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Chapter 185 The King of Comedy

The garden where the wedding was held was thrown into chaos due to the sudden explosion. Many bodyguards and thugs in black suddenly swarmed around the grass, each protecting their employer or boss.

Four of Mark's bodyguards surrounded him. Men were yelling, women were screaming, and children were crying. Melody frowned slightly, looking in all directions, holding a long flute in his hand, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The explosion woke up a little gray bird dozing on a branch by the roadside. The rock bird flapped its wings and turned its head to look at the group of humans who were quite festive and lively just now. In the blink of an eye, it became panic, and the atmosphere was tense and dangerous. What happened?

And where did the three humans who fed the food go?

Xiaodi gave an order, and the big mouth of the vacuum cleaner she held in her right hand suddenly opened, and she sucked hard at the wound on "Wo Jin"'s arm that was locked by the six chain saws.

Swish, swish, swish!

The muscular arm, which had been cut by the chain saw and turned into a torn flesh, suddenly started to bleed like a fountain, and blood erupted like a fountain.

A stream of blood like a nozzle flew quickly from "Wo Jin"'s arm toward the mouth of the vacuum cleaner held up by Xiao Di's right hand.

No matter how powerful the "hojin" is, they are still human beings. Since it is a body of flesh and blood, it must not lose too much blood. Even if the blood is not sucked out and it dies suddenly, once it exceeds the limit and becomes dizzy and weak, facing the enemy who is staring at him, the only end is death.

So "Wo Jin" made a prompt decision and transferred a large part of his powerful thoughts to his right arm.

"Realization System·King of Comedy"

"1. Lieying can transform into any member of the Phantom Troupe through imitation, but he can only become a member of the Phantom Troupe. 』

『2. Once a member of the Phantom Troupe dies or loses his status as a member with the approval of the leader, Lieying can no longer imitate and transform him. 』

『3. Through imitation and transformation, Lieying can obtain the Nian system and all Nian abilities of the person being imitated. 』

『4. The total amount of thought after Lieying's transformation cannot exceed his own total thought, nor can it be more than that of the person being imitated. 』

More thought energy was distributed and poured into the injured right arm, and all the burst wound muscles were immediately forcibly closed. The blood flow robbed by the strong suction also dropped sharply, and soon only a trace of blood mist was left flying towards the small arm. Drip the eye fish in your hand until no trace of blood flows out.

Lieying, who had obtained 100% of Wojin's strengthening talents through imitation and transformation, naturally also obtained Wojin's abnormal recovery ability. This kind of minor flesh injury, as long as he concentrates his mind and relies on Wo Jin's unreasonable beast physique, it can be said to be almost healed, not to mention instantaneous recovery.

"Wo Jin" didn't waste any time. When he poured telekinesis into his right arm, he knew that the wound on his arm would recover quickly and the ability of the bespectacled woman opposite him would lose its effect. He also knew that the bespectacled girl's ability was too tricky, so while he was giving intensive treatment to his arm, he took advantage of his right arm to concentrate more telekinesis power, wrapped more telekinesis chainsaws in his backhand, roared, and pulled the telepathy chainsaw. Pulled Xiaodi over.

He was about to throw Xiaodi out of the room like a whip, but at this moment, a dangerous premonition struck from the side.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that the boy who had been observing from the side had pointed his finger at him at some point. Moreover, at some point, a mind ball as big as his head condensed on his finger. ——But how is this possible? As long as this kind of powerful thought ball is condensed, no matter how short the process is, it is impossible for me to be alert.

"It's 'Hidden'. He used 'Hidden' to cover the condensed mind ball on his finger..."

"Is the girl with glasses trying to cover his feint attack?"

Jing Yang was not interested in knowing what the fake Wojin was thinking. He had accumulated at least 4,000 qi of telekinesis. He grabbed the fake Wojin and in order to stop the bleeding, the telekinesis defense of other parts of the body except the arm suddenly decreased. In the moment of opportunity, a "Finger Finger Magical Power" shot out without hesitation!

boom! !

"Wo Jin" swung the chainsaw like a meteor hammer and threw Xiaodi out. The other side of his body was heavily bombarded by the finger snapping magic power as thick as his head!


The cement wall was like tofu, and a hole was made by the droplets, and she was thrown out without a shadow.


"Wo Jin"'s majestic body was spun around by the exploding thought bomb, crashed through the other corner, and directly hit the bodyguard at the door who woke up from a coma in the corridor outside, causing blood to spurt from his mouth, and he fainted again. "Wo Jin" changed its angle again, causing the corridor wall to collapse again, and his whole body hung on the broken window sill.

Click, click, after the corner of the wall was broken, the cracks on the surrounding walls quickly spread to the ceiling.

Jing Yang glanced at it and asked through a voice message: [Xiao Di, are you okay? ] Switched the channel again, [The previous explosion outside, Kurapika, were you caught by the explosive girl? 】

【I'm fine...】

As soon as Xiaodi's answer came, Jing Yang heard the sound of "clicking" gravel coming from the corridor outside.

