Kurapika was a little surprised when he saw this. Unless Xiaodi didn't see the same illusion as them, it was hard for him to imagine that in the face of such an immersive experience of the end of the world, he could be so calm and calm... Even if he didn't see it, Is it because Jing Yang, who is usually carefree, is a little overwhelmed? And Xiaodi’s expression didn’t even change! People who don't know really think she is looking at the scenery in the park.

Jing Yang did not disturb Xiaodi. Strictly speaking, neither he nor Kurapika insisted on watching the doomsday vision. He wanted to know how long this doomsday vision was and how long Xiaodi could see it.

Not very long.

A few minutes later, Xiaodi's eyes seemed to flicker, she recovered, and said, "Ah, it's over."

Are you still unfinished or what?

Jing Yang stopped Xiaodi who was about to turn around and walked over, holding her down and standing in place.

Xiaodi was a little confused, turned around, looked down at her feet.

Kurapika understood and said to himself: "Why did it end? Since Xiaodi's energy is still triggering the divine word, why did the ability contained in the divine word end on its own?"

"Is there a built-in CD?" Jing Yang hypothesized.

Unfortunately, the other two people present seemed to have little exposure to video games. Jing Yang could only say: "It's the cooling time. After watching the CG once, do you have to cool down for a while before you can watch it a second time?"

Kurapika nodded and looked at the two pairs of divine characters on the empty ground on both sides of Xiaodi where he and Jing Yang were standing.

“You’ll know after you try it.”

Jing Yang and Kurapika stood up again, releasing the energy on their bodies, trying to trigger the divine characters under their feet, but nothing happened in front of them.

"Is it that the CD is not ready yet, or is it that it will be burned after reading it, and then it will be forgotten after reading it?"

Jing Yang moved his steps in confusion. The two lines of divine characters were not trampled or destroyed by themselves like the divine character space.

The same was true for Kurapika, who was unable to see the immersive doomsday scene for the second time. After he stepped away, he spent a few minutes in silence and drew two lines of divine characters one after another, and said: "Maybe, With the ability contained in these two lines of divine characters, I can only see one illusion..."

Jing Yang said in surprise: "Forget it, Biyou taught me the second one. How did you know how to draw the first one?"

"I saw you draw a few times, and I accidentally learned it." Kurapika calmly stood on top of the two newly drawn lines of divine characters, looking blankly.

After a while, Jing Yang said happily: "What did you see?"

Kurapika took two steps back silently, "Nothing appeared."

"So, either the CD hasn't arrived yet, or the CD is not on the divine character, but on the person who is seeing the illusion." Jing Yang said.

"One person can only watch it once." Kurapika pondered, and looked at Xiaodi with Jing Yang.

Jing Yang asked: "Xiao Di, what else did you see behind?"

"It's nothing." Xiaodi said, "The sky shattered, the ground collapsed, and many strange people died... These pictures are actually very jumpy and inconsistent. The meaning they want to express is too abstract, but some of them are nothing. mean."

"It expresses the meaning of the end of the world, and of course it will be relatively abstract." Kurapika hesitated for a long time, and couldn't help but ask, "It's not just an illusion, it should have some kind of emotion attached to it. A... highly contagious feeling of despair, desolation, and... helplessness. All in all, very negative emotions. Were you not affected?"

Xiaodi looked at him even more strangely, "Your entire clan was wiped out, and after experiencing something like that, you are still affected by such so-called negative emotions from outside that do not belong to you?"

Kurapika choked, and his eyes couldn't help but turn red. He took a deep breath, "Sorry, I can't control my emotions well yet."

Jing Yang patted Xiaodi on the shoulder and said aside: "Because of this, even Kurapika was affected, which shows how contagious the despair attached to the illusion is, isn't it?"

I almost forgot that Xiaodi is sometimes too "outspoken" and seems to have a "venomous tongue".

"Also, Kurapika." Jing Yang said to Kurapika again, "The place where Xiaodi comes from is neither as ordinary as this ordinary park or city, nor as ordinary as the clan where you once lived. Seclusion from the world, far away from the hustle and bustle... That place is called Meteor Street. Although I haven't been there yet, I guess that emotions such as despair, sadness or helplessness, or even the so-called doomsday scene, should be felt by many people in Meteor Street. Not unfamiliar."

