I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 173 Born out of thin air

In the basement of the Eternal Library, when the light is turned on, the small dropper materializes into a bulging-eyed fish and releases the black jade Buddha statue from the vacuum cleaner.

Xiaodi's technique was quite sophisticated. The multi-armed Buddha statue covered with cracks was placed firmly on the ground without any bumps.

Jing Yang looked at the face of Zhenwu King Wei Hugo on the Buddha statue, then looked at Biyou, and asked, "How do you say this? Is it real?"

"If what you said about your experience of discovering it is true, especially the ability to teleport through space that it was endowed with is also true, then it is most likely true." Biyou observed the face of the Buddha at close range and did not miss it. Every detail, "The true appearance of Zhenwu King Wei Hugo=Hui Guorou, especially the faces of these stone statues carved based on his true appearance, and some carving techniques and habits are extremely difficult to imitate."

Xiao Didi said: "If it was a counterfeit, it would have already entered the auction market."

Biyou said: "No, he has been officially sanctioned by Kajin and confiscated the imitation national treasure."

"Is the Cajin Kingdom so powerful?" Jing Yang muttered.

"There is no obvious gap between Kajin's national power and any of the V5s, what do you think?" Biyou said, raising his hand to materialize a laptop, "It's related to national treasure-level cultural relics. If Cajin wants to pursue the incident to the end, V5 will not have sufficient reason to object."

Kurapika, dressed in a hospital gown and coat, said, "From your tone, a specific case probably happened before."

"That's right." Biyou held the laptop in one hand and his fingers flew flexibly on the keyboard.

In an instant, it was like a "circle" woven with green code, with the bunny girl Biyou as the center, expanding outwards, immediately covering the black jade Buddha statue in front of them.

Beep beep beep...

On the computer screen in Biyou's hand, he quickly began to build a model of a black jade Buddha statue.

"So?" Jing Yang asked, "What happened in the case you mentioned?"

"A counterfeiting gang sneaked into the Cajun National Museum, carefully observed every detail of the 10 statues on display at the time, and successfully produced a fake after returning."

"Why only one piece?" Xiaodi was confused.

Kurapika pondered: "Would anyone be stupid enough to imitate fakes of cultural relics whose location is very certain when the genuine ones are preserved?"

He looked at Biyou, "The counterfeit gang you are talking about, they did not imitate any of the Cajin national treasure statues that have been exhibited, but through observation and learning, they made a statue that has never appeared in front of the world—— I remember you said that the academic circles have been arguing because of the absence of the Buddha statues among the twenty-nine statues preserved by Ka Jin, and believe that the real total number should be higher."

"Yes, the counterfeit gang at that time observed the carving techniques of the 10 statues on display, especially the facial details of the 10 Zhenwu King Weihugo on the 10 statues. It is said that it took a full 20 months. Finally, a statue of Guanyin was made to send children away." Biyou paused, "It was lifelike, with almost no flaws. It caused a big stir at the time. Cajin officials immediately issued a solemn statement, asking Gu Ganyu Kingdom to give an explanation - oh By the way, the news about the fake Avalokitesvara statue was revealed in the ancient Ganyu Kingdom."

Ancient Ganyu Country, one of the V5 member states, is the country where the Hunter Association headquarters is located on the Hunter World map.

"Of course Gu Ganyu was unwilling to give any explanation, so the two countries started an official affair."

On the screen of the laptop in Biyou's hand, the details of the black jade Buddha statue became clearer and the model became more restored. "Thirteen days after the incident broke out, a total of 6 people in the counterfeit gang and the child-giving Guanyin statue agreed to be made for them. All the 10 people in charge of the underground exchange that conducted the auction died or disappeared mysteriously, and their bodies have not been found to this day. Of course, the statue of Guanyin who gave birth to children was also missing. ."

Oh, Cajin's Huiguo Rou, are you so crazy?

Transnational law enforcement, right?

Or cross over to one of V5's territories to enforce the law? Murder and robbery, corpses destroyed and no trace left, leaving an unsolved case that everyone knows well... It is really completed in one go.

Xiaodi raised her hand and wondered: "Since no one has ever seen any of the Buddha statues in the national treasure statue series, how can they tell that the Buddha statues they imitated are fakes?"

"Read it, you must not read it on the Guanyin statue made by the copycat kid, right?" Jing Yang said to Xiaodi.

Kurapika said: "Biyou said that there are no chants on the statues she has seen in the museum."

Jing Yang said: "Those may be high-end fakes made by Ka Jin himself."

"But that's just a guess," Kurapika said.

