I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 168 Why is it you again!

Without saying a word, Xiaodi raised her hand and materialized a vacuum cleaner, saying, "Suck in all the rice, the bulging-eyed fish."

After saying that, the head of the vacuum cleaner opened its mouth wide, flicked its tongue, and sucked hard.




The pile of rice exposed after breaking through the boulder, no matter whether it was yellow or green, was all swept away by the big-mouth vacuum cleaner.


Si Si looked dumbfounded on the sidelines.

No, okay, what is this for?

Jing Yang could see clearly that although the pile of rice quickly rotted and withered after the boulder was broken open and exposed to the air, it was only the outermost layer. When it was eaten away by the bulging-eye fish, the inside There is still a considerable part of the rice that appears to be in good condition. Each ear of rice is heavy and full of grains. The harvest aura can move any veteran farmer.

The old farmer Jing Yang was very moved at this moment.

Who would go to such trouble to seal ordinary rice in such a huge rock?

Not only is it sealed in such a boulder, but the boulder itself is also sealed in a special alien space.

The case has been solved. The person who carved this black jade Buddha statue hundreds of years ago on the beach probably had the real purpose of preserving the rice.

As for the preservation boulder, that is, the special divine character space where Kurapika is trapped, it is the telekinesis ability that the person developed specifically for this time, or the carving of the stone statue that connects to different spaces is his own telekinesis ability. , or part of the ability to read, then Jing Yang is unknown.

But there seems to be an explanation for the Black Mist Lion's great elder being able to live for hundreds of years.


That is, longevity rice.

When Jing Yang saw the pile of rice exposed after breaking through the boulder, especially when he saw the strange and rapid decay of the rice after it was revealed, he immediately thought of the great elder's recounting of his experiences hundreds of years ago. .

Immortal rice!

If, hundreds of years ago, when the Great Elder was still a cub of Warcraft, the human who carved many statues of gods on the seashore had fed him this longevity rice from the Dark Continent...

It is no wonder that he is so alive, and it is no wonder that he has such respect for the human beings who left this statue. He also revered the Buddha statue he left behind as a temple and worshiped it from generation to generation.

Immortal rice!

After Jing Yang came to this world, the first ambition he set up was to cultivate his telepathy ability and to live forever, preferably to live forever. The most reliable and promising way is naturally the Dark Continent, because the Dark Continent contains the legendary rice of longevity!

No matter how good your telekinesis skills are, how much hope can you have of being able to surpass that old monster Nitro?

Nitro can only live for more than a hundred years. Even if there is no ant king, it is hard to say how long he can live in the future.

In comparison, it seems that the path of eating longevity rice is more practical and reliable.

At least, judging from the name, the function of this rice is to extend life.

Who doesn’t know how to cook?

But this may not be the case when cultivating the ability to read.

What this thing can achieve in the end is not completely controlled by the person with the ability to read. After all, manpower is sometimes exhausted.

A single thought can make you a Buddha, and a single thought can turn you into a demon.

The almost endless plasticity and creativity of mind power also means that there is no clear direction ahead of this road.

This is not like the world of cultivating immortals, where foundation building, golden elixir, Nascent Soul, transcending tribulations, and Mahayana are all arranged for you level by level. Just work hard and it's done.

No matter how many difficulties there are, we monks always have a consistent and very specific goal in mind - to overcome the tribulation, ascend, and become an immortal!

This is not the case in Hunter World.

Jing Yang currently believes that the most simple, direct and clear path is probably Kuangdui's basic total thoughts, which can be linked to the transformation of life levels such as immortality and transcendence... That's it, the total thoughts Whether it can prolong life or not, or in other words, how much total thoughts must be accumulated in order to prolong life, is completely a blind eye, it is unfair!

So, longevity rice!

This is the optimal solution that is most likely to achieve the goal.

If you want to successfully reach the Dark Continent and successfully find the longevity rice in the "New World Chronicles Draft" that Kurapika retells, you must have considerable strength.

This is what Jing Yang has been doing so far. Accumulate strength to form a group in the future and go to the Dark Continent.

Who would have thought that today in this deserted mountain, we would unexpectedly find such a large amount of longevity rice?

...If these are really longevity rice.

After Xiaodi used the bulging-eye fish to absorb all the rice extracted from the boulders, a series of thoughts flashed through Jing Yang's mind, and he didn't come back to his senses until Sisi called him.

