I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 172 Twenty-nine Statues

Back on the Fairy Water Mountain, Xiao Di once thought that the protruding-eyed fish could detoxify, so Bi You easily guessed that the Buddha statue that Jing Yang took a picture of was stored in that weird vacuum cleaner by this little girl.

"national treasure?"

In the ward, Jingyang, Xiaodi and Kurapika all looked at Biyou who came in after closing the door. Being able to run around the streets wearing a pair of bunny ears and headbands, with this calm demeanor, is truly extraordinary.

Biyou flipped his palm and took out his mobile phone, quickly pressed the buttons with his slender fingers, and said: "The current official title given by Cajin is the 'National Special Cultural Relic of the Cajin Kingdom - Twenty-nine Statues of Gods', which is one of them. "As she said that, she turned her phone screen towards Jing Yang and the others.

On the screen, there is a picture.

In the glass display case, there is a stone statue about one meter high.

He has six wings on his back, wears battle armor, holds a long sword, and has an inviolable gaze. He is like an angel descending to the world and using his divine sword to punish all directions.

The most important thing is... the face of this seraph stone statue is exactly the same as the face of the multi-armed Buddha statue that Xiaodi took away from the temple!

Moreover, it is also made of black jade-like material. However, this one is obviously better preserved, and the black jade is extremely smooth without any cracks.

On the hospital bed in the back, Kurapika suddenly said: "This is not a photo."

With his eyesight, he could see clearly what was on the phone screen from a distance of several meters, even without focusing his energy on his eyes.

"Of course not photos." Biyou said, "Cajun's national special cultural relics are only occasionally displayed in their national museum, and any recording activities such as taking photos are absolutely not allowed. A few years ago, they started, my friend and I I went there once, and when I came back, I drew some pictures as a souvenir.”

Jing Yang couldn't help but ask: "Since you have seen stone statues with identical faces, I sent you a text message yesterday to ask you, why are you still so slow to react?"

"First of all, the photos you sent are not clear enough. Secondly, the stone statues you took are full of cracks. Thirdly, I am not very familiar with this face. My main job is translation and interpretation of ancient documents. I can only say something about architecture and sculpture. It was slightly involved, why did I react immediately?"

"That makes sense." Jing Yang nodded first, and then asked, "You are a member of the twelfth branch of the Hunter Association, why don't you take pictures?"

Bi You said calmly: "In the Hunter Association, star rating and position are more about honor and responsibility, and there is not much difference in status. The hunter's license of the twelve earthly branches and the hunter's license of ordinary members have the same privileges. It’s equal – basically, all the privileges that can be given are given.”

She paused and then said: "The hunter's license can be used in 90% of the countries that are generally prohibited from entering and 75% of various restricted areas in the world. But unfortunately, the Cajun Kingdom belongs to the 10% and 25%. part."

"Kajin is so big on the map and occupies more than half of the Aizhen continent. Why is it only 10%?" Jing Yang asked.

"The statistics are based on the number of countries, not the area of ​​the land." Biyou said, "What's more, not all of Cajin rejects the hunter association. Most of their public facilities are still willing to facilitate hunter licenses. Only a few No one is allowed to enter some Cajun areas and building facilities without the approval of the Cajun King.”

It means that Kajin will not deny V5 face on the surface, but in some aspects, even V5’s face is not easy for them to use?

After all, in general, the privileges of a hunter's license are endorsed by the five most powerful countries, V5.

Not giving face to hunter licenses means not giving face to the V5 Alliance. No one cares about the opinions of the small countries in the world, but with the size and strength of the Cajin Kingdom, it is indeed qualified to show contempt for V5.

"So this national special...that is, the national treasure and cultural relic, the twenty-nine statues, is one of the 25% forbidden areas that are prohibited from contact."


"Since they are called twenty-nine statues, I guess," Jing Yang asked, "there are a total of twenty-nine such statues?"

The great elder of Black Mist Lion did say that Hugo had many stone statues carved from rocks on the seashore.

Jing Yang thought that most of the sculptures he carved were discarded, but he didn't expect that the man only left one Buddha statue in Mount Kamawor, and the rest were brought back to Kajin.

Kajin is as far away as the ends of the earth from Mount Kamavol. King Zhenwu is really interested in carving a statue at the end of the world, and then drags a cart full of it back to the end of the world?

The Buddha statue left in Kamavor has an unknown divine word in its head, and it has spirituality, that is, it was given the power of telepathy by King Zhenwu.

What about the rest of the idols?

Do they have the same telekinesis ability, or do they have different uses?