"It makes sense, maybe Lao Wei just likes to keep the statues of gods without attached thoughts in the warehouse of his palace, so that future generations can treasure them like treasures, and then hide the Buddha statues with thoughts in famous mountains and rivers in other corners of the world, waiting for the fate. People visit…”

Jing Yang was originally just teasing Kurapika, but as he was talking, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be some truth to it.

"Destined people, don't you mean us?"

"Maybe Kajin himself has a way to distinguish authenticity." Kurapika changed his explanation and looked at Biyou.

Biyou said casually: "When Kajin was acting at that time, he hired several professional hunters. They dealt with the counterfeit team and the person in charge of the underground auction house one by one, and when they authenticated the authenticity of the statue of Guanyin, those professional hunters Was there every step of the way. So yes, they had their own method and it was definitely a fake."

"They came to Guganyu Country to cause trouble, and hired people from your Hunter Association as helpers?" Jing Yang asked.

"If you have to say it, it is indeed the case." Biyou glanced at him, "Although the Hunter Association is headquartered in Guganyu Country, it does not mean that the association is affiliated with Guganyu Country. The Hunter Association does not belong to any country. In principle It does not represent the interests of any country. Some people pay to issue tasks, and there are hunters who are willing to accept the tasks. Once they accept the tasks, they will complete them with all their strength, and that’s it.”

Kurapika analyzed: "But since the Hunter Association is headquartered in the Ancient Ganyu Kingdom, it would be hard to believe that the Hunter Association has no connection with the Ancient Ganyu Kingdom. Since Kajin operates across the ocean continent, I don't think they themselves have anything to do with it. There is no lack of force to complete the task. The channel through the Hunter Association is probably intentional. With the Hunter Association mediating in the middle, Gu Ganyu Kingdom can turn a blind eye."

Biyou glanced at the orphan of the Kuluta clan and said noncommittally, "If you think so, it's okay. By the way, there seems to be something in the head of this Buddha statue."

As she spoke, she pressed a key, and the model of the black jade Buddha statue on the laptop screen instantly enlarged to its head.

Bang, she hit a few more keys, and the Buddha statue with the face of Zhenwu King Wei Hugo quickly disintegrated and separated along the fine cracks. In these piles of black jade-like rubble, there were many pieces on the inner surface. Some traces of jet black are vaguely visible, showing a certain color difference from the black jade stone material...

Jing Yang and his three pairs of eyes were fixed on the screen.

Biyou operated a few more times, and the dark spots with color differences were highlighted. In addition, the black jade gravel was removed, and the black jade itself was made transparent, and the picture on the screen instantly became clear.

"It's a divine word," she said.

"Can it be restored?" Jing Yang said sincerely, "To be honest, it doesn't matter whether it's a national treasure or not. But the word "divine" really makes people covet it!"

When Bi You heard this, he immediately understood that this boy must have already discovered the existence of the divine characters on the head of the Buddha statue.

Is the proficiency of "Maron" pretty good?

But looking at it like this, Jing Yang and the others have no clue about the sacred characters on the broken head of the Buddha statue. Did he suddenly send a photo to lure him here because he was interested in his ability to analyze it?

Biyou looked at the bright black patterns on the transparent gravel on the laptop screen and said, "There should be no problem in restoring, but I need a little time."

Jing Yang said happily: "There is plenty of time! Oh, there is plenty of time before the 22nd."

He called Melody to ask about the flaming eye running mission they were about to participate in...the gang wedding they were about to participate in was on the 22nd of this month.

"It won't take that long." Biyou said, "But I'm going to say it first. I hope you, or all of you, don't have too high expectations for this divine word."

"Huh? How do you say this?" Jing Yang asked.

Biyou said: "Based on the story you told about finding this Buddha statue in the mountain, the reason why you are so curious about the sacred words hidden on the head of the Buddha statue and must restore it is because you are interested in the so-called fixed-point transmission. Is the telekinesis effect effective?"

Jing Yang nodded honestly.

By marking a safe location, you can crush the "Little Jade Buddha" at any time within a mountain range and send it home... This is the ability to return to the city, who doesn't want it?

"That's the problem." Biyou reminded, "Generally speaking, the more complex, the more special, the more powerful the telekinesis ability, the more complex the corresponding divine character array. To put it simply, the divine character array that needs to be engraved The greater the number of character combinations, the more energy and time it takes to write."

She glanced at the spacious basement and drew a circle with her slender straight legs, "To achieve the effect of the teleportation ability you described, the divine character array needs to be arranged in advance, at least to cover an entire The scope is as big as a boxing ring. Even if it is done by an expert hunter who is proficient in the knowledge of divine words, it will take at least three days. If the amount of thought is not sufficient, it will take even longer."

