
There was a soft sound at the corner of the corridor.

The bodyguard in black suit walking at the door of the room heard the noise, put away his phone and went to check, but only saw a crumpled can.

Suddenly the back of his neck sank, as if he had been hit hard, and the scene in front of him quickly went black. He knelt down softly on the ground, using up his last strength and willpower to turn his head to see who the attacker was. Who—but a foot stretched out and stepped back on his face that he had finally turned around.

Poof, the bodyguard passed out completely.

Jingyang put away his feet and walked towards the room with Xiaodi.

Xiaodi held the door handle, twisted it hard, unlocked it violently and pushed the door open. With her and Jing Yang's immense wrist strength, a door lock of this level is just like paper.

The two walked into the room calmly.

This room is not small. On the table, on the floor and on the sofa, all the places where things can be placed are basically full. There are all kinds of boxes and boxes for wrapping gifts, tied with ribbons of different colors. It is so dazzling that it is dazzling and dizzying. In short, That's it... just looking at it makes me want to spend a whole day unpacking and unpacking it.

Following the induction of the star mark, Jing Yang found the one buried among the pile of gifts at a glance, through the pair of fiery red eyes sent by Si Mark.

"The next step is up to you, Xiaodi." Jing Yang said, "Just like what we did before, let the bulging-eyed fish absorb the flaming eyes in this room. Whichever box moves, there will be flaming eyes in it—— I have to say, this method of using it is really convenient for finding things.”

Sometimes when I live in a place where I don’t know where my mobile phone is, Jing Yang will ask Xiaodi to directly materialize the bulging-eyed fish. Just shout "Mobile phone, I call you, do you dare to agree?", and he will be there immediately. Take photos with your phone from the seams between sheets, quilts, and sofas.


Xiaodi stretched out her hand and materialized the "bulging-eyed fish", but this time she didn't act immediately as Jing Yang wanted.

"What's wrong?" Jing Yang was confused.

In the wedding garden, the band's performance was very exciting and matched the atmosphere of the scene at any time.

The bride and groom took their oaths, exchanged rings and kissed, and the atmosphere of the entire wedding gradually reached its climax.

Many people danced hand in hand on the grass, children competed for flower baskets and candies, obese men in suits cheered and applauded, women in long skirts danced gracefully, everyone laughed, and there was no way to tell that there were many people here. Shao is involved in underground gray transactions, and even the groom himself is the successor of an important family in the gang world.

Melody likes the performance of the live band, but doesn't like the voices of most people here. Basically everyone is telling the truth, and even the words of blessing they say are contrary to the sincerity reflected in the beating rhythm of the heart. The insincere heartbeat sounded particularly...harsh to Melody's ears, but she definitely felt helpless about it.

She glanced at the wedding officiant who had retreated to the edge of the crowd with a smile. He seemed to be a calm bystander, having nothing to do with the excitement here and having nothing to do with the dozens or hundreds of different heartbeats around him.

This is a hunter. At least he's a psychopath.

Even if you don't use "Condensation" on your eyes, you can still distinguish the melody just by listening to your ears.

Just as she was secretly observing Sisi, she suddenly heard another heartbeat approaching him. This heartbeat was... colder than any heartbeat Melody had ever heard. That was all she could think of.

"Haha, it's really interesting." With a smile, Si Si looked at the newcomers who were dancing with their arms linked in laughter amidst the cheers of the crowd.

He suddenly wondered, where are Zhen Yuanzi and the others? It seems like I haven’t seen Kurapika for a long time. He seems to be there too, right? Already left?

People were coming and going in groups in the garden and on the grass. Even the waiters carrying dinner plates and pushing the dining carts were smiling, but neither Zhen Yuanzi, Kurapika nor Xiaodi was anywhere to be seen. When Si Si witnessed the newlyweds exchanging rings on the stage, it seemed that he had not seen the shadow of those three people in the crowd. Even if he wanted to leave, would it be too early?

"Where's the fun?" Someone asked at this time.

Sisi turned around and saw a woman with her hair tied up and wearing a men's suit. She was chewing gum and casually looking at the lively dancing crowd around her.

"I like to watch the moment when people declare their vows. It's so beautiful." Sisi said, "So I find it interesting."

The woman blew a bubble and it exploded. She chewed gum and said, "What's the beauty in lies that don't mean it?"

"This is also one of the interesting things." Si Si smiled, "I just said it was beautiful, but I didn't say it was beautiful."

Babu looked at him and suddenly said: "Those two people followed those gifts to the back. They went to steal something, do you know?"

