I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 167: This thing is destined to me

Jing Yang checked Kurapika's status.

When he used the star to possess his body, he hesitated from the first point of view. There was no reflective surface such as a mirror in the "cave" where Kurapika was trapped, so he really didn't notice that Kurapika's body was different from the one in the cave. His mental state is actually so bad.

"Jing Yang..." The skinny Kurapika opened his eyes, "eyes... fiery red eyes..."

"Don't worry, I'll keep it for you." Jing Yang comforted.

The droplet materialized into a fish with bulging eyes, releasing a ball of cloth from it. This is when Jing Yang took off the two pairs of flaming eyes from the fallen Buddha head, then tore off a corner of his own clothes and wrapped them, and then asked Xiao Di to suck them away with a vacuum cleaner.

Unfold the rag to reveal two pairs of eyeballs. While scrolling, fiery red eyes were revealed, seeming to be watching Kurapika from different angles.

Kurapika raised his hand with difficulty, with a sad look on his face and said nothing.

"Don't worry, the thing that imprisoned you has been eliminated." Jing Yang patted the back of Kurapika's skinny hand, "As for these two pairs of flaming red eyes, Xiaodi is keeping them and can't throw them away. Just have a good rest and wake up. After that, I’ll make sure it’s delivered to you intact.”

Hesitation has made him so thin that the C-shaped ring on Kurapika's finger is not secure.

Kurapika relaxed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep completely.

Xiaodi wrapped the two pairs of flaming red eyes again and let the bulging-eyed fish swallow them with its big mouth. Then she turned the bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner into a ball of thought energy and dispersed it.

Although the flaming red eyes are magical, they are not a creation of telekinesis, and the bulging-eyed fish can be confiscated at will.

Looking at the haggard Kurapika who had fallen asleep, Jing Yang couldn't help but frown.

He was confused.

Kurapika's strength is not bad. After awakening his ki through his own thoughts, his strength has steadily increased. How could he be reduced to this after just being imprisoned for more than ten days?

Qi is life energy.

The total amount of life energy far exceeds that of ordinary people with telekinesis abilities.

Even if you don't drink a drop of water, eat a grain of rice, and go without sleep for more than ten days, you won't be reduced to bones, as if you have suffered unimaginable torture...

Jing Yang thought to himself: "The Buddha statue with two pairs of flaming eyes was decapitated by Xiaodi, and the Buddha's head was trampled into pieces. There was no death energy after death. It can be seen that the so-called religious ancestor was indeed a sacrifice as Sisi said at the time. I sacrificed my own life to activate such a powerful telekinesis ability, which swept Kurapika away and brought him across space to this deep mountain, this alien space in this temple..."

Now that the patriarch is dead, who will come to torture Kurapika?

At that time, I was possessing Kurapika, and saw a shadow with flaming eyes appearing in the divine character space - presumably the Buddha head with two pairs of flaming eyes embedded in it - that thing only confirmed Kurapika's life and death. , and then left immediately without paying much attention to Kurapika.

As for the black energy that resides on the Buddha statue, it is most likely the stronger thought left behind by the ancestor after his death, but that's all.

Even Nifepido, one of the three guards of the chimera ants, left behind his mind and intelligence after his death. He only had an obsession to kill Black Jack with all his life, which was impossible to execute. Too complex a strategy.

The thought of death left by the ancestor should be the same.

Jing Yang recalled that Xiaodi chopped off the Buddha's head with a sharp-toothed chain saw. Before the Buddha's head was crushed, he muttered nonsense about how the gods were dead, the demons were destroyed, and I was going to become a god. His thoughts were probably In the vague and crazy idea of ​​the sect ancestor, the strange eyes like flaming red eyes, or the bloodline with characteristics like the Kuluta tribe, are the medicinal ingredients that help him become a god?

So when he saw Kurapika, the last Kuruta survivor, coming to his door, he immediately self-destructed, launched a deathrattle, kidnapped Kurapika, and trapped Kurapika with his thoughts after his death...

After gathering three pairs of fiery red eyes, using the body of the Buddha statue as flesh and blood, and using the blood of the Kuluta clan as divine fire, he, the patriarch of the religion, reappeared in the world to have a divine revelation?

What Uchiha Madara!

"How is he?" Sisi came over from a distance.

Jing Yang said: "The injury is nothing serious, it's just that my body is a bit exhausted and my energy is overdrawn. I need to slow down for a while."

Essi nodded, "You have to take a good rest."

After a pause, he added: "There seems to be something going on over there."

"What's wrong?"

"The little jade Buddha of the Black Mist Lion clan has failed." Sisi said.

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Permanently invalid?"

Si Si said: "Preliminarily, maybe yes."

