I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 171 The pig brain is overloaded again

Jing Yang had taken photos of the black jade Buddha statue, so he directly sent a text message with the picture to Biyou: "Sister Tu, please tell me how much is this worth?"

After sending it out, he and Xiaodi went to order a nutritious meal for Kurapika and asked the nurse to push it to the ward.

During the process, Jing Yang's trouser pocket vibrated one after another. When he took it out, he saw that Biyou replied to messages almost instantly, and there were several messages in a row.

"Buddha statue? It looks new. I'm not an expert in appraising jewelry. You asked the wrong person."

"But this sculpture technique has a bit of the style of the Cajun Empire. Did you buy it from Cajun?"

"Where are the people? Answer."

"This face seems familiar. Where did you get this? Is the face of this Buddha statue carved according to a certain template?"

"you are dead?"

Good guy, Sister Rabbit is indeed a high-intensity surfer. In a few minutes, she came after her with multiple messages on her face.

Jingyang and Xiaodi walked outside the hospital. When it was time for dinner, they had to go out to find food.

Jing Yang typed casually: "What's new? An antique that's at least 300 years old is making trouble for you! How much is it worth?"

After the message was sent, Jing Yang's cell phone rang within a few seconds.

"Hello." Jingyang answered the call and walked with Xiaodi on the street outside the hospital, looking left and right on both sides of the street, looking for restaurants that suited his appetite.

Of course the call was from Biyou, who asked angrily, "Is it really a 300-year-old antique?"

"It could also be 400 years." Jing Yang nodded and walked into a restaurant serving local specialties with Xiaodi. While choosing a seat, he talked on his mobile phone. "It depends on the year in which the owner of the Buddha carved the face." This Buddha statue. I haven’t investigated it carefully.”

Since Zhenwu King Wei Huguo had eaten longevity rice, he should have far surpassed other emperors during his reign in the Cajin Empire, right?

The narration of the great elder of the Black Mist Lion only said that this kind of monster lived in the mountains far away from human society hundreds of years ago, three or four hundred years ago. Whether his memory of the year is trustworthy or not, Jing Yang insists Skeptical.

When he was on Ghost Island, Jing Yang searched for King Zhenwu on the Internet, but found very little credible information. Instead, there were various rumors about his various treasures and tomb robberies all over the Internet.

In short, everything about Zhenwu King Wei Hugo = Hui Guoru seems to be in a fog.

Perhaps only those from the Hui Guo Rou royal family have the true records about him.

Therefore, a natural question emerged in Jing Yang's mind inadvertently - why didn't Victor Hugo leave the longevity rice in Hui Guo Rou's palace?

"Hey! Are you listening?" Biyou's voice on the other end of the phone brought Jing Yang back from his thoughts.

"You two are ordering our restaurant's signature dishes, please take your time." At this time, the waiter was serving dishes one after another with a smile. Xiaodi grabbed a shovel and filled two bowls of rice one after another.

Jing Yang brought a bowl and put his mobile phone at hand. He picked up the chopsticks and said "start" to Xiaodi. At the same time, he said to the mobile phone: "You say it, I'm listening."

"I'm asking you," the phone is not speakerphone, but Jing Yang can hear it clearly by concentrating on his ears, "Is the face of this Buddha statue carved after King Kajin Zhenwu?"

"That's right." Jing Yang took a bite of the signature dish and it tasted really good. "You think I'm lucky or not? I was walking in the mountains. Hey, there was a dilapidated Guanyin Temple in front of me. I walked inside, yo, There is such an old and valuable Buddha statue, eh, it also has the face of Zhenwu King Wei Hugo! Then I——"


Before Jing Yang could finish speaking, this sound came from the phone, and then he hung up with "beep", "beep" and "beep".

Jing Yang held the dish in the air with his chopsticks, looked at the phone screen where the call had ended, and asked, "What are you waiting for? You haven't said how much this is worth."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Are you really going to sell the Buddha statue?"

"How could it be possible?" Jing Yang said with a smile, "I feel that King Zhenwu is very evil. Sure enough, just by teasing him, he lured Sister Rabbit here."

Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang's cell phone on the table.

"She's so skilled, she should be able to locate my phone." Jing Yang said, "Don't worry, let's eat first. Anyway, Kurapika will be out of the hospital for a while."

The portion of Xiaodi's meal is not small either. One piece for two people can satisfy the average person's five or six portions.

As he was eating, Xiao Di suddenly asked when he was loading a new bowl of rice: "Are you really not going to eat the rice that was put into the fish?"