Sisi was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Who are you?"

"What's wrong?" Jing Yang asked.

Xiaodi was holding the bulging-eyed fish, and felt a little confused about his question, and said, "There's no need to screen out the gifts with red eyes, just take them all, right?"

Jing Yang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and finally smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Okay."

Regarding banditry, Doraemon, today I, Tiandao Jingyang, admit that you are stronger!

"But you still have to identify whether there are other flaming eyes in this pile of gifts." Jing Yang added, "After you have a good idea, pack them all up and take them all away!"

"Yeah." Xiaodi immediately turned on the vacuum cleaner switch, "The bulging-eyed fish, suck in all the red eyes here."

The big head of the vacuum cleaner, full of sharp teeth, opened its mouth, like an irresistible suction force coming from the mouth of the abyss. In an instant, the piles of large and small boxes in the room shook and made a rumbling sound. The smaller gift boxes It was quickly shaken off and fell to the ground.

Jing Yang shook the more obvious piles of gifts and said, "There are at least two other pairs of flaming eyes. Okay, it's not in vain!"

Snap, he snapped his fingers, "It's such a small drop, stop it!"

He just made a fist when his body suddenly twisted involuntarily and punched back hard.

As he automatically punched back, he felt a faint feeling of being pierced by a needle on his back.

From the corner of his eye, he also caught a glimpse of a hand behind Xiaodi holding a needle-like object and stabbing it into her back...a vigilante?

The name immediately flashed through Jing Yang's mind.

The moment Xiao Di felt the stinging sensation on her back, she carried the bulging-eyed fish and swiped sideways.

The short-haired young man held two passively pulled out needle-like objects in his hands, looking a little surprised, but at this time Jing Yang's fist had already landed on his handsome face.


A punch without mercy hit Lie Ying hard on the face. He was knocked upside down and hit the wall of the room hard.

He is indeed a knight!

When Jing Yang punched out, of course he could see the opponent's appearance clearly. The appearance and characteristics of the knight from the Phantom Troupe are almost the same as in my impression.

But, how could the other party get close behind me and Xiaodi, and even insert his cell phone antenna into their backs, without them noticing?

It is impossible for him and Xiaodi, especially Xiaodi, to be so alert.

Fortunately, even if he and he were targeted by Xia Ke's mobile phone antenna, they would not be controlled by his telekinesis ability "carrying the fate of others" - after all, they had already been "controlled" by the star first.

"Haha, the sneak attack failed? What a pity! Sure enough, I couldn't use my true power by attacking behind my back."

The "Xia Ke" was sent flying to the wall. When he landed on the ground and stood up, he quickly grew taller and became taller and stronger. His whole body was covered with hair, and his long hair exploded like a lion's mane. Lie Ying transformed into Wo Jin's appearance, rubbed the cheek that had just been beaten, and said with a smile: "Then it seems that we can only attack head-on."

Jing Yang looked at him expressionlessly and thought to himself: "He didn't say that the control failed, he just said that the sneak attack failed. It seems that he didn't want to expose the information about the vigilante's telekinesis ability."

Lie Ying wore his "Wo Jin" skin and thought to himself: "I tried to control them with my knight's ability, but failed. He was not much surprised when he saw the process of my transformation just now. It seems that he is indeed a member of the gang who controlled them before. The manipulator who fought with me and Babu... he has already used his manipulator telekinesis ability to control himself and the girl with glasses next to him in advance!"

Outside the villa, Kurapika was taking a walk, observing other people who might appear at any time.

On the skin of his left arm under the sleeve of his suit, the two lines of divine characters written previously have not disappeared due to the wear and tear of the skin.

As long as he uses "Condensation", it is equivalent to blessing his eyes with a "circle"-like effect, which Jing Yang calls "cone".

In Kurapika's opinion, the biggest advantage of this so-called "cone" is its concealment.

Generally speaking, with the "circle" detection method, when the target is detected, the target will also sense that someone else's energy is sweeping over him - of course, if the other party is a telepathic person who can sense energy.

But the "cone" is different. It is attached to the gaze and the "condensation". Even if the target is swept by this gaze, it will not be noticed immediately.

The reason why I say I won't notice it immediately is because after all, there are many masters in this world who are very sensitive to other people's gazes. Not to mention the gaze blessed with "cone", even ordinary gaze will arouse the other party's alert...

While Kurapika was thinking about it, suddenly, there was a faint explosion in the distance from the garden where the wedding was held.

"Something happened over there?"

Kurapika looked outside, but unfortunately no matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't penetrate the barriers of the buildings along the way.