Zhenwu King Wei Huguo = Hui Guo Rou, what is his purpose in making these statues?

Biyou put away her cell phone and said: "Twenty-nine, thirty-three, thirty-six, forty-nine, seventy-two... There have been many opinions in the academic community about how many national treasure statues there are in the Cajin Kingdom. Controversy. At first, the Cajun Empire had an ambiguous attitude, seemingly trying to obscure the specific number. It was not until more than 20 years ago that the Cajun Kingdom officially announced that the total number of statues was twenty-nine, and since then it has begun to display them irregularly in its capital. An exhibition of cultural relics is held in the museum.”

Xiaodi asked curiously: "The Buddha statue we found shouldn't be one of the twenty-nine, right?"

"If it is really the national treasure of Cajun." Biyou nodded and looked at Jingyang and Xiaodi, "Yes, it is not one of them. Among the twenty-nine statues of gods that were displayed in the Cajun National Museum, There are Gods, angels, saints, and even demons, but I am very sure that there are no statues of Buddha or Bodhisattva - the absence of Buddhist statues is why, so far, everyone is skeptical about the total number of twenty-nine. the root cause.”

Only the Buddha statue and no Kajin were brought back?


Are Buddha statues left outside just to save all sentient beings?

Jing Yang asked: "Last question, can you see 'Nian' in the statues of gods you saw when you went to the Cajun National Museum?"

Biyou looked at him and said, "No."

"Then I have reason to suspect that the statues of gods you saw on display at that time were all high-quality knockoffs made by Cajin." Jing Yang smiled, "At least the one we have in our hands has a sentient existence."

Xiaodi added: "There used to be."

The Buddha statue was damaged and full of cracks. Now it has lost its spirituality, and no thought energy can be seen in it.

Biyou was thoughtful, and then said: "Can you let me see your Buddha statue now?"

"Here?" Jing Yang asked.

"Of course we have to find a safer place." Biyou took out her mobile phone as if checking the map, "Let's go, follow me."

Jingyang and Xiaodi were about to follow, but suddenly they remembered that there was Kurapika.

Looking back, Kurapika had already gotten out of bed and put on a coat. His face was still a little pale and he said, "I want to take a look too."

"Do you want a wheelchair?" Jing Yang asked.

Kurapika's eyes suddenly closed, "No need. In fact, I'm almost ready to be discharged from the hospital."

The four of them quickly left the hospital. On the way, Jingyang briefly reviewed to Biyou how they found the Buddha statue in the Kamawol Mountains, focusing on the old lion's memories of King Zhenwu.

However, Jing Yang omitted the detail that this was the old lion's personal experience. After all, the old lion's longevity inevitably involved Nitolomi.

Although for now, the pile of rice can only lie in Xiaodi's vacuum cleaner as a collection, but it is still a longevity treasure that can prolong life. Jing Yang is not selfless enough to share it with everyone he meets.

In the past, I would explain it to Yoshi and be willing to share it equally. That was because Yoshi was also a participant. One yard owned by a yard.

Of course, Jing Yang didn't talk about anything involving his telekinesis ability, such as the star mark.

Another city in the Minbo Republic is known by the people as the so-called gang capital.

The reason why it has such an "elegant name" is because this city has gathered the largest number of gangster forces in the continent, especially the gangster family headed by it, which is one of the ten old men who stand at the top of the world's underground evil forces. The gang he led.

In the room, "Jing Ziyuan" opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the bed.

Not just lying in bed by myself.

He turned around and saw a large, white woman sleeping soundly.


Mess with my innocence!

"Jing Ziyuan" stepped out of the bed and put on some clothes. With the speed of his movements, the person on the bed didn't notice at all.

After looking at the face in the mirror, it was the Yin Beast who lost the title of host to him in the Sky Arena.

During the many days that Kurapika was hospitalized for recuperation, Jingyang, in addition to daily practice, taking care of Kurapika, and going shopping with Xiaodi, would "log in" to this evil beast's small account from time to time and wander around.

Walking to the table, he deftly pulled out the drawer, found a notebook and opened it.

"...It is such a shame and humiliation to lose to a young boy! I will remember this day, this failure, and this shame. I will become stronger and sooner or later I will make that boy pay the price."

This is a diary.

But the most important thing is that the above paragraph of the diary was actually written by Jing Yang himself when he was possessed by Zi Yuan.

That was when he first "logged in" to this account, and discovered that Zi Yuan's gang colleagues mentioned that Zi Yuan had asked them some questions as if nothing had happened yesterday when he was not possessed.

