Jing Yang casually threw the "100" mind ball towards Babu.

Barb ignored it.

This thought ball doesn't seem to have any lethality at all.

The thought ball landed lightly on the ground a few meters in front of her, and soon disappeared silently.

Babu raised his eyes and saw the mind ball appearing in the kid's hand again, but the number inside became "200".

The numbers have increased.

Does this mean anything?

When Jing Yang threw the "Huabei Nian Ball" again, Babu tried to take measures and spit out a "bubble" that flew out and collided with the "200" Nian Ball in the air.


The "bubble" exploded, blowing away the "200" mind ball. The latter fell to the ground and disappeared again.

Babu's ears twitched slightly, and several chainsaws came over, and she ducked away.

It turned out that during this period, the bespectacled girl quietly lowered the telepathy chain saw in her hand to the ground, extended it towards her little by little, and launched an attack together when the kid threw the telepathy ball.

"Idiot, once the chain saw she transforms exceeds the distance, the power will be greatly weakened. It seems that she is a manifestation type, not a transformation type. The manifestation type is too far away from the release type, and she is not good at long-distance combat at all!"

Babu moved backwards and distanced herself from Xiao Didi's chain saw. At this time, she saw that the thought ball that disappeared and reappeared in Jing Yang's hand had the number in it changed from "200" to "400".

Are the numbers doubling?

There is no doubt that this telepathy ball carrying numbers is some kind of telepathy ability of that kid.

Babu's heart was spinning, analyzing the currently known information about this ability.

Dodge will double the number, and the ball will return to the kid's hand.

If you fight back, the number will be doubled, and the mind ball will still return to the kid's hand...


The "400" thought ball hit her again.

This time, Babu did not spit out "bubbles" to deal with it, but instead waved his palm to fight it. However, at this moment, Xiaodi approached with the big-eyed fish and wielded the chainsaw with his other hand to attack.

Babu slapped the mind ball away with his hand, and then knocked back Xiaodi.

But a new attack came from behind.

The strange octopus mind beast that had always been hostile to her suddenly launched an attack on her!

Babu got out of the way of the octopus and punched it back with his backhand, knocking it back.

"This mind beast couldn't even fight back when it turned into a warrior, so why was it easily repelled by me?" She thought to herself, "It seems that what it is doing to me now is not a real attack, but a real attack on me. Yes...yes, it wants my blood! Only when it eats my blood can its ability truly take effect. It seems that as long as this is avoided, this mind beast is not something to be afraid of."

"The question is, can it be avoided?"

Babu looked back at Jing Yang. The mind ball in his hand reappeared, and this time the number inside became "800" as expected.

"Throwing and catching the ball..." Babu rubbed his fists and looked indifferently, "I understand, this is the telekinesis ability you developed by integrating the operation system and the release system, right? At the end of each round, the The number will double. I guess, this number is the number of Qi, the amount of mind, and the power of this mind ball."

Jing Yang was noncommittal and threw an "800" mind ball at her.

"And what this little girl does is..."

Babu let go of the vacuum cleaner that Xiaodi hit, and flew with one hand to catch the thrown "800" mind ball, "Stop me from catching it!"

As she expected, the number inside the telekinesis ball she caught immediately changed to "1600".

The most important thing is that the mind ball did not disappear from her hand.

"It seems that I am the one serving this time?" Barb smiled slightly and threw the "1600" ball in his hand.

Jing Yang also laughed, "Do you really want to throw it over? Next time you have to pick it up, it will be 3200. Sister, can you withstand it?"


Babu concentrated her mental energy on her hand, aimed at the smiling face of the kid opposite, and threw the "1600" powerful mental bomb at it.


The thought ball filled with 1,600 qi power shot through the air. Behind Jing Yang on the opposite side, a guardian spirit beast with eight arms and black shadow quietly appeared.

Before running in the opposite direction and out of the death energy absorption range, when Jing Yang looked at this thing, he suddenly thought - this usually useless guardian spirit beast-like thing was the same as what he had done in the Sky Arena for The "Huabei Nianqiu" temporarily developed to deal with Yungu seems to be able to form a set of combos!

"Reflection" needs to be guided by blood to truly work.

And for enemies who need to use it themselves, it may be difficult for them to break their defenses.

