After listening to Si Si's narration, Jing Yang pondered and said, "It seems that this patriarch is not only attracted by the fiery red eyes of the Kuluta tribe, but also especially the living Kuluta tribe?"

Is it possible that the bloodline of the Kuluta tribe is really a strange person? Apart from the crimson eyes, which are known as one of the seven beauties, is there anything truly special?

"That's not necessarily the case." Jesus shook his head and said, "Such a fanatical evildoer may not even be able to understand the chaotic delusions in his mind. It may not be that he met the Kuluta clan after he targeted them. Kurapika felt evil in his heart, or maybe it was the other way around. After he met the Kuruta tribe that was supposed to be extinct, he didn't know which nerve in his brain was touched, and he felt that he was the original one inexplicably. We should seize such a nearly severed bloodline... After all, the rarer the 'tribute', the more precious it is, this is human intuition."

Jing Yang said: "Your prejudice is a bit serious."

Si Si asked back: "Should we have a correct view of him?"

"That's true."

"I have been following that Patriarch for a long time, so I have more information. Why do I call him Patriarch instead of using his first name? He has been the Patriarch, Leader, and Leader of more than one organization, and he has also used more than one name. Tragedies related to him There are no fewer than thirty cases, each with at least 10 victims, and there is no connection between them at all..."

Sisi sighed, "Zhen Yuanzi, I think you can imagine how much damage a telepathic person can cause when mixed among ordinary people. Especially this damn bastard, he is also very good at deceiving people."

Jing Yang nodded.

"The cult organization he established this time is to promote the Inanimate Guanyin and Thousand-Armed Tathagata. In the past, he has used the names of various Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, gods, and sages..."

Si Si said in a deep voice, "Normally speaking, the so-called patriarch of this kind of religion who often changes his appearance should not believe in this at all, but this patriarch is different. This time, the secret activities of the Wusheng Cult he established have been developing for a particularly long time. , more than any time before, which is why I have enough clues to find his location.

"His fanatical and crazy demeanor after discovering Kurapika's identity also made me wonder if this guy had brainwashed others too much and had his own brain washed out."

"That's true!"

Jing Yang nodded again, stood up and said, "Okay, now that you've heard the little story, it's time to get down to business."

Essi looked at him doubtfully, "The business is... to find Kurapika?"

"What if?" Jing Yang looked at him like he was an idiot, then stretched his hand to the side, "Here's a picture."

Xiaodi handed a large map to his hand.

They bought this on the way when they came to Sky Arena in the morning.

Sisi came over to take a look, and became even more confused. This was a very ordinary map of the Everika continent.

"How to find it? Do you have an idea?" he asked.

"Yeah. Otherwise, why do you think Kurapika threw the phone out in the end." Jing Yang stretched out his hand, "Where is the phone?"

Si Si took out a mobile phone with a cracked screen from his arms and handed it to Jing Yang solemnly.

Jing Yang glanced at it and handed it to Xiaodi to put it away.

Xiaodi had no intention of summoning the bulging fish directly in front of the person in front of him, so he casually put Kurapika's cell phone on the coffee table aside. In principle, the entire 244th floor of the Sky Arena belongs to Jing Yang. Even if the staff of the Sky Arena sees these personal belongings, they will not touch them easily.

Seeing the hunter staring directly at her, Xiaodi also looked over in confusion.

"Aren't you looking for him?" Zesi wondered. He thought that the telepathy ability of these two people had some kind of function of finding people with objects, similar to divination.

When Jing Yang heard this, he thought that the person in our team who could tell fortunes and divination was none other than Kurapika himself, and he was the one we were looking for now.

Jing Yang took a pen, found the city where the Sky Arena was located on the right end of the Everika continent on the map, and clicked on it, then looked up and looked around...

Seeing this, Si Si followed with a question mark on his head and looked around. After Jing Yang quickly confirmed a direction, he found the corresponding direction and angle on the map, and then decisively slashed diagonally to the top of the map.


A straight black line started from the Sky Arena and was drawn all the way to the west of the north coast of Everika's continent, and even into the sea further north until it reached the top of the map, and did not stop until it reached the edge of the paper.

"Look for it on this line."

Jing Yang put on the pen cover and looked at the map and said, "Xiao Di, buy a ticket based on these cities along the way. Let's fly along this route bit by bit."

"Yeah." Xiaodi immediately ran to the computer in the room and started operating.

After a while, he ran back and took a look at the map to confirm the route. Jing Yang felt ashamed and handed the whole map to her.

"Are you sure this route is correct?" Si Si looked at it for a while and asked.