"What if he has a bad stomach and his old age is unknown? The old lion is a monster. After all, his physique is different from ours. What's more, it's impossible to tell whether he, as a monster, has an unknown old age." Jing Yang vomited, saying that he should be stable first. Yishou said, "We are still young. If we really can't go to the Dark Continent in the future, it's not too late to eat. Anyway, the food won't expire or spoil if we put it in the Big Eye Fish."

Xiaodi nodded in understanding, lowered her head and continued eating.

When they were almost done eating, Xiaodi noticed that Jingyang dipped his finger in the drink and drew something on the table.

She asked, "What is this?"

"After the old lion danced, the great master drew the talisman on the little jade Buddha." Jing Yang wondered, "Have you forgotten all this? You don't want to keep things in your head that are not worth remembering..."

As he spoke, he noticed that Xiaodi was blinking her big lavender eyes and looking at him, with an inexplicable faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

Jing Yang reacted suddenly, "Are you pretending not to remember?"

Xiao Di stretched out her green-white fingers and dipped them into the half cup of drink in front of Jing Yang, and then smoothly drew a symbol on the table. She and the elder used blood on the small jade Buddha, and Jing Yang drew on the table in front of him. Exactly the same.

Jing Yang looked at Xiaodi's smiling profile and couldn't help but laugh too.

It was the first time that Xiaodi showed the lively and cute feeling of a little girl of her age.

"What's wrong?" Xiaodi was a little confused by his smile.

Jing Yang put on a serious face and asked, "I pretended to have forgotten this time, but what about before? I always said I didn't remember before. Could it be that I was just pretending? How many other times have I not known?"

Xiao Didi said: "You saw through it the first time."

"Really?" Jing Yang asked, "If you think about it carefully, maybe it happened before but you forgot about it?"

Xiaodi really tried hard to remember, and wondered: "But if I did this before but have forgotten it now, no matter how much I think about it, I won't be able to recall it, right?"

Jing Yang couldn't help laughing.

A smile appeared on Xiaodi's lips.

Jing Yang stopped laughing, was Xiaodi on the second floor just now?

She knew very well that she had never done anything like this before, but she just pretended to remember it...playing cute to make me laugh?

My brother is on the first floor, but she has actually reached the second floor?

But my friend, who has seen through her thoughts, is actually already on the fifth floor!

Jingyang and Xiaodi looked at each other, as if they were guessing each other's thoughts, their eyes flashed back and forth. When he laughed, her big eyes were full of doubts. She smiled, and Jing Yang pretended to be self-doubtful that he had been deceived... In the end, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, both thinking it was funny.

Smiling, Jing Yang glanced at the symbols drawn by the two of them with drinks on the table, and suddenly an idea flashed, "Wait a minute..."

Xiaodi's eyes showed confusion, and this time he was really confused.

She saw Jing Yang raise his hand to wipe away the water stains on the table, then stretched out a finger and concentrated his thoughts on it.

Jing Yang pressed his fingers on the table and drew stroke by stroke the pattern that the Great Elder of the Black Mist Lion had drawn on the small jade Buddha pendant. However, the Elder used blood to draw this pattern, while Jing Yang used thoughts. gas.

The energy of thought that is consciously gathered and released at the fingertips.

As Jing Yang's fingertips smeared the energy on the table, when the last stroke was finished, a black thing similar to words and patterns appeared on the table.

Xiaodi recognized it, "This is the divine word."

"Sure enough, the symbols related to the ability to read must have something to do with the divine characters." Jing Yang was proud at first, and then asked in confusion, "How many divine characters does this count? Let's call it 'a piece of divine characters'. That's it. … Can a divine word within the size of two fingers realize the function of spatial teleportation?”

To be on the safe side, Jing Yang called over the rock bird that had flown wildly somewhere in the past few days, and asked it to touch the sacred word on the table with its paws with its gathered energy.

"It didn't disappear..." Jing Yang looked at the rock bird and muttered to himself.

The rock sparrow has a question mark on its head, as if asking, could it disappear just now? !

Xiao Didi said: "Could it be because the Buddha statue is inside the bulging-eyed fish?"

"Go to the bathroom and try." Jing Yang said.

Xiaodi then went to the bathroom. In the compartment, she first materialized the bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner, and then released the black jade Buddha statue. The half-human-tall Buddha statue is not too big.

After waiting for a while, Jing Yang's telepathy came from the moon mark of the B-shaped ring on his finger: [Sure enough, it still didn't work. It is probably because the mindfulness ability contained in the Buddha statue has been completely exhausted. 】

Xiaodi put away the Buddha statue and the bulging-eyed fish and went back quickly.

There was a messy table of leftovers. Jing Yang was rubbing the rock bird at the table, regretting: "I thought I could get a teleportation skill for nothing! What a pity."