The characteristics of "Huabei Nianqiu" directly make up for the disadvantage that it may not be able to break through the defense. No matter how difficult it is to break the defense, if my power is doubled, doubled, doubled again, don’t you believe that I can’t break it?

And "Huabei Nianqiu" also has its disadvantages. Since it is jokingly called Huabei, it is obviously a debt and must be repaid. In other words, Jing Yang will have a "weak period" when this unlucky mind ball drains his mind energy and uses it to pay off debts - it's okay if he wins, but what if he loses? At this time, a "weak halo" is applied, which directly eliminates even the chance of a comeback. The worst thing is that if you want to win or lose, when the "Huabei" thought ball doubles to the upper limit of the total number of thoughts between the enemy and ourselves, "debt collection" will be forced to start. Send it directly!

Therefore, except for competing with Yun Gu in the ring, Jing Yang never used this highly limited telekinesis ability again.

But if you use "Huabei Nianqiu" at the same time as "Reflection"...

In this toss-and-catch game, the probability that you can always win may be very small, but the probability that your opponent will be defeated by the doubling power of the mind ball and bleed is actually there, and it is very high!

It just so happened that the opponent's behavior of throwing the "Huabei Mind Ball" at him was regarded as an attack on himself, which met the conditions for activating "Reflection" to automatically protect the master.

The male spider who transformed into Wo Jin was at least twice as strong in attack and defense as him.

In other words, the strength of "Wo Jin" is above 5,000 Qi. To make a conservative estimate, it is calculated as 5,500 Qi. Then extrapolating back, the total energy of "Wo Jin" is probably 55,000 Qi!

This female spider is weaker than "Wo Jin" in this aspect, but she has spit out so many bubbles from the beginning to now, it seems endless, and the amount of thoughts must not be less.

Even if calculated based on 44,000 qi, the "hardness" of the female spider's protective body is at least 4,400 qi strong.

"Huabei Nianqiu" has to move to the round of "3200" before it can hope to break through the defense. Go to "6400" to have a high probability of breaking the defense.


The "1600" thought ball thrown by Babu was caught by Jing Yang head-on.

boom! His palms were pressed to his chest, his palms were numb from the shock, and his internal organs seemed to be shaking. Almost injured.

The eight-armed black shadow behind him began to stir uneasily, and showed obvious hostility towards Babu.

The mind beast returned to him again... Babu watched coldly as the number of the mind ball in Jing Yang's hand doubled to "3200".

Hoo ho ho!

Babu didn't hesitate and immediately spit out a series of "bubbles" towards Jingyang.


Jing Yang gritted his teeth and threw the "3200" ball in his hand like a cannonball.

The "bubbles" surrounding him all flew towards him the moment Jing Yang took action, blocking all the blind spots where he could dodge.

The "cannonball" broke through the air in the blink of an eye, and Barb dodged to one side, only to be hit by the heavy back seat of a vacuum cleaner.

She had already expected that several more clusters of waiting "bubbles" would rush toward the attacking droplets.


The arm of the girl carrying the vacuum cleaner was blown off and she was thrown away in the fire.


Xiao Dimian slammed into Babu without changing her expression, and the mental energy on her body turned into tentacle-like mental chainsaws, tying Babu and herself together, just in time to collide with the incoming "3200" cannonball. Blood splashed in the firelight, and a black eight-armed shadow flew over and swallowed the blood in one gulp.


Several clusters of "bubbles" submerged Jing Yang, causing fire to explode, flesh and blood flying, and smoke and dust billowing.


Babu's clothes were in tatters after being blasted by the "3200" prayer ball. The skin under the hole was red and bleeding, and she couldn't help but cough and spit out a ball of blood.

As for the bespectacled girl who just desperately used the telepathy chain saw on her body to tie herself up, she was also affected by the telepathy ball like a cannonball and rolled to the side.

Her arm was broken again, and she was injured again. She didn't know if she could survive.

Thinking of this, Babu couldn't help but said: "The styles of you two brats are quite suitable for being spiders. What about, if Lie Ying dies, you can take his place, do you want to consider it?"

Suddenly, an eight-armed black shadow appeared behind her, wrapping her up. In just a moment, just like it did to Lie Ying before, it plundered part of her mind energy.

