On the big screen, the final KO scene in the ring was clearly replayed. The host Meng Linqi staggered towards player Zhen Yuanzi, but was punched in the face by the opponent, and he was hit hard.

If the director has time to edit, he will definitely replay this "bang" KO scene with a strong sense of impact and impact from various camera angles from the front, side, oblique angle, and bird's eye view. Every time Increase the muffled sound of the fists clashing... it's really exciting!

The referee hurriedly came to the stage and confirmed that Meng Lynch, who had been punched into the masonry crack, had passed out. He immediately announced loudly into the microphone: "The winner of this game is Zhen Yuanzi!"

"He will become the new owner of the 244th floor of Sky Arena!"

The referee and the female commentator in the venue shouted excitedly.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The surrounding auditorium was filled with darkness, and the enthusiastic applause and cheers were boiling. They suddenly hit like a tsunami, almost overturning the entire 244th floor ceiling.

On the ring, Jing Yang circled around, raised his fist and waved.

The cheers of the audience climbed to a higher level again.

Many 200-level players were either envious or admired, with different expressions, but they all looked at Zhen Yuanzi who was being cheered and baptized on the ring with complicated expressions.

From today on, this young player is the official owner of Sky Arena!

He will have transcendent fame and status!

Even if I do nothing in the future, there will still be overwhelming support coming in like a tide!

He only needs to twitch his fingers, and a large number of fans will learn from him and voluntarily become his leeks. As long as he signs a few words, he can easily raise investment to open a martial arts center and directly establish a sect. , you can make money just by lying down every day, and become a master with both fame and fortune!

He already has a place at the top of this holy place for martial artists and fighters in the world. He has the right to use the entire 244th floor. He no longer has to fight every 90 days, nor does he have to worry about how many times he will fail. He will be deprived of the qualification to stay on the 200th floor every time. Even if other players who are qualified to challenge the poster appear, he may not be ranked to challenge him. Even if he is ranked or the opponent calls him to challenge him, he still has the privilege of rejecting or delaying three times. , in other words, even if Zhen Yuanzi loses all his skills from now on, he can still comfortably be the host of the building for at least three years!

This is a future that countless 200-level players have come and gone, struggling to be baptized and beaten to a lifelong disability, and desperately trying to earn it.

How many people have rushed to become the official host of the building, and have been beaten to death?

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhen Yuanzi jumped down from the broken ring. Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, he got together with a girl with black hair and glasses walking from the sidelines, talking and laughing.

This is too young!

Zerro, like many others, left the audience area with the flow of people with envy, jealousy and hatred.

As for the loser, the former building owner Meng Linqi Zhuoluo, who was knocked out with one punch and half of his body fell into the ring, with blood soaked into the cracks in the masonry. Not many spectators paid attention to it. Only the emergency personnel who hurriedly came on stage cautiously After moving and pushing aside the rubble around him, cleaning up the scene, and performing urgent serious injury treatment, he was gently lifted onto a stretcher and taken out of the venue. This was incompatible with the lively atmosphere of the entire venue...

Jing Yang didn't go to see the evil beast named Meng Heqi again. After he came off the field, the referee came over and said a few words to him, to the effect that he should go through the process of taking over the post of host when he had a rest, such as special It was related to moving into the 244th floor - even the competition venue where they were now could be used by Jing Yang as his personal training ground in the future.

The privilege of the original poster is so amazing. Even if there is a game, you have to give way and arrange to go to other empty venues first.

Jing Yang nodded and left from the contestant tunnel with Xiaodi.

Xiaodi was originally one of the 200-level players. She didn't play many games, but her qualifications were still there after all, so she had unimpeded access to the backstage.

The sound of the competition venue gradually faded away behind them, and Jing Yang and Xiao Di came to the players' rest room.

Compared with the lively and noisy scene on the lower floor where many players gathered together, the lounge on this floor was much empty. It was almost Jing Yang's dedicated locker room.

"You are the landlord now." Xiaodi said.

"Yeah!" Jing Yang sighed with his hands on his hips, "After I got it, I always felt that it suddenly became boring!"

Xiaodi tilted her head and looked at him. Seeing that he was covered in dust and blood stains, and his clothes were somewhat damaged, he raised his hand to reveal a fish vacuum cleaner and said, "There is a shower room here, let's change some clothes."

"That's fine."

Jing Yang nodded.