"What's wrong with you?" Sisi asked in confusion, "Is there anything wrong with these rice?"

He thought the rice was poisonous. After all, these rice grains were rotting rapidly after they were unsealed. If they are not kept intact, they will release toxic and harmful gases.

As for Xiaodi's ability to manifest thoughts...

Space-type telekinesis abilities are very rare and have extremely strong strategic value. But Sisi doesn't think this has anything to do with him.

Jing Yang pondered and said, "If you have any questions, I have to ask the great elder later."

So Si Si stopped asking further questions.

Several people waited for the sleeping Kurapika for a while. Footsteps were heard in the distance in the night. It was the elder of the Black Mist Lion who had gone and returned, and finally came back.

"So soon?" Xiaodi was confused. She thought the other party was going back to the place where the tribe lived.

"The preparation I'm talking about is preparing these stones. They must be suitable for use."

The great elder only had three gray stones in his hand. The size is uniform and the material is similar - similar to the material of all the pendants worn by the Black Mist Lions.

Having said that, he took out another metal tool that looked like a chisel or a flat knife from his pocket. It looked rusty and old.

Since Jing Yang asked to see how he made the small jade Buddha necklace, he demonstrated it to Jing Yang and the three human guests from beginning to end. Anyway, even if the pendant was successfully made, it would not have the function of teleportation— -The body of the black jade Buddha statue has been torn apart by the patriarch. Even if the method is leaked, it doesn't matter.

"Your friend, he looks better." The elder looked at the sleeping Kurapika before starting work.

As for the huge stone in the Buddhist temple that was broken into pieces at some point and scattered all over the floor, although he was surprised, he didn't pay too much attention.

Ryan, the black mist lion who had already buried his three companions, said: "If he is as weak as he is, even the bravest black mist lion will have to train for at least two or three months. This human body is really incredible." He spoke At the same time, he was looking at Kurapika and Jing Yang.

Jing Yang said: "We are indeed in good health."

Yeah? Seji disagreed. Even by the standards of telekinesis users, Kurapika's condition improved at an alarming rate.

When he was first rescued, Kurapika was almost skinny and bones, making people wonder how he managed to survive until now.

But now, his condition is much better. The back of his hands and cheeks are not so dry, and the sound of his breathing is not so weak, becoming smoother and longer.

If the melody is here, you can hear the intensity and frequency of Kurapika's heartbeat returning.

But Xiaodi knew that this was not because of Kurapika's special physique, but because of the star mark on him.

Jing Yang had discussed with her before what the principle of Xingbiao's recovery was. What was certain at present was that Xingbiao would not forcibly tap into or overdraw the human body's life potential to forcibly restore the body - this was putting the cart before the horse no matter how you looked at it. And it is full of suspicion of stepping on the left foot and stepping on the right foot.

Take the Kurapika in front of him as an example. His body is already exhausted and weak. How can he still have the foundation to overdraw the star and restore his body?

Let’s not mention these unsolved mysteries.

The improvement of Kurapika's condition also confirmed Jing Yang's previous guess. The fact that Kurapika is so weak is definitely caused by the special environment of the divine space. Because of this, when Kurapika is in that space, the recovery effect of the star becomes limited, or the negative impact of the space is excessive. offset. And when Kurapika escaped and returned to the real world, the divine space was completely lifted, the recovery effect of the star was restored, and Kurapika immediately began to restore Kurapika's body.

"Click, click, click, click..."

The great elder sat in the Buddhist temple, with the ruins of cracked boulders behind him. He placed three gray-white stones of equal size in front of him, and compared them with the cracked black jade Buddha statue. He took the carving knife in his hand and began to carve it one by one. His technique was skillful, and stone chips flew into the air after a while.

"May I take the liberty of asking you a question?"

Jing Yang watched for a while and finally asked, "This..." He raised his chin and gestured to the black jade Buddha statue, mainly its face, "Hundreds of years ago, when you met him at the beach, he had Haven't I given you anything delicious? For example, delicious rice?"

Xiaodi quietly observed the old lion's reaction.

Essi remained calm, surprised in his heart, and looked at the old lion in the carving.

