As soon as the airship landed at the airport, Si Si immediately went to make a phone call. Not long after, an off-road vehicle came to the intersection at full speed and made a U-turn to stop in front of Jing Yang and the others.

The car window rolled down, and there was a hot middle-aged female driver. She glanced at the three of them while chewing bubble gum, and her eyes fell on Sisi.

Sisi threw a roll of money over, and the female driver looked at it and said, "How can you rent a car without so much money?"

"I bought it," Sis said. "If you have an emergency, go to Kamavor. You can get off the car. Do you have enough gas?"

"You don't need so much to buy it! Kamavor? What's the point of going to those sterile and dangerous mountains? It's full of gas, there's a bucket in the trunk, and there's a gas station on the way there." The driver took the money and got out of the car. He was in a good mood and said with a smile, "This is a generous move by a professional hunter. Thank you. This guy looks really nice, and this little girl is nice too. Is it your child or your friend? Or your friend child?"

Si Si said sincerely: "I am the owner of the Sky Arena. I can blow your head off with just one finger. You should be careful."

Jing Yang grabbed Xiaodi's wrist and looked at the time.

At 10:22 noon, there was still an hour and a half until the next Kurapika star signal.

Just as the female driver was about to take the money and run away, Jing Yang asked, "Is that mountain dangerous?"

"Of course." The female driver said, "That's where the Black Mist Lion lives."

"Black Mist Lion?" Xiaodi showed curiosity.

"The Warcraft tribe!" The female driver was surprised at the girl's lack of common sense and explained, "The area around Mount Kamavol is considered their protected area, so it is not only very dangerous, but also not easy to mess with. If you stray into the territory of Warcraft, you will be punished. If you kill him, it will all be in vain, and the authorities will not care."

The female driver couldn't help but remind her: "Do you really want to go?"

"Oh!" Xiaodi suddenly understood, nodded and bowed, "Thank you. But we won't die."

The female driver shook her head, said nothing more, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.


Jing Yang thought of those ferocious fox monsters that can transform into humans at the beginning of the comic. It seems that in the setting of Hunter World, highly intelligent beasts that can speak human words are classified as monsters, which should mean magical beasts. Or it can also be understood as magical animals...

"Is Warcraft considered a human being or an animal?" Xiaodi asked again curiously.

Essi sighed: "Because they are difficult to distinguish, we try to keep them away from human society. Fortunately, most of the monsters prefer the natural environment and are willing to live in isolation. There is a consensus on this point."

"What's going on with the Black Mist Lion?" Jing Yang also asked.

Si Si said: "I don't know much, so I'll tell you slowly on the way."


So, Jingyang and Xiaodi went to a nearby shopping mall to buy some food and drinks. They didn't put them in the fish, so they just packed their bags and carried them to the car.


Sis drove without any nonsense and drove straight towards the Kamavor Mountains, which the airship passed by more than an hour ago.

The airship has to fly for more than an hour in the sky, and the car is on the road on the ground. Naturally, it cannot catch up with the remaining hour or so, not to mention that the closer to the mountains in the second half, the worse the road conditions will be.

"The existing Warcraft tribe usually has some special abilities in addition to being able to speak human language and having high intelligence..."

Si Si looked at the car while introducing Jing Yang and the two of them.

Xiaodi is a curious baby. With her by his side, Jingyang doesn't need to reveal that he knows nothing about certain common sense in this world. After all, Xiaodi will be the first to ask questions before that.

Sisi just thought he was giving Xiaodi some popular science, so he was extra detailed. He first explained the distribution of Warcraft groups in human society and the complicated current situation.

Most of the Warcraft clan present have special abilities.

This is quite interesting.

Could it be that the Warcraft clan without special abilities have been completely eliminated by humans in history? Only the remaining Warcraft clan with the ability to feel emotions have survived, or in other words, have managed to survive until the modern era.

Jing Yang thought like this and suddenly asked: "Is the special ability of the Warcraft tribe the ability to read?"

"It depends on how you define mental ability." Sis held the steering wheel with one hand covered with various rings, and pressed down half of the car window with the other hand to let the wind blow in. "If you agree with any extraordinary ability in the world, , can be regarded as telekinesis abilities. At worst, if those that cannot be analyzed and explained are classified into the trait system, then yes, all the special abilities of the Warcraft tribe are of course telekinesis abilities. The fox clan can be regarded as having special telekinesis abilities that favor the embodiment system."

"But...?" Jing Yang asked, knowing that there must be a "but" behind it.

