I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 176 Let the others die.

The words of the Yin Beast Hell Elephant made the already uncomfortable atmosphere in the conference room even more tense.

The other nine old men and the Nine Yin Beasts all looked at the two people who came through the door.

"Jing Ziyuan" saw that the Yin beast called Prison Elephant whispered something into the ear of the tenth old man. The latter nodded slightly, then smiled at everyone: "Haha, I'm sorry, his little trick suddenly failed, so he was a little nervous and overreacted. Let's continue."

He strode to the last empty seat at the oval conference table and sat down. The prison elephant stood behind him with a sullen face, but his eyes were always alert, suspiciously observing the nine old men present and the nine evil beasts standing there.

"You also know that these Yin beasts, like those hunters, all have some strange abilities." The tenth old man took out a cigar and lit it, crossed his legs and laughed, "I'm not very good at these professional things. Understood. What about you, do you know why he is nervous?" He exhaled a puff of smoke and glanced sharply at the other nine Yin beasts.

"You have a problem with your own men and come to ask us?"

"Don't be too arrogant, Claudius. In the position of a ten-year-old man, if you start showing off your power before your butt is warmed up, it may not necessarily end well."

Some of the other nine old men were sarcastic.

Claudius took off his sunglasses, held a cigar and pointed at the old man who just made a sarcastic comment, "I'm sorry, have I seen the little evil beast behind you? He looks a bit unfamiliar!"

The other party was a tall, thin, bald old man. When he heard this, he narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Boy, how many times have you seen the Ten Yin Beasts? The Ten Yin Beasts have come and gone, how many times have you seen them again? How much? What is the name of this one behind you, whom you brought out in your gang, Prison Elephant? Hehehe, you can’t wait any longer, have you already renamed your personal bodyguard according to the Ten Yin Beasts?”

"Jing Ziyuan" looked at the so-called Yin Beast behind the tall, thin and bald old man.

A small man indeed. Wearing a purple knitted hat and a pair of sunglasses on his face. Judging from the profile of the face and the figure, it was expected that she was a woman.

The little Yin Beast didn't have much reaction to Claudy's name.

The tall, thin, bald old man's eyes twitched slightly, and he suddenly clenched his fists and placed his hands on the table. "Okay, if it's useless, just save it. I flew all the way to several continents, and I don't want to waste my time on this." It's about trivial things. Claudy, you said that you had clues about that thing, so we spoke for you and gave you the opportunity to fill the gap of the ten old men. Only then did you reach the sky. You won't forget it, right? "

Claudy smiled slightly, "It's not a clue, but I have found it. Now, it's in my hands."

The expert bald old man's body trembled, bloodshot eyes burst out, and he said anxiously: "Then why don't you take it out quickly?"

What on earth is so urgent?

"Jing Ziyuan" felt strange, the ten old men standing at the top of the underground world, this is it?

During this week, Jing Yang and the three of them practiced step by step, and it can be said that they all gained something.

Jing Yang's mental capacity increases the slowest, followed by Xiaodi. Kurapika's basic mental capacity is the least among the three, so it increases the most.

Jing Yang's current total energy is almost 24,000 qi.

Xiaodi Kankan was raised to 20,000 qi.

Kurapika has been practicing for a little over half a year now, and he already has good qualifications. Even with the complex telekinesis ability of a dolphin bookshelf, he has still been able to refine the total telekinesis capacity to about 10,000 qi - this is just in his normal state. Once the person enters the flaming-eyed anger mode, depending on the intensity of the emotional ups and downs, the amount of thoughts will be doubled to anywhere from 20,000 to 30,000 qi.

In other words, in the case of extreme anger, Kurapika's total energy will directly exceed Jing Yang.

I have to say that the bloodline advantage is awesome.

Just like those even more unreasonable chimera ants, their natural mind power is far beyond the normal level. There are tens of thousands of ants with mind power running everywhere. The three guards estimate that there are tens to millions per capita. The ant king has not practiced for a day. He is invincible immediately after birth, with a total amount of thoughts ranging from three million to two million...

As for Jing Yang himself, the improvement of his mind power has slowed down, and the "Flying Thunder God Mind Ball" he wants to develop has hit a bottleneck, and he has never been able to find the inspiration to exchange the position of the mind ball.

Perhaps this is the normal state of developing mental abilities.

In the past, the several telekinesis abilities that Jing Yang developed were either derivatives of the operating system that he was already proficient in, or they were just pure telekinesis attacks. The only one with a slightly special mechanism was "Huabei Throw". "Catch the ball", and this mechanism and the concept of "space exchange" are not at the same level of difficulty at all.