He took a set of his own clean clothes that the Big-Eyed Fish spit out from its big mouth, turned around and went to the shower stall in the lounge, and quickly threw out the dirty clothes he had changed. Xiaodi also used the Big-Eyed Fish to suck them away and deal with them. Lose.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The cold water poured down from the nozzle, and poured down the pocket. The water flowed over the rose gold pentagram pattern on the back of Jing Yang's neck, washing away the wisps of blood stained on his body, and flowed around his feet with the water.

Zi Yuan was lifted to the operating table. As his body was moved, he could vaguely see a rose gold pentagram the size of half a fingernail flashing past the inside of his elbow.

However, Zi Yuan, who was carried into the emergency room on a stretcher, did not receive emergency surgery.

The medical staff were shocked to find that they had not yet rescued the former landlord. The results were good. Once the various instruments were tested, you were almost fine!

This means that if the stretcher is carried out faster, if it is carried a little slower, you will probably be able to jump to the ground.

The doctors and nurses looked at each other speechlessly.

Thanks to their experience in the sky arena, they understood that these superhuman monsters could not be treated with common sense, so they left silently one after another, leaving the former host Meng Linqi Zhuluo to rest on his own.

"Dip, beep, beep..."

There was only a slight sound of instruments in the ward.

"Jing Linqi" slowly opened his eyes and quietly sat up on the hospital bed.

Looking at his current hands, he quickly found the small star mark on the inside of his elbow.

It would be best to change the star to another location!

Move to a place where Zi Ape can't see him normally, and even if he takes off his clothes, it's not easy for others to find out...

With bare feet on the ground, "Jing Ziyuan" walked to the bathroom in the ward, held the sink with his hands and approached the mirror to observe "himself" to see where he could put a new star mark and hide it effectively.

Jing Yang has thought of many plans before.

For example, he once imagined that he might be able to make a star mark mold made of dissolvable material, so that he could cut open the enemy's flesh and blood, stuff the thing inside, and then trigger it with his own thought energy, and then inject it into the opponent's body. The flesh is marked with a star inside... but that obviously doesn't work.

The star itself has a good self-healing function.

Even if you can successfully put a star mark under the enemy's skin and flesh, the star mark will inevitably be distorted, deformed or even damaged during the healing process of the opponent's wounds.

One of the basic characteristics of the star is that once the integrity of the five-pointed star pattern is destroyed, even a tiny bit of it will cause the entire star to disintegrate and dissipate.

"Jing Ziyuan" couldn't help but look at "his" chest in the mirror, aiming at the position of his heart.

Eviscerate and mark the surface of the internal organs?

Like, draw it on the heart?

The organs themselves are delicate, so there is no way that if a star is painted on them, they will be accidentally "rubbed" and destroyed.

But the problem is that I am not a professional doctor, nor am I a bloodthirsty murderer. To disembowel "myself" without changing a look is really a bit over the top.

Not only did he have to open his chest, but he also had to calmly put a five-pointed star on his heart regardless of the blood flowing all over the floor...

No matter how strong my nerves are, I can't seem to handle this kind of thing.


Jing Yang broke off a piece of thread, twisted it into the shape of a five-pointed star under the control of his thoughts, placed it on the top of his index finger, and put it into his mouth.

The top of the pentagram line is on the soft flesh on the inside of the mouth. After the thought energy touches it, a rose gold pentagram is formed in an instant.

If you hide it in your mouth, no one will find it, right?

And the angle is chosen so that it won’t be scratched when brushing your teeth. Unless this Yin beast likes to eat fish when it has nothing to do, and especially likes to stick fish bones in its mouth...

The moment the star in his mouth formed, the star on the inside of his elbow suddenly disappeared.

Jing Yang nodded secretly, as he expected this.

It would be a shame if multiple stars could be engraved on the same target - as long as you control the other person, you can have enough time to mark every available space on the opponent's body, inside and outside. There are densely packed five-pointed star marks on it. In this way, the control ability of the star mark is directly unsolvable. What is the use of breaking one or two star marks? Unless the other party can destroy his entire physical body!

Obviously this is unrealistic.

Yi Mi can insert many mind needles into the same target to control it, because his control method is full of aggression and extremely destructive.

The puppets that were forcibly controlled by his mind needle were dead the moment they were controlled and could only be reduced to disposable props.