"It's impossible to be 100% sure," Jing Yang said, "But after 10 days, you still have no clue about Kurapika's location, right? Then you can only follow us."

"Okay, I believe you." Sisi also ran to buy tickets, following Xiaodi's lead. She bought two, and he followed the one from the same flight.

Before Si Si arrived at the Sky Arena, Jing Yang was not completely practicing in the room.

He was concentrating on sensing the "signal" from Kurapika's star.

Out of personal habits and respect for his companions, Jing Yang would never set up any operations on the stars on Xiaodi and Kurapika under normal circumstances.

If a command is given to the star that can be executed for a long time, such as what Jing Yang did to Wu Er or the previous Yin Beast, the star on them will always be activated to a certain extent.

For example, at this moment, with a thought in Jing Yang's mind, he could sense Wu Er on the other side of the ocean, and the location of the Yin Beast Zi Yuan who had returned to another city after being defeated and losing his position as the host.

But the star marks on Xiaodi and Kurapika have always been clean.

This also means that if they are not within Jing Yang's sight, Jing Yang cannot sense the latent star mark on them.

Unless they are accidentally injured and are forced to activate the self-healing function of the star.

In the process of self-healing, Jing Yang will clearly sense the existence of the star mark on his body and determine its location.

The star mark on Kurapika's chest has always been in a latent state. Normally, no matter how focused Jing Yang is, as long as Kurapika is not within his sight, he cannot sense it.

However, Kurapika is not a fool. If he falls into a desperate situation and completely loses contact with the outside world, he will definitely take the initiative to activate the self-healing function of the star in his own hands, thus reminding Jing Yang, the owner of the star...

It was with this speculation that Jing Yang adjusted his state and waited with all his concentration for the "signal" of the possible star mark.

"When I used the ring moon sign to transmit the sound last night, that kid looked like he was about to die... No matter how stubborn he is, he wouldn't have reached that point and refused to call for help, right?"


After waiting and observing for about half an hour, Jing Yang keenly caught the signal of a star that suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

It is the third star mark besides Wu Er and Yin Beast.

"The induction is too weak. If I hadn't deepened my control over Qi in recent days, it would have been difficult to distinguish the slightest wave of Qi."

This weak feeling is very similar to the feeling at the end of Yuebiao's exchange last night, when Kurapika's voice gradually faded away and became blurry as he called for help.

Because the star's induction was too weak, Jing Yang couldn't even lock the star's position, let alone change the operating mode, activate it, and project his consciousness there.

Jing Yang thought this and looked at the time. It was almost 12 noon.

"Well, maybe he had already used this method to ask for help during the 10 days he was missing?"

Jing Yang suddenly thought of this.

Before Kurapika was stupid enough to fall into a desperate situation, he belatedly remembered to give himself a knife to activate the star mark...

It was very possible that in the past 10 days, I had vaguely sensed the sudden appearance of star signatures other than Wu Er.

But because the signal was not strong, he was ignored...?

Jing Yang secretly felt ashamed.

Before the fuzzy star sensor disappeared, Jing Yang could barely distinguish the general direction of the star sensor.

Kurapika is not made of iron. He is made of flesh and blood. He repeatedly injures himself to activate the star mark and release the signal, and it is impossible to stay online 24 hours a day.

Thinking back to Kurapika's look of dying when Yuebiao was communicating last night...

Could it be that he has been cutting his own flesh and blood to activate the star in the past 10 days?

Jing Yang couldn't help but rub the back of his head. After Xiaodi bought the first ticket of the "route", he waved his hand and said, "We'll talk about the rest when they arrive. Let's go first."

Xiaodi walked calmly.

Essi followed them worriedly.


On the airship flight, Jing Yang held his breath and concentrated, waiting for Kurapika's signal for help that might appear at any time.

Before landing, another weak star signal came.

Jing Yang opened his eyes, looked at Xiaodi, and shook his head.

The signal was still too weak and elusive. All that was certain was that the direction they were flying in was correct.

Kurapika is somewhere ahead of this route.

Xiaodi writes down the current time.

Around 3pm.

It seems that Kurapika activates the self-healing function of the star every three hours and releases a signal to the outside world.

Jingyang and Xiaodi looked at each other and both had such a guess.

Next, we only need to wait another 3 hours. At 6 o'clock in the evening, if there is another star signal, it will be confirmed.


After getting off the airship, Jing Yang did not leave the waiting hall of the airport. When the huge sign on the wall of the hall reached 6 o'clock, there was indeed a weak signal from the star.

Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang nodded and said: "It's not in this city, it's still far away. Go ahead and buy a ticket. Where is the next stop?"

Xiaodi bought tickets according to the route.

Jing Yang sat on the bench and began to relax with his eyes closed.

The next time the star signal comes, if nothing unexpected happens, it will be at 9 o'clock and 0 o'clock in the evening, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock in the morning the next day, then 12 noon, and then it will happen again like today.

The trapped Kurapika probably did the same thing as himself now, closing his eyes for a period of time to rest, releasing a star signal every 3 hours, minimizing the consumption of body energy, and taking small and frequent breaks.

After boarding the next airship, Jing Yang no longer wasted energy waiting for the star to appear. He sat directly on the large soft chair, covered himself with a thin blanket and put on an eye mask to rest.

Si Si, who was sitting there with a sad face, looked at Jing Yang in surprise, who almost fell asleep in a second.

With the star mark on his body, Jing Yang can almost be said to have 100% control over his body.

Star Biao cannot control thoughts, but it can control the brain and make sleepiness rise. After Jing Yang failed to resist, he naturally fell asleep on the pillow.

Unknowingly, Jing Yang tilted his head to Xiao Di's shoulder. Xiaodi kept her posture and looked quietly at an old book in her hand.

When three hours are up, there is no need for an alarm clock. The star on the back of Jing Yang's neck is the best alarm clock, forcing him to open his eyes.

Jing Yang woke up, took a second to dispel the hazy sleepiness, and then took another second to enter the state. After another second, sure enough, the sensor of Kurapika's star came as expected.

Still further ahead.

It was already dark when the airship landed.

The night was filled with dim stars, and Si Si asked tiredly: "How is it?"

He followed the whole process and naturally saw something. Although he didn't know exactly what method Zhen Yuanzi used, he seemed to be able to sense Kurapika.

He didn't ask too many questions. The matter of reading ability was a personal secret. It would not be good to ask rashly.

Xiaodi raised her wrist and looked at the time, 8:32 pm.

It would be half an hour before a new star signal would be transmitted from Kurapika.

"Let's go get something to eat first." Jing Yang said. He rested for 3 hours and 3 hours along the way, and he didn't look tired now.

In the roadside snack bar on the bustling street, Sisi devoured the food, Xiaodi chewed it carefully, and Jingyang ate while trying to trigger the A-shaped ring and moon mark on his finger.

It is night now, and the signal of the moon mark should be maximized.

The vague moon sign sensor came, and it was Kurapika's even more tired voice: [Many people died... different space... telekinesis ability...]

【Save energy. ] Jing Yang said briefly, [You are doing very well. I am looking for you through the star signal you released. Xiaodi and I are on the way and will find you soon. Don't die! 】

Kurapika seemed to have said something, but in the end his voice was too vague, and the moonmark's sound transmission was disconnected.

If you can talk, you can talk, but if you can't, you can't. What's the matter with the signal blocking half of the conversation?

Jing Yang looked up at the sky depressedly - but now in the snack bar, when he looked up, he could only see the light tubes on the ceiling and the flying insects wandering around the light tubes, but not the starry night sky.

But it’s not like nothing was gained.

Kurapika is indeed in a different space created by the power of telekinesis.

No wonder the star's position sensing is so fuzzy.

However, even the ability to read in different dimensions cannot completely separate from the real material world.

Nobu's "fourth-dimensional apartment" is so awesome, but it has to leave the entrance and exit passages in the real world as coordinates.

The so-called patriarch sacrificed his followers and even his own telekinesis, and the alien space that trapped Kurapika must have a target somewhere - and it was somewhere on this route.

As soon as 9 o'clock in the evening came, another signal from the star came, this time the feeling was a little clearer.

"Still in front, we're already close." Jing Yang wiped his mouth and stood up, "Let's go!"

In the night, the airship with flowing lights left the airport.

The progress of Jing Yang and the others continued along the straight route on the map, heading towards the north shore of the mainland.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on the fourth day, Kurapika's star signal arrived on time. Jing Yang suddenly stood up and left his seat on the airship, rushing to the port window to look at the clouds flying back outside.

Under the clouds, there are distant mountains.

"Xiao Di..." Jing Yang was about to speak when Si Si came up behind him and said, "That's the Kamavor Mountains. Is it right there?"

"Right there." Jing Yang said.

Xiao Didi said: "It's estimated that this airship will take more than an hour to land..."

Jing Yang’s head behind the porthole is black.

Phew, the large airship left a long trail in the sky, leaving the densely forested Kamavor Mountains farther and farther behind.

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