Half of "Wo Jin"'s body was burnt black by the blast, and smoke was still coming out. He stood up from the ruins by the corridor window and looked towards him in the room against the light.

The opponent's face was entirely in shadow, except for the ferocious anger and murderous intent in his bloodshot eyes.

"Oh." Jing Yang muttered.

[Well, it’s the explosive girl you mentioned. 】

After the smoke and dust from the explosion dispersed, the previous wall had disappeared and was blown into a pile of debris. Kurapika was blown away a hundred meters away, with hot smoke rising all over his body. His black suit was in tatters, and the white shirt underneath was all black and gray, not much cleaner than his face.

There was a dolphin floating next to him, and there was an empty space among the six original books on the bookshelf.

Book One, "Redemption".

Kurapika tore off a page of salvation and pressed it on his injured right shoulder and arm. The page glowed with a vibrant green light, and his injuries healed almost in a breath.

While he was healing himself, he raised his eyes and stared at the woman walking towards him in the distance.

【She has found me here. 】Kurapika remained calm and continued to transmit the sound through the C-shaped ring on his finger.

Babu stood far away, chewing gum and said: "The healing effect is so good? Are you a strengthening type?"

She glanced at the dolphin bookshelf floating next to Kurapika.

Kurapika also glanced at her side. Many "bubbles" followed her like a shadow, just like the "bubbles" that chased him and exploded before.

Obviously, these "bubbles" are this woman's telekinesis ability, which is what Jing Yang said before, this woman's unknown explosive telekinesis ability.

As for the finger she pointed at Jing Yang when she caused the explosion, it was probably a deception she used to confuse the audience.

She doesn't need any specific gestures at all, she can even remotely control these "bubbles" to chase her and explode.

After the treatment was over and the redemption paper disappeared, Kurapika said: "Standing so far away, you guy, could you be releasing the element?"

In fact, with the star on his chest, he doesn't need to use his own "Redemption" page to treat him at all. The reason for doing this is purely to prevent the enemy from discovering the self-healing properties of Jing Yang's operating system - if this information is leaked, the enemy may be attacked if the position controlled by Jing Yang for the first time is not a fatal place. When he becomes more confident, he will wait for the short moment between Jing Yang switching star positions to launch his killing move.

With this thought, Kurapika eliminated the mental energy from the arm with two lines of divine characters printed on it.

The "bubbles" floating in the air around Barb in his eyes disappeared one after another as if they were invisible. And when he returned his energy to his arm and touched the two lines of divine characters on the skin of his arm, triggering the "cone" ability, those "bubbles" appeared in patches again.

No wonder Jing Yang couldn't see through the truth of this woman's explosive attack before... The gang members he possessed and controlled didn't have divine characters on their bodies, so he couldn't activate the "Cone"...

And "Circle" is usually only used before the battle starts and after it ends. Using "Circle" during a fierce battle will only disperse one's own energy and put oneself at a disadvantage.

This woman's "bubble" has a very powerful "hiding" that even ordinary "condensation" cannot easily see through.

I'm afraid some kind of restrictions have been added!

Is it necessary to chew gum?

Kurapika's mind was spinning, analyzing the existing intelligence. At the same time, he shared the information with Jing Yang and the others through sound transmission, and said: [They can grasp our position at any time. I'm afraid this woman can even observe through these bubbles... Jing Yang Yang? 】

He couldn't help but wonder when he found that Jing Yang didn't respond for a long time.

Babu was chewing gum and suddenly blew at Kurapika, who was a hundred meters away.


Swish swish swish! A series of 10 "bubbles" floating around her flew out and flew towards Kurapika.

Kurapika dodged.

【ah? Wait a minute, I'm a little busy here... Damn it! 】Jingyang's voice transmission was only then transmitted into Kurapika's mind.

The 10 "bubbles" dispersed around, circled around and headed towards Kurapika.

[What a coincidence, it’s the same here. 】

While running, Kurapika replied to Jing Yang, and at the same time he heard the woman ask from a distance: "Tell me, among you, okay, the other two, do you have an operating system?"

We can only block it!

Kurapika stopped, and the mental energy from his body surged out, turning into a big skeletal hand. This time, it was specially lengthened, but it also became thinner. Kurapika's big skeletal hand flicked in the air, bang bang bang bang... he stirred in a circle and exploded all 10 "bubbles" that came towards him.

"This is like the transformation system again..." Babu looked at the explosion in surprise, and the mental energy on his body vaguely took the form of a blond boy in the half-length form of a skeleton knight.

"By the way, the dolphin-shaped bookshelf that was floating around him before turned out to be material. In this way, he is most likely to be a manifestation type like Lieying... So it turns out that he has manifested multiple numbers. The book covers the strengthening type of treatment and the transformation type of thought energy changes?"

Barb couldn't help but sneered, "How stupid!"

So what if you can indirectly use the abilities of other systems? If the efficiency of using it is greatly reduced, it is just a foolish waste of energy.

Kurapika thought carefully: "Has she already figured out that I am a manifestation type?"

