A year ago, Jing Yang was born. When he first came to this world, on Ghost Island, he visited a fake underground tomb of King Zhenwu of Cajin.

King Zhenwu is probably dead.

According to Alandriel at the time, his teacher Jin Fulis believed after investigation that during the era when King Zhenwu was active three to four hundred years ago, he was fully capable of dominating the entire Aizhen Continent and even unifying all six continents. However, Just before he was fully prepared and about to take action, he suddenly gave up.

In his later years, King Zhenwu became even more talkative and imprisoned himself in an underground tomb, as if his old age was unknown.

Jing Yang once speculated that King Zhenwu's so-called preparations to unify the six continents may be to comprehensively promote the practice of telepathy and train an extraordinary army composed entirely of telepathy users in the Kajin Empire. However, when the time came to take action, On the occasion, something unexpected happened, and finally nothing happened.

What happened?

It is unimaginable that a legendary king would be allowed to give up his ambition to dominate the world.

Will it be related to his final death?

Now Jing Yang learned that King Zhenwu once had a considerable batch of longevity rice, and this thing obviously came from the Dark Continent. It was also obvious that he must have obtained it from the Dark Continent himself, because no one would get it again. In the future, this kind of immortal treasure will be so kindly given to others.

In other words, Zhenwu King Wei Hugo once wanted to unify the six continents and went to the Dark Continent to get Nitolomi, but in the end he still died. In the end, his tomb seemed to have become a treasure hunt for the world. Goal... What Jing Yang wants to know most now is, who comes first between King Zhenwu's desire to unify the entire human world and reaching the Dark Continent to get Nitolomi?

If the former comes first and the latter comes last, then this is what happens:

King Zhenwu was very ambitious and was about to prepare his army, but he encountered an accident. He then went to the Dark Continent and brought back a group of Nitolomi, and gave up his original ambition to unify the human world. Or maybe it was simply that he himself soon came back. He began to lose consciousness and eventually died.

It's possible that he brought some kind of "disaster" to the Dark Continent, or maybe... eating Nitolomi is a disaster in itself.

If eating longevity rice actually caused King Zhenwu's old age to be unknown, then I have to say that this is quite darkly humorous.

If there is such black humor, then Jing Yang will have to adjust his future plans - no matter how much he wants to eat longevity rice, he doesn't want to end up with an unknown outcome in his old age. Isn't this nonsense?

And if King Zhenwu goes to the Dark Continent to get Nitolomi first, with the intention of integrating the human world behind, then the historical truth seems to be different:

King Zhenwu thought that after eating Nitolomi, he could live forever, so he ignited his ambition to unify the six continents. However, he encountered some kind of accident and stopped this plan. In the end, he himself did not really longevity...

Even if you eat longevity rice, it doesn't mean you won't be killed. So the key is, what kind of accident made King Zhenwu give up conquering the Six Continents, and what kind of accident led to his final fall... Could it be the same accident?

And Jing Yang's various speculations about King Zhenwu all lead to the same question - can the rice left by this force be eaten?

You won't get into trouble if you eat, right?

While Jing Yang was thinking about it, the old lion elder had finished carving three small jade Buddha necklaces and placed them neatly on the ground in front of him.

Although Jing Yang was a little distracted, the elder was only carving and would not miss any details, not to mention the curious Xiao Di who was observing more carefully.

"Then what?" Xiaodi asked, "Is it over?"

"There is still the most important step." The great elder said solemnly. As he spoke, he used a carving knife to draw a scar on his arm, and blood dripped down drop by drop. "The spell must be drawn with blood to finally complete it and add magical effects."

Xiaodi reminded: "It has no magical effect now."

The great elder choked. Don’t you insist on watching the process?

Jing Yang was about to follow suit when he saw the elder dip his fingers in the blood from the wound and then dance on the spot. After dancing for a while, he painted a pattern on the first small jade Buddha.

Xiaodi and he both looked at it carefully and immediately remembered the strokes he used to apply the pattern.

But this great dance move...

Xiaodi might be willing to try it. But Jing Yang felt that this was not necessary, especially since the old lion was doing the master dance and drawing talisman while mumbling some words. Others danced the master dance by chanting sutras, but what he was reciting seemed to be "twice-cooked pork", "twice-cooked pork" and the like, which stood out. One is speechless.

No wonder the other Black Mist Lions don’t know how to make this small jade Buddha necklace. Just this process, are you embarrassed to show it to others? Will the disciples, disciples and grandsons still have awe of the so-called temple after seeing it?

