
Kurapika's throat was dry and hoarse. He slowly opened his eyes and saw some double images on the white ceiling.

The "beep", "beep", "beep" sounds in my ears are very regular. Is this in the hospital?

Memories slowly emerge. Fairy Water Mountain, Fiery Red Eye, Clues, Ancestor, Teleportation, Divine Word Space, Fiery Red Eye, Fiery Red Eye, Jing Yang...

"You're awake." Someone said next to him.

Kurapika rolled his eyes and saw Jingyang and Xiaodi from the corner of his eye.

Xiaodi was sitting reading a book. He raised his head when he heard the noise, and then quickly lowered his head and turned the page as if nothing had happened.

Jing Yang sat with his legs crossed, looking at something in his palm, which looked like scraps of paper or... rice husks?

It was Jing Yang who spoke.

"The operation went well," Jing Yang said to Kurapika, "You have now cut off the root of your troubles and become a beautiful girl."

As he spoke, he pointed to a glass of water next to Kurapika's bed.

Xiaodi raised his head and glanced at Kurapika again in surprise.

"Stop joking..." Kurapika helplessly sat up on the hospital bed. After lying down for too long, I still felt weak.

After sitting up against the bedside, he suddenly fumbled under the quilt twice and breathed a sigh of relief.

Jing Yang couldn't help laughing.

Kurapika just pretended that nothing happened, took the water glass and drank it in one breath.

Jing Yang clenched the rice husk crumbs in his hand and suddenly said: "To put it into perspective, in a situation like yours, have you ever considered recruiting beautiful women to spread the blood of the Kuluta clan?"

"Why do you have to emphasize beauty?" Kurapika said with a pale face, "According to your despicable thinking, as long as the other party is a woman."

"Oh, mine." Jing Yang nodded. It's obvious that based on Kurapika's character, it's impossible for him to accept the behavior of tainting feelings purely for the sake of sowing seeds.

"Besides, I'm only 14 years old."

"Well, a beautiful 14-year-old boy who can already pick and choose whether his partner is a beautiful girl or not."

"When have I ever been picky?!"

"Oh, I don't deny that I am a beautiful boy..."

Kurapika's forehead pulsed with veins, and he took a deep breath, no longer meaninglessly arguing with such a childish boss.

"So you are quite energetic." Jing Yang smiled, "Then we can talk about business."

Xiaodi immediately understood, closed the old book he was reading, raised his hand and materialized a vacuum cleaner. The bulging-eyed fish opened its mouth and spit out two solution bottles, placing them at Jing Yang's hand.

Two glass jars filled with solution have a pair of eyes suspended in each.

In the four pupils, the unquenchable anger in the eyes before death is permanently retained. It is a fiery red color known as one of the seven most beautiful colors in the world.

Jing Yang handed them to Kurapika.

Kurapika looked at the two pairs of eyes floating in the solution, his eyes unconsciously showing sadness, "What's the point? I'm the only one left of the real Koruta clan. Even if I have children in the future, they will be mixed blood."

Jing Yang said: "I didn't expect you to be a racist."

"When the Kuluta clan was still around, I wasn't." Kurapika said, "When I'm the only one left, I seem to be."

He raised his red eyes that seemed to be burning with fire, "I must remember everything about the Kuluta tribe, including the hatred we bear."

"Be positive. Who said you are the last Kuluta clan?" Jing Yang clapped his hands and reminded, "Have you forgotten the ultimate goal of our organization? The dawn of dawn is the light that sweeps away the darkness. The way to salvation is here. Among them." He pointed to the two cans on Kurapika's quilt, "They can come back, boss, I believe in your potential."

Kurapika remained silent, raised his hand and materialized a dolphin bookshelf, pulled out the sixth volume "Resurrection", and sealed the two pairs of flaming eyes in the book.

The dolphin bookshelf and six books turned into mental energy and dispersed. The color of Kurapika's eyes returned to normal. The size of the mental energy on his body dropped accordingly, and he breathed a little tiredly.

"The good news is that we are, unintentionally, a little closer to our ultimate goal."

Jing Yang spread his hands, and in the palm of his hand were some crushed rice husks, "The thing you mentioned before that might be hidden in the stone - longevity rice."

Kurapika was stunned, recalling what happened before, and asked in surprise: "Is this Nitolomi?"

"Not sure, because I didn't eat it. But I guess it is." Jing Yang said, pouring the rice husk powder on Kurapika's quilt, and said slowly, "But I asked that Ryan, they Black Mist The lifespan of a lion is not much different from that of humans, so the fact that the great elder can live for hundreds of years obviously has something to do with the bowl of rice that King Zhenwu gave him..."

