This slap hit Claudius on the right side of his face.

"Jing Bulat" gave him a slap on the left side of his face, "It's your grandma's. If you don't have the Buddha statue in your hands, why are you pretending to be in the conference room?"


Claudius wanted to curse angrily, but his mouth remained closed and he could only whimper.

The hatred in his heart must be caused by the prison elephant! Could this kid have secretly taken refuge in Blatter? So when the special ability was passed on, it gave Bratt better abilities? What a damn traitor!

Otherwise, why would Blatter have the ability to control himself?

"The Buddha statue is not in your hands now, or has it never been in your hands?"

"Jing Bulat" suddenly asked again, "We still have the old rules. If it has passed your hand, I will slap the left cheek. If it has not passed your hand, I will slap the right cheek."

Claudie gave himself a left slap with anger in his eyes.

This guy did find the Zhenwu Ksitigarbha Buddha statue, so the treasure map is most likely real.

"Jing Bulat" slapped the other person on the right side of his face, while thinking to himself, and then asked: "The treasure map and the Buddha statue were found together? Come on, give him a slap in the face."

"Pah!" Claudius immediately slapped him with the left again, and he was already shaking with anger.

They were indeed discovered together.

"The Buddha statue is lost, but the treasure map is still there? A slap in the face."

"Pah!" Another slap from the left.

As long as the treasure map is still there, it's not in vain.

"How did you lose it? - Was it intercepted by Cajun people?" "Jingbulat" stared at Claudius who was trembling with anger but still kept his mouth closed, and only kept spitting out hot breath from his nostrils. , "Or did you take the initiative to hand it over to Kajin?"

This time, Claudius didn't slap his mouth.

In other words, neither "yes" nor "no" is the correct answer to this question.

The guy didn't even know how he lost it.


"Jing Brat" rolled his eyes, waved his hands and gave this guy a mouthful of words. Anyway, with the blessing of the star, even if the mouth is broken, it can be restored and you can smoke it at will. What's more, he didn't exert much force, and by now the redness and swelling on the left and right sides of Claudius's face had subsided.

"Okay, let's do this." "Jingbulat" finally gave Claudius an address, held Claudius's cheeks in both hands, patted them, and said with a smile, "Go back obediently, don't make any noise, and keep the hidden Send the treasure map to this address, and then I think...oh, then you can kill yourself. Bye!"

He snapped his fingers perfunctorily, kicked open the door of the small warehouse, and pointed to the side of the street.

Watching Claudius walk away in a hurry, "Jing Brat" straightened his shirt and tie at the door of the small warehouse, wiped his hair back with a few spittles, and went to find a place where he could easily be "Marge" with his head held high. They committed suicide where they found them.

"Is it really necessary to look in this direction again?"

Babu was chewing gum and walking on the road. There was no expression on her face, but her tone was very reluctant.

"What do you, the newcomer, know? Do you know how long the leader has been wandering around the world to find King Zhenwu's treasure?" "Ma Qi" walked in front, "If I can find the treasure map, Or even if you find a Buddha statue of King Zhenwu, huh, it would be great if I could take over the position of leader!"

The person behind him was silent for a while.

Babu suddenly asked: "Lieying, I remember you are number 4?"

"Ma Qi" stared with dead eyes and said nothing.

"And the leader is No. 0." Babu asked curiously, "How can I change the tattoo of Spider No. 4 to No. 0? I would like to ask you. Oh, yes, things like tattoos cannot be changed. !”

"Madge" couldn't help but sneer after hearing this, "Stupid! Just because you can't change it doesn't mean I can't change it either. Who do you think I am?"


She lifted up her clothes with her backhand, revealing Madge's body. There was a black spider tattoo with the number "3" on it.

Barb couldn't help but marvel, "Can you even change the tattoos on your body?"

As she spoke, she suddenly blew out a breath and pointed at the silhouette of "Machi", Spider No. 4.

"What are you doing!?" Lie Ying jumped back, and where he was standing, the air at head height suddenly exploded.

Babu said expressionlessly: "I just want to warn you, even if you become me in the future, don't lift your clothes casually."


Lie Ying cursed, "Aren't you just taking off your clothes? What's the big deal?"

Babu was not looking at him, but looked behind him, further ahead in the direction they had just moved, "There is someone. No, there is a corpse."

Lie Ying frowned and hurried over with Babu.

As I got closer, I realized it was a body lying on the side of the road. Lie Ying recognized this guy. He was also one of the ten old men in the conference room. He seemed to be named Brad or something.

Barb looked at the body.

Preliminary judgment is that he died of blood loss after the carotid artery was cut.

There was also a cut on the palm, and there was a sharp piece of gravel stained with blood next to it.

On one side of the body was a pool of solidified dark blood left after a massive hemorrhage in the neck, while on the other side was a line of text left in blood.

"Do you want to get the treasure? Then go find it! I put the treasure map..."

The last stroke of the message was completely crooked, as if the person who left the message had lost his last strength and could not finish writing.

But these two members of the Phantom Troupe have killed so many people and have so much experience. It can be seen at a glance that the last word of this message is very powerful and does not look like the last message of the deceased at all.

"Either it was written by someone else, or this guy wanted to tell a bad joke before he died." Li Ying, who looked like Ma Qi, kicked the body away more than ten meters away with an expressionless expression. Turning around, Babu saw He was on the phone when he said: "So Madge, you got your tattoo on..."

Before Babu finished speaking, Lie Ying clearly heard the cold voice of Ma Qi coming from the microphone: "Lieying, have you transformed into me again?"

Lie Ying punched Babu directly, but Babu dodged it. When dodging, he threw his phone to him.

Lie Ying caught the phone and said with a smile: "I can't help it, your mind thread is so easy to use! And your body is petite, so it's easy to move..."

"Don't use my voice to talk to me." Madge said coldly, "Change."

Lie Ying rolled his eyes wildly, his body twisted. The pink hair of the thorn-haired bombing ghost quickly turned into black hair, his figure quickly grew taller, an inverted cross tattoo appeared on his forehead, and his voice changed from the original clear female voice to that of a very magnetic young man. The voice said with a smile: "Isn't that okay?"

"I will tell Chrollo that you became his without permission." Madge said indifferently, "If you change me once, I will charge you 5 million. Now you owe me 25 million. Remember to pay it back next time."

Snapped! Madge hung up the phone directly.

Lie Ying, who looked like Chrollo, stuck out his tongue at the phone and rolled his eyes, finally ran out for about ten meters, kicked the body into the sky, and flew another hundred meters into the wild...


No. 4 in the theatrical version is called Face Shadow, and his ability is the reincarnation of dirt. I felt that this ability was too ridiculous, and the theatrical version itself didn’t look good, so I changed it.

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