I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 186: Must moisten immediately!

With a flutter, the rock sparrow spreads its wings and flies out of the treetop.

Jing Yang has always kept the Qi on its body at a low level, so that the "reflection" of the guardian spirit beast can lurk on the rock bird, hiding it.

Just now, the strange feeling that had been on it disappeared, and it seemed to become more relaxed, hovering happily in mid-air, looking around at the less chaotic crowd on the garden grass below. Looking deeper into the manor, two groups of people were confronting each other on the flat ground in front of a villa with damaged courtyard walls and second floors a few hundred meters away.

Two against three. The three of them are the three humans that Yanque is familiar with.

"What is that? Some kind of mind beast?"

"Wo Jin" and Babu looked at the strange eight-armed black figure that appeared next to Jing Yang. There was no doubt that that sudden appearance was definitely the product of Nian.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "What do you think?"

In his mind, he used the A-shaped ring to send a message to Xiaodi: "Please cooperate with me." This big guy has too many thoughts, it must be very hard! He must be relieved of his burden. 】

The moment Kurapika saw Jing Yang summoning this guardian spirit beast that he could not directly control from the rock bird to his side, he immediately realized one thing - inside the villa, the two of Jing Yang and the man opposite him When the big guys fought against each other for the first time, they must have obtained each other's blood!

There is a high probability that it was absorbed by Xiao Drop using the eye fish. The blood was as fresh now as it had been when it burst out of the big man's wound.

"I don't really like guessing riddles!" "Wo Jin" took out his ear holes, "I'd better beat you half to death first, and then you can tell me."

"How terrible! Then you must be sure to beat me to death by mistake, otherwise you will be speechless." Jing Yang condensed his thoughts and said in his mouth, and the voice in his mind said: [Xiao Di, prepare to give me a blow. "Reflection" feeds blood. 】

【Um. 】

Xiaodi responded, holding the bulging-eyed fish in his right hand, but putting his left hand in front of him, pretending to use the chain saw to strike first again.

Just as both sides were getting ready and the atmosphere was about to get tense, Kurapika suddenly said: "Before we start, I have a question to ask you."

[Jing Yang, Xiaodi, wait a moment. ] Telepathy came from the C-shaped ring.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di glanced at him.

There was a dolphin bookshelf floating next to Kurapika. He reached into his collar and seemed to be covering his heart.

[The bulging-eyed fish already contains the blood of the big guy opposite, right? Jing Yang, in this case, as long as he attacks you three times, he will definitely die. 】

Jing Yang's eyes flashed.

Just now, while Kurapika was talking, he took the initiative to scratch the star mark on his own chest to remove it.

[But the risk is too great. And my ability is the most suitable for dealing with these members of the Phantom Troupe. Leave them both to me - as long as Xiaodi uses your chain saw and the bulging fish to help, and gets the blood of the other woman, I can solve them both together. 】

While Kurapika was sending telepathy to Jing Yang and the other two, he took out a book from the dolphin bookshelf next to him.

【Please assist me. 】


"Wo Jin" and Babu both saw the numbers on the cover of the book and thought at the same time, "Is this kid setting any conditions for his ability?"


Jing Yang remembered the ability of Kurapika's fifth book. He suddenly understood and said via voice transmission: "The reason why you accepted the star is to give up it at this time." 】

Taking the initiative to give up the convenience of being close to immortality, and holding this kind of consciousness, is to exchange for a stronger and more absolute judgment. Everything is to be able to deal with those damn spiders without fail.

Kurapika smiled slightly, opened the "Judgment" in his hand, and a line of text appeared quickly on the page.

"Kurapika's 'Abyss' ability is only allowed to be used on members of the Phantom Troupe. Once he violates this oath, his heart will be paralyzed and all the blood in his body will be burned to death."

The content of this text is cold and ruthless, and the color is bloody and bright red.


Kurapika closed "Judgment", raised his eyes and looked at the two people opposite him coldly, and asked: "If you two are members of the Phantom Troupe, then answer me. - Before you kill those innocent people What were you thinking? How did you feel?"

Of course, the two "Wojin" didn't know that the three people opposite them could communicate telepathically, and they could communicate so quickly. In their eyes, after Kurapika opened his mouth, he only reached out and flipped through the book before he started questioning them.

In response to the blond kid's question, Babu curled her lips and said, "Boring."

Lie Ying recalled Zhengma Wojin's temper and said in a very ordinary tone: "I don't have any feelings. Do you have any special feelings after trampling a few ants to death?"

Kurapika was silent for a moment, pulled out another book from the dolphin bookshelf next to him, and said, "Scum. You should die like this without feeling anything."


"Wo Jin" stopped talking nonsense with them, roared, and was about to take action when he heard a sound breaking through the air, accompanied by the familiar hum of a chain saw.

But instead of attacking him, he threw it at Babu next to him.

Barb breathed out hard, and a series of "bubbles" flew out of his mouth, hitting several chain saws coming towards him.


The "bubble" group touched the chain saw and exploded in the air, sending several chain saws flying.

