I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 164 Despicable Humans

The tire got stuck in the cracks in the ground and spun rapidly, emitting smoke and hot air from friction, but it was impossible to move forward on the narrow and steep mountain road.

"That's it."

Jing Yang opened the door and got out of the car, looking at the undulating mountains and forests ahead. It was almost evening, the sun was dim, and the dense mountains were filled with a chill in the twilight.

"It can only be this way."

Sisi also got out of the car. Although he could drag the stuck off-road vehicle away with one hand, judging from the conditions of the mountain road ahead, driving was not as convenient as walking.

Xiaodi was carrying a backpack filled with food and water. Jing Yang took it casually and carried it on his back.

"Ahem, let's go!"

Jing Yang waved his hand and took the lead, and he could only lead the way.

He probably remembered the direction from which Kurapika's star signal came. Before Kurapika releases the signal next time, they'd better shorten the distance to the source of the signal as much as possible.

Jing Yang wanted to know what was there when they arrived at the center of Kurapika's signal.

Is it the disappeared patriarch himself who is doing this, or is there just a special cage that has been built?

Jing Yang became suspicious when he thought of the strange cave where Kurapika was trapped.

In the Hunter World, even the special talents related to superpowers like Cajin all agree that in the field of telekinesis, the Hunter Association is the real expert, a group of people with a spirit of exploration, adventure and research. Professional hunters, the knowledge and heritage they have accumulated, shared, and passed down from generation to generation are unparalleled.

Therefore, when Jing Yang saw those divine characters running all over the ground on Ghost Island and Fairy Water Mountain, he didn't think it was that strange.

The former is related to Blanchett, a professional hunter, and behind him is Jin Fulis, who is probably the best in the entire hunter world; not to mention the latter, the so-called Sky Master is involved in the Hunter Association. Long Nitro, at the age when this old monster is at his peak, can probably really say to everyone in the world, "Who dares to claim to be invincible, and who dares to claim to be invincible?"

For a master like this, even if he writes the divine words in his diary, Jing Yang would think nothing of it.

But a gangster who goes around brainwashing and committing crimes, a wild-blooded patriarch, how could he do such a trick, weaving a dense matrix of sacred characters into a hemispherical space, like a literal dragnet, not only bringing cool people together Rapika is trapped alive and can even isolate telekinesis signals like Jing Yang's star mark and moon mark to a certain extent?

As long as it's just the divine word and not the ability to read.

The powerful and strange mind-reading ability may be self-awakened without a teacher and a gifted person, but you must learn the divine word!

Before you can learn, you must at least be taught by someone, and then you will learn whether you learn or not.

There are no teaching materials for this thing, so those who can systematically master the divine words are most likely professional members of the Hunter Association, or people related to professional hunters.

Are the folk telepathic users in the Hunter World already so professional and knowledgeable?

With such doubts, Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Se Si entered the Kamavor Mountains.

With the physical strength of the three of them, the speed of climbing over the mountains and ridges can be said to be as fast as walking on flat ground, or as fast as flying.

Even if the mountain road is steep and uneven, you can smooth it out by applying more strength under your feet.

The nearly ten-meter-wide canyon in the ground can be jumped over with a little help from a run, saving a lot of detours.

Encountering a fast and wide mountain stream, Jing Yang directly kicked a big tree and knocked it down. The three of them stepped on the big tree to cross the river calmly. When they reached the other side, they did not forget to lift the big tree to avoid blocking it. Jianshui, blocking the water source.

When encountering a cliff blocking the road, Jingyang rubbed his hands together, jumped up and took the lead in climbing. With experience in climbing Xianshui Mountain, Jingyang and Xiaodi were familiar with each other, and climbed to the top of the cliff in the blink of an eye.

An old professional hunter like Sisi had kept his body "tangled" since he saw them entering the mountains. He also saw venomous snakes and fierce insects sneaking up on him along the way, but none of them could get close to them, let alone bite them. Taming's defense... Although Jing Yang has no experience in off-roading in deep mountains, but with a powerful telekinesis ability at his side, traveling through mountains and ridges is really as easy and casual as an outing. Xiaodi, on the other hand, seems to be no stranger to surviving in the wild even without the ability to read.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the jungle seemed to be filled with ghosts. Jing Yang estimated that it was almost time for Kurapika to release a new star signal. Suddenly, he, Xiaodi, and Seji's eyes froze at the same time.

Susu, Susu...

There were slight sounds approaching.

The three of them moved forward without changing the rhythm, exchanged glances, and quietly dispersed in three directions, forming a cornering trend.


A huge black shadow came from the side, blowing a cold wind towards Xiaodi.

Just as Essi was about to help, a strong wind came from behind him, and something also sneaked up on him!

