The thought ball flew into the sky, flew forward for about a hundred meters, drew a parabola in mid-air, fell back, and dissipated before hitting the ground.

The ball's impact point was less than half a meter away from Kurapika's head, who was "reading".

He was practicing while braving the energy of reading, repeatedly polishing his ability to read the six books on the Dolphin Bookshelf.

Kurapika glanced up.

Xiao Didi was sitting on the grass. It seemed that her cultivation was going very smoothly. She could transform the outer layer of thought energy in her hands into a chain saw without hurting herself.

Therefore, the thought ball was indeed thrown by Jing Yang.

He turned around and saw Jing Yang sitting by the stream not far from Xiaodi. He was subconsciously condensing a new thought ball in his hand, but the expression on his face seemed to be in a state of wandering...

In fact, Jing Yang's attention was mainly focused on Brat, who was in another city far away. He controlled "Jingbulat" to select the Feng Shui treasure land, put some blood and left a half on the ground on the roadside. "Do you want to get the treasure? Then go find it! I put the treasure map there." Da da, success Out of context!

He unconsciously rolled a mind ball in his hand and was about to throw it away when it was blurred back by an invisible skeleton hand.

puff! The thought ball hit Jing Yang's body and shattered into pieces.

Jing Yang's eyes returned to consciousness, and he raised his head to look at Kurapika behind the skeleton's big hand in confusion.

Kurapika said: "It's not like you to be distracted while practicing. What's the matter?"

"It's something." Jing Yang asked him to wait.

Jing Yang gave instructions to Brat, who was controlled by the star on the other end, and asked him to cut his carotid artery and then, while he was still alive, scratch the star on his palm to remove it.

Without the self-healing function of the star, Blatter, whose carotid artery was severed, must have been freezing cold on the side of a suburban road like that.

As for whether his body and his message will be discovered by "Machi" and Babu, Jing Yang doesn't know.

As a result, the only star Jing Yang left with the gang was Claudie, who was about to send him a treasure map. Instructions have been left for him, Jing Yang just waits to receive the express delivery.

"It's something."

Jing Yang then went on to say, "Nian Beast, are you planning on doing this?"

"You are an operation type. In theory, you can definitely develop the mind beast abilities that are suitable for the release type." Kurapika said, "You told me these things."

To put it bluntly, a mind beast is a ball of energy released from the outside of the body, usually in human or animal form.

Since it is Qi, it cannot be seen by ordinary people.

Some mind beasts have independent consciousness, while others do not.

Nian beasts like the Yin Beast Purple Ape are obviously the kind that do not have or do not have a strong sense of independence. This guy is a change type, and he actually has a telekinesis beast. I don’t know if he developed it independently or if he awakened it naturally... Jing Yang remembers that there is such an example in the comics.

Speaking of purple apes. When you possess him, it is the most suitable opportunity to experience the "Flying Thunder God". It's a pity that Jing Yang himself doesn't understand Zi Yuan's telekinesis ability, so he can't even experience it if he can't use it. And if Zi Yuan uses commands to use telekinesis, Jing Yang's projected consciousness will leave due to the change in the operation method...

"Why?" Jing Yang fell into thinking.

Kurapika said: "Don't be too entangled, maybe it's just that the right time hasn't come yet. Didn't you say it yourself? To develop telekinesis ability, intuition is very important..."

Jing Yang thought deeply: "Why do I feel nothing at all when I kill those people?"

Whether it was the death of those old gangsters and Yin beasts in the conference room, or the guys controlled by his own star mark, I could abandon them without hesitation and order them to be killed. I thought that I would be able to deal with the life and death of each life. I would struggle for a moment or two, but now my thoughts have returned to the main body. When I think about what happened to the gang just now, I still don't feel anything at all.

It's as easy as tossing a few moldy slices of bread into the trash.

Isn’t it no longer a topic of mind beasts? Kurapika is so blind, can you give me a hint when changing the topic?

He frowned and asked, "You killed a lot of people? When -" He suddenly understood, "Were you distracted just now, were you manipulating someone somewhere else?"

Jing Yang said: "Yeah. It was the guy who lost to me in the Sky Arena. He was a Yin beast. I happened to be possessed today..."

"Why don't you ask Xiaodi to come and listen?" Kurapika asked, pointing not far away.

Xiaodi opened her eyes and looked over with a question mark on her head.

Jing Yang said strangely: "Xiao Di already knows, I gave her live commentary throughout the whole process!"

He raised his hand and tapped the ring on his index finger.

Kurapika was even more speechless, sighed, and sat down opposite Jing Yang.

