I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 161 It’s impossible to disappear to the Dark Continent, right?

This is really evil! Hey!

Jing Yang looked at the A-shaped ring on his index finger, then looked up at the moonlight outside the window, then looked down at his A-shaped ring.

Back then, he and Xiaodi were separated by a whole continent. One was on the west coast of the continent and the other was on the east coast of the continent. They were able to communicate through sound transmission through the moon sign at night.

Not to mention that the sound transmission was suddenly interrupted, the telepathy was so clear and fast that there was not even a delay.

"It seems that he disappeared to a very far place." Xiaodi said beside her. The size of the "hard" on her body had obviously shrunk a lot. In the second half of the training, sweat began to form on her forehead.

"Yes." Jing Yang responded, turning the ring unconsciously. The word "A" and the code name "Tiandao" appeared alternately on the front.

After he and Xiaodi dispersed to different continents, he tried to communicate again using the ring moon sign.

Therefore, he was not very sure whether the situation during telepathy in this type of situation was similar to Kurapika's situation just now...

After all, Jing Yang is the developer of Yuebiao's derivative telekinesis ability, and he has a deep intuition about its boundaries.

For example, he intuitively believed that the moon sign's signal range was limited during the day, and could only communicate within the same city; but only at night, the signal would be amplified countless times.

"After Wuji was injured on the other side of the ocean, he activated the star mark. I could clearly sense it. The moon mark should have a similar effect. Even across oceans and continents, as long as it is at night, communication should be possible without loss..."

Jing Yang thought to himself.

As long as it's night...

The human society here is just a corner of the Hunter World. As long as it is night in the Everika continent where he and Xiaodi are currently, then no matter which of the six continents Kurapika is in at the moment, it should also be night. right. I have verified this with Xiaodi. She has never heard of a night hemisphere and a day hemisphere.

Jing Yang couldn't help but complain: "That boy Kurapika, could he have 'disappeared' to the Dark Continent?!"

According to his original guess, when the human society on the "six small islands" in Lake Mobius is in the dark, then many places in the Dark Continent may be in the daytime.

Jing Yang shook his head, this was too outrageous.

The greater possibility is that Kurapika is in an environment created by some kind of telekinesis ability at the moment.

I am afraid that only "thoughts" can interfere with the signal of the moon sign that is also thought of...

At noon the next day, at the foot of the Sky Arena.

There was a steady flow of people, and a man wearing a gray sweater looked up at this huge building that was nearly a thousand meters high.

A paradise for fighters from all over the world!

Naturally, he has heard about it for a long time.

What is striking is that the fingers of his hands are covered with various rings, and necklaces of different styles and thicknesses hang around his neck. Some of these rings and necklaces are inlaid with jewelry, some are made of pure gold and pure silver, and some are made of plastic and synthetic materials. They are quite a mix and match, which dilutes the impression of nouveau riche that may give people. On the contrary, they are full of punk style and do not look like them at first glance. Serious people.

Essi = Plutonium Ruike, a professional hunter from the Hunter Association.

For Kurapika's sake, he ordered the earliest airship and rushed over. Without hesitation, he lined up like a sky arena and directly showed his hunter's license to the lady at the front desk.

"I'm looking for the owner of the 244th floor."

"Ah, please wait."

Of course, the front desk lady did not dare to neglect the professional hunter. She quickly found out that Mr. Zhen Yuanzi did have an appointment, and immediately made arrangements. A colleague came over and took the professional hunter to the 244th floor in the elevator.

In the elevator, Sisi used familiar formulas, mainly because he wanted to find out the origin of the person who spoke to him last night.

His voice sounded like he was not very old.

Kurapika is not very young either, so it's not surprising to Ace.

But he didn't expect that the young Kurapika had such strength, which was enough to surprise him, and this person who was suspected to be Kurapika's friend turned out to be the master of the first floor of the Sky Arena.

One game a day, ten floors a day.

Ten battles and ten wins.

Defeat the former landlord head-on and replace him...

The staff actively introduced Zhen Yuanzi's deeds in the sky arena, and Si Si nodded from time to time. I'm afraid this Zhen Yuanzi was already a telepathic user on the first floor.

It is not uncommon for young people to have telekinesis abilities, but they usually only have unique telekinesis abilities and their actual combat abilities are relatively weak.

Kurapika is already outstanding enough. I don’t know what level this Jin Motoko is at. Is he relying on his skillful application of telekinesis to show off his prestige in the Sky Arena, or...

Just as he was thinking this, the elevator door slowly opened.

"We're here." The staff reminded, but noticed that Sisi's expression was strange, and couldn't help but wonder, "Excuse me..."

"Oh, oh, it's nothing." Sisi came back to his senses.

Just now, when the elevator door opened, a strong blast of air hit my face.