Kurapika said: "What you mean is that the broken divine characters in the Buddha's head are unlikely to have the effect of space teleportation."

"Yes, it's unlikely." Biyou nodded and asked, "So, do you still want to continue the restoration?"

Jing Yang smacked his lips and sighed: "It's already here..."

"Even if you say no, I will restore them." Biyou said, sitting down on the floor, putting the laptop on his lap, crossing his fingers and stretching them, "I'm also curious, what exactly is this?" What……"

Jing Yang and the three of them looked at each other and had nothing to say, just wait.

But don’t wait any longer. Anyway, it's quiet enough here and no one will disturb me, so I can just start practicing on the spot.

A great expert from one of the twelve branches of the Hunter Association is right next to him. He is almost like a free guardian. If he is thick-skinned and can ask for advice on the spot if he encounters any problems in practice, he will still make a profit.

There is always a certain amount of food in Xiaodi's Big Eye Fish. In addition to emergency supplies such as dry food and water, there are even some hot dishes and hot soup. Anyway, there is no need to worry about spoilage.

After the three of them completed basic training such as the daily Tao Jue training, they braced themselves with "hardness" and silently tempered their thoughts.

The higher the confidentiality of Kurapika's dolphin bookshelf, the telekinesis ability, the greater the room for the ability to be used, so he did not use it for practice when Biyou was present.

Xiaodi had already shown herself to be a fish with bulging eyes, so she had no worries. While practicing her mind, she continued to practice the ability of the transformation system, trying to transform the energy in her body into a chain saw. With the star's guaranteed self-healing ability, she was able to practice with ease and the progress was very smooth.

Jing Yang could also say that he had tried so many times with Netero in Xianshui Mountain. He estimated that the old monster Netero had already seen his abilities closely.

The self-operation of "Meteor Like Wind" cannot be seen by others. Nitro is the world's best martial arts master. Jing Yang really doesn't think that his movements are so perfect and perfect that even he can hide them... Nitro must have been able to guess the information that he was from the operations department. There's nothing you can do about it. You can't just seize the opportunity to compete with Nitro and at the same time hide your own abilities, right?

As for whether Biyou could see his operating system or not, Jing Yang didn't know. But he had used the "Finger Flick Magical Power" before, so the practice on the side of the release system was not exposed.

Jing Yang practices chanting for a while, then practices chanting for a while. In the practice of releasing, if there is no specific and specific mindfulness ability that needs to be cultivated, then the practice is nothing more than thinking based on the word "release". The length of time that the released Qi can be maintained, the maximum intensity of the Qi that can be released per unit time, and the maximum distance that the released Qi can travel from the body... Jing Yang is an operation system, and he can also practice one more thing, which is to process the released Qi. Flexibly control it and even give it certain instructions.

For example, let a ball of air rotate at a fixed position at a fixed speed, or release several balls of air, let them patrol along a fixed route and fly directly over to self-destruct when encountering a hostile target...

"You work very hard. No wonder you can beat President Netero in two moves."

Just when Jing Yang was wondering if he could recreate a wave of Qi Circle Slash, Bi You's voice came into his ears.

As soon as he turned his head, Biyou was standing there watching the three of them practice. The laptop was nowhere to be seen. It had probably been taken back by his thoughts.

A row of sharp teeth vaguely appeared on the surface of the thought energy on Xiaodi's hand. Following her will, it slowly rotated around her arm and stopped when she heard the words.

Jing Yang got up and asked, "Did the restoration succeed?"

Biyou nodded, stretched out one foot, and while condensing his thoughts, he stroked on the ground, and slowly wrote several dark combinations of divine characters.

She looked at the divine words she had restored and said, "Sure enough, it doesn't have the effect of space teleportation."

"Didn't you guess that beforehand?" Jing Yang asked confused, "Why do you sound so disappointed?"

Biyou said calmly: "After all, the maker is the Zhenwu King Wei Hugo. My guess is based on the knowledge of the divine characters that I know. Who knows what the situation of the divine characters mastered by the Zhenwu King is?"

Kurapika asked: "Are there many different schools of knowledge about divine characters?"

Biyou thought for a while, looked at the three little guys, and asked: "Nian, it has been around since ancient times and has been passed down from generation to generation. So do you think the word "divine" is the same?"

Jing Yang said sincerely: "Sister Tu, please stop asking, we really don't know."

"About four hundred years ago, the word "divine" began to be circulated among people with the ability to read." Biyou said calmly, "It was like it was born out of thin air. Earlier, there were no records related to it. There are no earlier divine words handed down.”

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