Boom! ! ! !

The corner of the conference room was punched. Among the explosions, there was a faint sound of gunshots.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and a muscular figure slowly shrank in size, turning back into a small pink-haired "Madge".

"Machi" frowned slightly and looked at the corpse in the ruins in the corner.

The chest of the corpse collapsed due to his punch, and the sternum and internal organs should have been broken in many places...

He had expected that a "super destructive punch" with all his strength could produce such a result.

After all, even within the brigade, there are only a few people who dare to bear Wo Jin's fist head-on.

But at the last moment, this Yin beast seemed to be worried about being beaten half to death and enduring pain and torture in vain, or he didn't want to be captured and interrogated by himself, so he just shot himself.

The pistol was aimed at one cheek and shot diagonally upward through the mouth on that side and the skull on the opposite side, killing him on the spot.

"I was so scared that I committed suicide. I thought I had any skills." "Ma Qi" said, "It's a pity, my skills are actually pretty good."

She looked around and saw that there was no one in the conference room except for the decapitated corpses.


Raising her foot, she kicked away the cracked gravel in the corner and walked out.

There were corpses lying all over the corridor. The one at the end corner who lost half of his body in the explosion was none other than the "Jiangyang" who came with the boss together with "Jing Ziyuan".

Walking on the bloody and messy road, "Madge" didn't hear any explosion for a long time, so she couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and make a call, "Hey, Babu! The new ones! The few who ran out, What is your ability—"

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

Click! "Machi"'s mobile phone case was pinched and cracked.

It's so numb, how can a fortune come out of it?

Jing Yang controlled the Prison Elephant and hurriedly left with the other two Bratt and Claudy who were controlled by the star.

The former is the boss of Purple Ape. The latter is the boss of the Wedding Master, and he also has the treasure map of King Zhenwu and the Buddha statue of King Zhenwu Ksitigarbha.

Therefore, Jing Yang only controlled Bratt and had not yet activated the star mark on the latter's palm.

"That woman is a member of the Phantom Troupe?!" Claudius was almost carried by the "Scenery Elephant" with one hand, "flying" with his toes across the ground, flying back and forth all the way, his face was frightened, "Since these people They are so powerful, they should have been eradicated long ago! No matter what the cost!"

"Save it, they can destroy us all by themselves." "Jingbulat" sarcastically said. This body also has the physique of an ordinary person, so it was also carried by "Jingjing Elephant" and ran quickly. It's just that Claudie was carried on his left hand, and he was carried on his right hand.

"Then hire professional hunters! Isn't that what the Hunter Association does?" Claudy gritted his teeth.

"If they were so easy to kill, the Phantom Troupe would have been destroyed long ago, two bosses."

"Scene Prison Elephant" he said in his mouth and thought secretly in his heart at the same time.

Not to mention that neither Ma Qi nor Wo Jin in the comics have the telekinesis ability to transform. Let's just say that Ma Qi is a transformation type and Wo Jin is a strengthening type. It doesn't seem like they would waste their energy on developing this type of telekinesis that is more focused on embodiment. A person with telekinesis ability... In other words, Madge in the conference room was another person in disguise from the beginning.

A handful of members of the Phantom Troupe.

The people he didn't know were: No. 4, who was later killed and replaced by Hisoka, and No. 8, who was supposed to be replaced by Xiaodi after being killed by Killua's father, Sheba.

By the way, after killing Kubi, Chrollo and the others should also find a new member to fill in, namely No. 12.

In other words, the guy who wears Madge's skin and can become a rich man is one of Spider's No. 4, No. 8 or No. 12.

"They look so similar!"

"When you become Madge, you can use Madge's telekinesis ability to read threads and become Wojin. When you hit someone with this casserole-sized fist, it seems to be a lot stronger..."

Jing Yang murmured in his heart that at that time, "Ma Qi" transformed into "Wo Jin" and hit him in the heart with a super destructive punch without hesitation.

After this punch, there are only two results.

He punched his own head and destroyed the star mark in his mouth, so Purple Ape's body was completely dead.

But as long as this punch does not destroy the star mark in the mouth, then the purple ape's body will not be completely dead, but will still squirm and slowly recover... And the broken body, no matter how much he can control it, cannot The ability to move may be restored immediately. During this period, he was in a completely passive state as to whether the star mark on the purple ape would be exposed to the person disguised as Ma Qi and Wo Jin.

