down on the sofa again, opened her laptop again, and typed for a while.

Looking at the analysis data on the screen, she suddenly said to herself: "Death Qi... So that's what this part means."

You can never stand if you can sit down, and you can never sit if you can lie down, right? Jing Yangxu glanced at this bunny girl. Is she really a technical nerd who follows through to the end?

Biyou keeps her computer and mobile phone in hand all day long, which makes Jingyang almost mistake her for a hacker hunter, forgetting that she is actually an ancient document hunter...

That's right, her ability can analyze things. Although these messy and disorderly analysis results may not be ancient, most of them are documents that are extremely difficult to interpret.

I first met this person when I climbed Xianshui Mountain. She was investigating the divine characters in the cave. Is there anything more in line with her abilities and interests than this mysterious text that is infused with telekinesis ability? Jing Yang had reason to suspect that this bunny girl must be involved in the research on divine characters within the Hunter Association.

Interests, ambitions and the ability to read are complementary to each other and cause and effect each other. For a person with the ability to read, this is probably the best state.

As Bisiki said in the comics when he taught Killua, it is important to follow the intuition of the first reaction in the development of telekinesis ability.

Xiaodi blinked again.

Jing Yang still didn't reveal all the secrets. Although he talked about the death energy, he did not mention that when the death energy accumulates to a certain level, his body will catalyze growth as if it can't bear it anymore.

Bi You continued to look at the analyzed data for a while, and without raising his head, he raised his index finger to Jing Yang and said: "1. If you have time, you can go to the Hunter Association headquarters and find the twelve-branch 'Xu' Qiduo. She I am a hunter of difficult and complicated diseases. With the information I have analyzed so far, I should be able to help you clear up the problems in your heart..."

"Where's the second one?" Jing Yang asked.

The bunny girl raised her second finger, "2, use my ability to scan and analyze your whole body without any blind spots."

Jing Yang said: "1, let's wait and talk later, let's talk 2 first."

If you want to go to the Hunter Association headquarters, you've already gone there. How inappropriate would it be if you didn't take a hunter test and get a serious license?

Since if you go there just to take the test and get the license, then you have to get the time period at the end of this year and the beginning of next year.

There's still half a year left, so it's early.

Biyou said: "Depending on the complexity of the thoughts lodged in your heart, I'm afraid it will take at least a week to get a clear result, and this result may not satisfy you."

"You said that there are at least three or four ingredients mixed together. It is indeed complicated enough. It is understandable."

"But I don't want to do that."

"When do you think you are free... huh?" Jing Yang paused and tried to ask, "Because this is a paid service?"

Biyou once again put away the laptop, clapped her hands and stood up to leave the sofa, "Because I don't want to scan your whole body."

She looked at Jing Yang and said, "Are you from the operation department? Once someone knows about the ability of the operation department, they will be passive."


Jing Yang waved his hand magnanimously, "I like to be passive."

Biyou rolled her eyes, sat on the coffee table, folded her arms and said, "What I said is that I will be passive."

She nodded at Jing Yang and herself in the air, and said: "I know the information about your abilities for no reason, and I always feel like I owe you a favor. I don't want it."

"If you check out the heart problem for me, it will clear up both sides."

"Who knows if we can find out?"

"Then I'll pay the head office, right?" Jing Yang said, "Don't look at me like this. After all, I went from the 1st floor to the 200th floor in the Sky Arena, and I still have a small amount of money."

Biyou said strangely: "With your strength, you can jump directly to the 200th floor. What's so strange about this?"

Jing Yang reminded: "Who jumped from floor to floor? I'm talking about jumping from the 1st floor to the 200th floor..."

Isn't this just taking advantage and making money? Biyou's dead fish eyes met Jing Yang's dead fish eyes.

Biyou crossed her legs, returned to the previous question, and said, "I am not a folk hunter, and I do not accept private missions."

She flicked her nails and said, "Unless you apply to the association headquarters and approve it and then issue it to me, I won't do it."

To put it nicely, it’s just that you, a nerd, can’t move, so why don’t you be too lazy to move?