Jing Yang then briefly recounted what happened at the gang today. Ten old men held a meeting, King Zhenwu’s treasure map, Ksitigarbha Buddha statue, and two members of the Phantom Troupe suddenly appeared...

"Look, I don't know them at all. Although they are gangsters and gang bosses, they just control people to death, and of course, suicide." Jing Yang pondered, "It seems, maybe, probably, seems like , somewhat unjustifiable?”

After Kurapika heard what he said, he crossed his fingers, lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Anyone who can climb to that position in the gang will most likely die."

"Do you really think so?"

Xiaodi was already standing beside him at some point. She sat down next to Jingyang and looked at Kurapika.

She didn't care much about how many people Jing Yang killed or what kind of people he killed. If Jing Yang needs it, she can always help him kill him.

But if the gap between Kurapika and their thinking and style is too big, it will not be easy to handle.

Kurapika said: "I really think so."

"However, there is still a distance between 'damn' and 'kill'." He raised his eyes and looked at the two of them. "I don't like killing people, and I don't want to kill people. But if there are some circumstances, who must be killed? If I continue to move towards my goal, I think I can only do that... With this kind of thinking, who am I qualified to make irresponsible remarks on the actions of my companions?"

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Actually, I don't like killing people either. But who calls them gangsters?"

"Xiao Di may be the one with the most potential as a killer. She was very curious about the Phantom Troupe before." He turned around and tugged Xiao Di's cheek, "I will watch her carefully. Don't kill people casually. !”

Xiao Didi said: "The first rule of the organization is to listen to the boss in everything."

Jing Yang added: "Of course, if your own life is not secure, killing anyone casually is not considered casual killing. Remember, your own life comes first."

Xiaodi nodded.

Kurapika smiled but said nothing. Jing Yang knew that this boy was the type who could sacrifice himself for others at any time. I heard that in the ferry chapter of the comic, because of the princess's mission, she burned away several years of her life in vain because of excessive use of "absolute time". Can you believe it? ? Although he is a professional hunter, he is also very dedicated!

"Didn't Jing Yang know those two members of the Phantom Troupe before?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

"Strictly speaking, I don't know all the members of the brigade." Jing Yang corrected, "I know them, but we don't know each other."

After thinking for a while, he added: "OK, we know Kubi, but he is probably dead now, so that doesn't count."

Although I had met Chrollo and Madge on the airship, we didn't talk to them much, and it was impossible to say whether they knew each other.

Kurapika concluded: "Two members of the Phantom Troupe. One can transform into Machi and Wojin; the other is a woman who can trigger explosions with her fingers from a long distance. Her name and codename are unknown."

"If the former's ability can indeed transform into all the members of the Phantom Troupe," he said to Jing Yang and Xiaodi, "then the leader of the Phantom Troupe only needs to let him try to transform into what you call the being. Once Kubi you throw on Greed Island fails, they will know that Kubi is dead."

Jing Yang nodded and said, "The guy pretending to be Madge also mentioned the flaming eyes when he mentioned the treasure map. I think she knows about the wedding of Claudius's young master of the family."

Kurapika remained silent, his hands clenched unconsciously, and a crimson color appeared in his eyes. In other words, this will be his most likely chance to face the members of the Phantom Troupe.

Xiaodi was very confused, "Since the Phantom Troupe has discarded all the flaming eyes, why are they concerned about the flaming eyes now?"

"The one who lost those flaming eyes was probably their leader Chrollo," Jing Yang guessed, "Not everyone is willing to throw away all the flaming eyes, right? Or maybe it's because they suddenly feel nostalgic? - Coola Pika, your eyes are red."

The redness in Kurapika's eyes gradually faded and he said: "Treasure map. It shouldn't be difficult for the people of the Phantom Troupe to find out Claudius' identity. Even if it's not for the Red Eyes, they will go for the treasure map." .”

"Then their trip might have been in vain."

Jing Yang smiled and said that the wedding was going to start in the next two days, which was about the time when Claudius, under the command of Xingbiao, sent the treasure map to the address he left.

"About the so-called treasure map of King Zhenwu's treasure,"

Kurapika concluded, "The information we know now is that these two items were found together, and these two items are related to Alpha=Edward who committed suicide in the Sky Arena more than two years ago."

"Since there is already a treasure map, why do we need a Buddha statue?" Xiaodi asked, "When looking for treasures, wouldn't it be enough to just have a map?"

Jing Yang said: "Maybe the two things are just placed together."

"But it's also possible..."

Jing Yang and Kurapika looked at each other, thinking of the Buddha statue in their hands and the special divine space that the Buddha statue once contained and connected.