Two of the chainsaws flying around were caught by a hand wrapped in strong thoughts. "Wo Jin" laughed ferociously, lowered his waist and braced his horse, wanting to repeat his same trick, he suddenly pulled Xiao Di over, and then used a "Super Destruction Punch" filled with all his strength to smash the bespectacled girl's head to pieces, so as not to worry about it. Get in the way again!

But when he pulled hard, his hand suddenly became empty. The bespectacled woman directly cut off the chain saw and released it.

In the flames of the explosion, Jing Yang rushed towards "Wo Jin" decisively while Xiao Di was involved, and hit "Wo Jin" in the face with a few instant magical powers, not expecting to cause any harm to him. It's just to attract monsters and attract hatred.

In the flames of the explosion, after Xiaodi's chain saw attack failed and Jing Yang also started to take action, Kurapika also rushed towards Babu decisively.

The thought energy in his body turned into a half-body skeleton knight, stretched out an extended skeleton hand, and grabbed Babu fiercely. He developed such a transformation method purely to cooperate with the reading ability of other books - to extend the attack distance and expand the attack range. He did not pursue absolute lethality, just to make as many wounds on the enemy as possible and obtain blood.

As long as he can obtain the enemy's blood, he is sure to take over directly.

The ability to think with inherent rules can be like this. Once the prerequisites are met, you will have an absolute advantage.

Naturally, Babu would not let him succeed easily. He controlled a "bubble" to circle in front of him and exploded the big skeleton hand that was attacking Kurapika.


The skeleton's big hand suddenly burned with flames and tore hard at Babu's body, leaving a "gap" that seemed to be filled with burning mental energy.

After being hit in the face by a few painless bullets, "Wo Jin" punched Jing Yang with an expressionless expression. As expected, the kid dodged at an incredible angle, and then he hit his knee with a grin. , Jing Yang had no way to hide at that angle, so he could only allocate more of his mind energy to the front, folding his hands to block the knee collision.


Jing Yang was pushed out and spun around in the air several times before landing firmly on the ground.


"Wo Jin" has been paying attention to the weird eight-armed black shadow-shaped mind beast. It has been silent since it appeared. It seemed to be dead. Until just now, right after he attacked the boy, the mind beast suddenly burst out with strong hostility - hostility directed at his "honey".

Over there, Babu also looked at the blond boy who was knocked back by the "bubble" explosion in surprise.

The mental energy in the form of the Skeleton Knight on the latter's body changed and turned into a flaming Skeleton Knight that seemed to be burning. The "gap" of the energy on her shoulders that seemed to be lingering tongues of fire slowly closed, and she thought to herself: "It was on him. If that strange flame thought energy attacks, will it burn away the energy on my body?"

"In this case, we have to keep a distance from him. Fortunately, I am a release type."

Barb took a deep breath and let it out in a long breath. Like blowing bubbles, dense "bubbles" flew out of her mouth.

Kurapika looked at it and guessed the amount and consumption of this woman's telekinesis. Even if her telekinesis ability was not high in consumption, it was impossible to squander it endlessly.

At this moment, he heard Xiaodi say: "Protruding-eyed fish, let out a drop of blood from the big guy opposite."

【do not do that! 】Kurapika clenched his fist, holding the C-shaped ring close to his palm, "This will reveal our intention to use their blood in advance..."


"Wo Jin" turned cold.

Babu waved her hand, and one of the "bubbles" she spat out flew out and hit Xiaodi.


The bulging-eyed fish opened its mouth wide and spat out a drop of bright red blood. The "reflection" hovering in the air and full of hostility to "Wojin" flew over and swallowed it in one gulp.

Swish swish swish!

Many light-like bullets flew towards Xiaodi, shooting the "bubbles" that were attacking Xiaodi one by one, and then exploded halfway.

Jing Yang raised his finger and smiled at Babu: "It's so interesting that the ability to read can interact with each other, isn't it?"

"Is that my blood? Eat my blood?"

Lie Ying looked at this scene and had a bad premonition in his heart. He was about to switch to his transformed form, but an eight-armed "reflection" suddenly appeared behind him, wrapping his whole body.

Like an indescribable octopus or facehugger, it licked his whole body, eating up all the energy in his body.

"Reflection" took the first sip of chanting energy and disappeared quietly, leaving behind a somewhat confused and a little empty "Wo Jin". That thing just now robbed part of my energy?

And Jing Yang had already rushed in front of "Wo Jin", had already waved his fist at him, and said through the armor ring: [Kurapika, before this guy can switch to his transformation form, hurry up and use it. that book! 】


Caught off guard, "Wo Jin" was punched away by Jing Yang. In order to parry Jing Yang's fist, it was impossible for him to abandon his body, which was rough and fleshy and the most durable.


Kurapika is also aware of some possibility that is not good for them - if "Wojin" becomes a member of another Phantom Troupe, will the blood belonging to "Wojin" that Xiaodi obtained still be effective? Could this person's transformation mean that his DNA has also changed? Once this possibility arises, there will be many more variables, and Kurapika must make a decisive decision.