The shadow left after eating. Barb felt weak, and now there was even less energy left.

The share of the thought that was plundered, even when she was in good condition, was a full tenth!

"Have you never thought that it was you two who died?" Jing Yang's voice came from the fire and smoke on the opposite side.

Babu sneered: "After fighting for so long, how much energy do you two brats have left? You actually want to compete with me for endurance..."

She gradually became speechless.

The kid opposite had one of his arms and legs blown off. On the remaining palm, there was a new mind ball suspended, and the number in it doubled to "6400".

He was obviously seriously injured, but he was still smiling.

It’s okay to laugh. Babu has seen too many idiots who laugh and think they are bold and free-spirited even after they know they are in death. But that octopus-like shadow appeared behind the kid and even fit in like a layer of armor. , as if... conveying mind energy to this brat?

Babu's eyes were bloodshot.

In the peripheral vision, a wisp of blood floated from her chest, as if being pulled by some kind of force... It was her!

Babu turned around suddenly. She was slightly injured by the explosion, and the blood droplets that had slowly seeped out tore her skin and flew towards the girl with glasses not far away like a drizzle.

Xiaodi, who had only one arm left, got up. She grabbed the bulging fish vacuum cleaner and sucked the drizzle of blood into it, and soon stopped. With such a small scratch, only this little blood could be sucked out.

"Look, you've been defeated. Spider." Jing Yang jumped up on one foot and stood up. He held the "6400" chanting ball tightly in his hand and made a movement like a baseball pitching, "But I still I like it, bet everything on this goal...it’s more handsome this way!”

boom--! ! !

The mind ball containing powerful destructive power attacks like a missile.

For a moment, Babu seemed to suddenly recall the scene a few months ago when Chrollo, that hateful bastard, found him in Meteor Street.

"Your abilities are valuable, come join us."

"If I remember correctly, my ability was stolen by you idiot! I had to think of other ways and was almost killed several times!"

"Don't mind it so much, I can give it back to you now."

"I said, you have so many abilities stored in that book, shouldn't they all be the reserve members of the Phantom Troupe that you selected?"


Amidst the explosions and bloody light, Babu felt as if he was flying, and the octopus-like black shadow beast rushed over again, covering everything.

Sometimes she couldn't tell whether she regretted letting Chrollo steal her telekinesis ability on purpose.

"This place seems familiar."

The third volume, "Abyss", is in a special alien space.

At the bottom of the dark canyon and above the ruined village, the figures were chained and suspended by heavy iron chains, as if trapped by spider webs.

He took a few glances at the ruins below. There were swirling patterns everywhere, whether they were trees, tents, or houses. He had only been to such a place once before he sneered, "I know. You kid, are you a fish that slipped through the net of the Kuluta clan? No wonder you always stare at me with that look, hahaha, that’s it.”


Kurapika, who had his back turned to him, suddenly burst into flames and turned into a flaming skull knight.

Kurapika turned around, his face cold, but his eyes were burning like red flames, full of anger.

"It turned out that I wanted to retaliate——"

Lie Ying sneered. Before he could finish speaking, a stretched out skeleton palm pierced his shoulder and drew out a ball of blood.

The Flame Skull Knight withdrew his hand, and Lieying's blood dripped onto the page of the "Judgment" spread out in Kurapika's hand, immediately turning it red.

"I ask, you answer. If you lie or don't answer, you will die of heart attack."

Kurapika raised his head and looked at Li Ying coldly, "Am I bluffing? You can give it a try based on your current situation."

Lie Ying said nothing, just watched indifferently.

He was dragged into this weird tomb-like space, and was chained and forced into "Zero". He was unable to use his energy and telekinesis abilities... These are all characteristics of being strongly controlled by the enemy's manipulation system telekinesis ability. . This kid has the means of manipulation, so what he said just now that lying will lead to heart paralysis and death is very likely to be true.

Kurapika asked coldly: "First question, as far as I know, there are 13 members of the Phantom Troupe. Except for yourself, you should be able to transform into any one of the other 12 companions. Why do you In the battle just now, you just turned into that big guy? If you become more different people and use different telekinesis abilities, you will have a greater chance of winning, right?"

Lie Ying grinned and said: "Why should I turn into someone else? After turning into them, can you little bastards know the information about their telekinesis abilities?"

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