I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 183 You know a hammer

Snap, holding the lighter with trembling fingers.

Claudius lowered his head to light the cigar, took a deep breath, opened the blinds, and looked through the gap at the children playing on the grass.

Ever since he sent the treasure map to the address given by Bratt, his body seemed to have triggered some kind of switch, and an urgent urge to commit suicide became stronger and stronger until it became gradually uncontrollable.

The only reason he is alive is because he is lucky, as he has never met anyone like the Phantom Troupe before.

Claudie crushed his cigar and remembered what Bratt said at that time.

This world is so unfair.

Claudy straightened his suit, sat down on the boss's chair made of some kind of rare bird skin, opened the drawer on one side, and took out a dagger.

They are obviously all human beings, but even the rights to life and death are so unequal.

The cold blade slit his own throat without hesitation. When the blood spurted out, he seemed to hear the sound of wind passing under his jaw.

Before his vision became blurred, his body moved involuntarily. He took the dagger, which was stained with blood and became slippery, and stabbed a small rose gold pentagram pattern that appeared on his palm at an unknown time...

Claudie's cold body lay on the table.

Suddenly, his hair was pulled by a female hand, and his head was turned over, revealing a hideous wound on his neck. In the process, one side of his face was almost torn off by the black blood that had coagulated and solidified.

Babu chewed gum and nodded, giving Li Ying a look.

Lie Ying put the phone to his ear, said "oh" twice, and then went over to look at Claudy's two palms.

"There is a scratch. Look at the wound. It was the tip of the dagger that penetrated. The wound is not deep."

After he finished talking to the phone, he quickly snorted twice and hung up the call.

"How's it going?" Barb asked.

"You have also seen that, just as I guessed, this person also died in a similar way. Suicide, haha."

As Lie Ying spoke, his body became shorter, his facial features changed, his hair became shorter, and he transformed into a handsome boy with a baby face. He was none other than the Knight, the No. 6 member of the Phantom Troupe.

He used the same voice as the knight and said in the tone of the knight: "Similar movements, the same evil beast that actively sends death, two ten old men who are ordinary people suddenly have the imagination and can skillfully use the wind... If only one is introduced... If all these factors can be connected in series, then I would guess that there was an unknown person with the ability to manipulate telekinesis hidden in that battle at that time, or maybe outside."

Throwing the mobile phone, Lie Ying raised his thumb and launched a dart-like antenna, pointing at Claudius, who was in a similar death state to Bratt.

"Judging from the activities of the controlled person, this person's operating system ability has a higher degree of freedom than my telekinesis ability. Correspondingly, I guess his ability has more control over the controlled person than mine. Weak. That's why he must let everyone he controls die. Either be killed or die himself. And it can't be a sudden death, it must also be a death that is fatal but not fatal on the spot. …”

Bang, Babu blew a gum bubble, thought for a moment, and said, "Yes, one of the two Yin beasts we fought with died this way."

"I guess the reason for this is to deal with something he left on the person being controlled." Lie turned the phone's antenna like a pen. "It seems that it is different from me. He used it to realize the ability to operate the system." The medium is not a real item or prop, but more like something built by Nian, so it can be so concealed when cleaned up. It's great, I have to pull out the antenna from the enemy every time to recover it..."

Barb chewed her gum and stared at him.

Lie Ying asked strangely: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Who are you?" Bab asked.

"Xia - of course I am Lie Ying!"

"Could the side effect of your ability be that it causes split personality? Or is it called self-cognition disorder?" Babu said to himself, "When you go crazy or die in the future, I will recommend to the leader a person who looks better." Those who please the eyes join the group.”

"Idiot woman!" Lie Ying sneered, his body shape changed into that of Babu, but there was no chewing gum in his mouth, "You have no friends at all."

Babu didn't refute and asked, "What are we going to do next? We should be able to rest for a while."

Lie Ying didn't bother her and asked, "How is the situation outside?"

"Can't you see for yourself?"

"Although I look like you now, we are two people after all. Can you understand?"

When Babu's eyes became cold and his aura became dangerous, Li Ying changed back to his true self. Babu said: "Don't worry, no one will come near here for a while."

"Then hide him for a while." Lie Ying kicked Claudius's body and said with a grin, "in case the interesting wedding will not be held in the future. I have an intuition that the mysterious manipulator with telekinesis ability, We will meet again.”

"Is it your intuition or the knight's intuition?"