Jing Yang's star mark, on the other hand, is gentler, moisturizes things silently, and has greater flexibility in operation. Not only will the target controlled by his star mark not die, but it may not be the enemy... And the star mark is so versatile, In exchange, there are corresponding disadvantages. Jing Yang can only leave one star mark on the same target, and if he tries to hit a second one, the previous one will be forcibly erased.

After updating the star position on Zi Yuan, "Jing Zi Yuan" nodded in front of the mirror and returned to the hospital bed to lie down.

Before his consciousness evacuated, he left an instruction in Zi Yuan's mind for the star mark on his body: "Stop anyone—including yourself—from any attempt to destroy the star mark."

After changing into clean clothes, Jing Yang and Xiao Di left the lounge refreshed and prepared to leave from the Sky Arena.

As a result, many guns and cannons came rushing towards him, and the camera flashes kept flashing at him. These news crews seemed to have been squatting for a long time, and then they swarmed up.

Jing Yang didn't become the host because he didn't want to be a star, so naturally he felt impatient and immediately released his momentum a little.

The group of people were shocked, and Jing Yang took the opportunity to pull Xiaodi away, wondering if this was considered domineering and domineering?

If the power gap between Hunter World's Nian Qi is as huge as a chasm, the effect may not be inferior to Overlord Haki. At most, Overlord Haki can scare people to the point of spitting foam, but terrifying Nian Qi can even kill a person. A man can be scared to death and become bald, and he can scare a wild and cunning wolf king so much that his face shrinks and degenerates into a pug with wrinkles on his face!

Jing Yang was running around with random jokes in his mind, and at the same time, he perfunctorily moved the other group together as if they were dealing with a group of people selling insurance.

"Open a martial arts gym?"

"I'm already the host, let's hold a class!"

"The Master of Zhenyuanzi Building is here, please accept your respects from the students!"

"As long as you nod, I can get you more than 1,000 students with a tuition fee of 10 million... Do you really not want to consider it?"

"With your strength, it would be a pity not to establish a sect! This is my business card..."

The whole journey was like going through a barrier. Jing Yang's eyes almost rolled to the sky, and he finally sent these people away.

Are you short of money?

There are over 2 billion cards!

When Jing Yang was complaining, his consciousness, which was distracted from dealing with Zi Yuan's affairs, also came back. At the same time, he sensed that he could clearly detect the position of a star mark in the sky arena.

"It seems that the strength of such an instruction is enough for me to grasp the location of this Yin beast at any time."

Jing Yang nodded secretly. Before he left, he left a long-standing control command for Yin Beast's star mark, so that the star mark on his body could always be kept activated.

As long as it is activated, you can sense it yourself.

Wu Er's star mark is activated, and he can sense it across the Pacific Ocean. What's more, the Yin Beast estimates that its activity range should be on the same continent?

In other words, as long as you are willing, you can make an account at any time in the next few days with this Yin Beast who has exploded the gold coins and is qualified as a poster.

"Congratulations." A familiar voice suddenly came from ahead.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di took a look and saw that it was Yun Gu whom they hadn't seen for a while.

"Are you here to watch the game too?" Jing Yang asked in surprise.

"Of course, I originally had a plan to challenge the posters, but it's a pity that those posters are busy people and it's really hard to schedule." Yun Gu smiled bitterly, but his eyes gradually brightened when he looked at Jing Yang, "Otherwise, I Are you going to challenge you now?"

This reminded Jing Yang of the unlucky guy who filled the vacancy and became the host of the host. Before the seat was even warm, he was challenged on the spot and kicked out of the host position...

Jing Yang snorted: "You have the guts to speak out even though you are defeated? Let's go to the venue now and see my brother beat you again."

Yun Gu smiled and waved his hand, "Forget it."

He could feel that Jing Yang's strength had improved a lot from the moment they parted ways in Xianshui Mountain to today.

"Then stop talking nonsense, let's go, find a place, and have a meal together." Jing Yang greeted, "We've been fighting for a long time, and we're all hungry."

When it comes to friends gathering for dinner, he naturally thinks of it. It seems that there is a good brother living abroad?


In the restaurant, Jing Yang took out his cell phone and called Kurapika.

We haven’t seen each other for several months, and this grandson has not taken the initiative to report any news. How can we build our Akatsuki organization well?

"Beep, beep, beep..."

"Beep, beep, beep..."

"Beep, beep, beep..."

Jing Yang called several times, but there was always a blind tone on the phone that no one answered, and he couldn't help but frown.

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