Even now, Sisi, who is also a telepathic user and has opened his eyes, can see a mist-like energy field floating in the corridor in front of him.

Very strong energy.

Si Si is not an amateur enough to be shocked by this level of anger.

But the strength of Kurapika's friend really exceeded his expectations.

It seems that he underestimated the level of the Sky Arena owner - or maybe Kurapika's friend was already beyond the level of the Sky Arena owner.

The staff wanted to show him the way, but Sisi said as he walked, "I know where he is."

The aura in front of you is the best sign to lead the way.

Right in that room.

The closer Essi got closer, the stronger the aura became. It wasn't until he banged on the door and said, "I'm Essi = Plutonium Rick, I'm here." that he realized that his voice sounded a little solemn.

"Come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time." The answer came from the room, and it was indeed the boy's voice on the call last night.

Sisi pushed open the door and saw a young man wearing a tank top and shorts, with his bare feet on the floor, radiating mind energy from his whole body and in a state of cultivation.

Until then, Si Si could finally be sure that the strength of this young poster's Nian was definitely not weaker than his own.

And sitting next to the young host, a girl with black hair and glasses.

The girl was very quiet and kept staring at Sisi after he entered the door. It's like a curious observation, but there doesn't seem to be much emotion... This look is so weird!

"You are really awesome!" Si Si looked at Jing Yang and praised, "Kurapika said he never beat you, it's no wonder."

Xiaodi said strangely: "Kurapika's telekinesis ability was all taught by him, so of course he cannot be his opponent."

"Listen to his nonsense! With the character of that boy Kula, how could he mention us to others when he has nothing to do?" Jing Yang exhaled a long breath, restrained his thoughts and maintained them to the level of "tangled", "More Besides, I’ve never really fought Kurapika, so there’s no talking about winning or losing.”

He looked across and said, "Have you lied and confirmed that we are really Kurapika's friends?"

"If you teach him the ability to read, he is no longer just a friend, but his master." Yusi smiled bitterly, "You are not surprised to see my appearance. It seems that you have found my professional hunter information. "

But, is it true or false?

Kurapika's telekinesis ability was taught by the boy in front of him?

Not to mention how old Kurapika is, and how many years it took to learn telekinesis... How old is the young man named Jin Motoko in front of him?

"I can't say he is a master. He has excellent qualifications. I just gave him a lesson and he started practicing on his own." Jing Yang said modestly, "We are not familiar with each other, so there is no need to be polite. Let's talk about it. How did Kurapika disappear?"

Si Si sighed and said: "They say he disappeared, but after 10 days, I'm afraid he is in danger. You must be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry about that, he's not dead yet."

Si Si looked at Jing Yang doubtfully.

Jing Yang repeated: "I have confirmed that he is not dead yet. So the most important thing we have to do now is of course to find Kurapika. Before that, please tell us carefully what happened."

Only then did Essi realize. It seemed that there was some kind of communication method between Kurapika and his actual young master in front of him, or at least a special method that could confirm the other party's life and death status?

"It turns out that he threw the phone out in the end just so that the person who picked it up could get in touch with you..."

Sisi shook his head and sighed, then sat down on the sofa and told Jingyang and Xiaodi what happened 10 days ago.


Back on the Immortal Water Mountain, Kurapika tortured the young painter and retrieved a pair of flaming red eyes. At the same time, he also found out the whereabouts of the other three pairs of flaming red eyes. The identities of the holders of two pairs of flaming red eyes were relatively clear, so he asked Jing Jing. Yang and the others went to retrieve one pair, while he was responsible for retrieving the other two pairs.

In these two pairs of fiery eyes, the identity of the holder is relatively clear, and he is an ordinary white-collar office worker.

Kurapika didn't waste much time and took away the pair of flaming eyes hidden in the secret room from the other party's home without anyone noticing.

Xiaoku, a classmate with a strong sense of morality, felt guilty for a long time after his first theft. He often couldn't do EMO alone and felt that he was really degenerating.

After regaining a pair of companion's eyes, he seemed to have lost something in his heart.

The eyes burning like fire in the solution seemed to be the dead companion staring at him...

The most painful thing is not that you desire revenge but cannot get it. The most painful thing is that you may waver in the matter of revenge.

Isn’t the great truth in the book said? There is no point in indulging in hatred. Only by living in the present can we be worthy of the dead.

But I was also supposed to die together!

Kurapika's eyes burned with flames, and he looked into the fiery red eyes in the solution for a few seconds before silently putting them away.

But for the remaining pair of flaming red eyes, the identity information of the holder is relatively small.

Kurapika spent a lot of time and energy to slowly find out more clues, and finally locked the target - the opponent was the founder of an emerging CULT.

...Of course it is impossible for Sisi to know the above process.