"Meteor Street?" Kurapika thought for a moment, remembered the name of this place, and murmured to himself, "We don't reject anything, so don't take anything away from us..."

More than two years have passed since the tragedy of the Kuluta clan. The boy who wanted revenge naturally frantically collected any information he could find about the Phantom Troupe.

Not to mention, many news reports on the genocide at that time mentioned a so-called message at the scene: "We will not refuse anything, so don't take anything away from us."

The orphan of the Kuluta tribe, whose eyes turned red unconsciously, became a little agitated uncontrollably. He stared at Xiaodi and asked: "Tell me, this Meteor Street that Jing Yang mentioned is in Kuluta." The place where the ethnic tragedy happened, the Meteor Street where these words were left?"

Xiao Didi said: "Don't look at me with those eyes."

"Are you also——"


There was a heavy muffled sound, and the red color in Kurapika's eyes went out. His eyes lost their highlights and turned white. His body went limp and he was about to fall down. Jing Yang, who couldn't help but hold his forehead, caught him in time and laid him flat on the ground. good.

Xiaodi didn't know when he materialized into a fish with bulging eyes.

Just now, Kurapika looked excited, and she directly summoned the bulging fish to knock the opponent unconscious.

Xiaodi grabbed the vacuum cleaner and added to Kurapika, who had been knocked unconscious: "The second rule of the Akatsuki organization: companions help each other, do not interfere with each other, and do not betray each other."

Jing Yang said: "He can't be considered a betrayal, right?"

"He really doesn't seem to be able to control his emotions very well." Xiaodi said seriously, "So I took precautions for him to prevent him from further harming his companions."

"That makes sense!" Jing Yang nodded and asked, "Hey, what if he really goes crazy and attacks you or me impulsively?"

Xiaodi said naturally: "In that case, he will not be a companion."

"Xiao Ku may be excited, but he shouldn't be so impulsive as to make random moves." Jing Yang said earnestly, patting Xiao Di's hand, and the two sat down side by side, "This basic trust is still necessary."

"Do you trust Jingyang like that?" Xiaodi suddenly asked.

"Oh, that's not the case." Jing Yang said.

The two sat side by side.

After one year of junior high school, Jing Yang made rapid progress from 0 years old to 12 or 13 years old. Although he was already accomplished enough, he once had to catch up with 15-year-old Xiaodi. However, Xiaodi, who is actually over 15 and half-way to 16 years old, is in the stage of rapid pubertal development, and her height has unknowingly grown by a head...

"Xiao Di, do you feel that you can see things more clearly and can see further?"

"seems like it……"

"Is this the true function of this divine word?"

"seems like it."

"You said this Lao Wei, a good person doesn't say anything but insists on leaving riddles everywhere for people to guess. Don't you hate this kind of person?"

With Jing Yang muttering, he dragged Kurapika and Xiaodi away.

The little gray bird Rock Bird flew to the ground, jumped a few times, and tilted its head to look at the sacred words on the ground. On the gray wings, a dark eight-armed phantom appeared.


The rock sparrow pulled its paws and shoveled all the divine characters on the ground, then flapped its wings and took off, catching up with the three people who left the park.

Kurapika opened his eyes drowsily. This time it was not the ceiling of the hospital, and there was no sound of ticking medical equipment in his ears.

"You're awake." But the same voice appeared, "The operation went well. I changed something for you this time. If you have any questions later, you can call this phone."

"..." Kurapika stared at the ceiling speechlessly for a few seconds. This should be a hotel or a hotel. "The same joke won't be funny the second time."

Jing Yang said in surprise: "This is not the same joke, it's a follow-up!"

Kurapika sat up and rubbed his head. Xiaodi's hand was really decisive and heavy.

As a smart person like him, of course he had figured out why Xiaodi would knock himself out when he was excited.

"But if Xiaodi knocks me out, doesn't it count as attacking a companion?"

Xiaodi just opened the door and came in.

Jing Yang asked, "What is the second rule?"

Kurapika said: "Companies help each other, do not interfere with each other, and do not betray each other..."

"Look, so she is helping you, not attacking you." Jing Yang smiled, "Do you feel better?"

"No." Kurapika looked at Xiaodi who was sitting quietly on Jingyang's side as if nothing had happened. "I still want to know about Meteor Street. Many people say that the Phantom Troupe comes from Meteor Street. .”