Jing Yang complained in his heart that only Nitro, a great god, could command such a homely girl.

The twelve branches of the Hunter Association, except for the rats and golden pigs, are all Nitro's biggest fans.

"Anyway, if you have time, go to the hunter headquarters."

Biyou really wants to leave this time, "Chiduo is different from me. With your complicated situation, like a big bone that smells like meat, Chiduo, who likes difficult and complicated diseases, can't help but pounce on it." Come up."

"Do you need to say it so degradingly?" Jing Yang had a black line on his face, "Although she is indeed a 'dog' among the twelve branches..."


Biyou waved her hand without looking back, and left the hotel room with her bunny ears hair ornaments swaying. As she turned the corner, she thought to herself: "Jing Yang...he is the person Yinda checked for a long time half a year ago."

Half a year ago, after Yinda left Ghost Island, he searched for Jing Yang's information in the association's database, but found nothing.

He originally wanted to ask Biyou, who was proficient in computer technology, for help. However, considering that the two factions in the association had opposing views, he gave up.

Yinda himself gave up quickly, but the traces he left behind were inadvertently discovered by Biyou, who surfed the Internet intensively - repeatedly checking the list of official hunters in the database. This kind of abnormal behavior is difficult to avoid. Get her attention.

Originally, Bi You just scanned it and ignored it, but when she searched the name Jing Yang using various methods, she found nothing, which was strange.


Yinda will use this name to search in the association's database, which will prove that the person named Jing Yang was a professional hunter when he was in front of Yinda, and he even had a hunter's license.

When Biyou was thinking about it, he had already listed the most searched items in Yinda's search records.

There is no personal information or markings on the hunter license, and of course it does not accurately match the personal identity of each professional hunter.

However, each issue of hunter license has the serial number of the current hunter test, and the last digit is the number of the test.

So the period Yinda focused on investigating was obviously the test serial number he marked on the hunter's license produced by the "professional hunter" who called himself Jing Yang.

With a swipe of his hand, Bi You had called up the entire list of the hunters who had passed the hunter test in this period from the database.

Biyou's hand slipped again and he had already made a call to Gulu Ke - the twelve branches of the Hunter Association, which can be roughly divided into conservative and moderate groups that value balance, liberal apolitical groups, and radical groups that promote reform. Gulu Ke from "Youji" and Biyou from "Mao Rabbit" both belong to the radical camp, and the relationship between the two in private is already good.

Gulu Ke has always been responsible for notifying the Hunter Association of any major events that require all hunters to gather.

Biyou inquired casually, and after subtracting a few people from the list of hunters for this issue, three deceased hunters were screened out.

There is only one enhanced hunter among the three, and he has lost contact recently.

Biyou tapped the keyboard with her little hand and called up the last mission performed by this enhanced hunter - a bodyguard mission. The identity of the employer remains confidential.

It appears to be confidential.

Biyou quickly deciphered it and found that it was actually related to the Huiguoru royal family of the Cajin Kingdom. It seemed to be a private mission sent by a certain princess...

Soon the princess herself attracted Biyou's attention.

Because the records and information about this princess on the Internet are considered to be cleansed and blocked, it is difficult to find them by conventional means. Even the news about the princess’s wedding last year when a sparrow flew into the Gray Guoru Palace, and the news about her and Na Na were circulated on the Internet. All the photos of King Sibi have been deleted.

This woman privately issued a mission to find a hunter from the Hunter Association as a bodyguard, and now she has disappeared from the world. Even the traces of her existence have been eliminated by Cajun officials...

The elevator door opened, and in the empty lobby there were only a few martial artists exchanging experiences.

Bi You walked out of the hotel and thought to herself: "The hunter's license that Jing Yang showed Yin Da was the one that was lost after the death of the hunter who worked as a bodyguard for the princess? So Jing Yang's true identity..."

Thinking of what happened in Xianshui Mountain in the past two days, especially the thought beast left by Sky Master Gro Gray Guoru and desperation, it took up residence in Jing Yang's body. It's really hard not to think too much.

"Is he related to the princess?"

