I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 1560 The Disappearance of Kurapika

Seeing that Jing Yang kept calling but didn't get through, Yun Gu asked with concern. Jing Yang waved his hand and put down the phone, "Don't worry about it. Keep eating!"

Xiaodi glanced at the mobile phone on the table. Jingyang called 10 times, but no one answered.

Yun Gu didn't know who Jing Yang was calling, but he still said, "Maybe he was busy and put it on mute and didn't pay attention."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Maybe there is no signal."

Yun Gu shook his head, "That's not true. If you are outside the service area, there will be a notification sound."

Jing Yang was thoughtful.

He doesn't often talk to people on the phone in Hunter World, so he really doesn't know if the other party is not in the service area, whether there will be a blind tone when dialing, or there will be a prompt.

"Speaking of which, there shouldn't be many places without signal, right?" Jing Yang asked casually.

Ghostly places like Ghost Island, where the location is transferred out of thin air due to accidental telekinesis, are all covered by signals.

Jing Yang doesn't know how the network signal of the Hunter World is laid, but in this world where telekinesis exists, the way to point out the technology tree must be completely different from his previous life - it's very simple, any scientist with enhanced mind appears. People with telekinesis, or those with telekinesis who can materialize experimental equipment, may create unimaginable theoretical breakthroughs or technological products "in a single thought."

Yun Gu nodded and said: "Not much." After a pause, he said: "Basically, it should not be called 'no signal', but 'the signal has been artificially interfered and blocked'."

"The huge network with international servers as the hub covers the entire sea area and every corner of the six continents. However, some countries that are too xenophobic, forces and organizations that are outside the V5 international order, will actively erect firewalls to separate them. Public signals must either build their own networks internally, or, more extreme, completely abandon modern communication methods..."

Yun Gu pushed up his glasses.

His words reminded Jing Yang of the two countries in the Chimera Ant comic book, the NGL Autonomous Region of East Kota Republic.

The former is an extremely xenophobic small country, while the latter is a country that ostensibly advocates natural life, but secretly is a super lair of a huge drug manufacturing factory.

Closer to home, Kurapika's phone was not connected, not that there was no signal, so it was unlikely that he would go to a location like these.

Also, Yun Gu, how do you know that there is no warning on your friend's phone that he is not in the service area? You are eavesdropping, right?

Yun Gu pointed at his ears and said with a smile: "My hearing is a little sharper than ordinary people, and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't have to cover my ears when someone is talking on the phone around me, right?"

"That's true." Jing Yang nodded.

His ear power has actually improved a lot compared to before. Now he can hear other people's normal speech clearly even from 20 meters away.

If the Qi is concentrated on both ears, the distance can be estimated to be about 100 meters.

Of course, this kind of hearing is definitely incomparable with melody. Not to mention 100 meters, even if it is 200 meters away and blocked by heavy rain, the melody can still hear other people's conversations really clearly.

In the hunter world, due to the widespread existence of the basic power of "qi", there are too many strange people.

At the beginning of the comic, Xiaojie has not yet awakened his mind. Because he has lived in the forest all year round, he has tortured himself like a humanoid beast. He can tell whether there is a storm coming by smelling the sea breeze from 800 miles away. It is a colorless and odorless super laxative. , you can tell something is wrong with just a touch of it, not to mention the nose that is comparable to a police dog...

Even if Kurapika has never practiced nen, the sensitivity of his five senses is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Jing Yang actually seriously doubted that people with powerful telepathy abilities would subtly change their own genes as they practiced and pass on this change.

Those with telekinesis abilities can create things out of thin air, deform their own flesh and blood, incarnate outside the body, and transform time and space...

If someone told Jing Yang that a person with telekinesis ability started from himself and created a special ethnic group, Jing Yang would not be surprised at all.

In addition to powerful wild animals, the Hunter World also has different Warcraft races that can speak human words and possess high intelligence, as well as some extremely rare aliens...

The Kuluta tribe might be a certain branch of aliens.

After having a meal together, Yun Gu quickly said goodbye and left.

He had heard that Jing Yang's Host Challenge was scheduled for October, so he came here to watch it.

Seeing that Jing Yang successfully won the position of the poster and made great progress in strength, he admired him in his heart and planned to work harder, not wanting to lose to this young man.

Jing Yang and Xiaodi went back to the Sky Arena and went through the relevant procedures to take over as the host.

He didn't stay any longer. In the regretful eyes of the waitress on the 244th floor, he walked into the elevator with Xiaodi and left calmly.

