I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 177 Humanoid King Kong

Waves of blood spurted out, and ten heads were thrown up and fell.

Some rolled up onto the conference table, bumped into each other and bounced off each other, some fell on the broken neck next door, and some directly hit the corner of the table, and their heads screamed in pain with a hoarse airflow sound, and they bounced and rolled to the " "At Jing Ziyuan's feet... only a moment later, the entire conference room became extremely bloody. Ten headless corpses were twitching and lying on their backs on the chairs, either sliding down or falling to the side.

When did this guy arrange the thought line?

"Jing Ziyuan"'s eyes and ears condensed. Ma Qi could behead ten people with just a movement of her little hand. There was no doubt that she had already arranged her thoughts when she realized it, and she could only tighten them and cut off their heads when she wanted to.

As an ordinary person, the old man was as fragile as paper in front of the thread formed by his thoughts. And even if those three Yin beasts were not alert at all times and were unprepared, it would not be surprising if their heads were cut off by Madge in a sneak attack...

"Fortunately, the person here is not his true form, otherwise who can bear the sudden and sudden attack of 10 death energy?" "Jing Ziyuan" thought to himself.

Looking at the little pink-haired woman who was calm and composed in this bloody atmosphere, the remaining four old men and seven Yin beasts all turned pale.

Did you just come here to have fun?

Can the guy who comes here for fun sneak into this conference room without anyone noticing?

No wonder the bald man Kasbir looked a little strange before. He must have been held hostage by this woman from the beginning! This female killer disguised herself as a Yin beast and sneaked into this meeting...

as well as……


The word that came out of Madge's mouth just now stirred the sensitive nerves of the remaining people present.

Killing six ten old men and three Yin beasts while talking and laughing. This amazing strength, if associated with the word leader, really makes people think of that phantom-like band of thieves...

Is it them?

No, she's just... one of the Phantom Troupe? !

Someone among the four old men immediately reached out and patted under the conference table, as if there was some kind of button. After pressing for a long time, no one responded, so he shouted at the door: "Where are the people? Where have they gone!"

Madge turned a blind eye, as if she hadn't heard, and just laughed.

Claudie, who was originally very arrogant, was staring, clenching his teeth, and tensing his body. The cigar accidentally slipped from his stiff fingers. He didn't notice it and stared at the pink-haired woman opposite him who was smiling at him.

"Ah, did I let it slip? It seems like you have guessed my identity." Madge casually overturned the headless body on the seat next to her, stepped on the blood on the ground, and walked around the conference table. Walking towards Claudius, "Let me think about it, is this not a good thing?"

Claudie's hair was messy and he was trembling with anger, "How dare you? These people, we, we... do you know who you killed?!"

"Isn't the killing finished yet?" Madge blamed.

"You, you, you..." Claudius completely lost his composure and said sternly, "Prison Elephant! Protect me and leave!"


Suddenly there was a gunshot, and the bullet swept through the air in the not-so-bright conference room and sent a thin wave of heat, accurately flying towards the forehead of Madge, who was pacing.


A dark shadow flashed in front of Madge. Without stopping, she grabbed the bullet with her hand, and wisps of heat came out of her palm.

"You don't have to use a gun if you have thoughts. It's really embarrassing."

She raised her eyes to look at the dark beast called the Prison Elephant at the projector, and threw back the bullet faster than she had fired just now.


The prison elephant tried his best to dodge, but was still injured in the thigh, revealing a bloody hole and bleeding. This woman added qi to the bullet!

Jing Yang was a little surprised, why did Ma Qi still talk dirty during the battle? Are you this kind of person? I remember she was quite cold and silent.

"Are you still thinking about that ability?" Kurapika came over, "Now our consensus is that since forced development is difficult to achieve, it is better to start with other ideas. During the previous poster challenge, your opponent, he Can you just change places with your own mind? I think it might be more convenient after you become a mind beast."

"That's right..." Jing Yang nodded.

Kurapika raised a question mark, always feeling that this guy was distracted and didn't listen to anyone at all.

Xiaodi tilted her head and glanced at the side, and suddenly understood. Jing Yang must be paying attention to other places—probably the former landlord that Kurapika was mentioning.

That's right, isn't this Purple Ape capable of "Flying Thunder God"?

"Jing Ziyuan" thought, if he uses Zi Yuan's body to experience the flying thunder god, it will definitely help develop his own flying thunder god. This is the so-called flying thunder mutual aid technique!

But the question is, how to use Zi Yuan's own telekinesis ability?

I haven’t used it before, so I have no experience!

As long as you have experienced the feeling of the Flying Thunder God, you will be able to use it... As long as you use Purple Ape's telekinesis ability once, you can experience the feeling of the Flying Thunder God... As long as... Why does it seem to be looping? !

"go to hell!"

"Arrogant bastard!"

Ma Qi was walking over there, surrounded by four Yin beasts from the front, back, left and right.

She glanced quickly.