The great elder was confused at first. He followed Jing Yang's line of sight and looked at the face of the black jade Buddha statue that was exactly the same as that of his old friend. He thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I've never eaten rice," he said, carving on his hands, "but at that time, he often took me to eat with him."

The old lion smashed his withered mouth and said with emotion, "White rice does taste good, but without meat, it always feels like it lacks a bit of flavor."

Jing Yang nodded, knowing something in his mind.

The longevity rice is probably gone.

Damn it, who is it? He actually used Nitolomi, which can make people live longer, to serve a monster. It’s really like rice! Is it steamed in a rice cooker?

Giving a look of approval to Si Si, who looked confused, Jing Yang signaled the other party to talk about this topic later.

Essi nodded and left to look after Kurapika. He actually had no interest at all in how the little jade Buddha that had expired was made.

"Crack, click, click..."


The great elder blew away the stone chips and dust on the small jade Buddha in one breath, and the first small jade Buddha has been carved.

It has the same shape as the black jade Buddha statue, with multi-armed Dharma likeness and compassionate lowered eyes, but the facial features are so blurry that you can barely make out that it is a human face.

The great elder picked up the second stone, paused when he dropped the knife, looked up at the face of the black jade Buddha statue that was full of cracks, and sighed: "When it comes to white rice and the lack of meat, he always made fun of his name back then. Saying 'twice-cooked pork, twice-cooked pork, rice but no meat'...haha."

Xiaodi showed no reaction at all. Jing Yang's expression gradually became strange.

"What meat?" he asked.

"Huh?" The great elder wondered while carving, "Twice-cooked pork. A strange name, right? I don't think you should..."

"Is it the twice-cooked pork from Hui Guo Rou?" Jing Yang asked again, "Do you know what its full name is?"

The Great Elder was not bothered by him anymore. He carved the second small jade Buddha, blew ashes, and said, "I remember his full name... What is his name, Twice-cooked Pork? Hmm..."

He looked at the cracked black jade Buddha in front of him and tried to remember.

Jing Yang asked word by word: "Wei Huguo = Hui Guo Rou?"

"Huiguo pork, twice-cooked pork, rice but no meat, isn't it ridiculous?"

Hundreds of years ago at the seaside, a man wearing a golden crown looked at the endless horizon in the distance. Near him were lifelike stone sculptures half a man's height. Some looked like angels with their wings spread out, and some looked like gods holding hands. Some of the divine swords are as fluttering as immortals... But what is common is that the face of each statue is exactly the same as the man himself.

The golden-crowned man gave a bowl of hot rice to the curious Black Mist Lion cub, "Do you want it? Come, let's eat together. The rice is good, but it's a pity that there are no dishes worthy of this bowl of rice." such a pity!"

The young monster took a few bites out of curiosity, quickly scooped up the bowl of white rice, and then looked longingly at the man with the golden crown.

The other party smiled, "My name is Wei Huguo = Hui Guoru. What about you, little guy? Do you have a name?"

Memories suddenly came flooding back. The elder was stunned for a long time and looked at Jing Yang blankly, "Yes, that's his name. How did you know?"

Jing Yang took a deep breath and exhaled in a long breath.

...It’s not over, right?

Cajun twice-cooked pork, why is it you again! How come we can bump into each other wherever we go?

Jing Yang sighed: "Because he is very famous. Wei Huguo = Hui Guoru, Cajin Kingdom, oh it used to be an empire. He was the hero of the Cajin Empire, the Zhenwu Emperor. He has never heard of it in the human world. I'm afraid there are not many people with this name..."

The great elder nodded, said nothing more, and continued to carve silently.

The name Zhenwu King is well-known in the human world, but it has no effect on a monster like him. In comparison, he feels that the title of Twice-cooked Pork is more pleasing to the ears and more friendly.

Jing Yang sighed secretly and was puzzled at the same time.

Zhenwu King Wei Hugo, he actually had so many Nitolomi in his hands back then? Did he store so much longevity rice from the Dark Continent?

It’s really a meal!

Not only did he eat it himself, he also fed it to the passing monsters!

So generous?

What Jing Yang is puzzled about is that since King Zhenwu has such an opportunity and ability, he has already eaten Nitromi and his lifespan has been extended... I don't know how much it has been extended, but if he lives for hundreds of years, he can live longer than Nitro. It must not be difficult, right? So how did he die?

Or change the question——

Who killed him?

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