"Could it be that the Zhenwu Ksitigarbha Buddha statue is also connected to a special alien space?"

"And that different space is where King Zhenwu's treasure exists?"

Xiaodi raised her hand and asked again, "But does this make the treasure map useless again?"

Jing Yang and Kurapika glanced at each other, then touched their chins again in deep thought.

After thinking about it, Jing Yang thought of another thing related to the Buddha statue, which was naturally the divine words contained in the Buddha statue.

"Aren't those two divine characters used to create illusions?" Kurapika wondered.

"That illusion seems to be a one-time thing, and each person can only see it once. Maybe Lao Wei thinks that seeing it too much is harmful to physical and mental health..." Jing Yang said, "When I tried it later, I found that this thing is the most obvious thing by far. The function seems to be related to the eyes."

"Eyes?" Kurapika naturally thought of the time when the patriarch embedded two pairs of fiery red eyes on the Buddha statue, and was thinking about the third pair in his own eyes.

"You'll know after you try it. Stretch out your hand." Jing Yang pulled Kurapika's hand, rolled up his sleeves, and spent a few minutes drawing two divine characters on his hand.

Kurapika was speechless, why was it painted on his arm? Obviously it can be painted on the ground!

"Try?" Jing Yang said.

"How to try?" Kurapika asked, looking around, grass, streams, wild flowers, blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of scenery came into view one by one, "If what you want to say is that you can see clearly, then I’m sorry. My eyesight is already very good, and even if it’s improved, it doesn’t seem to be too obvious.”

"Look here." Jing Yang's voice came from the side.

Kurapika turned his head and saw a ball of thoughts coming towards his face. Because he didn't feel much of a threat, he raised his hand to grab it - it was indeed not much of a threat, and Jing Yang only used a very small amount of energy.

Jing Yang asked, "Did you use 'Condensation' just now?"

"No..." Kurapika suddenly looked at the weak telekinesis ball in his hand, "Did you add 'hide' to it?"

"Hidden" is an applied skill of "Absolute". As the name suggests, it can make Qi invisible. Even those with mind abilities who have opened their eyes cannot directly see the existence of Qi that eliminates Qi.

In the comics, Kurapika used this trick to trick Wokjin. When Wojin was paralyzed and careless, he attached "Hidden" to the chain, sucked his head, and bound Wojin with the chain with his middle finger, which resulted in a direct KO.

Only by using the application skill of "practice" to "condensate" can you see through the "hidden".

Using applied skills such as "Condensation" and "Invisibility" consumes a lot of telekinesis. Many people with telekinesis abilities may not turn on "Condensation" all the time in battle. Firstly, it distracts their concentration, and secondly, they use telekinesis. A little savings is a little, and maybe the savings can save lives at a critical moment.

"You can already use 'Hidden'?" Kurapika was surprised.

"Isn't this just a matter of having hands?" Jing Yang said, "The proficiency is still very low. I found that there is a level of proficiency in 'hide' and 'condensation'. The powerful 'hide' may not be able to see through it even if you use 'condensation'. …”

The evidence is that there are some products of mind ability, and the characteristic is that "no one else can see it except the person/person affected by this ability."

For example, Nakoro's "I don't know in the sky but I am the only one who loses", he hangs the small Nian beast on the enemy; also like the small dolphin autonomous small plane formed by Kurapika's index finger plundering chain in the comics, there are similar Characteristics of...

These things that cannot be seen by anyone except certain groups of people are, in a sense, equivalent to the most advanced form of "hiddenness".

However, is it possible for the highest level of "condensation" to exist, and is it possible to see through this level of "hiddenness"?

Jing Yang expressed doubts.

Kurapika turned on "Condensation" in his eyes and looked at the small mind ball in his hand that was "hidden" by Jing Yang. As expected, he could see it more clearly.

Then I looked around at the surrounding scenery. Every detail of the flowers and grasslands as far as the eye could see was reflected with incomparable clarity. The ripples of the gurgling stream and even the faint layer of Qi on the tiny flying insects passing by were all very clear. ...Kurapika sighed: "It's as if a certain 'circle' has been added to the line of sight."

"Perhaps it can be called a 'cone'." Jing Yang said.

The range of sight seems to be a cone. Kurapika nodded thoughtfully, looked down at the two lines of divine characters on his arm, and said: "So you are trying to say that it may be some kind of divine characters contained in Zhenwu Jizo King, plus that Only by looking at the treasure map can we get clues to the real treasure of King Zhenwu.”

"Well, we'll have to wait until we receive the courier to find out." Jing Yang said with a smile, "We should also make preparations and go to the wedding. Maybe we can meet those two spiders."

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