Turning around suddenly, he saw two huge dark golden beast eyes staring at him coldly in a black mist, opening their mouths to bite him.


Sisi had no time to look at him, he held his breath and concentrated. He raised a ball of mental energy to protect his body and dodged to avoid it. Unexpectedly, another pair of dark golden beast eyes lit up in the black mist and bit him.

Hiding both ends? !

Essi was knocked upright, his shoulder hurt, and a lion's head bit his shoulder and neck fiercely, but it failed to penetrate the "hard" he used for defense.


Essi turned around and fought back, kicking the lion's head away.

The lion head screamed, rolled back into the black mist, and uttered curse words: "Why are you such a freak of a human being? You can't bite, you can't bite, it's so boring!"

"It's just that your claws are not sharp enough!"

The other pair of beast eyes in the black mist snorted coldly. Before Jesus could react, the black mist rolled toward him. Then he felt pain in his right arm. When he lowered his head, he saw three claw marks on his right arm.

The wound did not bleed, but the flesh and blood withered, like flowers and leaves.

Fortunately, the injury was not deep, and the overall appearance was similar to a wound left after being corroded by strong alkali and strong acid. After concentrating more Qi on the wound, Essi stopped the spread of the injury.

Essi looked at the billowing black mist in surprise, "Black mist lion?"

"Humph! Now that you know this is our territory, how dare you break in casually?"

The two lion monsters in the black mist sneered, but their laughter soon stopped.

On the other side, Jing Yang held the neck of a black mist lion with one hand. The latter had rolled his eyes and knelt down helplessly. Next to Xiaodi lay another black mist lion, but one arm was missing and the wound section was uneven. They were uneven, as if they had been bitten and cut off by something, and dark red blood flowed all over the floor... The skin of Jing Yang's and Xiao Di's arms had corrosive wounds similar to those suffered by Si Si, and they had healed automatically at this moment.

I have to say that this magical beast's special abilities are really impressive.

To put it in game terms, it has armor/spell penetration.

"It's also possible that Xiaodi and I are not strong enough." Jing Yang criticized himself and heard a sharp voice from the side: "Let them go, otherwise, be careful about his life!"

Jing Yang didn't look back, he stepped on the black fog lion in front of him, clasped his fingers to gather strength, and at the same time glanced at the pendant hanging around his neck. It was actually quite fashionable.

"Did you hear that! Human!"

The black mist dispersed, revealing two monsters with lion's heads and black fur. Their sharp claws pressed against Si Si, threatening Jing Yang and the two men fiercely.

Xiaodi looked at them calmly. She didn't care about Si Si's life or death. This was not her and Jing Yang's companion.

4, 5, 6...

Jing Yang originally charged up his "magical power with a snap of his fingers" and wanted to turn around and lock his head at the same time, giving the two monster lions seconds, but in the end he gave up with a snap of his fingers and dismissed the teleportation bomb.

"What's the sound?" The two black mist lions heard the soft sound of their magical powers being released. Before they could react, the humans who thought they had been restrained by them suddenly burst into flames, and balls of thought appeared behind them, like cannonballs. They collided and flew away, and white light bloomed intensely at the same time, looking like they were about to explode.

The two black mist lions couldn't see the mind ball, but they felt the approaching death threat with their animal instincts!

"Despicable humans!"

One of the black mist lions took off the small jade Buddha from its neck and cursed.

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The mind ball released by Essi detonated. However, before the explosion, a black fire-like vortex emerged, accompanied by the pain and screams of the two black mist lions. When the explosion dissipated, only a blackened and severed tail was lost. The Black Mist Lion that fell to the ground but was not killed or injured by the explosion was left... Such a powerful teleportation bomb should not be able to blow up the tenacious monsters to pieces.

Si Si looked at it in amazement and murmured: "The things they wear around their necks, that little jade Buddha... are exactly the same as the ancestor!"

"You mean this little jade Buddha?"

Jing Yang's voice came from behind.

Si Si looked back and found that Jing Yang was pointing at the black mist lion he was stepping on. There was also a pendant hanging on the neck of the black mist lion, which was almost the same as the small jade Buddha!

Xiaodi squatted next to the Black Mist Lion whose arm she had chopped off, took off his small jade Buddha necklace, and put it in front of her eyes to observe curiously.

The Black Mist Lion, whose necklace she took away, endured the pain of a broken arm and said angrily: "Give it back to me! Human!"

It struggled to snatch it away, but was hit on the forehead by Xiao Di's fist with entangled thoughts. Blood juice immediately splattered and it fainted.

Finally, Xiaodi remembered not to kill around Jing Yang, so she had some strength left in her attack.

Xiaodi calmly continued to observe the harvest of loot.