"Wait a minute." Kurapika asked doubtfully, "What Ryan? What elder?"

Xiaodi also had question marks over there.

She seems to have forgotten all the passerby characters of Black Mist Lion...

"I'll tell you later." Jing Yang pointed at the drop, then turned to continue explaining to Kurapika, "Then let's start from the beginning and talk slowly."

So, Jing Yang sent him and Xiao Di to receive a call from Shishi using Kurapika's mobile phone in the middle of the night. Then, based on the signal from the star mark on Kurapika's body, they found the Kamavor Mountains and got to know Black Mist. Things about the lion clan, as well as the relationship between the patriarch and the Black Mist Lion, the story about the Black Mist Lion’s Great Elder and Kajin’s legendary Zhenwu Emperor three or four hundred years ago was briefly told...

After listening to this, Kurapika couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and then asked: "Why did these rice withers quickly wither after the seal was released?"

"That's a good point!"

Jing Yang slammed the hospital bed, causing Kurapika to frown.

"Yeah, why did it suddenly wither?" Jing Yang said, "Because it was stored for too long and oxidized when exposed to air? But you see, these rice husks are not much different from ordinary rice husks, and they don't look like oxidized and decayed cultural relics. Then it will rot completely and turn into powder and disappear with the wind.”

"Rather than saying that they are broken, it is better to say that after the lockdown was lifted, they changed from sacred objects that can extend life to ordinary rice..." Kurapika said thoughtfully, looking through the scene. You can find some shriveled rice grains in the crushed rice husks that have fallen down.

Jing Yang said: "Because of this, I, Xiaodi, you, and Jesus originally wanted to divide the nitrolomi among us, but in the end, Jesus didn't want it."

On the one hand, it is not polite to thank a strange thing of unknown origin. This thing starts to decay as soon as you take it out, and Sisi can't take it away even if he wants to.

Unless the moment you take it out, you pour it directly into the pot and steam it.

The kind with the shell attached.

Kurapika obviously immediately thought of this and asked: "According to your report, the Black Mist Lion Elder said that the food given to him by the Zhenwu King Wei Hugo was not raw rice, but hot rice. of white rice. Judging from the results, he has indeed experienced the life-extending effect of nitrolamide."

While thinking about it, he said: "1. Even if the rice looks rotten, it can still be eaten and has the same effect. 2. Because of the different eras, the Nitolo rice obtained by Zhenwu King Wei Hugo could not be eaten at the beginning. If you eat it, it will only rot uncontrollably and is inedible. 3. Before Nitolo rice is cooked, it must rely on a special environment to maintain normality, and King Zhenwu Weihugo knows this very well."

Jing Yang raised three fingers one after another, "1. These shriveled rice grains after decay will be very shriveled even after being cooked. I'm afraid it will be difficult to eat. 2. If they cannot be preserved for a long time, why did Victor Hugo go to such trouble to store these rice grains? Ptolomy sealed in stone? This possibility can also be eliminated. Then there are only 3..."

"Divine space." Jing Yang and Kurapika said in unison.

Kurapika recalled: "In that place, my physical strength, energy, and even mental will were consumed very quickly, and it was difficult to recover..."

Even with this kid's tenacity, he couldn't help but frown when he recalled the more than ten days in the divine word space.

"Do you think that place could be..." Jing Yang wondered, "Victory Hugo recreated the environment of the Dark Continent through the divine characters?"

If Nitolomi could only exist normally in a certain special environment before he was put into the pot, then what do you think? This so-called special environment is also related to the Dark Continent.

Kurapika nodded and said: "This is the only conclusion we can draw for the time being."

"Are you right? When we land in the Dark Continent in the future, we can take out these rice and take a look at it, and then we can find out the truth." Jing Yang said with a smile.

What he was thinking of was actually Nitro's description of the Dark Continent in the comics.

Before V5 concluded a treaty on the inviolability of the Dark Continent, the adventurers in the human world who were keen to go to the Dark Continent, full of curiosity and desire to explore, were like the queen across the river.

Even after the V5 concluded the treaty, some people were still stubborn and secretly crossed the boundless dark sea to explore the boundless continent.

The survival rate can almost be said to be approximately 0.

The reason why it was agreed upon was because there were special cases of strong men like Nitro who came back alive.

According to Nitro, what he pursues is the power of winning and losing between individuals. To Jing Yang's understanding, it is the so-called "high and low, but also the determination of life and death."