"However, if you think that only those who consciously use their own mental energy and know how to activate their superpowers can be regarded as mental abilities,"

As expected, Si Si came up with a but, "Then it doesn't count. In the past, many people, many hunters, were interested in the abilities of Warcraft, but the results were the same. Warcraft that can use special telekinesis abilities are not aware of the existence of Qi. , when they use their abilities, the hunters who are telepathic users cannot see the flow of telepathy at all."

Generally speaking, when using the ability of mind, the Qi on the body will move accordingly.

For example, if you want to punch hard, your mind energy will naturally gather into your fist.

When Jing Yang uses the magical power of snapping his fingers, his mind energy will also flow to his fingertips.

Even if the moon mark is used, if the observer is careful enough, he will definitely be able to see that when Jing Yang's head is performing electrocardiographic sound transmission, there are fluctuations of Qi, and the position of the index finger close to the ring moon mark, the Qi gathering characteristics are: A little abnormal...

So far, Jing Yang has only seen the old man Nitro, who was so energetic that you couldn't see any flow of energy at all.

But it is obviously impossible for an ordinary Warcraft clan to control power as well as that old monster of Nitro. It is impossible not to reveal any flow of Qi when using abilities, and to hide it from the eyes of professional hunters who specialize in this way. .

"The special abilities of the Warcraft clan have little to do with the qi we know." Esse gave the generally accepted conclusion, and added, "Of course, using their abilities will also consume physical strength, and the physical strength will weaken. In our eyes, their Qi will also weaken. If we insist on saying that there is a relationship, it only has this relationship."

After a pause, he said: "The special abilities of the Warcraft tribe are like some animals having night vision, some animals having a keen sense of smell, some animals being able to shed their skins, and being able to cut off their tails and regenerate... These are all racial talents."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "In addition to their own racial talents, can the Warcraft tribe learn telekinesis abilities?"

"Theoretically, it's possible." Sisi said, "The Warcraft clan is a creature with high intelligence. As long as someone opens the sperm holes all over their body and successfully opens the mind, they can naturally learn the ability to read. But I have never heard of anyone doing this. Did it.”

Xiaodi was even more curious, "Why is this? Why don't you try it?"

On the contrary, Sisi thought her question was strange, "Warcraft and humans are different species. How can we, as humans, help Warcraft master telekinesis?"

"Oh." Xiaodi nodded and did not continue to ask this time.

She comes from Meteor Street, so she is actually quite familiar with this type of differentiated treatment.

Jing Yang thought of the chimera ant chapter. It was also about the difference between humans and animals, and there was no reason to explain it - especially for the chimera ant soldiers whose queens and the first generation of hybrids born from the queens had fewer humans.

Speaking of which, do chimera ants count as Warcraft?

The queen ant can't speak human language, so it doesn't look like a monster.

But it has advanced intelligence, and also has its own racial talent-feeding and mating!

He can give birth to whatever hybrid offspring he eats, which can be described as quite domineering.

Precisely because of this extremely aggressive species, there is no possibility of compromise between humans and chimera ants.

“As for the Black Mist Lion…” Si Si smiled bitterly, “I am not a wild beast hunter, a treasure hunter, a ruins hunter, or a fantasy beast hunter, so I don’t know much.

“I’ve been active in nearby cities before, so I’ve only heard a little bit about the Black Mist Lion.

"Some say that this kind of monster only appears when black fog rises in the mountains, and hunts life at night; others say that this kind of monster can release special black mist, which will kill you if it touches it... But according to my summary, the common point is that "Those who unfortunately encountered the Black Mist Lion, or the wild animals that were found to have been killed by the Black Mist Lion, all had their flesh and blood withered and lost weight. All in all, they died in extremely miserable conditions."

The mountain scenery in the distance seemed very close, but it seemed like this when we set off an hour ago, and it was not that close.

The car became quiet, leaving only the roar of the engine as it sped along.

Seeing that nothing happened, Xiaodi quietly put a book out of the bag and started reading in the back seat.

Jing Yang glanced at the cover of the book. Didn't she just finish reading it the day before yesterday?

It seems I forgot to watch it again...

Sometimes Jing Yang really envies Xiaodi's adaptive memory.

In my previous life, every time after reading a wonderful novel, movie, or TV series, I wished I could lose my memory immediately and watch it all over again...


Jing Yang suddenly noticed that in the reflection of the mirror, Si Si, who was driving in the front seat, always seemed to be looking at him.

"Any questions?"

"Since you think Kurapika might have been dragged into a different space that is isolated from the outside world by the ancestor's telekinesis ability..." Jesus asked, "Even if we find the anchor point connecting that different space to the outside world, we still have to How to rescue Kurapika? The patriarch might be dead."