"You idiot!"

"Even the leader has been searching for clues about King Zhenwu's treasure for so long, and the other party will definitely not give up easily." Lie Ying looked out the window, "Perhaps, that guy is already on his way to the wedding venue..."


"Cough, cough!"

In the speeding black limousine, Jing Yang couldn't help coughing twice.

Xiaodi looked over.

"It's okay." Jing Yang clapped his hands, actually touched the ring with his fingers, and sent a message: [There was a sensor from Claudius's star mark before. Didn't I switch the control mode and possessed him to take a look? Unexpectedly, it happened just in time for him to commit suicide. I fucked, the feeling of having my throat cut, even when I think about it now, I feel itchy in my neck and throat...]

Xiaodi looked at him and blinked curious eyes, [Is it painful to cut one's throat? 】

[Are you really curious, or are you just pretending to be curious so that you can cut yourself off later so that you can feel the same way as me? ] Jing Yang clenched his fist and lightly touched her forehead, [No matter who it is, I advise you to stop. 】

Xiaodi didn't hide, but tilted her head and asked: "What kind of hope does Jing Yang have?" 】

[I told you to stop. Jing Yang stretched out two fingers and pushed Xiaodi's forehead, causing her to fall down on the seat.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi and the little girl flirting with each other in the rearview mirror, Si Ma couldn't help but become speechless. However, the sour smell of youthful love made Si Ma feel so terrifyingly powerful. A lot of the pressure caused by Marco was relieved.

Sitting next to him in the driver's back seat, Melody was listening to the heartbeats of Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi until the limousine arrived at its destination and stopped in front of the garden. When she got out of the car with Si Marco, she looked at Zhen Yuanzi. The back figures of Yuanzi and Xiaodi felt strange - judging from the synchronous changes in the heartbeats of these two people, it was as if they had telepathy when they were sitting in the last seat in the car.

Could it be that this is the so-called tacit understanding between lovers?

Can you communicate just by looking at yourself?

When Melody was wondering, the car following behind stopped, opened the door and walked out Kurapika and two other bodyguards.

The female bodyguard led Abo to carry the gift box and followed Marco Si closely, entering the garden and heading to the wedding venue.

Melody and Jing Yang followed closely behind.

The other three bodyguards dispersed and followed at the very back.

Kurapika looked at Jing Yang.

The female bodyguard at the front handed the gift box to the welcoming lady at the reception desk together with other guests. As a young celebrity and rich man, Marko had been recognized by others for a long time. He went over to chat and laugh and started socializing.

Jing Yang nodded, indicating OK. Inside the gift box given by the female bodyguard was naturally the pair of flaming red eyes he and Kurapika had exchanged.

There is Jing Yang's star mark on this pair of fiery red eyes.

At this wedding site, even within a radius of several kilometers or more than ten kilometers, Jing Yang was sure that he could track the whereabouts of these flaming eyes at any time.

He glanced at the gift boxes piled there, and between the gardens at the men, women, and children who had gathered at the outdoor wedding party.

It should be okay if you don’t give a gift, right?

Jing Yang thought for a moment, he couldn't do a loss-making business!

Kurapika was still showing invitations to people, and Jingyang had already taken Xiaodi's hand and walked happily and openly into the crowd on the garden grass.

But after walking a few steps, he was recognized.

"You are..." A bald young man wearing a suit and tie emerged from the crowd, holding a glass of champagne and hesitantly walking towards Jing Yang and the other two.

When Xiaodi looked at the other party, Jingyang was sure that she was ready to take action at any time.

"I am..." Jing Yang said to the bald head.

The bald young man thought for a long time and suddenly said: "Yes! The poster! You are the newest poster in the Sky Arena, your name is Zhen Yuanzi, right?"

"Oh! So I'm the owner of the building!" Jing Yang smiled and almost forgot about it, "Yes, Zhen Yuanzi is E."

"Sorry, I'm so excited. I like fighting very much. I went to watch your competition live. I'm your fan!" The voice of the bald young man caused many people around to stop. Many of them were also interested in Zhen Yuanzi and the poster. Some people have heard these words, and some people even recognized Xiaodi, "Then you are the rumored girlfriend of Zhen Yuanzi, is she called Push Hand or something..."

I didn't expect to meet people here who recognized my identity in the Sky Arena. Is it because there are too many gang members gathered here?