The poster is just an achievement that Jing Yang challenged. After getting it, he actually had little interest in it.

The reason why I still have to go through the process and go through the formalities is because I think there might be an interesting challenger in the future. It would be a pity to miss it. If I remember correctly, that guy Hisoka is also the original poster?

And he only became the poster after Killua Gon left Sky Arena. It is seriously suspected that he killed a certain poster in order to duel with Chrollo.

In other words, there might be a situation where Hisoka challenges him in the future...

Jing Yang thought about it for a moment.

Hisoka's cheeks were often painted with clown makeup, and one side seemed to be in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Comes with five-pointed star pattern...

Jing Yang couldn't help but laugh as he imagined the funny scenes that might happen if he met Hisoka.

I went shopping with Xiaodi for a while, and fed the large and small shopping bags to the fish. After returning home, I only had to follow the shopping list. Before Xiaodi could forget all these things, Just release them one by one.

The two of them lived a simple life. Apart from rest and entertainment, they spent the rest of their time practicing.

They are all young, and their energy and spirit are in the stage of rapid growth. As long as they keep their minds down and practice, I won't talk about how much they will gain, but they will definitely gain something.

When Jing Yang was practicing "Jian", Xiao Di was practicing his mindfulness skills beside him.

The effect of the chainsaw teeth of the bulging fish is very good, and now Xiaodi is trying to move more in the direction of the transformation system.

For example, it would undoubtedly be more convenient if you could create a fish with bulging eyes without materializing it, and you could also use a "chainsaw".

Turn the thought energy into a sawtooth shape, and be able to rotate and cut at high speed.

People with telekinesis abilities are not immune to their own telekinesis abilities.

He who turns Qi into electricity will be the first to be electrocuted.

The person who turns his energy into gunpowder and detonates it is the one closest to him and the most vulnerable to being blown up...

Therefore, Xiaodi needs to carefully control the changes in this thought energy.

When you are not yet proficient, the thought energy that turns into rapidly rotating sharp teeth will actually cut Xiaodi herself.

This is also the danger of practicing telepathy. Even if there are other people with transformational telepathy abilities who are happy to see Hunter Xin and want to replicate Xiaodi's ability, maybe one of them is not good enough and will be the first to be cut off by the jagged telepathy he created. It's his own head, and he might even cut himself into pieces...

Fortunately, Xiaodi is You Jingyang's star-marked body protector. As long as the mark on the base of his left leg is not damaged, no matter how serious the injury is, he can heal quickly.

She was also very generous. After leaving a part of her mind energy to bless the mark on the base of her left leg for protection, she started to experiment with changes in her mind energy unscrupulously. Anyway, even if her hand was broken or her head fell off, she would still be marked with a star. Save me...

After Jing Yang finished practicing "Jian" once, he took turns with Xiao Di.

Xiao Di opened "Jian" and Jing Yang went to take a shower. After the mental energy in his body recovered a little, he sat next to Xiao Di and practiced techniques such as entanglement and condensation...

He majored in the operation department, and the best elective was the adjacent release department, but practicing this department took too much mental energy and made a lot of noise.

Jing Yang thought to himself that after several days of competition between Xianshui Mountain and Nitro, he was now more like a warrior, more like an enhancement type...

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

The phone was placed on the coffee table and suddenly it vibrated.

Jing Yang clenched his palm to extinguish the beating ball of thought in his palm, and looked at the vibrating cell phone - someone was calling.

Xiaodi, who had been maintaining his strength for two hours, also took the time to look over.

Her current reading energy is about 19,000, and she has only been "strong" for two hours, and she is far from the stage of physical and mental exhaustion.

Jing Yang took the phone and looked at it, "It's Kurapika."

He immediately answered the call and sat casually on the floor leaning against the sofa, "Hello? What are you busy with?"

The person on the other side was quiet for a while and then said, "Who are you?"

It's not Kurapika's voice!

Jing Yang's eyes suddenly became sharp, he sat up straight with his legs crossed, and raised his hand to Xiao Di who was looking over - in terms of hearing, Xiao Di was not bad either.

The voice on the other end of the call, which Jingyang thought was Kurapika's call, was an unfamiliar man's voice. No other characteristics of his voice could be heard, but he seemed to be a little tired.

Jing Yang asked, "Who are you?"

The person on the other side sighed tiredly and said, "Do you know Kurapika?"

"Do you know Kurapika?" Jing Yang also asked, emphasizing the word "you".