"Is it because the black jade Buddha statue is broken?" Jing Yang expressed his understanding, "The genuine ones are cracked, and it's normal for the counterfeit ones to have problems. Let's go and take a look."

Xiaodi was also very curious, and Kurapika's resting place was not far from the ruined monastery, so there was no need to worry.

Another black mist lion, Ryan, sat here silently, as if he wanted to help protect Kurapika.

At this time, his injured legs had healed, and Rand's broken arm suddenly recovered as before. No matter how stupid he was, he could have guessed what these humans had done to him and Rand, and the serious injuries were self-healing. Ability - It's a pity that Rand was probably too seriously injured in the black fog and could not survive.

Jing Yang nodded to Ryan, and followed Si Si back to the dilapidated monastery with Xiao Di.

The already dilapidated mountain monastery was now in even more disarray. When Kurapika appeared out of thin air and regained his freedom, the wave of black energy that appeared at the same time faded away, and everything in the strange divine word space that trapped him was brought out - it felt like , that is, the different space was damaged and the entire world teleported to this side.

In the middle of the decaying hall, covered with cobwebs, moss, and weeds, the boulder on the hillside that Kurapika once leaned against in the Divine Word Space was prominently displayed. The masonry of the hall at the bottom was crushed to pieces, and the edges were cracked.

As for the most important divine character in the divine character space, the heavenly net covering all four sides of the space sputters to the stone pillars, sutra pillars, and ceiling of the Buddhist temple...

However, after seeing the light of day again, these sacred character arrays quickly turned into wisps of black smoke and disappeared.

Divine characters are substantive characters formed by injecting the power of mind. When the special space itself that they need to maintain no longer exists, it seems reasonable that they will disappear.

Si Si expressed doubts about Jing Yang's speculation.

"After the formation of the divine characters, they have been completely implemented. In addition to stimulating and assisting the use of telekinesis, they are no different from ordinary words written on books or carved on stones." Si Si said, "When books are torn into pieces and stone tablets are destroyed, the words on them will be damaged, but they will not disappear. Real experts can even piece them together, repair them and restore them to their original state, inferring the original text..."

At this point, he suddenly paused.


"Just to prevent anyone from trying to recover?"

Jing Yang and Si Si said at the same time. They looked at each other and fell into thought.

Different from Seji, Jing Yang had seen that mysterious figure in the wave of black energy that followed Kurapika before. Therefore, for him, the one who trapped Kurapika's divine word space was The creator of the divine words does not seem to be completely traceless... Is it that mysterious figure who left these divine words? In order to prevent anyone from trying to restore the divine characters he left behind, he designed it so that when the space here is released, all the divine characters will immediately turn into black smoke and dissipate?

According to the Black Mist Lion Grand Elder, the real black jade Buddha statue enshrined in this Zen Temple was carved by a human he saw as a child hundreds of years ago and left in the mountain.

Is he the mysterious figure Jing Yang saw in the Divine Word Space when the black tide dissipated?

What is so unique about those divine characters in the divine character space that it is worth making such a design to destroy them in time?

Is it related to the reason why Kurapika became like this?

Speaking of which, that guy who I don’t know who made the Buddha statue, created the divine word space, and most likely connected the Buddha statue to the divine word space... What was the purpose of doing all this?

With some guesses flashing through their minds, Jing Yang and the other three walked around the boulder standing in the middle of the Buddhist hall and saw the great elder of the Black Mist Lion.

The great elder stared blankly at the black jade Buddha statue.

Indeed, as he said, the small jade Buddha necklace worn by everyone in the Black Mist Lion clan was copied by him based on this black jade Buddha statue.

Almost the same multi-armed shape.

The difference is that the face of the Buddha's head on the small jade Buddha pendant is blurred, and there is not much clear human appearance. This genuine Buddha statue has a lifelike face and facial features, just like a real person.

The Buddha lowered his eyes and seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He had insight into the past and the future and sympathized with the world.

It's just a pity that this black jade Buddha statue, which should have been flawless, is now covered with cracks, which is really worrying. Just touching it with a finger can cause it to completely disintegrate and collapse...

Even so, the face of this cracked black jade-like Buddha statue is the most life-like sculpture Jing Yang has ever seen.

"Oh, let that little bastard ruin it!" The elder looked at the cracked black jade Buddha statue with infinite regret, "I should have known, let that kid know this place, and get close to it, something will happen sooner or later..."

The old lion murmured to himself, full of regret.

Jing Yang guessed that when the black jade Buddha statue was intact, it once contained rich thoughts.

And when that patriarch was young, he might have already awakened his telekinesis ability.

As a Warcraft, the Great Elder does not have the ability to read, but as a Warcraft, his powerful biological instinct allows him to vaguely feel the extraordinary temperament of his ancestor - and perhaps he can also feel that this extraordinary temperament is closely related to the temple. The Buddha statue here is somewhat similar to the temperament of the human being who carved it.