The first time he met Kurapika was when they were all eyeing the patriarch.

"Although I'm not a professional bounty hunter, out of my personal interests, I hate the kind of people who confuse people and even harm ordinary people, so I accepted this guy's bounty mission."

Ace crossed his hands covered with various rings, lowered his head and said slowly, "In order to facilitate my infiltration, I pretended to be a believer and infiltrated into this small CULT organization, which is how I met Kurapika."

"This young man really doesn't know how to pretend." Sisi couldn't help but smile, "His eyes are completely different from those of true believers. When Mr. Ancestor gives a speech, he always casts his eyes soberly and contemptuously. It's simply It’s like I want to cut the other person into pieces with my eyes.”

Jing Yang said: "It's not that he doesn't know how to act, it's just that he doesn't bother to do it. If he joins the others, even if he is pretending, he will feel dirty."

Si Si said: "That's right."

"It's just a cult leader. Kurapika is just trying to find out the opponent's hidden flaming eyes, so it's just a matter of cowardice. But you are going for the bounty on the opponent's head. Since you have seen him, why didn't you take action directly?"

"I think you have guessed the reason." Sisi sighed, "Yes, this patriarch is a telepathic person."

After a pause, he said bitterly: "Moreover, this guy uses his followers as expendable shields..."

"The initiation ceremony is equivalent to the condition of his reading ability. After he becomes a religious person, he will become his human shield." Jing Yang asked, "——A feeling like this?"

Essi nodded and said: "He is most likely from the operating system."

"I plan to continue to observe. You also know that for telekinesis abilities such as manipulation, you must first understand the opponent's ability conditions. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will easily fall into the trap. If you fall into the trap, you will lose everything, just like he Those believers like that." Jesus smiled bitterly, "But Kurapika doesn't seem to care about this. He seems to be looking for something - well, don't look at me like that. Of course I found out later that he was looking for the flaming eyes. .The patriarch has a pair of flaming red eyes in his hand."

Jing Yang continued to look at him.

Yasuji sighed: "I don't know why, but the patriarch revealed Kurapika's identity in one word. I also didn't expect that the Kuruta tribe, which the whole world thought had been exterminated by the Phantom Troupe, actually had survivors."

Kurapika wears black contact lenses most of the time when he is outside to cover up his fiery red eyes that appear when he is emotional.

Then how did the Patriarch see it through the contact lens?

...Is it Nianqi?

Jing Yang thought that when Kurapika entered the flaming eye state, the energy in his body would skyrocket.

If the so-called patriarch knew something about this characteristic of the Kuluta tribe...

"We were careless. No, I should say, it was me who was careless." Si Si regretted, "I only thought that guy could let his followers act as his human shields. Who knew he could also sacrifice blood to his followers to make him His telekinesis ability has been greatly enhanced...especially since he also sacrificed his own life, and his telekinesis ability itself has increased by an unknown number of times."

Recalling the tragic and strange scene at that time, Sisi still felt palpitated.

"I don't know what kind of telekinesis ability he activated, but the role of this kind of patriarch doesn't look like a normal person. After he found out Kurapika's identity, he became even crazier, always saying 'flaming eyes', Words like 'I didn't expect anyone to be alive', 'That's great'..."

"Inanimate Guanyin, Thousand-Armed Tathagata!"

"The true Buddha glares with anger, and the world is blood red!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Following the crazy shouts, the originally fat Patriarch shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. In contrast, twisted thoughts like black fire surged out of his body!

It was like roaring out of hell, sweeping and wreaking havoc throughout the entire venue, sweeping away everything and devouring everything!

"No, let's go!" Kurapika shouted, maintaining his "hardness", and raised his hand to materialize into a dolphin bookshelf.

A jade Buddha necklace swayed around the neck of the skinny patriarch, like a singular point, swallowing up the black power of thought that surged out like hell.

"Avalokitesvara, Thousand-Armed Tathagata..."

The ancestor's skin and flesh were clinging to his bones, and he no longer had a human shape.

"The true Buddha's angry eyes make the world red with blood..."

The ancestor's flesh and blood burned, leaving only a vaguely visible skeleton, which soon evaporated slowly in the black fire energy and with his weird laughter.

At the last moment, Kurapika's mental energy transformed into a skeleton knight, and he grabbed Seji with a big hand and threw him out. Like a cannonball, it hit diagonally upwards through several ceilings and returned to the ground under the sunshine outside. Compared with , the mobile phone he finally threw out seemed a little difficult to detect, and was buried in the cracks of the ruins.

The venue for the sect's activities became deserted, with only black human-shaped shadows left on the ground and walls, like the dregs left after human beings evaporated.


The little jade Buddha fell to the ground and disappeared with the last bit of the whirlpool of black fire energy.

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