"Looking at Jing Yang's age, he is definitely not a lover. So, he is the princess's illegitimate son?"

"And the strange thoughts of death in his heart were left behind after the death of the princess?"

"This is consistent with what he said that his heart became like this after his mother passed away..."

"The only thing that is difficult to explain is why the obsession left by a mother after her death can leave such unpredictable hidden dangers to her child's body."

"Is it because of what happened during her lifetime that she regretted and even resented the child... But thoughts after death, unless they were imposed during life and strengthened and solidified by obsession after death, would have a relatively complex mechanism. ; The remaining thoughts that burst out temporarily when dying are often very pure in purpose, and the mechanism is not too complicated..."

"The thoughts in Jing Yang's heart are chaotic, complicated, and very unstable. It doesn't look like something his mother put on him during his lifetime and was strengthened after his death, nor does it look like it was formed when he was about to die and his obsession burst out..."

"Instead, it's more like a variety of irreproducible factors colliding in an extremely difficult-to-reproduce coincidence to improvise such a result."

Walking on the road, Biyou unknowingly turned into a dead fish eye, "Ah, I accidentally followed the analysis, and I was busy working in vain..."

She raised her hand to reveal her mobile phone, which was more relaxing than surfing the Internet.

"It's not like there's nothing gained."

In the hotel room, Jing Yang sat cross-legged on the sofa and pondered, "Since Dr. Rabbit said that the thoughts in my heart are too complex, there are at least three or four kinds... Where did the three or four kinds come from? My godmother's obsession before she died. , and what about the baby’s own desire to live? What else? Bro, the... certain energy that came with me when I traveled through time?”

The classic mysterious and unknown energy that comes with time travel, and after following the local customs, it turned into a strange thought. After piecing it together, it finally turned into this ghost thing now, attached to the heart of my buddy?

Since it has something to do with such trivial matters as time travel, I guess it won't backfire casually and kill myself as a time traveler, right?

Jing Yang smacked his lips and touched his heart.

Another cold little hand pressed on his hand.

Jing Yang raised his eyes and met Xiaodi's gaze. The lavender eyes behind his spectacles looked at him quietly.

"I'm fine."

Jing Yang consoled him, "At the latest this year... oh, early next year, in January, we will go to the Hunter Association headquarters."

"How about we get a hunter's license together and have this disease checked out?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Xiaodi nodded.

"Come on, give me a hug." Jing Yang opened his arms, "Can I really be considered a patient now?"

Xiaodi opened her hands and said, "Let me hug you."

Jing Yang understood her logic - since you are a patient, it is my turn to care about you, so I should hug you and comfort you, right?

Jing Yang smiled, crossed his legs on the sofa, hugged Xiao Di's thigh, leaned in, and rested his head on Xiao Di's flat abdomen.

The head is heavy...

The next day, at nearly 7 o'clock in the morning, the same group of martial artists gathered again at the same back mountain training ground.

Everyone was in groups, whispering, waiting for Nitro to come out.

Jing Yang was in a good mood. He tried it yesterday, and the increase in the amount of thought was significantly improved compared to usual. It seems that in the practice of "Jian", the thought energy of "Reflection" was supplemented, which forcibly prolonged the period of "Jian". Over time, it does help practice. It is equivalent to saying that it was originally just more than five hours of suffering, but ended up innocently suffering for six hours, so there will be compensation.

"If you specifically find someone who can help people recover their mind energy, or even inject their mind energy into others... it may also greatly improve the efficiency of practice!"

Jing Yang thought like this. Nitro came to the training ground at some point. He was still dressed in the same simple clothes as yesterday. He smiled and pinched his beard like the barb of a brush. Jing Yang always felt that the old man smiled very treacherously.

When Jing Yang came on stage, he knew why.

Nitro, who was wearing a vest, loose trousers with tight trouser legs, kicked off his clogs and waved to Jing Yang, "Come on, let's try again today."

The old man was smiling all over his face, but what was even more frightening was that he didn't have any breath in his body.

Has he entered "Extreme"?


Jing Yang took a breath, feeling like he couldn't escape a violent beating today.

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