Jing Yang further wondered if this funny step of drawing the talisman was something Hugo was doing to tease this guy back then.

The Great Elder was also a cub of Warcraft back then, and teasing the little fool is something that every adult enjoys...

“Twice-cooked pork…”

The great elder danced with joy and was already painting the third small jade Buddha with blood.

There was not much expression on Xiaodi's face, but her hands and feet were eager to try, and Jing Yang held her down.

Xiaodi looked puzzled.

The great elder danced and painted three times in a row, seeming to still have some unfinished ideas. He looked up at the black jade Buddha statue that was full of cracks, and looked down at the three small jade Buddha statues with blood stains on their chests. He said with emotion: "Sure enough, the spirituality is gone. Lost! In the past, after completing the ritual and drawing the blood talismans, these talisman patterns would be completely integrated into the pendant, but now..."

He shook his head with a wry smile.

The blood stains on the chest of the Little Jade Buddha slowly flowed down, gradually blurring the original pattern.

Jing Yang focused his eyes and observed the black jade Buddha statue.

If this thing has special abilities, it must have mental energy contained in it, but now I can't see anything.

In the hunter world, even antiques and treasures will be contaminated with Qi.

Qi is not exclusive to those with mind abilities. Everyone has Qi in their body, and some masters with extraordinary skills may unintentionally pour their own Qi into their works even if they are not awakened.

What's more, treasures truly made by people with telekinesis abilities?

But the black jade Buddha statue in front of him seems to be an ordinary stone sculpture. It is still full of cracks and may disintegrate at any time. It is the kind that is thrown on the side of the road without anyone taking a second look.

These three imitation small jade Buddhas are also similar. The necklaces worn by the Black Mist Lions I saw before were more or less contaminated with some Qi, but they were just covered up by their own Qi, making it difficult to distinguish. But the three newly made small jade Buddhas in front of them had no energy at all, and there were only traces of fresh blood dripping down.

The great elder looked at them helplessly, "This is the only way we can do it."

Do you want this?

If he doesn't want it, he can give away his pendant. However, they are all pendants that have lost their spirituality and magical effect anyway. The one he is wearing now is not much different from the three failed ones on the ground.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Of course. It's good to keep it as a souvenir."

He wiped off the blood on the three small jade Buddhas and put them away. He glanced at the cracked face of the black jade Buddha statue and said, "Thank you, Wei Hugo."

Speaking of which, my body in this life almost became the descendant of this Wei Hugo.

If he said that the things he left behind were destined to him, that would not be considered nonsense.

I went to Xianshui Mountain to help Kurapika find the flaming eyes, but he met a gray man, and finally gave me half a Nian Beast.

This time he went to the Kamavor Mountains to rescue Kurapika, but he met another gray man, and finally gave himself a cart of something that looked like longevity rice.

I don’t know which gray cockroach I can meet next time? What good things will you give yourself?

And both times are related to Kurapika, you are really a lucky general!

Jing Yang went to look at Kurapika lying in the corpse. Although his condition had improved, he probably relaxed completely after knowing that he was out of trouble. He passed out and still showed no sign of waking up.

"We have to go. Find him a hospital to stay in for a while as soon as possible." Jing Yang said.

Xiaodi naturally had no objection.

Si Si said: "Let me arrange it. After all, I am also a professional hunter. I hold a license and a V5 license. It is more convenient to kill first and then report."

He smiled and borrowed Jing Yang's previous joke.

"Then you're welcome." Jing Yang nodded.

In front of the dilapidated Zen monastery, because Seiji was taller and obviously older, he took the initiative to carry Kurapika on his back.

Ryan, the Black Mist Lion, was silent the whole time, and now he spoke, thanking Jing Yang and the two. He guessed that if it weren't for them, he might have been killed together with Rand in the black fog.

Jing Yang said: "But if it weren't for us, your other two companions probably wouldn't have fled to the temple and been killed by the patriarch?"

Ryan said: "We attacked you first. If we didn't attack you, nothing would happen."

"Much more reasonable than before." Jing Yang nodded and touched the opponent's chest with his fist.

"Let's go." Jing Yang turned around and strode away. The outline of the mountain in front of him was already dyed red by the morning sun, and the morning light dispersed the darkness of the night.

Chase and Xiaodi followed closely, carrying the emaciated Kurapika on their backs.

Looking at the three people leaving, Ryan remained silent and suddenly wondered: "Why are they all empty-handed? Weren't those three little jade Buddhas taken away by them?"

The great elder said: "Maybe it's in his pocket."

"That will make it bulge, I can definitely see it..."