Although many mental abilities have the effect of "I am thinking", even if it is a very nonsense ability, as long as you firmly believe in it, it may be realizable. However, the problem is that Jing Yang does not seem to be able to "I am thinking about space exchange". Just...what's so difficult about this?", so I got stuck here.

Bored and upset, Jing Yang remembered the time of the meeting of the ten old men that Zi Yuan paid attention to last time, so he picked the time and called in for a walk to see what was going on.

If the guess is correct, the last one who came in, Claudius, who so-called filled the tenth old man's vacancy, was the gangster who sent the wedding invitation to the rich man Marco Meite who followed Melody before. However, it was not this Claudius who got married, but the young leader of his gang. The one who collects human organs and has flaming eyes on his hands is probably the young master, not the Claudius in front of him.

This prison elephant who followed Claudius in...

Why did he think something was wrong in the house as soon as he walked in?

Jing Yang's behavior is indeed that "the situation is wrong", so it is inevitable that he will be especially suspicious.

Since the other ten old men also said that Claudius, who had just arrived as the ten old men, had not seen all the ten Yin beasts, then there should be no reason for the prison elephant following Claudius, because it was seen that the people present had the same stature and appearance as before. Only then did he realize that something was wrong...

"Jing Ziyuan"'s eyes were focused, and he quietly observed the group of people while they were talking and arguing with each other.

The ten old men were really just ordinary old men. The Qi on each of them was sparse and ordinary, and a wisp of Qi on the top of their heads was thinly drained like white smoke.

The Ten Yin Beasts probably had nothing to show each other, so they didn't hide anything. The Qi above their heads gathered together and never dispersed, and the size of the Qi on their bodies was larger than that of ordinary people. It can be seen that they do not maintain the "professional quality" of "Tang" at all times, but the energy on their bodies is not very loose, which reflects their good paper strength among "amateur hunters".

"Jing Ziyuan" took a second look at the little Yin Beast, and felt that the woman's profile looked a bit familiar. Wearing a knitted hat and toad sunglasses, are you deliberately hiding your face?

His wandering eyes met the eyes of the prison elephant behind Claudy opposite him.

The prison elephant's telekinesis ability is the operational system.

However, what he operates is not a person, but a closed space that can be locked, making it an inescapable prison. After the sealing is successful, every ounce of Qi in this prison will be absorbed by the prison and feed back to him, the god who guards the prison. In this way, the person imprisoned will only become weaker and weaker, and he will become stronger and stronger.

But when he came in, he wanted to use this ability to ensure the safety of the boss, but found that the ability failed to activate...

In this room, there are telekinesis users from other operating systems, and they have already used their operating system abilities.

The prison elephant said nothing more. At least, now he knows that there are other operating systems in this room, but the other party does not.

Damn it, could it be that his control of the purple ape was discovered?

"Jing Ziyuan" looked away and thought to himself. The fingernails behind her back quietly scratched the skin, and a trace of blood came out, which was wrapped in a bubble-like air along the fingertips.

Flying star bubbles float quietly to the ground...

The ten old men at the conference table were still arguing. At one end of the round table, the ten old men with sparse white hair coughed, and everyone fell silent. The white-haired old man looked at Claudius with cloudy eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Four years ago, Alpha Edward committed suicide in public in the Sky Arena. Everyone was guessing and looking for evidence that he had found the treasure of King Zhenwu. Tell me, Claudy, what do you have on your hands?"

It can be seen that the Qi in the Yin Beast standing behind the old man suddenly tightened, and it can be seen visually that his Qi has become much harder.

The atmosphere in the conference room became more serious.

Everyone looked at Claudius.

"For four years, no one has discovered any treasures that Edward might have hidden, not even a clue..."

"Claudie, you'd better not be playing tricks on us, or you'll have to bear the consequences!"

"Don't be so scary," Claudy crushed the end of his cigar, waved to the prison elephant behind him, and smiled at everyone, "otherwise, I got the treasure map of King Zhenwu from Alpha=Edward. But I won’t tell you. Hehehe..."

The prison elephant took something out of his arms and operated the projector in the conference room a few times. Suddenly the lights lit up on the curtain, and a picture appeared in front of everyone.

Treasure Map!

But, only a corner of it.

"What do you mean?" The tall, thin and bald old man couldn't help asking, "Claudy, don't play tricks!"

"It can't be fake, right?"

"We have been searching for four years with no results, but you found it?"

"Haha, maybe we only find this corner, it's a broken picture!"


The projector screen turned, and a photo of a statue appeared.

The black jade-like Buddha statue, the lifelike facial features of Zhenwu King Wei Huguo, his face showing compassion, holding a magic weapon in his hand, seems to be saving evil spirits.