The other person was silent for another moment and said: "Kurapika, who I met during a mission, is a professional hunter. Listen, I don't know who you are, but if you know Kurapika, if you are his friend, Then I think... we need to meet as soon as possible now and we have to talk."

Xiaodi was a little confused. She couldn't help but wonder what Kurapika had edited Jing Yang's number in the phone's address book, and why he didn't know what to call Jing Yang when he had his phone opposite.

Professional hunter?

Jing Yang asked: "Why did you use his mobile phone to call me back? And why didn't you call back immediately when I called you in the afternoon, instead of delaying it until now?"

The person on the other side sighed: "I just found his mobile phone too. It seems that he threw it out in a hurry before disappearing. After I found the mobile phone and saw a bunch of missed calls, I tried to call you. I didn't know who you were. Who, because there is only your number in Kurapika's address book, but no name. Listen, whether you believe me or not, I have to tell you that Kurapika's current situation is not good, very bad. …”


Jing Yang frowned.

"Yes, he has disappeared for 10 days. I have searched all the places and all the clues, but still found nothing... I couldn't explain it clearly on the phone. I'll give you the address. We'd better meet in person." The other person sighed. , "Originally, I was the one who got hit. It was Kurapika who helped me out at the last moment, but in the end, he himself... I owe him this."

"You said you were a professional hunter. What was your name?" Jing Yang interrupted him.

"Jesus = Plutonium Rick, you——"

"Come to the Sky Arena." Jing Yang didn't wait for the other person to finish speaking, leaving "Floor 244, I told you to find the owner." and then hung up the phone.

The host?

Sky Arena?

In another city, the professional hunter whose phone was put down was surprised.

He thought silently for a while, put away Kurapika's mobile phone with a cracked screen, opened the laptop on the table, and looked up air tickets.

10 days?

After Jing Yang hung up the phone, he couldn't help but wonder, what brand of mobile phone did Kurapika buy? The battery can actually be used for 10 days and still has power?

"Do you want to go out?" Xiaodi still maintained her "firmness" and looked at him.

The second rule of the Akatsuki organization: among companions, help each other, do not interfere with each other, and do not betray each other.

Now that Jing Yang has asked the other party's name, he will definitely go to the hunter website to look up the person named Essi = Plutonium Ruike.

"You finish your training first. You have been practicing for so long. It would be too wasteful to give up halfway." Jing Yang comforted, "If he is really a professional hunter, you can check it out on the official website. There is no need to apply for a hunter's license."

Xiaodi nodded.

Jing Yang went to the bedroom to get his laptop and typed in the hunter's official website - the Muggle version for ordinary people.

After knocking for a while, Jing Yang found the photo of the hunter named "Essi = Plutonium Rick".

Since the identity of the other party is true, the credibility of his other words is greatly improved...

Kurapika really disappeared?

Closing the laptop, Jing Yang looked out the window - the sky was already dark, the stars were bright in the night sky, and the faint moonlight came in, illuminating the half-body covered with a solid layer of thought energy.

Rubbing the A-shaped ring on his index finger, Jing Yang immediately activated the moon mark.

Two vague impressions came to mind, namely the moon mark on Xiaodi's B-shaped ring and Kurapika's C-shaped ring.

Thoughts trigger the moon mark of the C-shaped precept.

On the verge of breaking out.

However, the reaction after the moon mark was activated this time was completely different from before. It seemed that the signal was poor, and the induction became intermittent and unclear.

【crooked? anyone there? 】

Jing Yang spoke in his mind, frowning and looking at the frosty layer of moonlight on the floor.

At this night, it stands to reason that the "signal" of the moon mark should be full.

【Is it Jing Yang...】

Kurapika's echo finally came to his mind, but his tone sounded as if he was about to expire, and he looked extremely tired.

It's really weird. This is telepathic communication. How can it have such an expressive "tone" of tiredness?

However, as long as he doesn't die.

Jing Yang crossed his legs and sat on the sofa, rolled his eyes and asked: "What's the matter with you kid? You saved my phone number but not my name, right?" 】

There was silence for a while.

I don’t know if it’s because the signal is not very good, or because Kurapika-san feels speechless.

[Jing Yang, Zhen Yuanzi, Tiandao, Jia... note that none of them are very good... so...]

He really looked like he was exhausted!

Your kid won't disappear without eating for these 10 days, right?

[Is this the time to wonder what name to note? ] Jing Yang frowned and asked, [What happened? Where are you now? 】

[Boss...find me...]

Kurapika's voice transmission became increasingly blurry until it was completely cut off.

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