I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 182: Come and attack me

The delivery address Jing Yang left for Claudius at that time was the Eternal Library in the next city.

Because there was no suitable location for a while, he thought of this chain library under the name of the female boss Sister Rabbit.

Now think about it carefully, it seems that there is not even a settlement in this hunter world, which is really inconvenient...

When she noticed that Jing Yang was staring at her, Xiaodi couldn't help but wonder, and tilted her head to look over.

"It's okay. I was thinking that before setting off, I need to arrange who will pick up the courier." Jing Yang said, "The three of us are going to a wedding and we don't have time. It always feels a bit unethical to pick someone randomly on the road. It's necessary. Find someone who can be discarded without any psychological burden even if something happens, and he can't be a complete novice, otherwise even if I control it, in an emergency situation, it will be a skillful woman who can't make a meal without rice, and it will be embarrassing and useless... "

Xiaodi raised her hand and said, "Look for the gang members."

Kurapika said: "I can get the red eyes at the wedding by myself."

"Although the gangs are good, they should be used sparingly. What's more, I have to find them specially, which is very troublesome." Jing Yang finished speaking to Xiaodi and pointed to Kurapika, "Maybe there is also the Phantom Troupe. Those two guys are very fierce, if you go alone, you will die easily."

Not to mention that the ability of the gum-chewing explosive woman is currently unknown, let’s just say that the ability of the guy disguised as Madge is quite tricky.

Naturally, the first question that pops into Jing Yang’s mind is——

Can this guy become Chrollo?

If he can, then judging from the fact that he can use Madge's telekinesis, there is a high probability that he can also use Chrollo's telekinesis ability "The Thief's Ultimate Intent".

So the next question arises: Is this fake Chrollo's thief's mind a blank whiteboard, or is it an intact copy of the telekinesis abilities that Chrollo has stolen over the years?

If it's the former, then this pretender is going to be tricky and requires care.

If it's the latter, then this pretender is super tricky and needs to be very, very careful.

Kurapika went to contact Marco and Melody.

Jing Yang is still practicing with Xiao Di, mainly because Jing Yang needs some special training.

The content of the special training is a one-thousand-meter sprint.

Xiaodi ran a thousand meters away and waved to him from a distance.

Jing Yang gestured OK, and did not make a special starting position. He even deliberately kept the whole person in a relatively casual state.

Xiao Di took out her cell phone to prepare the timer, raised her hand high, and then cut it down.

The moment he saw Xiaodi cutting off his arm, Jingyang rushed out, pushing out an airflow path that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


Jing Yang passed by Xiao Di like a gust of wind. As he crossed the finish line, Xiaodi pressed the timer on his phone.

"How? How many seconds?"

Jing Yang used his inertia to walk around like a normal person and walked around Xiao Di, leaning over to look at the screen of her phone.

"31 seconds 24." Xiaodi read.

"In other words, it only took 3 seconds to run less than 100 meters..." Jing Yang was a little disappointed, "It's so slow! You really need to practice specifically."

Xiaodi suggested: "Perhaps we can distribute more Qi in the legs and soles of the feet."

Jing Yang signed OK and jumped back to the starting line a thousand meters away. He was jumping around and moving his body.

The moment he landed, he used "Flow" to distribute 80% of the body's Qi to his legs and feet, leaving only 20% of the original offensive and defensive power of his upper body.

Xiaodi raised her hands high.

Xiaodi chopped it down with one hand.


Jing Yang disappeared on the spot, and the ground beneath his feet collapsed.

Looking forward, he saw a cracked pit every ten or so along the thousand-meter journey. The cracked pits were getting bigger and bigger, and the trajectory was getting more and more deviated from a straight line...


Jing Yang braked quickly with his hind legs, like an old ox plowing the ground, and his two feet were like iron plows, shoveling two long holes in the ground.

He looked back and saw that he was far away from Xiaodi.

"30 seconds 11." Xiaodi held up the phone to him.

Jing Yang walked over, kicking his feet as he walked, and concluded: "After too much Qi is gathered on the feet, it is easy to trample on the ground, and the broken footholds are also difficult to exert force. Short distances are fine, but lengthening to 1000 Meters, there will inevitably be errors when running. This kind of running method has high requirements on running skills and the ground's load-bearing and pressure capabilities."

Xiao Didi said: "Then reduce the amount of Qi distributed to the legs and feet."

Jing Yang nodded, shook his head, and said: "80% is allocated to the feet, which is a bit much. But the key is running technique."