Therefore, Jing Yang controlled Zi Yuan to avoid "Wo Jin's" super destructive punch as much as possible, and at the cost of being hit in the torso, he kept a clear mind at least, leaving Zi Yuan with a "raise the gun to destroy the star mark in the mouth and kill himself with one shot." "After the command, the possession will be released directly.

Get off the plane!

Transferring to the "Prison Elephant", he grabbed two ten old men in each hand and ran away.

"That guy's transformation can't be that convenient, and it can't be without any restrictions."

"If you can become whoever you want, wouldn't that mean you are invincible?"

"Either, the target can only transform after meeting the corresponding conditions; or, this guy... can only transform into a member of the Phantom Troupe!"

In view of the person that person is currently transforming into, especially the cold personality of Ma Qi, Jing Yang does not think that Ma Qi will agree to let this guy achieve any conditions on him. You must know that not everyone in the Phantom Troupe knows each other's telekinesis abilities. How can they let each other mark their bodies with any messy telekinesis conditions?

"Tentatively, it's the latter. This guy can only transform into an official member of the Phantom Troupe."

"Then, we have to consider the situation where this guy will transform into a vigilante, or even Chrollo..."

"Scenery Prison Elephant" carried two ten old men in each hand and rushed out of the building.

I saw many young men in black suits who died violently along the way. Thinking about it, in the conference room before, there were ten old men shooting some tricks under the table, but no young men entered the conference room to support... It seems that they were disguised as This guy from Machi, like the other members of the Phantom Troupe, doesn't act alone.

Another spider took care of everyone outside after they entered the conference room.

Who is it?


Suddenly there was another explosion at the intersection ahead.

"Jingjingxiang" looked up and saw that it was the Yin Beast that had led another old man to break the wall and escape from the conference room. The Yin Beast had half of its head shattered by the explosion, and fell to its knees in front of a woman chewing gum. At the chewing gum woman's feet, the old man's body, taken away by the evil beast, had become two parts: upper and lower.

Bang, the Yin Beast couldn't hold on anymore and fell completely. The woman chewed gum, blew bubbles, and looked at the three "Jing Jing Jing Jing Xiang".

"Jing Jing Jing Xiang" sighed.

Okay, this is also an unknown spider. There are at most three people I don’t recognize in total, No. 4, No. 8, and No. 12. You bump into two of them when you come up, right?

The chewing gum woman pointed towards the "Jinggongxiang", and pop, the bubbles she blew burst.

The bursting sound of the bubble was so clear, as if it was ringing in the ears of "Jinghexiang". He quickly braced himself and protected Bratt and Claudy at the same time.


The explosion hit behind the "Scenery Prison Elephant" at the same time, blowing three people away.

Thank God, Hell Elephant's power of mind was not as good as that of Purple Ape, but thanks to Jing Yang's own good "Jian" proficiency, although he was shocked by the explosion, he was not killed at least.

There is a star mark on the palm, and this small injury will heal quickly. Likewise, Blatter and Claudy are basically fine.

But Claudie's face was tense, and he was actually a little confused. He was used to gang fights, but he was really not used to this kind of chaos among gods. What was this? First, a woman raised her hand, and heads were flying in the conference room, and then A woman on the roadside blew chewing gum and pointed at them, and the air suddenly exploded...

"Listen, two bosses." "Jinghexiong" grinned, and there was blood between his teeth. He said to the two of them. Of course, the main reason was that Claudius, who was not possessed by him, said, "Now I will put my I’ll share some of my ‘superpower’ with you. I’ll stay and buy you some time, so run away.”

"You? This?" Claudy was stunned.

"There's no time to explain." "Jinghexiang" raised his palm and said, "You may not be able to control it well when running, but it doesn't matter, you will adapt to it slowly. Take it!"

How does it feel to watch yourself with another face on top of that drama queen?

"Jingbulat" watched dumbly as "Jinghexiang" raised his hands to himself and Claudy beside him, and with one palm full of thought energy, he directly opened all the sperm holes in their bodies.

Have fun!

In an instant, the mental energy of "Jingbulat" and Claudius flew up, and all 36,000 pores opened, as if a steady stream of energy gushes out of the body through invisible holes.

"This... what kind of power is this..." Claudius was surprised and delighted. The world seemed to suddenly change and become clear. His eyes were opened and he saw the majestic white light of the Yin beast in front of him.