Essi said it was a small jade Buddha, but in fact it may not be real jade, it just looks crystal clear and resembles jade. The light gray jade body is carved into a Buddha statue with many arms. However, the carving skills are obviously not exquisite. The surface of the small jade Buddha is not very smooth. Instead, it has a rough texture similar to rock. The face of the multi-armed Buddha statue is also very smooth. It's perfunctory, and I can barely tell what I'm like.

"If you don't want to die, just tell me, what's going on with this thing?"

Under the angry eyes of the black fog lion at his feet, Jing Yang took off the other person's small jade Buddha necklace. The material and carving were almost the same as the one Xiaodi had harvested.

Could this group of monsters have robbed some inferior handicraft processing factory in human society?

"Bah!" The Black Mist Lion was trampled by Jing Yang and could not move. He cursed harshly, "Do you think I will betray my compatriots? I am not a despicable human being like you!"

"This is not an ordinary pendant. It must have been imbued with some kind of telekinesis ability." Si Si walked over with a frown on his face. "Warcraft does not understand telepathy. It seems to be the handiwork of the ancestor..."

In this way, the teacher's teacher has quite a good relationship with the Black Mist Lion in the mountains!

Not only did he set the coordinates of the alien space where Kurapika was trapped, or the divine prison, but he also set the coordinates of that thing in the mountain where the Black Mist Lion had his lair, and he also made small jade Buddha props of the same style as his own for these monsters. ? By the way, what are the props made with telekinesis called, telekinesis devices?

Are there any distinctions between low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and top-grade telepathy devices?

Jing Yang weighed the little jade Buddha and said with a smile: "I say that humans are despicable, but it doesn't mean that I don't want to make friends with humans at all. Let's find an ancestor. Do you know him?"

Si Si described the appearance of the Patriarch of the Black Mist to the Black Mist Lion.

The Black Mist Lion's eyes flashed and he sneered: "I don't know any humans! Humans who dare to trespass into our territory will only become our food!"

"Do you think who of us is more likely to be someone's meal now?" Jing Yang grinned at it, "If you don't want to tell me this, and you don't want to answer that, then what's the use of you?"

Hearing this, Xiaodi raised her hand to summon the bulging-eyed fish and took out a set of cooking tools...but Jing Yang quickly stopped her with her eyes.

I really want to eat it!

Should it be said or not, this thing can also speak human language. Jing Yang has not yet reached Vegeta's level of eating meat, and he really can't keep it down.

"Si Si, please turn around and avoid it." Jing Yang said.

Essi was a little surprised, but turned around and walked away some distance.

Jing Yang rubbed his fingers, and a flying star bubble flew out from his fingers.

The black mist lion was stepped on by Jing Yang, and his head was twisted so that his face was close to the ground. He couldn't see clearly what this weird human was going to do to him... But soon, the abominable human who stepped on him was The black mist lion suddenly moved away. Without thinking, the Black Mist Lion jumped up from the ground despite the severe pain all over his body. With a force he had never seen in his life, he aimed at the human boy's neck and bit him viciously.

Jing Yang stood still and didn't try to hide. He just said: "Get down."

The black mist lion's attack and bite stopped suddenly, as if it had completely surrendered to Jing Yang's order, it fell to the ground with a thud.

Um? !

The Black Mist Lion was stunned. It struggled hard, but its body seemed to be dead. It did not obey its own orders at all. It was like a piece of dead meat. It just lay on the ground obediently and refused to move.

"Stand still."

Then it heard the human say this.

Then it discovered to its horror that its body had really gotten up from the ground obediently, and stood neatly in front of the human boy... Is this my body or his body? !

Sisi had already turned back. He was surprised to see such a scene and understood why Zhen Yuanzi had turned around and avoided it just now.

This is obviously the telekinesis ability of the operating system.

Sisi was even a little lucky that he didn't see Zhen Yuanzi using this unknown telekinesis ability... We are not very familiar with each other. If I accidentally saw such an important ability of yours, I would always feel like I was taking advantage of it. I feel very sorry.

"If you don't want to say it, someone will." Jing Yang said to the Black Mist Lion who stood at attention in front of him, "I order you now to go home, pretend that nothing happened, kill seven of your compatriots first, and then Grab seven of them and come to me." He touched his chin, "If you don't want to tell them, there will always be someone who is willing to tell them, right?"

The Black Mist Lion was shocked on the spot, his lion's mane stood up in anger, and he cursed angrily: "You! Despicable human being! You are shameless!!"

It was spitting so wildly, but its body turned around without hesitation and walked towards the direction of the clan's life.

"Despicable! Shameless! Hateful human beings! I said! I said it's not okay, please let me stop!!!"

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