"Why do you want to do this? There is nothing magical anymore, maybe just throw it away." The great elder breathed a long sigh of relief, and then cold sweat broke out, and murmured, "They are so similar, these people The feeling on my body is so similar to that twice-cooked pork... Among humans, there are groups with terrifying power, they are like monsters among humans... Fortunately, I didn't really anger them."

As for the leaving group of four, Jing Yang, the leader, walked slower and slower, and Si Si, who followed, became more and more confused as they walked, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Isn't this the direction to our drop-off point?"

"You should have told me if you knew the road!"

Jing Yang slapped Si Si on the arm.

"You're walking so fast, I thought you knew it!" Sisi couldn't help but changed direction while carrying the sleeping Kurapika on his back, "Come, follow me. Don't look at me like this, I am also a professional hunter after all, looking for people. Knowing the road and surviving in the wild are the special skills of a hunter..."

"Aren't you a sworn hunter?" Jing Yang and Xiao Di followed and complained casually.

He checked out the hunter's official website a few days ago, so he naturally knew what kind of hunter he was.

The most common professional hunters are bounty hunters, but in addition there are also food hunters, crime hunters, treasure hunters, relic hunters, ocean hunters...

Jing Yang didn't find any rules to follow. It seemed that what he called a hunter depended on what he wanted to "hunt".

For example, there are professional hunters called blacklist hunters. What the hell is this?

Jing Yang could only find one of Sisi's oath hunters on the hunting association's official website, and there was no duplicate of it at all.

Jing Yang seriously doubted that if anyone wanted to be called a mother hunter, that unreliable old man Nitro would be happy to accept it.

The ordinary members of the Hunter Association and the names of hunters are open to the public unless the hunter himself takes the initiative to hide them.

For example, the unreliable father of the protagonist Xiaojie in the comic directly encrypted his own information to a level comparable to that of the head of a country, purely deliberately to make it difficult to find his biological son...

Si Si led the two of them forward quickly in the mountains, patiently giving them some knowledge on how to identify directions and survive in the wild.

Jing Yang felt that the latter was of little use with the star protection, and Xiaodi's own wild survival skills were maxed out. The former really benefited him a lot and he said he had learned it.

"By the way, that pile of rice..."

When the off-road vehicle that was stuck at the mountain intersection ahead was in sight, Sisi suddenly asked about what happened before.

Previously, after Zhen Yuanzi asked the Black Mist Lion Great Elder about white rice, his eyes signaled him to be calm, which seemed to mean that Zhen Yuanzi had gotten the answer he wanted to ask.

Including Kurapika, this pile of rice that was suspected of being Nitolomi was originally found by a group of four people. Jing Yang had no intention of bypassing Essi to eat alone, so he said: "Rice, if you want to explain this, you have to Let’s start with the continents under our feet... Sisi, I think you have heard of the Dark Continent, right?”

V5 only concluded a treaty on the inviolability of the Dark Continent 200 years ago.

Although things in the Dark Continent are secretive, they are far from unknown. In fact, non-woven fabrics are secretive, and many people are well aware of this. Even the teachers at the school deliberately avoided this topic and did not touch this Pandora's box in front of the students, knowing the existence of the Dark Continent... …

Under the morning sun, there were several spotted deer wandering near the off-road vehicle parked at the mountain intersection. Jing Yang explained to Si Si as he walked over. At first, the spotted deer noticed them but did not leave.

Seeing this, Si Si smiled and said: "Hunters are usually loved by animals. It seems that Zhen Yuanzi, you have the potential to be a hunter."

Then when Xiaodi got closer, several spotted deer that were originally curious about Jing Yang and the two suddenly seemed frightened and scattered in all directions.

Sisi was speechless for a moment and looked at Xiaodi in embarrassment.

Xiaodi didn't feel anything at all. He grabbed the off-road vehicle with both hands and turned the front of the vehicle around as if nothing had happened, looking at it in confusion.

Jing Yang was so happy that he patted Si Si on the back and got into the car first.


After returning to the city, he sent Kurapika to the reserved hospital ward to recuperate his health. Afterwards, Yusei brushed off his clothes, said OK and left.

Jing Yang looked at Xiaodi's performance in shock.

Yes, even he was a little surprised at the moment - when he saw the droplet materializing into a bulging-eyed fish and releasing a black jade Buddha statue from it!

His body was covered with cracks and his face was exactly the same as that of Zhenwu King Wei Hugo. He was the one enshrined in the temple of the Black Mist Lion Clan.

"Here, you, I...when did you take it..." Jing Yang finally waved his hand and said, "Forget it, take it all."

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