I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 165 What kind of scroll to return to the city?

Under the tree, the Black Mist Lion was not bound, but was restrained by the control of the star and could not move.

It struggled to no avail, glanced at its companion with a broken arm in a pool of blood, and answered these human questions with anger.

"Don't always look like you are a victim." Jing Yang threw a stone in his hand and hit the black mist lion's head with a thud, which sounded like a good head, "Should you Have you forgotten that it was you who jumped out to attack us first for no apparent reason?"

The Black Mist Lion was dissatisfied and said: "Sophistry! It's obvious that you guys were the first to break into our territory without permission!"

"What the hell is your territory? Who granted it to you?" Jing Yang threw another stone at it, raised his chin and asked, "Officials of the Minbo Republic? How many years has it been granted to you? Who of you signed it? , where does the boundary come from, why didn’t I see the boundary marker? Can you take out the real estate certificate and take a look?”

"This is a professional hunter from the Hunter Association. Have you ever heard of a professional hunter?" Jing Yang pointed at Si Si, "V5 license, kill first and report later, with a hunter's license in hand, let alone this small barren mountain. , even any world power can travel unimpeded!"

Sisi's expression was calm, but he was speechless in his heart. This guy used other people's identities to scare people, and he really didn't show any concern for others.

The Black Mist Lion was angry in his heart, but he could only be angry. His body seemed to be paralyzed and he had no control over himself. He said impatiently: "Despicable humans, I can't speak to you. If you want to ask anything, just ask!"

Jing Yang said: "Xiao Di, drag that one away and stay away. Let's ask together."

"Oh." Xiaodi nodded, walked over and dragged the other black mist lion with one hand, like he was trying to carry a garbage bag, and picked up the broken arm of this guy with the other hand and left.

Si Si looked at Jing Yang and Xiao Di who were leaving to go elsewhere.

Ignoring the anger in the eyes of the black mist lion in front of him, Jing Yang threw the pebbles in his hand and asked: "First of all, the first question - what is your name? What was the name of the one who was dragged away just now?"

"Ryan." Black Mist Lion puffed hot breath from his nose, almost gritting his teeth and said, "His name is Rand."


Stones fell on him.

"What I said is true!" Black Mist Lion Ryan said angrily.

"Oh, it's easy." Jing Yang said. Through the moon mark on his finger, he synchronized the progress of the interrogation with Xiao Di. The confessions were consistent. The two black mist lions did have these names.

"Take what you said as true, Rand." Jing Yang leaned down and picked up a stone, then crushed it into many broken stones.

"I'm Ryan!"

"What is that thing hanging around your neck?" Jing Yang picked up one of the stones.

"I don't know," Ryan said.

Jing Yang pressed his fingers against the stone and aimed at the black mist lion in front of him.

"I really don't know what this thing is called!" Ryan yelled.

"You call us despicable, but in fact you are also very cunning." Jing Yang shot out the stones with a snap of his fingers, "You know what I'm asking is what is the ability of this thing? Do all of you Black Mist Lions wear it? This thing is Where did it come from? Who gave it to you? Don’t tell me, this thing is a once-in-a-lifetime elixir that you Black Mist Lion pulled out of your belly..."

Ryan, the Black Mist Lion, was stunned. He couldn't move his head, but from the corner of his eye, he could see that the stone that the human flicked just now grazed his face and "bang" made a crater in the tree trunk behind his head. Hole.

Sawdust is flying...

Ryan calmed down and said, "Yes, everyone in our clan will have this thing. As for how it came about, I really don't know!"

Is this thing a standard prop for the Black Mist Lion clan?

So luxurious?

"What is the temple?" Jing Yang grabbed a stone again, this time aiming it at the head of the Black Mist Lion.

Ryan broke out in cold sweat all of a sudden.

How did he know about the temple!

Could it be that bastard Rand shook it out? But how could this human know immediately that Rand was taken somewhere else? Do they have any method of long-distance communication?

Not to mention him, Sisi was surprised.

"Perhaps, this is the same method that Zhen Yuanzi can locate Kurapika's position from a long distance!" Essi thought secretly, "Zhen Yuanzi and his companions have a special way of communication."

Ryan knew that he could not hide it from the cunning, despicable, shameless and hateful human boy in front of him, so he could only say helplessly: "Since it is said to be a temple, of course it is a place where gods are enshrined! The only ability of our pendant is It allows us to return to the temple at any time when we encounter a crisis. It is of no other use! As for how it came about..."