"Jingbulate" instantly contained these violent and overflowing thoughts, and entered "Tang" in a second.

The same thing happened to Claudius next to him. Jing Yang instantly possessed consciousness and helped him to "wrap" his mind energy to prevent him from draining himself to death. He shouted in a low voice: "Okay, run away. !”

Claudius wanted to say something else, but with a look of "Jing Brat", he used the second operation, as if controlling a game character, both of them ran quickly!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

"Jingbulat" turned around and ran. Next to him was Claudius, who was forcibly controlled by him and ran side by side. The latter ran wildly at a speed far exceeding any of his previous running speeds. He seemed to be tireless, but at the same time he was also very fast. Panic-stricken, why is my body not obeying its orders, "What the hell is going on..."

The sound of "Ahhhhhhhh" faded away behind him, and "Jinghexiang" took the initiative to greet the chewing gum woman who did not know what number she was in the Phantom Troupe.

"It's really surprising that you managed to enlighten them under such circumstances." The chewing gum woman said, "This is definitely not a coincidence. How did you do it?"

"The secret recipe passed down from our ancestors will never be passed on to anyone else!"

"Scene Prison Elephant" activates the star mark on the palm of his hand and punches him.

Chewing Gum Woman's movements were very flexible. After dodging the attack of "Jing Jing Jing Xiang", she punched the side with the palm of "Jing Jing Jing Elephant"'s blocking hand, knocking "Jing Jing Jing Elephant" backwards and somersaulting several times. .

Isn’t this hell-like image’s capacity of thought too insufficient? !

A virtual comparison!

Jing Yang complained secretly.

At this moment, a figure jumped over from a distance from the building...wait, it didn't jump over, it was thrown over.


The Yin Beast that had failed to grab the flying knife was covered in blood and fell heavily to the ground not far away. There were traces of injuries on his body, as well as signs of being strangled and cut by whips and strings.

It seems that after he first left the hole in the wall, he was blown up by the chewing gum woman, and now he was caught by "Machi" again.

"It's okay if I'm not looking for you, but you still dare to ambush me?" "Machi" walked over leisurely, holding her pocket, "Babu, why is it him?"

Babu, the chewing gum woman, said: "Run away."

"Why did you let them run away!" "Madge" said angrily, "That's a walking treasure map!"

"What treasure map?" Barb asked.

"A treasure map is a treasure map, what the hell are you asking?" "Marchi" snorted, "You actually let a few losers escape. I want to lower my evaluation of you."

Babu said: "It doesn't matter what you think of me. The group leader has already approved my joining the group. This person opened the door to the other two. I didn't expect this, so I let them run away from that direction. ."

"Kai Nian?"

"Machi" then frowned and looked at "Jing Jing Jing Jing Xiang" seriously.

Watch me fuck you?

"Jingjingxiang" had no expression on his face. You two continue chatting. Before I go offline, it would be good to hear some information for two dollars...

"It's not unusual for people with telekinesis abilities to open telepathy to others. What's surprising is that both of them can survive." "Machi" said.

Babu said: "There was no pause. The two people quickly adapted to the increasing mental energy and ran away quickly, as if they had known how to 'tangle' for a long time."

"Haha..." "Ma Qi" smiled evilly, wrapping his hand with mind energy, "It seems that Mr. Yin Beast has some special skills in enlightening people. Can you teach me?"

"Jingyuxiang" sighed and gave two middle fingers to the two girls opposite him.

There was a painful groan from the side, and the bloody Yin Beast got up tremblingly, clenched his fists and looked at "Machi".

"Let's fight side by side, friends!" "Scenery Prison Elephant" was instantly filled with enthusiasm. He clenched his fists and shouted loudly, "You can't stand without breaking! You can't stand without breaking! You can't die without destroying! No... in short, that's it! Fight with these two bitches!"

"I have to find an opportunity to remove the star from my palm, and at the same time, this body also has to die." He thought to himself.

"Ouch!" The Yin Beast rushed forward bathed in blood.

"Ouch! Ouch!!!!"

On the side of the road where there were not many cars and people, two ten-year-old men were running wildly.

Claudie's running was out of his control, and he could only vent his excitement by screaming. "Jingbulat" running side by side looked speechless and blocked his ears with two fingers.

If I hadn't been thinking about your treasure map, I would have slapped you in the mouth!

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