The fist in front has a large amount of mental energy condensed on it, which is obviously the strengthening type; of the two on the left, one is holding a dagger, and the mental energy on the dagger extends into a sharp knife shape, which should be of the transformation type. The other one has nothing special about it, but The more this happens, the more careful you have to be to not let it get close easily; the Qi on the legs of the one behind is much thicker than normal, it is probably some kind of strengthening system...


Ma Qi threw out a few threads of thought and wrapped them around the dagger stabbed on the left. When the thought knife at the tip of the dagger was about to be extended again, she used the threads to weave a net to wrap it, and then pulled it aside to make it He stabbed at the other Yin Beast that Madge had combined with him and had no apparent ability. While doing this, Ma Qi jumped over the strengthening fist hit from the front. The movement of the jump involved the mind thread in her hand, allowing the dagger Yin Beast on the left to stab another Yin Beast. At the same time, she moved her heels back. With a knock, the fist of this strengthening system stumbled behind him and kicked another strengthening system towards him...

It's a long story, but it was just a matter of changing bodies. Ma Qi did a somersault and danced with the thread in her hand, and the four Yin beasts hit each other two by two and collided with each other.

Is it worthy of being called the Phantom Troupe? Their Nian Qi is really strong!

And it’s so fast!

"Jing Zi Yuan" maintained his "condensation" with all his strength, so that he could clearly see Ma Qi's movements as he dealt with the four Yin beasts in the electric light and flint.

Whether it is the use of telekinesis or the timing of the use of her telekinesis power-changing telekinesis line, it can be said to be just right...

But it’s none of my business, so what if everyone here dies?

On the contrary, the treasure map of King Zhenwu at the projector is more relevant to me. After all, he is considered half an ancestor. He who sees this treasure has a share in it. What’s the problem?

Just when "Jing Ziyuan" was about to make a argument, the leader of his "own" gang who was a little weak on the seat in front of him seemed to be named Brat. He gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: "Ziyuan, leave them alone and send me away. !quick!"

Six of the ten old men went there in an instant. At the same time, four of the six ownerless Yin Beasts attacked Madge, but were instantly suppressed.

After Ma Qi turned over and landed on the ground, he turned around and punched the spine of the enhanced fist. Using his tall body as a cover, he threw out his mind thread with both hands and tied up the enhanced leg Yin Beast opposite him. Snap!

The dagger Yin beast on the side pulled out a dagger full of blood from the chest of another Yin beast. In the excitement, the dagger of mind qi was extended again, almost turning into a sharp long dagger of mind qi, and it tried its best to slash at Madge. Ma Qi pulled the thread of thought, and the long sword of thought energy, which was more than one meter long, directly slashed the shoulders of the two Yin beasts tied together. Madge smiled and helped him push the tied two people towards the blade.

The two Yin beasts tied together were cut in a painful diagonal direction. While the Yin beast was dazed by the dagger, Ma Qi didn't know when to wrap his mind around the dagger he grabbed.

"No, no..." The dagger Yin Beast suddenly realized something, and was about to withdraw its power of telepathy. The dagger in its hand turned around under the strong force of the telepathy thread, and chopped off the top of his head before the telepathy knife shortened and disappeared.

This is his ability to change his mind. After grabbing any knife, he can use his mind to extend it and make it sharper, so that he can cut almost anything. But the price is that once extended, the contraction or cancellation will become very slow, and although the blade is composed of his own thoughts, it can also cut himself... This is the thought that once the sword is drawn, it cannot be stopped. ability.

His vision was flooded with blood and turned red, and he fell softly to the ground.

From the time Madge impatiently appeared, cut off her head, and walked around the table, in just a few blinks, the situation turned into this. None of the remaining four old men have any illusions.

The woman in front of me, who was suspected to be a member of the Phantom Troupe, was as strong as a monster walking into a herd of sheep!

Now they must run as fast as they can without hesitation.

An old man pushed open the seat and ran away in a hurry.

"Where to run?"

Madge raised her hand, thought, pulled the dagger, made a half circle in the air, and threw it towards the old man who was running towards the door like lightning.

The old man's Yin Beast bodyguard tried hard to catch the flying knife, but failed.

The flying knife hit the old man's back and pinned him directly to the wall at the door.

The old man vomited blood, reached for the door handle with trembling hands, and finally dropped it weakly.

"Jing Ziyuan" wanted to throw a telekinesis bomb and smash open a wall of the conference room, but the telekinesis ball dissipated on its own halfway.

...Purple Ape seems to be of the transformation type, but the release type of skill is very awkward to use!

While Jing Yang was speechless, another Yin Beast got his inspiration and directly hugged the old man he was protecting, crashed through the wall and fled away.

"Go to..." Madge looked at the hole in the wall and waved her hand wordlessly, "Forget it."

She glanced at the Yin Beast that failed to catch the flying knife just now, and "Jing Zi Ape". The former's eyes were full of anger, but he did not act rashly. His footsteps were still slowly approaching the hole in the wall behind him. The latter was the calmest throughout the whole process, and Madge didn't know whether this guy was scared out of his wits or was born with a lack of brains.