In the comics, Killua, who is known for his speed, can run as fast as lightning, which is much faster than Jing Yang, but he does not have problems such as trampling on the ground or running out of control.

"I'm not very familiar with this kind of running. Let's practice some more."

With the blessing of the star mark, in the shooting star like wind mode, Jing Yang is confident that he can at least break into the 1,000-meter sprint within 20 seconds, and 10 seconds may not be impossible.


Jing Yang returned to the starting line, and when he saw Xiao Di cutting off his hand, he said, "Run!" and ran away like the wind.

"Come on, come on me!"

In the evening, Jingyang and Xiaodi found a place where there were not many people, but not too few, and started fishing.

He held a laptop on his lap, connected it to the card reading device, and put the hunter's license he had picked up into it.

After thinking about it, it turns out that the "hunter's license hunter" type of person best meets Jing Yang's needs.

You come to mess with me, then I’ll mess with you, that’s not too much, right?

Although these people are usually not very strong, they are still there. They can be used as tools to pick up express delivery in the next city, which is enough.

Waiting was a bit too boring, so Jing Yang found a movie and watched it together with Xiaodi and Xiaodi.

The rock bird was thrown nearby by him. When he saw the sneaky guy, he called out twice.

After watching a trilogy of movies in a row, I finally heard the call of the rock bird.

The rock bird standing on the top of the high wall looked down.

In the streets and alleys, in four directions, there were people slowly approaching the two people who were setting up a small table on the roadside and enjoying the cool under a tree while watching TV series. Seeing this scene, the group of people who came after discovering the hunter license signal couldn't help but feel speechless. Where did these two idiots come from? They didn't look like professional hunters. They were so unorganized that even novices could They don't even look like hunters... I guess the two little guys were lucky enough to pick up a hunter's license?

"How is it?" Jing Yang yawned.

Xiaodi said seriously: "During the battle, the special effects on them looked very strange."

Don't you think it's strange?

In this world where superpowers do exist, the more movie special effects deviate from what telekinesis should look like, they will look awkward in the eyes of knowledgeable people.

"My side, your side?" Jing Yang asked.

"Okay." Xiaodi turned around.

When Jing Yang ducked out of the way and easily knocked out several guys with evil intentions on his side, he realized that something was not right with Xiao Di.

It's not that Xiaodi is not right, it's that Xiaodi's opponent is not right.

There was a guy on her side who was pretty good and could at least have a chance to fight back in front of Xiaodi.

Then, Xiaodi raised his hand and threw out a stream of thought energy, which changed into the shape of a chain saw on the way.

The sharp-toothed chain began to rotate rapidly, and with just one pull, one of the opponent's arms was torn off at shoulder level, and began to twist towards his torso...

When Jing Yang saw this, he put down the unconscious people at his feet, took out his cell phone and ran away.


It was as fierce as a gust of wind, and hundreds of meters passed by in a flash. Some pedestrians on the roadside thought it was just the wind.

The rock bird looked at him doubtfully.

Jing Yang mentally estimated the distance and then stopped. He turned over his phone and looked at the timer - 19 seconds 59!

"Rounding it up, the 1,000-meter run has reached the 19-second mark." Jing Yang put away his phone with satisfaction and walked back, "If you work harder, even if there is any emergency in the future, before that person completely dies, he should You can also run away from the maximum distance that the death energy can be absorbed. Alas, I am heartbroken because of you."

He touched his heart and returned to where he was just now.

There was a bloody guy lying at Xiaodi's feet, and she looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, he's not dead?" Jing Yang went over and took a look. Although the man was cut into a human shape by Xiaodi's chain saw, he was still breathing.

"Yes." Xiaodi said, "He is the strongest, so Jing Yang should use him."

"Okay." Jing Yang flicked his fingers and threw out a ball of Qi. The Qi wrapped the blood on the bloody guy and twisted it into the shape of a five-pointed star.

The flying star bubbles were floating in the air, and with great difficulty, they found a clean place to land on the man's bloody body, successfully leaving a star mark.

The moment the star mark formed on the skin of his left shoulder blade, his incredible self-healing ability started immediately.

The muscles and skin that had been mutilated by the chain saw began to grow and heal again, and even the broken arm moved towards him under the influence of thoughts...

Jing Yang did not intend to give this tool man any memories of the time he was under control, so after his broken arm was reattached and his body injuries were almost healed, he directly possessed and controlled it from the first-person perspective.