Obviously, she didn't know that when he turned on the flaming red eyes, he would transform into a special type. This woman, who has the telekinesis ability "Absolute Time" and can use 100% of the six major telekinesis systems, analyzed that she had manifested it through After the chemistry department developed a dolphin bookshelf that could use the abilities of the six major departments, they immediately felt that their ability was too "flashy".

[If it is true as you said, the bubbles released by the woman can be placed in the sky to monitor the entire picture, we may have been targeted by this woman since we entered the wedding in the garden. ] Jing Yang's voice message sounded in Kurapika's mind, and he seemed to be gritting his teeth, [Fucking knight! 】

The three of them looked so harmless, and they were targeted by these two spiders for no reason. It was as if they had guessed that someone was secretly involved in the gang incident... And the last thing Jing Yang could think of was It was possible to analyze his own spider as a hidden character at that time, and the only knight in the Phantom Troupe who often acted like a dog-headed strategist.

Kurapika was speechless, raised his eyes to look at Babu, tore off his half-tattered black suit and tie, and threw them to the ground. He wore black contact lenses so his burning red eyes were not exposed. He said coldly: "Let me ask you. , are you a member of the Phantom Troupe?"

Babu chewed gum and said, "What, do you want to join too?"

Seeing that the expression of the blond boy opposite became even more angry, and even the thoughts in his body seemed to be burning with anger, Babu couldn't help but want to laugh.

It seems like there is a grudge against the brigade?

She laughed and jumped sideways.

Buzz! boom!

Two intertwined chain saws shattered the place where she had been standing, tearing out a ravine several meters deep, half a meter wide, and 20 meters long on the ground. The end of the ravine was where Xiaodi suddenly approached and attacked.

She was indeed able to borrow the vision of those "bubbles" floating in the air above her head.

Kurapika said coldly: "So, you are indeed a member of the Phantom Troupe."

Babu ignored the cynical young man, but was a little wary of the bespectacled girl who just attacked him. This girl seems to have mediocre strength, but the chain saw-like ability in her hand makes people have to be careful, especially since Barb himself is not specializing in melee attack and defense.


The ceiling of the villa was penetrated, and the young man, wrapped in a white light like a solid wall, broke through the hole and quickly turned over to look elsewhere. Almost at the same time, a humanoid beast with white light all over his body chased up from the hole in the floor, widening the hole again. One lap.

Can this be like a normal person?

Jing Yang looked at the half of "Wo Jin"'s body that was blackened by the explosion.

Unexpectedly, the magic power of snapping fingers, which almost emptied one-fifth of his mind power, did not produce much results. The "burns" left on this guy's body quickly healed themselves as the guy was full of energy and burst out while he was fighting with all his strength. At this moment, it just looked like his skin was a little wrinkled and a little darker. , a little blurry, that’s all.

Dong-dong-dong, "Wo Jin" charged towards him again with a ferocious smile, and swung out his casserole-sized fist wrapped in thought energy.

Although it looks like a mountain of meat covered with muscles, "Wo Jin" is not slow at all. This amount of muscle only weighs a few kilograms. Compared to "Wo Jin"'s explosive power, which is estimated to be tens of tons, it is simply a hair on Jiu Niu's body, and it does not affect his terrifying sprint speed at all.

The fist reached Jing Yang's face almost instantly.

The star mark on the back of his neck inspired his mental energy. The light and shadow of "Wo Jin"'s fist still remained in the bottom of Jing Yang's pupils. His body had already dodged around this exaggerated guy like a berserker. At the same time, he counterattacked like an instinct. Yang concentrated his energy on his fist and struck Wo Jin's ribs sideways.

With a bang, "Wo Jin" didn't move at all.

This guy's "hardness" is definitely more than twice as strong as mine... Jing Yang's pupils tightened.

"It's this kind of action again!" "Wo Jin" sneered, "You obviously didn't react, but you just avoided it. Is this some kind of telekinesis ability of yours? You also used this to control those gangsters before. Recruit?"

Before Jing Yang could answer, "Wo Jin" raised his knees and bumped towards Jing Yang.

Jing Yang didn't intend to answer at all, he immediately raised his arms, contracted his body, and hit his mind energy to prop up the "hard".

"boom"! !

The wall on the second floor of the villa suddenly exploded, and a figure flew out high.

Jing Yang was knocked out of the villa with a knee from the berserker "Wo Jin". After landing, he rolled twice to feel wary. He put his hands on the ground and pushed himself sideways.

boom! ! !

Where he was lying just now, "Wojin" landed heavily from a high place, directly smashing the ground into a round pit that collapsed layer by layer.

"Did you...did you come from the Dragon Ball set?"

Jing Yang bared his teeth, sat up and looked up, Xiaodi was looking at him with concern, and looking over there, Kurapika was confronting the gum-exploding girl.

"Hi?" Jing Yang raised his hand to say hello, took Xiaodi's hand and stood up, patted the dust on his body, and took a long breath, "It seems that this is not going to end well, friends."


"Wo Jin" came over and was about to say hello to Babu when he suddenly noticed that a strange black figure appeared behind the boy.

It's the shape of a human being, but with eight arms.

"Second round, team battle?" Jing Yang said.

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