Looking at his comrades escaping, Brat couldn't help but look at the "Purple Ape".

"Jing Ziyuan" said: "What are you looking at? Don't panic and follow my instructions. In the worst case, we will die together, boss."

What the hell... Brat just wants to strangle him to death. What kind of bodyguard is this? !

He wanted to get up, use the purple ape as a human shield, and retreat from the hole in the wall, but while his mind was thinking like this, his body seemed to have other ideas. His butt and feet were like tree roots growing on the chair, motionless. .

Inside his trousers and on the skin of his calf, there was a small rose gold pentagram mark.


Madge looked around the bloody conference room and asked politely in a confirming tone, "Is it over?"


The Yin Beast, who had failed to catch the flying knife before, fled through the hole in the wall and disappeared. The flying knife on the wall by the door was still nailed to his former boss.

"It seems it's over." Madge nodded and continued to walk towards Claudius, with invisible threads of thought wrapped around her fingertips, and smiled, "Let's get back to our business. You seem to have a lot of treasures?"

Claudie looked pale and sat on the chair, his body soaked in sweat.

On the ground next to him, the Yin Beast Hell Elephant, whose thigh was shot through by a bullet, was half-kneeling on the ground, with a look of unwillingness. I am a Yin Beast, and the other party is just a thief. How can there be such a big difference? !

Even a highly skilled Yin Beast cannot fight back against this villain from the Phantom Troupe, let alone an ordinary person like him?

As an ordinary person, in the face of Ma Qina and Jing Yang's strong aura, and the unabashed cold malice, he can still sit still without slumping, which can be said to have strong willpower.

"I can give you whatever you want."

Claudius swallowed his dry saliva and saw the figure attacking Madge from the corner of his eye, "King Zhenwu's treasure map? Or the flaming eyes of the Kuluta clan? I can give it to you!"

"Ah!!!" The prison elephant screamed wildly, jumped up on one leg, concentrated his thoughts on his fists, and attacked Madge.

The roaring Hell Elephant and his fists were reflected in Madge's eyes. While kicking the Hell Elephant away with his feet, he turned around and raised his arms.


The "Jing Zi Yuan" who attacked from behind hit Madge's raised arms with a punch.

boom! The prison elephant was kicked to the wall and hung there, slowly sliding down.

Tsk - Madge was punched so hard that she stepped on the ground and slid backwards, but she was actually unscathed. She just happened to slide over to the projector and casually leaned over to take a look. "You really only cut off a corner of the treasure map and posted it. How stingy!"

"Jing Ziyuan" picked up the pistol that fell on the ground. Although he didn't know how to use it, it would be fine if someone could.

"Quickly go." He looked at Madge, "I'll take the lead."

The prison elephant didn't bother with him at all, coughed up some blood foam, picked up the boss Claudius, who was sweating profusely, and ran to the hole in the wall. The latter's body was too stiff, the former was injured, and the two stumbled together.

"Be careful." A hand stretched out from the front.

Claudius stretched out his hand to hold it, and when he looked up, it was Bratt. Yes, who else could it be? Except for Blatter, everyone else has either lost his head or his body.

"Jingrat" picked up Claudius and the Prison Elephant one by one, and said with a smile: "Very good. Let's go."

"Did I let you go?" Madge looked at the three people escaping from the hole in the wall and wanted to chase after them unhappily.

"Jing Ziyuan" dodged to catch up, but Madge in front of him swayed, appeared behind him, and continued to chase towards the hole in the wall.

It’s easy to send it quickly!

The star mark on the inner wall of "Jing Zi Yuan"'s mouth activated subconsciously, forcing him to control his body instincts, turning around and grabbing the corner of Madge's clothes, and then pulled it back.

"Is it over yet? You have to want to die, right?"

Madge angrily grabbed her claws and tore them towards the face of "Jingzi Ape". With the blessing of thought energy, this grasp is enough to tear a wall into pieces.

To her surprise, the Yin beast dodged her attack.

Madge frowned and struck continuously. The opponent's eyes clearly couldn't keep up with her movements, but her body always reacted dangerously, trying her best to avoid her attacks.

"Is this your telekinesis ability? The ultimate dodge action?" Madge sneered, and then was hit hard by a gun butt in the abdomen.

"There are so many nonsense!" "Jing Ziyuan" held down his gun, but Ma Qi was not beaten back.

What’s even more strange is that Madge’s originally small belly suddenly became muscular. Her abdominal muscles were like the swollen bread in the advertising video, and they suddenly bulged up. Her originally petite body became tall and straight like blowing up a balloon. Like a furry humanoid King Kong...

"Jing Ziyuan" slowly raised his head and looked at the humanoid Vajra.

I am a fool, but I am rich?

In another city, Jing Yang, who was practicing with Kurapika and Xiaodi, almost screamed in surprise.

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