Xiaodi sat down, pointed to the divine characters on the table and said: "Maybe there are divine characters in the Buddha statue, and they are a combination with it, but the sacred characters in the Buddha statue were damaged, so it lost its function."

Jing Yang thought for a while and expressed his approval.

"Try using a 'circle'." Xiaodi suggested, "Maybe you can see some details."

"Let's go, just do it." Jing Yang stood up immediately.

The two of them returned to the hospital. As soon as they opened the ward, they saw Kurapika sitting on the hospital bed. His hands were clasped and hanging on his crossed legs. He closed his eyes and meditated, and the mental energy in his body was continuously released. It is entangled at the maximum extent, like a white mask that is invisible to the naked eye.

"You work very hard." Jing Yang said, "But this 'Jian' is much smaller than yours before."

Kurapika opened his eyes, "Because I'm still recovering. Why did I let it out again?"

It turned out that after the two of them came in, Jing Yang closed the door, and Xiao Di immediately materialized into a bulging-eyed fish, released the cracked black jade Buddha statue, and placed it on the floor of the ward.

"With the supervision of Buddha, you will be more focused when you practice."

Jing Yang said seriously, and he and Xiao Di sat down on the ground one after another on the left and right of the black jade Buddha statue.

Kurapika was full of questions at first, and soon saw that the energy on Xiaodi's body quickly dispersed, vaguely forming a field with a radius of about four meters centered on her.

Immediately afterwards, the domain released from Jing Yang covered the "circle" on Xiao Di's body, and finally completely enveloped the entire ward.

"When you say the Buddha who supervises the practice, do you mean yourself?" Kurapika closed his eyes and said.

"Shh!" Jing Yang didn't look back, "Don't even think about deserting."

Kurapika smiled and continued to calm down and practice with concentration.

The entire black jade Buddha statue is included in the "circle" of Jing Yang and Xiao Di.

Its outline, the texture of the jade-like stone, and every crack all over the entire statue were clearly reflected in their minds...

Just like the facial features of Zhenwu King Wei Hugo, the cracks in the black jade are spread like spider webs, and the white Qi seeps into the inside...

The dismembered black lines inside the cracks emerged bit by bit in the "circle" like a three-dimensional model.

[Xiao Di, did you see the word "divine" inside? 】

【Um. Saw it. 】

[It doesn’t seem to be complete. 】


Jing Yang tried to piece together the black runes he sensed in his mind, but he couldn't put them together correctly.

Or, some of the divine characters were completely damaged, worn out, and disappeared, so the spelling cannot be completed.

Or, it is because of these cracks that some parts have black lines that make it difficult to tell the front, back, left, and right, or even up, down, and inside out... This thing is most likely embedded entirely into the brain of the Buddha statue. When it is cracked, misplaced, or worn Finally, it was too difficult to restore it in three-dimensional space.

In the end, to no avail, Xiaodi had no choice but to give up. When she turned around, she saw Jing Yang closing his eyes tightly and sweating on his forehead. The most frightening thing was that there seemed to be smoke coming from his ears!

"Ah, no." Jing Yang opened his eyes and sighed, "The pig brain is overloaded..."

He and Xiaodi looked at each other, then turned to look at Kurapika on the hospital bed.

After explaining what they had just done, Kurapika said: "I am happy to use my mind to help in a small way, but unfortunately, I don't know how to be 'round' yet."

Jing Yang was not disappointed. He remembered at this moment that Biyou, the rabbit sister, was probably on her way.

When Sister Rabbit was in Fairy Water Mountain, she had a notebook in one hand and a "circle" like a code symbol in the other. She looked as cool as if she had run away from the set of The Matrix... It shouldn't be difficult to decipher and restore the divine words in the Buddha's head, right?

So Jingyang asked Xiaodi to put away the Buddha statue, and this time they actually practiced meditation together in the ward.

The three of them maintained similar postures, sitting cross-legged with the Qi on their bodies forming a "hard". As the thoughts flow and pass away, the mind becomes stronger and stronger.

The nurse knocked on the door and came in. Seeing the three people in this shape, she couldn't help but wonder, are they practicing some kind of yoga?

Early the next morning, the door to the ward was pushed open with a bang. Biyou, who was still looking like a bunny girl, looked into the room. Kurapika was just looking at the scenery outside the window. Jing Yang beside the bed opened his mouth, and Di broke open an apple with her bare hands and was feeding it to Jing Yang... Biyou turned a blind eye and asked, "Where is the Buddha statue?"

Xiaodi looked at her.

Biyou understood immediately and reminded: "Don't release it here. Find another place. This thing may be Cajin's national treasure."

Jing Yang smacked his lips. Sister Rabbit, is it a little too late for you to remind me?

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