"Did you see him die?"

"That's not true...but such an exaggerated effect of telekinesis, if he hadn't sacrificed his life, he would never have been able to get it." Jesus added, "Even if ordinary telekinesis users want to sacrifice themselves, it would be difficult for them to really do so. It exploded with strength beyond the ordinary. The spirit of the ancestor was not normal, he was a crazy person, and his alienated mental power made his telekinesis ability more distorted, but also doubled in power."

In essence, who can make strict vows and restrictions, and leave lingering resentments after death, who is mentally "normal"?

To carry out one's beliefs unswervingly is not something ordinary people can do, and it is also a very small minority among the minority group of people with telekinesis abilities.

"You have to go to the place first to see the specific situation before talking..."

Jing Yang put down the seat and lay down.

It's 12 noon, and it's time for Kurapika to release a new star signal.

Kurapika sat on the hillside with a haggard face, his eyes half closed, waiting for the passage of time.


He calculated the time, picked up the gravel at hand, and scratched the back of his hand with the sharp edge.

Blood beads oozed out, and as soon as the wound appeared, the star on the chest was immediately activated, accelerating the healing of the wound.

If a more serious injury is caused, such as cutting off a leg, the self-healing process of the star can be prolonged, allowing Jing Yang to sense the star for a longer time, but in this way, Kurapika does not know how long he can last. ... He stared blankly at the wound on the back of his hand healing little by little. He wanted to let go and put down the stone, but was surprised to find that he couldn't do it.

My body is out of control.

"Jing Yang?" he asked in his mind.

"It's me, your boss." "Jingkula" casually threw away the stone in his hand. As soon as he moved, he found that his body was extremely weak. "Where on earth were you imprisoned? You are so weak after being tortured." ?You don’t even get a meal in prison?”

While "talking to himself", he looked around and took in the environment.

It soon became apparent that there was not much to measure.

This is a place that looks like a cave.

The top of the hemispherical internal space is estimated to be more than fifty meters from the ground. Visually, it is a perfect circular area from the front, rear, left, and right, and the distance is similar...

The most outrageous thing is exactly this.

The environment here is too regular, as if a perfect hemisphere is upside down on the ground, trapping Kurapika inside.

There is not enough light in the "cave" that is neither spacious nor narrow.

In addition, the color of the front, rear, left, right and top of the "cave" where Kurapika is held is an indistinguishable dark black.

Jing Yang tried to gather the remaining energy in Kurapika's body in his eyes, focusing on the fifty-meter-high "ceiling" at the top.

Gradually, he saw some dense lines on the dark "ceiling"...

"It's the divine characters." Kurapika's voice said weakly in his mind, "Not just above, but also around. This is a closed space composed of countless curtains of divine characters... Probably because I was in it and couldn't tell the difference at all. It’s clear day and night, so I can’t activate the moon mark on the ring here…”

Sure enough, Kurapika had already explored all the places he could explore during the 10 days he was trapped.

The word "divine" was something I told him myself when he was in Xianshui Mountain.

"Have you found any clues to get out?" "Jing Kula" asked.


"That patriarch may not be completely dead yet..."

"I don't know what he wants to do with my eyes or body, but every once in a while, something will appear..."

Kurapika's voice said in his mind, Jing Yang no longer needed any more explanation, because the thing had already appeared.

In the air, black fire-like thought energy bloomed out of thin air, and a pair of fiery red pupils vaguely emerged from it, staring greedily at "Jingkula" with its back against the boulder in the enclosed space.

"Aren't you still willing to surrender? Hehehehaha..."

Along with the eerie laughter, the black fire and red eyes quickly disappeared, as if just to confirm the situation here.

"Are those flaming eyes?" Jing Yang asked.

Kurapika was silent in his mind for a long time. You can imagine how angry Kurapika was at the patriarch's act of wantonly desecrating the eyes of his dead compatriots.

Jing Yang had clearly controlled Kurapika's body, but he felt his eyes were even burning, and anger was welling up like muscle memory.

"It's a good thing he's not completely dead." Jing Yang said with a smile, "Otherwise, I'd still have a headache, so how could I save you..."

Just as he was about to leave and remove his possessed consciousness, "Jing Kula" suddenly turned back. He just seemed to feel that there seemed to be a shadow of a person standing there behind the dark curtain.

Is that the patriarch?

She doesn’t look fat either!

As he left, Kurapika said in his mind: "There seems to be something hidden in the rocks behind me..."

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