After a pause, Ryan said simply: "Every time a tribesman reaches adulthood and completes the hunting test, they will receive this pendant as a gift from the great elder, which means that they have become a warrior who can stand alone. As for how the great elder made the pendant, I really don’t know! This is true! If you don’t believe it, just ask Rand!”

"...If you don't believe it, just ask Ryan!" On the other side, another black mist lion shouted to Xiaodi.

What a town-returning scroll!

Jing Yang's expression remained unchanged, but he was complaining wildly in his heart. Is this too much?

Sisi asked at this time: "Since you said that this kind of necklace was a gift from your great elder after you passed the test when you were an adult, then...why do humans have it?"

He described the appearance of the Patriarch again, "I will never admit it wrong. His pendant is exactly the same as the one hanging around your neck. Not only the shape and material look exactly the same, but even the scene of the ability being activated at the end has nothing to do with it. The difference. That bastard took our friend away, and we came here just to find him and save our friend."

"I hope you will answer honestly." Si Si stared at the black mist lion Ryan, because his emotions were rising and his energy was also fluctuating.

Ryan was silent for a longer time this time. Just when he was about to answer, Jing Yang suddenly said: "Oh, he is a human being raised by a group of lions like you. After a long time of trouble, he is just a wolf child!"

How could that bastard Rand explain so neatly? !

Why are you faster than me?

Ryan almost wanted to vomit blood. He wanted to go back ten or twenty minutes ago and sincerely advise this human boy, don't torment me. You can take this idiot Rand away and ask him casually. He just explained everything casually. .

"Ryan, take them to see the great elder."

Then Rand came over there.

Ryan looked over and was stunned. How come both of Rand's arms are fine? Wasn't one of them cut off by the woman? !

"I think what he said is quite right." Jing Yang stretched out his hand towards Ryan, "We are here to save people, and we are good people. What do you think?"

Ryan hesitated a little, looked at the careless Rand over there, and looked at the human hand stretched out, and suddenly he found that he could feel the existence of his body again and could move independently.

Snap, Ryan slapped Jing Yang's hand away and stood up.

"Follow me." He left first, and when he passed by Rand, he punched him away.

Rand rolled to his feet and shouted, "Why are you hitting me? Stop!"

"Let's go." Jing Yang waved and lifted the backpack on the ground with his toes, leading Xiaodi to follow the two lion-headed monsters in front of him who were fighting and scolding each other.

After all, Jing Yang has not erased the stars on them yet. After all, if you are following them to the territory of Warcraft, it is better to be careful.

As for the star mark on the other monster, it was naturally placed on it by Jing Yang after possessing Xiao Di.

Since you don't plan to kill the other party, and you have to explore the other party's territory later, it's better to sell it well, put a star on it, heal the other party's broken arm, and have multiple "hostages" of your own. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Essi looked left and right, always feeling that he was redundant, but since he had followed him all the way, he felt uneasy when he didn't see Kurapika, so he followed him.

It was completely dark.

Deep in the Kamavor Mountains, a house was built on the mountainside. Several monsters with lion heads and bodies came in and out. Some of them were yawning at the distant night sky, and some were preparing their prey.

The two black mist lions leading the way ignored these compatriots and continued moving forward with Jing Yang and the others.

"Isn't it them?" Xiaodi asked doubtfully.

Jing Yang also looked at the mountainside. The few black mist lions in front of the house, who seemed to him to be similar, had noticed that they were passing by, and they looked a little confused and wary.

There are similar small jade Buddha pendants hanging around their necks.

Jing Yang and professional hunter Se Si looked at each other in confusion.

The small jade Buddha prop with special teleportation ability is actually mass-produced and distributed... Although it is not yet clear whether the principle is complicated, but whether even the Hunter Association can make such a craft, Si Si, a member of the association , it’s really hard to say. Of course, it may also be because he is not qualified enough, has no access to the association's true core circle, and has limited knowledge.

Ryan and Rand beat their chests with their fists. The black mist lions halfway up the mountain did the same and nodded to each other.

Ryan said: "Do you humans all live in the same house and on the same street? This entire mountain range is the territory of our tribe. Of course, the tribesmen are spread out and can live wherever they want. Who would mind their own business?”