Not long after, he saw something in his "cone" sight.

In mid-air.

There is something.

Spherical, as if gently fluttering in the wind... Is this a bubble?

Transparent, no, not transparent, but made of air!

More and more "bubbles" appeared, as if Kurapika's gaze aroused their alertness, and suddenly they all floated towards him.

Kurapika retreated slowly, the energy in his body tightly wrapped around him, ready to go.

Unfortunately, wherever he retreated, these "bubbles" chased him, as if staring him to death.

Kurapika rubbed the C-shaped ring and said via voice: [Jing Yang, I may know how the explosive girl from the Phantom Troupe you mentioned achieved her abilities. She's already here! 】

[What a coincidence, I also have one here. The Variety Monster is here with us. 】

Knew it!

Kurapika was forced to a corner of the courtyard wall. Looking at the "bubbles" chasing him in all directions, he raised his hand to materialize into a dolphin bookshelf and pulled out a book.

These "bubbles" suddenly burst into light, and the dense explosion overwhelmed him.

"It will transform."

When Xiaodi saw the "Xia Ke" being beaten away and turning into a "Wo Jin" when he landed, he immediately understood that he was the member of the Phantom Troupe that Jing Yang mentioned.

She held the bulging-eyed fish in one hand, and the thought energy in her other hand instantly transformed into a chain saw, whipping it towards the "Wojin" on the opposite side like a whip.


The sound of the chain saw cutting through the air was heard.


"Wo Jin" raised his thick arm and caught it steadily.

The powerful thought energy was like invulnerable armor. Under such protection, the chainsaw hit him without leaving any scars on his arms.

Instead, "Wo Jin" used the chain saw in his backhand and pulled hard, trying to pull Xiao Di over.

Lie Ying glanced at Jing Yang, who was motionless for the moment, and thought to himself: "Since the bespectacled woman's telekinesis ability is the transformation or embodiment system, then the so-called operation system is either the one outside or him... Well... , it’s most likely him!”

"Is it an operation method with almost no side effects? That's why it can be applied to companions. This point is very similar to the knight's guess!"

"As a person with the ability to manipulate telekinesis, since he has the habit of exerting operations on himself in advance, he must have realized that not only did I fail in the sneak attack, but I failed in my attempt to control him... But he just said nothing about it. Not a word was mentioned. Are you originally taciturn, or do you already know the intelligence on our side?"

While "Wo Jin"'s mind was spinning, four or five more mental energy chain saws struck at him like whips.

Xiaodi's telekinesis ability is a transformation system, not a materialization system.

These are not real chains. They are essentially qi. Of course, there is no need to do that kind of "whiplash" action.

Hisoka can raise his hand and shoot out his gummy energy like a laser to stick to the enemy. Naturally, small drops of mind energy chain saw can also be shot out directly by stimulating the mind energy.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A total of six chain saws extended from one of Xiaodi's hands, all wrapped around Wo Jin's muscular pillar-like arm.


All the chain saws began to spin crazily, and the countless sharp teeth that changed their thoughts were like rows of sharp blades of real chainsaws, and the arms wrapped in "wojin" were cutting like crazy.


"Wo Jin's" skin was cut open and blood spurted out.

"What a powerful cutting ability! It is indeed a change-type Nian!"

"Wo Jin" has a bad heart and must deal with this girl with glasses quickly.

The "emanation" of thought ability extends to the six major systems of strengthening, changing, materializing, characterizing, operating and releasing. Among them, the telekinesis ability of the operation system often has the characteristics of "win first", "win with one strike" and so on, which can defeat the strong and make a comeback with the weak. In fact, there is a chance of similar abilities appearing in other systems.

For example, the change system.

In the manga, Riya's telekinesis ability allows him to transform energy into electricity, and the concentrated burst of thunder and lightning has the potential to defeat the weak against the strong.

The power of thunder does not have a difference of several orders of magnitude in telekinesis. Even if there is telekinesis to protect the body, it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

The same goes for Xiaodi's chain saw cutting.

The mental power of "Wo Jin" is powerful, and the body-protecting mental energy is like a golden bell. With the current strength of Xiaodi and Jingyang, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even break through the defense, but it will be different if it is cut with a chainsaw... Extremely The strong "armor-breaking" ability directly pinched the skin of "Wo Jin"'s arm, and blood suddenly burst out!

"Protruding-eyed fish, suck all the blood out of his body." Xiaodi maintained the energy of the chain saw with one hand, and pushed the vacuum cleaner switch with the other hand, giving the order calmly.

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