Babu was very decisive. She took advantage of Jingyang to attack "Wojin", and then controlled twenty "bubbles" to attack Xiaodi and Kurapika.


Xiaodi swung the chain saw and exploded most of the flying "bubbles". At the same time, she pushed the switch of the bulging fish, and the big mouth of the vacuum cleaner spat out a splash of "hojin" blood and flew towards Kurapika.

Kurapika no longer hesitated and opened the third volume of "The Abyss" and held it up high. The blood flying from the small drops instantly splashed on the blank page.

Over there, "Wo Jin" was punched by Jing Yang, causing his nose to bleed. He got up with anger on his face.

"Come with me into the abyss."

Kurapika looked at him and pressed his palm on the blood-stained "Abyss" book. The remaining "bubbles" above his head that had slipped through the net fell towards him.

"Wojin"'s body was already changing towards "Machi", but in shock, his whole body disappeared out of thin air, turning into a ball of air and flying towards Kurapika.

Kurapika himself also disappeared completely, leaving behind a ball of mental energy, which almost simultaneously penetrated into the blood-stained pages of the "Abyss" along with the energy of "Wojin".


The book "Abyss" was closed, with the number "3" written on the cover, and slowly floated back to the dolphin bookshelf.

Several falling "bubbles" lost their target and hung in the air. Surrounded by these "bubbles", the dolphin bookshelf left by Kurapika is also suspended above the ground.


Not to mention Babu was surprised, even Jingyang and Xiaodi saw Kurapika using the third volume for the first time, so they also found it novel.

Jing Yang thought that only the members of the Phantom Troupe targeted by this book would be imprisoned in the so-called "abyss", but he didn't expect that Kurapika himself would also go in.

Barb frowned and waved his finger, and the floating "bubbles" immediately crashed into the strange dolphin bookshelf.

There was a rumble of explosions, and the "bubble" exploded completely. However, the dolphin did not move at all, still floating in a cloud of thought energy, with its cute big eyes, hugging the bookshelf and the six books in it, human and animal. It is suspended harmlessly in the low altitude, as if to express: Why are you pinching me, I won't bother you, and you don't want to touch me either!

"It seems that this thing will only be lifted after they fight to the death."

Jing Yang smiled and said this to Babu, who had unfriendly eyes. Then he and Xiaodi glanced behind Babu - that was the villa where they had gone to get things.

On the second floor where the wall of the villa was shattered, stood the bodyguard who had been knocked unconscious by Jing Yang and "Wo Jin" one after another. There was blood on his forehead. He raised his pistol, pointed at the three people confronting each other in the yard, and asked loudly: " who are you?"

From his perspective, the existence of Qi cannot be seen. I can't see the "bubbles" flying everywhere in the air and the dolphin bookshelf left by Kurapika...

Just as Jing Yang was thinking this, Babu said coldly: "Don't be annoying."

She pointed back without looking back. The bodyguard holding the pistol at the hole in the wall on the second floor didn't react at all. His head was blown to pieces, and he softly put down the hand holding the gun.


The sound of a corpse falling to the ground soon came from behind, and Babu suddenly laughed and said, "It's really interesting."

She looked at the hesitation that flashed across the face of the young man opposite her at the moment she shot the guy. His habitual fingers intertwined, as if he wanted to intercept the "bubbles" he shot and save the unknown ordinary person, but at the same time, there was a subtle tendency under the boy's feet to turn around and run... Does he want to run?


I didn't attack him, so why did he want to turn around and run away?

"Boy, don't you want to see someone die?" Babu suddenly asked, carefully observing Jing Yang's facial expression.

Xiaodi held the bulging-eyed fish tightly, and stretched out more chainsaws from the other hand.

"Yes, I am a good person." Jing Yang sneered.

Just now, as expected, after the bodyguard's head was blown off, a wisp of cold and hot death air hit his heart.

Fortunately, after taking this blow of death, the heart only picked a few times quickly, and it was not at the stage where it could no longer bear it.


Babu also sneered. She glanced in the direction a few hundred meters away, where was the garden where the wedding was held.

Sure enough, the young man's expression changed slightly. He obviously wants to curse, but his little face is so tight. It's so cute.


Babu took a step forward and made a gesture of running towards the wedding garden.

Jing Yang took a step, then stopped, looking at Babu unhappily.

"I'm lying to you, I won't run over there." Babu grinned silently, "Because there is no need at all..." She stretched out her hand to hold it gently.

She had left some "bubbles" in the wedding garden before...

Jing Yang was alert.

At this moment, the flow of time seemed to slow down. As Babu clenched his fist, groups of lights began to flicker in the direction of the garden hundreds of meters away.

He seemed to be able to see the sound waves of the explosion forming ripples one by one, spreading towards this direction at a speed of more than 300 meters per second. It would reach his and Xiaodi's eardrums in more than two seconds... This place is far away from the garden. It may not be more than a thousand meters! Jing Yang instantly switched to the rock bird flying leisurely in mid-air, took a bird's eye view of the ground, and confirmed this.



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