"Didn't the Great Elder say that we should change it and learn from humans and try to live together as much as possible?" Rand said aside, "This will also make it easier for him to count the population, otherwise it will be easy to miss the little ones who should be given necklaces. "

"You will die if you don't speak, right?" Ryan cursed, really wanting to tear this idiot's mouth off with his claws.

It seems that the so-called great elder of the Black Mist Lion is the type who is willing to communicate with humans.

Jing Yang secretly nodded, which is easy to understand - if the entire clan was as virtuous as Ryan, the patriarch would not have been raised like a wolf child, but would have been raised like a black mist lion when he was picked up. Swallowed in one gulp.

Sure enough, when they, led by two black mist lions, found the core residential area of ​​these monsters in a valley plain, and met the great elder, the other party's attitude was quite kind.

I don't know if he has always been like this to humans, or if it's because humans who can come here to see him from the edge of the mountains are basically qualified to let him express a kind attitude.

Of course, it is more likely that it is the result of the black mist lion lying on the ground around Jing Yang and the others.

Even if there are two leading parties, Ryan and Rand, these monsters will not easily regard Jing Yang and the three as friends. They will definitely come up to interrogate them, or even use their hands and feet to provoke them.

Jing Yang and the others naturally knew that at this time, they needed to show their strength.

So after demonstrating some truth, the old lion elder who came out with everyone's attention was particularly easy to talk to.

The old lion is thin and thin, and it is rare for a monster to be wearing a robe. Under the half-breasted robe, you can still see the muscles and bones under the loose skin, and you can imagine his strong body when he was young.

"You are asking about this pendant..."

The great elder took out the small jade Buddha he was wearing from his arms. The material was light gray like stone. The small multi-armed Buddha statue had a blurred face and the appearance of the sculptor being unskilled. It was the same as the ones he had seen before.

"It's just some poor imitations of me." The old lion said in a hoarse voice, "As for its special abilities, it's not my ability. I just followed the example and did it according to the method that person said. That’s all, and it’s a poor imitation.”

The black mist lions who were beaten all around were bruised and swollen, and the miserable ones were even rolling on the ground unable to get up. This was the first time for them to hear the great elder tell the origin of the clan's necklace, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

"That person?" Si Si grasped the key words in the elder's words, "Is the other person a human being?"

The old lion sighed with emotion: "Yes, they are human beings! Let me think about it, it was hundreds of years ago, right? At that time, I was still very young..."

Hundreds of years? !

Jing Yang and Essi were both surprised. How could these black mist lion beasts survive? Is the natural lifespan so long?

“Back then, our family still lived by the sea, and I would always see him standing alone on the seashore, or staring blankly into the distance of the endless sea for several days.

"Either he would be alone on the shore and carve the entire reef into many stone statues of different shapes bit by bit."

The great elder smashed his mouth and fell into long-lasting memories.

"Probably because I often hang around him and he is used to my presence. One time I couldn't help but ask him, this sea is endless, boring as hell, and there is nothing. What are you looking at? ?At this time he spoke for the first time.

“He said that he was looking at the past of mankind and also the future of mankind.

"He had seen the sun rise on the other side, so he came here to watch the sun set."

Can it hold a cup like this?

It's easy to understand just looking at the ocean and witnessing the rise and setting of the sun, but...seeing the past and future of mankind?

Are you just bragging with a bunch of Warcraft, or is he really someone awesome?

Jing Yang's mind was filled with thoughts. It couldn't be that old man Nitro was taking a walk on the beach with nothing to do.

The old lion shook his head, "Alas, I'm going too far. Talking about rocks...well, rocks. He carved each reef into different shapes. It's strange to say that they are obviously ordinary rocks, but he carved them into different shapes. After looking at it, each one looked like jewelry, as beautiful as black jade. I boldly wanted one to play with, but he said that it was of no use to us monsters.

"However, in the end he couldn't help but keep me pestering him. He left a statue but didn't allow me to move it. As compensation, he taught me an imitation technique..."

He looked at Jing Yang and the three people who were listening carefully, as well as the Black Mist Lion clan members around them, "The statue he left behind was enshrined in the temple by us. The necklace I made using the method he taught me, naturally The earth has the ability to transport us to the temple when we encounter crisis."

Jing Yang said: "So, where is the temple? The patriarch you raised and our friends who were kidnapped by him are probably there."

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