Jing Yang and the others were surrounded by a group of people talking, and there was even a naughty kid in a small suit who wanted to kowtow and become a disciple on the spot, and wanted to learn how to defeat his father, the gang boss... Kurapika, not far behind the crowd, glared. Dead fish eyes.

There weren't many people I knew at the wedding, and I didn't even know or care about who was getting married, so it was naturally a bit boring.

Jingyang and Xiaodi quickly left, picked some food from the dining cart that was pushed back and forth, and went to a corner to chat and relieve their boredom. Considering that I had to deal with things later, I didn't get the wine, but picked up two glasses of unknown drinks.

Kurapika stood not far away from them, his indifferent yet serious expression perfectly blending into the many black-clad bodyguards on the edge of the scene... In the Hunter World, there are many young but highly capable people. , so even though Kurapika looks young, no one takes it seriously.

What's more, Kurapika has indeed served as a bodyguard.

Jingyang and Xiaodi were chatting and laughing when suddenly a surprised voice came from the side: "Zhen Yuanzi?"

Jing Yang turned around and said, "It looks familiar...I'm sorry, who are you?"

Yesi was also wearing a decent dress. Hearing this, he couldn't laugh or cry and said, "It's me! Yesi, Yesi = Plutonium Ruike."

Jingyang and Xiaodi both looked confused.

"Xiao Di, don't you remember me?" Sisi was puzzled and gave a hint, "Professional hunter?"

Jing Yang tilted his head, his little head dripping with questions.

"The Kamavor Mountains?"

"Black Mist Lion? Temple?"

Si Si gave out prompts one after another, but the two people opposite him were still... Jing Yang couldn't hold himself any longer, he patted each other and said with a smile: "Haha, I'm kidding you. Of course we remember our friendship!"

When he turned his head, Xiaodi was looking at him strangely.

"Of course I remember our friendship!" Jing Yang turned around and said to Si Si, "Why are you here too?"

Essi gently tugged on his tie and said with a smile: "Why am I here? I am an oath hunter, but my job...is to be a wedding officiant. This is my business card."

Jing Yang took the business card and said, "Because I am a sworn hunter, I became the wedding officiant. It feels so forced..."

"Wrong." Si Si corrected with a smile, "First the master of ceremonies, then the oath hunter. I like to witness the moment when I make the oath the most. That's why I chose to be an oath hunter after I became a hunter! I won't say anymore. Wait for me over there, the wedding is about to officially begin."

He appeared suddenly and quickly escaped. Jing Yang waved his hand and watched him go to the deepest part of the garden.

Not long after, the band that had been playing various songs switched to a solemn wedding song. Under the gaze of everyone, a newlywed couple walked slowly...

Speaking of which, Claudius is dead... Oh, yes, it seems that the young bosses of these gangs in the Hunter World may not be the sons of the old bosses?

Jing Yang felt that the position of the pair of fiery red eyes was moving. He patted Xiaodi's hand and nodded to Kurapika who was not far away.

Melody was immersed in the melody of the wedding march, applauding the newlyweds walking towards the wedding emcee together with Mark Si, when suddenly she heard three heartbeats that she was particularly concerned about quietly disappearing... Melody turned around, but the crowd was still there , Zhen Yuanzi and the other two people could no longer be seen.

"Oh! It went pretty well."

The bustle of the wedding scene faded away behind them, and Jing Yang and the other two quietly and quickly followed the movement of the pair of fiery red eyes. With the alertness and speed of the three of them, they could travel through this unknown manor without being noticed by anyone.

"Even in such terrain, a one-thousand-meter sprint should be able to be controlled within 20 seconds."

Walking on the grass in front of a single-family villa, Jing Yang looked into the distance and said, "If the condition is good, it can be shorter!"

Kurapika asked: "Why do you care so much about your one-kilometer running time?"

"You knowothing, Kurapikachu." Jing Yang pointed at him, smiled and walked to the villa with Xiaodi, "Let the wind outside, we will go back as soon as we go." He shook the palm with the ring on it to indicate that he was welcome. In this case, please use this contact directly.

Kurapika turned into a dead fish with speechless eyes, loosened his tie, and remembered that the two lines of divine characters on his arm had not yet been eliminated. With the "cone" effect, it would indeed be easier to let go of the wind.

Jing Yang followed his sense of the star mark on his fiery red eyes and found a room in the villa.

There are bodyguards at the door.

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