Purple Ape realizes something wrong is happening to him.

But just as Jing Yang expected, Ziyuan did not make any announcement or even point it out to others before causing too negative consequences - he suspected that at some point, he had become "fragmented" and had "lost his memory". "Sleepwalking".

——"Sometimes, I may not be myself." Purple Ape would never say this to others unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Jing Ziyuan" continued to read the diary.

"October 29th. Today in XX City, I always feel that something is not right. I suspect that I will be daydreaming. But I don't dare to ask other people. As a gangster and a member of the Yin Beast, I must not There is such a problem. But... I feel that this is true. Sigh."

This was also written by Jing Yang.

"November 1st. The other me, I think we need to talk." This was the time after Jing Yang came over possessed, and he was pleased to see that the Yin Beast Purple Ape himself was finally willing to "communicate", which meant , the "condition" began to stabilize.

"November 2. Who are you? I am me! You are the other me! Who are you?"

"Am I not daydreaming, but...split personality?"

"November 10th. Which action caused me to have a problem... the time in XX city? XX city? Did I have the problem myself, or was someone plotting against me? Could it be someone from the inside who did it? Do you know I lost the host competition in the Sky Arena. You want to harm me? You want to squeeze me out of the position of the Yin Beast?!" Jing Yang recalled the approximate location of the city where the Yin Beast Purple Ape had sensed and stayed, making it up. After a few sentences to confuse the audience, he closed his notebook and went out for a walk.

As a Yin Beast, Zi Yuan obviously has a high status in this gangster family. Most of the people in black suits who met on the road either got out of the way in awe or greeted him politely when they saw him.

"Zolo, are you free? Wandering around?" Not far away, a man not wearing a black suit came over with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing that he is not wearing a uniform within the mafia family, he always seems to have a good status.

Jing Yang had never seen this guy before, so he didn't bother him and raised his chin to say hello.

The other party made a sound and said: "The young master asked me to inform you not to mess around recently. There may be a meeting in a few days and I want you to go with me."

Jing Yang didn't know how to answer, so he simply pretended to be cold, glanced at the other person, and walked away.

The other party didn't know what he was thinking. He looked at his back and said unhappily: "You ran back in despair after losing in the Sky Arena, and you can still continue to be a Yin Beast. It's really unreasonable..."

"Jing Ziyuan" walked around twice, but didn't encounter anything interesting. He felt bored, so he went back to the room, sat down at the desk, and left a line in his diary: "November 13th. What happened according to the instructions of the young master." The meeting of a few days is very important. You must not mess with my other self! I haven’t given the specific time yet. If I tell you later, write it down. If anything goes wrong during the meeting, we will all be doomed!"

After closing the diary and putting it away with satisfaction, Jing Yang glanced in the mirror, opened his mouth and vaguely saw an imperceptible rose gold pentagram mark on the inner wall of his mouth...

"What are you doing? Are you distracted?" Biyou's dissatisfied voice sounded in his ears.

"Jing Ziyuan" went back to bed and lay down, pretending that nothing happened.

"What are you doing? Are you distracted?"

Bi You dissatisfiedly grabbed the back of Jing Yang's neck, who was still walking forward, and pointed to the building gate on the roadside, "We are already here."

Kurapika gave Jing Yang a strange look.

Jing Yang coughed lightly and looked up to where Biyou led them to, "Eternal Library?"

He knew this library very well.

There are eternal libraries in many cities, just like the Xinhua Bookstore in my previous life. He often takes Xiaodi to bookstores, usually to the local Eternal Library, which seems to be one of the largest book giants in the Hunter World.

[I'm fine, I just went around that gangster Yin Beast. 】Jing Yang rubbed the A-shaped ring on his finger and sent a message to Xiaodi.

【oh. 】Xiao Di nodded, took Jing Yang's hand, and followed him into the library.

The library has its own special atmosphere. The bookshelves are like walls, displayed vertically and horizontally, and there are a dazzling array of books of all kinds. The most distinctive feature of the Eternal Library is its richest collection of ancient book resources, which makes it popular among lovers of history, culture and niche fields.

Biyou led them straight to the library underground.

Jing Yang couldn't help but ask: "Are you allowed inside? Do you need a hunter's license, or do you know the staff here?"

Biyou said: "None of them."

She raised her hand to reveal her mobile phone, clicked without knowing what it was, and quickly pushed open the door of a room in the basement of the library, "The Eternal Library is the property in my name."

The four of them entered, and as the door slowly closed, Biyou's voice inside, "Okay, it's safe here. Take your things out and take a look..." stopped abruptly.

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