Xiao Didi said: "That's what I heard too."

Kurapika didn't quite understand.

Jing Yang added: "Although the name of Meteor Street is a street, don't think that place is as small as a street. In fact, it can be called the 'Meteor Street Autonomous Country'. Do you think that a gang of thieves came out of a small country?" , so all residents of this country must know them very well?”

"I understand what you mean..." Kurapika sighed, "I'm sorry."

Jing Yang said: "Don't mess up your pace. Your priority should be Fiery Eyes now, improving your strength should be second, and revenge should be the last."

Kurapika nodded.

"If you have figured it out, why don't you get out of bed and continue practicing?" Jing Yang said, "There is about a week left for the gangster's wedding, and there are at least two pairs of flaming eyes waiting for you to retrieve them. You don't want to have a hard time. Did you miss this opportunity because of your lack of strength?"

"I understand." Kurapika lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Your frontal combat ability is still a bit weak, and I also want to ask your smart little head to help me advise on the new capabilities I want to develop." Jing Yang shook his hand, and a ball of thought popped out of his palm, which was very stable. The ground is suspended half a meter above. "How can I exchange places with thoughts released outside my body? It would be best to exchange places with thoughts a thousand meters away..."

After all, for now, Kurapika should be the only one among them who has the experience of time and space teleportation.

Although Kurapika was the one who was forcibly teleported...

A certain city, a certain building.

Inside and outside the building, in every corner of every corridor, there are people in black suits patrolling and standing guard.

A new group of people in black suits came around the corner. The leader was a middle-aged man with a gray back and a stern face. He led the people behind him and the people on the left and right towards the room at the end of the corridor. The sound of black leather shoes walking together gave the impression that there were only a dozen or so people walking out like an army.

"Jian Yang, you take the others outside, and Zi Yuan, follow me in." After the gray-backed middle-aged man finished speaking, the others dispersed in two lines.

"Jing Ziyuan" saw that the old man didn't push the door, so he reacted and stepped forward to help push the door open - the room seemed a little dark.

A huge oval conference table with exactly ten seats.

However, when "Jing Ziyuan" followed the gray-haired middle-aged man in and sat down, there was still one seat left empty.

These... are the so-called "ten old men"?

"Jing Ziyuan" glanced at the conference table casually. The other eight seats were occupied by middle-aged or old men who looked to be about the same age. Behind them, each stood a macho man full of energy. These were probably the ten Yin beasts that came standard with the ten old men. Member - just like the "Purple Ape" he possesses now.

Yin Beast Yin Beast, code names are all related to animals.

The impressive monsters such as porcupines and earthworms in comic stories seem to have not appeared.

I remembered that before entering the door just now, the boss of Ziyuan asked another so-called "Jiangyang" to stay outside... It seems that each of these ten old men's subordinates is not only a telepathic person like Yin Beast.

The Yin Beast is more like the title of the strongest among the telekinesis users in the Ten Old Man Gang. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous for a gangster who stands at the top of the underground world to have only one telepathic person under his command... In comparison, the gangster families in the Cajin Kingdom have almost all the weird telepathic people under their command. They were running all over the floor.

"You're late." Eight other middle-aged or old men who looked about the same age said dissatisfiedly.

"There's something even later, why are you in a hurry." The middle-aged man with a gray back who came in with Jing Yang glanced at the last empty seat and looked at his watch, "I'll only wait for 10 minutes. If he comes, let's talk. If If he didn't come, or didn't bring anything, then I think he is not the only one who can fill the last vacancy for the ten old men. What do you think?"

"We waited for you for more than 10 minutes!" One of the ten old men was dissatisfied.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and a high-spirited middle-aged man in sunglasses walked in, "Are you waiting for me? I'm just an old man, so there's no need to be so grand..."

"Boss, wait a minute." Suddenly, the Yin Beast that followed him in grabbed him.

"Prison Elephant, what's wrong?" As expected, the tenth old man, middle-aged in sunglasses, stopped at the door.

The Yin Beast, known as the Prison Elephant, looked into the room warily, scanning the nine old men and the nine Yin Beasts at the long conference table one by one. It especially stayed on the "Jing Zi Yuan" for a while, with doubts in its eyes.

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