The tool man glanced at "his" companions who were unconscious on the floor, ignored them, and walked straight outside. He found a shopping mall on the way, went to the bathroom to clean up briefly, and washed away the remaining blood on his body.

Looking at myself in the mirror, and the men and women on both sides looking at me with surprised eyes, I always feel that this scene has happened somewhere.

The tool man fell into deep thought, and then bought a ticket to the next city tomorrow.


While the tool man was taking the train to the Eternal Library in the next city to wait for the express delivery, Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Kurapika had already boarded the airship and headed to another city to meet up with Four Mark and Melody.

Kurapika looked at the glass jar in front of him and said to Jing Yang, "Let's get started."

"If you don't mind, I definitely have no objection." Jing Yang said, after opening the lid, he fished out a flaming eye from the antiseptic solution.

Jing Yang picked a thin strand of hair, wrapped it with his thoughts, and floated it towards the fiery red pupils of the fiery red eye, leaving a rose gold pentagram mark as small as possible against the fiery red.

Kurapika was speechless as he watched Jing Yang put the flaming eyes back into the bottle, and watched as the flaming red eyes that didn't seem to have changed much sank into the solution.

Xiaodi raised his hand to summon the bulging-eyed fish and sucked away all the antiseptic solution on Jing Yang's hand.

After getting off the airship, Jing Yang called Melody, and soon the two groups met in Marco's mansion.

Si Mark looked worried and in poor spirits.

"What's wrong with him?" Jing Yang asked.

Melody took a look at Kurapika, who was meeting him for the first time, and replied: "It seems that something big has happened to the gang these days, and there have been quite a few changes. Marco thought the wedding would be postponed or even canceled, but he didn't expect that it would still be held as usual. ... He was worried that something might happen at the wedding and it might be unsafe."

Jing Yang said: "Don't he have bodyguards? Don't worry, I can testify that his bodyguards are strong enough."

"Have you ever fought against gangsters?" Melody asked.

"Hey, who out there hasn't played with a few gangsters?" Jing Yang said with a smile.

"Steady heartbeat. It's not a lie." Melody said to herself, then noticed that the blond boy was observing her, and she nodded politely.

"She is the hunter that Jing Yang said can listen to the heart." Kurapika thought to himself, "Being able to hear psychology and emotions from the heartbeat and distinguish lies is not just about good hearing, it is probably derived from his musical talent. It’s a real telekinesis ability..."

"This kind of heartbeat, the rhythm of confident and steady thinking." Melody thought, "I see, were you confirming my ability just now? Zhen Yuanzi told him, it seems they have a good relationship... "

Xiaodi collected the three wedding invitations handed over by Si Ma Ke.

Jing Yang said: "Before departure, can you make a small request?"

The four bodyguards, Pa Wa, Ruili, Yin Fu Si and Qian A Bo, looked at Jing Yang warily. Si Mark raised his hand and nodded to Jing Yang, "Please tell me."

"The gift you want to give is red eyes, right?" Jing Yang asked.

Si Mark smiled bitterly, "Yes, it's the one you almost snatched away last time."

By the way, he was extorted of hundreds of millions.

"Hey, let the past go by. It's not worth mentioning." Jing Yang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Do you know who the pair of flaming red eyes in your hand is?"

Si Ma didn't understand why.

"That is to say, whose eye sockets were those eyes originally in?"

"Of course I... don't know about this." After all, they were human organs and involved a black trade. Mark Si's tone was unnatural.

Jing Yang could feel that the energy of Kurapika behind him fluctuated briefly. He wears black contact lenses, otherwise you should be able to see the fiery red faintly appearing in his eyes at this moment.

Jing Yang took out a jar from the bag in Kurapika's hand and said, "In that case, please do me a favor and let's change it. You give this pair of flaming eyes as a gift, and give your other pair to We are.”

Several bodyguards looked at the jar in his hand and saw the fiery red eyes floating in the solution.

"Don't worry, these flaming eyes are not fakes." Jing Yang said.

"I don't doubt this," Mark Si waved his hand, "With this color, you can tell it's not fake at a glance."

Melody said: "Did you do anything to these eyes?"

If an annunciator is installed on the can, it will definitely be checked.

Si Mark was confused, "If that's the case, it would be the same for you to treat these eyes as gifts and send them out together...right..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt an aura coming from the blond boy behind Zhen Yuanzi...in short, an aura that made him shut up. Just that direct look in his eyes made him unable to speak any more.

"Change?" Jing Yang asked.

"That's okay." Si Mako reluctantly agreed.

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