For a moment, the other nine old men were stunned, even the white-haired old man with the most calm and majestic demeanor was no exception. He stared straight at the Ksitigarbha Buddha statue on the projector.

Claudy relit his cigar and smiled: "I don't know, have you ever heard of Cajun's national treasure?"

The old man who brought "Jing Zi Yuan" in glanced at Claudius and said, "I have never heard of it. Among the national treasure statues in Kajin, there is such a Ksitigarbha statue. Oh, I remembered, there is not even a Buddha statue. .”

Claudius bit his cigar and smiled: "That's right, Bratt. Do you think I have the ability to get one of the twenty-nine gods from the Cajun treasury? Haha, you do too You think highly of me."

The other nine old men, including Brat, fell silent and couldn't help but look at the Ksitigarbha statue in the projector.

If it were one of the twenty-nine statues of Cajin Kingdom, they would stay far away. Robbery the authentic national treasure in the Cajun Museum, and when the time comes to die, there will be no explanation for the blood splattered all over them.

But if it is the Buddha statue besides the twenty-nine statues...

Of course, if this Ksitigarbha statue is not a forgery, but real.

"Jing Ziyu" looked at the lifelike "Zhenwu Ksitigarbha" in the projector screen, and repeatedly compared it with the face of the cracked black jade Buddha statue that he had seen countless times.

...that guy Lao Wei Na really made a bunch of Buddha statues and hid them everywhere in various deep mountains and old forests?

Could it be that every hidden Buddha statue has a Warcraft race to guard it?

Jing Yang shook his head secretly, if that were the case, things would be easier to handle. Just go and check the settlement areas of various Warcraft groups?

Jing Yang happened to know someone. The Fierce Fox family seemed to live in the mountains not far from the Hunter Association headquarters...

"Jing Ziyuan" glanced at Claudius and rubbed another flying star bubble with his fingertips behind his back.

"I think you're crazy. If you come up with something like this, don't you worry about the Cajun people attacking you?"

Some of the other ten old men couldn't help but say, "Several major gang families in Aizhen Continent have long wanted to reach out to our territory and cause trouble."

Claudius said: "Kajin, I won't bother you to worry about it. I put up this photo of the Ksitigarbha Buddha statue to prove that my treasure map is genuine."

"If it's real, why haven't you gone treasure hunting yet?" other old men said sarcastically.

"If you like to question so much, then I think there is no need for us to continue talking." Claudius said coldly, "The reason why there are different opinions and everyone is enthusiastic about the treasure of King Zhenwu is because everyone guesses that King Zhenwu will take all the treasures. Are all the national treasure Buddha statues hidden in the so-called secret treasures? Find the Buddha statues, sell them to Cajin, and skyrocket from there. What a dream?"

"The treasure map is genuine, but I don't need it. I've already found a statue of Ksitigarbha, why would I take the risk to explore the secret..." Before Claudy could finish his words, he was interrupted by the old man with sparse white hair, " Have you already been in contact with the Cajun people? Did you sell the Ksitigarbha statue to them?"

Claudy smiled slightly and was about to speak when the tall, thin and bald old man suddenly shook like chaff, blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth, and he fell down on the conference table with a "bang".


The little Yin Beast behind him sighed, "Jabbering, dilly-dallying, rambling, are you finished?"

The ten old men, uh, the ninth old men looked at her in shock.

The Ten Yin Beasts immediately entered combat mode, and the Hell Elephant on the other side of the projector flew towards his boss Claudy.

"Originally I just came here to play, but I didn't expect it to be the Buddha statue and treasure of King Zhenwu. Hahaha, let me see what the leader says now?"

The little Yin Beast took off his knitted hat, revealing long pink hair. He took off his sunglasses, revealing his beautiful and sharp eyes. He raised his hand and pulled out the blood-stained thought thread from the tall, thin old man's back.

Madge? !

"Jing Ziyuan"'s eyes narrowed, and he suddenly understood. Throughout the whole process, Ma Qi used a thread of thought to wrap around the heart of the tall, thin old man. After losing her patience, she directly wrapped his heart with thought threads. She stopped pretending.

"I'm sorry, except for the guy opposite, named Ke or something, everyone else..." Madge smiled slightly, "Just go to hell."

She stretched out her hand and tugged at the invisible thread of thought.

Puff, puff, puff...

There were 19 living people left in the conference room. In an instant, 10 heads flew high in the waves of blood gushing from their necks. There were expressions of shock, confusion, anger, etc. on their faces. Some of them had their eyes looking towards the two sides in panic. Look sideways.

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