Among humans, there are children who are born with the ability to awaken thoughts.

Did this Patriarch already have this kind of potential when he was first picked up? Was it because of this that the Great Elder missed him and took him back to raise him out of pity?

The old lion now says that he should have known something would happen, but it might have been the opposite at first. When he felt a similar temperament to the Buddha statue and that human being in the Patriarch, his first reaction was probably to think that the Patriarch was destined to be with him... Otherwise, How could he make a small jade Buddha necklace for a human being? Isn't it convenient that this guy can go back to the temple and touch the Buddha statue at any time?

I'm afraid that because of this, the patriarch had too many exposures to Buddha statues, and he himself pretended to be a god to brainwash others. In the end, his brain was damaged, and he would come up with some whimsical ceremony to become a god.

Jing Yang tried to ask, but the elder did not deny it, but shook his head and said: "This pendant can only be used within the scope of this mountain. If it goes out of the mountain and enters the colorful world of human beings, it will not be effective. "

Si Si nodded, but said in his heart: "It's not that it's not working, but it's because the distance is too far, and the ability to read is ineffective, right? The patriarch must have known it well, so he went crazy and blew himself up, and used his own life to strengthen his ability, so that he could kill him from a distance Kurapika brought this place..."

Xiaodi took out her phone, as if hesitating whether to take a photo of this mysterious black jade Buddha statue.

"This is a relic of an old friend, so don't mess with it. But if you like it, old man, I will give you a necklace." The great elder sighed and said to himself, "The face of this Buddha statue looks exactly like that person back then. Carved from the same mold..."

So narcissistic?

Carve a Buddha statue with his own face?

Jing Yang asked, "I remember you said that man carved more than just this one statue at the beach..."

"Yes, there are Gods, angels, saints, immortals, gods and Buddhas all over the sky." The great elder said, "The face of each stone statue is made according to himself."

Both Jing Yang and Si Si were speechless. That ancient man was really free and uninhibited.

The Great Elder said: "It's just that the pendant has lost its effect now. I hope you don't dislike it."

Xiaodi blinked and looked at the multi-armed black jade Buddha statue covered with cracks in front of him, but did not refuse.

Essi waved his hands repeatedly to show that he didn't mind.

Jing Yang said, "I'm more interested in how you copied this thing. It doesn't work anyway, so it doesn't matter if you demonstrate it, right?"

The great elder was stunned, "It seems...it's really nothing. However, the Buddha statue itself has lost its spirituality. I'm not sure whether the necklace can still be made."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to see the technique." Jing Yang said with a smile, "I think you can also feel that there are some similar 'spirituality' in us. When you meet similar people, you will inevitably want to explore."

The great elder sighed and said, "That's fine. However, I have to go back and prepare."

"Please hurry up. If it's too much trouble, we have to forget it." Jing Yang said, "Our friend is too weak and needs to be sent to a hospital outside the mountain for treatment as soon as possible."

The main reason is that Kurapika's body is in urgent need of nutrition to make up for the deficit.

The great elder nodded and left the Buddhist hall.

Jing Yang watched him leave, and his eyes slowly fell on the huge stone in the middle of the hall.

He didn't forget what Kurapika said at the time, guessing there was something in the stone...

Anyway, the great elder didn't seem to pay much attention to the appearance of the stone that appeared out of thin air. It can be seen that if there is something here, he doesn't know anything about it. It can be seen that this thing has no connection with the Black Mist Lion Clan!

Jing Yang geared up and said to Xiao Di, "What do you mean, let's do some unpacking now?"

Xiao Didi said: "Okay."

"What?" Sisi didn't understand at all.

The next moment, he saw Zhen Yuanzi take a step forward, condensing a ball of thought energy in his palm, and slapped it heavily on the very eye-catching boulder in the middle of the Buddhist hall. He heard a roar, and the boulder was shattered by his palm, and the gravel flew away.

Essi thought that this was because Zhen Yuanzi found such a large stone to be an eyesore, but who knew that after the shell of the boulder cracked and disintegrated, there was actually a bunch of things hidden inside.

"This is..." Sisi took a closer look and asked doubtfully, "Ears of rice? Is there a pile of rice hidden in the stone?"

Jing Yang was stunned for a moment. Looking at the pile of rice that was about the size of a bed, he immediately thought of something.

Xiao Didi said: "They are withering."

Sure enough, after the boulder collapsed, the pile of rice hidden inside was yellowing, shrinking, and withering at a speed that the naked eye could not keep up with... It was like when cultural relics were unearthed, they immediately oxidized and decayed when exposed to the air.

"Little drops!"

Jing Yang shouted, no matter what, if you open the box with your own skills, put it away first.

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