But Nitro believed that the kind of power he wanted to pursue did not exist in the Dark Continent. What existed there was only extremely harsh nature, nothing more.

Harsh natural environment...

Jing Yang recalled Kurapika's scrawny appearance when he was first rescued, almost dying, and thought to himself: "In the Dark Continent chapter of the comic, I haven't seen any special personal protection preparations made by Yang De and others. ...The story hasn’t unfolded to that point yet?”

If the natural environment of the Dark Continent is so harsh that even a telekinesis user with certain basic strength like Kurapika would be tortured like this after more than ten days, it would be totally unreasonable.

"It's a pity that the divine characters in that divine character space dissipated quickly, otherwise we would have to study it carefully." Jing Yang said.

Kurapika said: "There is insufficient evidence, and a lot of it is just speculation. Whether that space is a simulated environment of the Dark Continent, we will have to wait until later to find out."

"If it is true, it seems that we need to make more preliminary preparations than we expected."

Jing Yang couldn't help but sigh, and noticed that Kurapika was looking behind him strangely. He also turned his head and looked, and immediately a black line appeared on his forehead.

At some point, Xiaodi released the cracked black jade Buddha statue and was observing it curiously.

Kurapika said: "I heard you right. You just said that this is the Buddha statue that was enshrined in the temple by the Black Mist Lion clan and left by the original Zhenwu King Wei Hugo. He carved it with his own hands..."

Jing Yang coughed lightly and said, "You don't need to add so many attributive words. Well, yes. The Doraemon students in our organization are very aware that thieves will not make mistakes."

Or should we say that Xiaodi was indeed a thief who would join the Phantom Troupe in the original timeline?

The thief’s ultimate intention, right?

Regarding this point, when Jing Yang was surprised by Xiao Di's "copycat" a few days ago, Xiao Di denied Jing Yang's statement in a rare move.

"It's not easy to take the sheep." She corrected Jing Yang seriously at that time, "Only the insignificant things are considered easy to take."

Jing Yang had a question mark at that time.

"This statue is very beautiful. When I first saw it in the temple, I decided to take it." Xiaodi said seriously, "So it's not just a random thing."

...It was a deliberate robbery, right?

Jing Yang recalled that Xiaodi had said that she liked books, playing chess, and jewelry...

She usually seems to be indifferent to the world and doesn't bother anyone, but that's just because she has less personal desires. It's not that she doesn't bother anyone, but that few people bother her.

The Buddha statue left by Victor Hugo is indeed beautiful, like a magnificent black jade. Even though it has lost its spirituality and is full of cracks, it is still full of a broken beauty. No wonder Xiaodi likes it.

Kurapika stared blankly at the black jade Buddha statue, his brows wrinkled unconsciously, "Kajin, the statue..."

"What are you muttering about?" Jing Yang asked strangely.

Kurapika frowned and said, "I seem to have seen records in some book, related to the ancient cultural relics of the Cajin Kingdom..."

"Don't bother if you can't remember." Jing Yang said, "Take good care of your body. There will be a wedding in a while and we are going to join in the fun. Didn't you forget?"

"Wedding, red eyes. How could I forget?" Kurapika calmed down and suddenly asked, "How long did I sleep this time?"

Jing Yang said, "You have been lying in this hospital for a week."

"That wedding is in November..."

"It's November -" Jing Yang couldn't remember anymore. He looked back at Xiaodi, opened his mouth to speak, then turned back. He thought for a moment, "Forget it, I'll call and ask about Melody later. Just follow Let them go together, take a ride in the car, and look more swaggering."

"Anyway, you need to have a good rest. Not only your body needs to recover, but your strength also needs to recover." Jing Yang said with a smile, "I guess you won't need to perform, but you don't want to be held back, right?"

"Yeah." Kurapika closed his eyes, then opened them, "Then I'm hungry."

"Okay, the patient is the biggest."

Jingyang stood up to say hello, and pulled Xiaodi on, "Let's go, get some food for our cool baby. Oh, don't look at it, he's not as handsome as me!"

Xiaodi swallowed the black jade Buddha statue with a bulging-eye fish, and was led by Jing Yang to leave the ward. On the way, she wondered: "Why did it become this kind of material?"

"Who knows? Maybe Lao Wei is of the materialization type like you..."

The Embodiment System can even transform itself into a shape, a motorcycle, a plane, a Gundam... So it doesn't seem surprising that it can turn a piece of reef into a lump of black jade.

With this in mind, Jing Yang took out his phone and planned to take a photo of the black jade Buddha statue and send it to Mao Rabbit Biyou to consult her expert.

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