I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 189 These are your legs, these are your hands

After Li Ying finished speaking, he did not die of heart paralysis, nor did the blood in his body boil and burn.

This is what he means.

Kurapika held the fifth volume "Judgment" in one hand, silently looked up at the desperate spider, and asked: "Your other 11 companions, where are they?"

"Hehe," Li Ying licked his tongue and sneered, "come here and let dad kiss you, maybe he will tell you."

After he finished speaking, his face suddenly showed pain. His body, which was heavily bound by iron chains, gradually trembled, and the skin all over his body quickly turned red, as if all the flesh and blood underneath was heating up, boiling, or even burning inch by inch. He opened his mouth silently, gritted his teeth again, and stared at the expressionless Kurapika with horrifying eyes in his bloodshot eyes. Finally, his chest spasmed violently, and the brilliance in his eyes followed. Faded away, completely lost his breath, and stopped moving.

Spider, dead in the cobweb.

Kurapika looked up at the man's body. He didn't feel sorry for the other person's death, but he didn't feel much pleasure from revenge, only waves of exhaustion came over him.

He closed his eyes and once again recalled the corpses of his clansmen, their dark eye holes with their eyes gouged out.

Turning off the flaming red eyes, the energy in his body quickly dropped, and the skeleton knight also lost its flames and quickly shrank...

Kurapika almost stumbled and fell.

"'Absolute time' has taken too long..."

The perfect comprehensive combat power of the hexagon obtained by burning the lifespan also comes with a huge load on the body and mind.

After turning off the flaming eyes, it is natural that the ability of the third volume "Abyss" can no longer be fully utilized, and Kurapika also leaves the abyss world in the book.

The open space in front of the villa was even more bumpy than before. Next to the dolphin bookshelf floating off the ground, a ball of thought energy flew out, and Kurapika appeared out of thin air.

"Hey, you stepped on my hand!" Jing Yang's voice came immediately.

Kurapika heard this and went away, only to see that Jing Yang was missing his left arm and right leg, sitting on the ground, and waved to him dissatisfied.

And under his feet, he was stepping on a severed arm. It was Jing Yang’s broken left arm.

Kurapika knew that Jing Yang had a star mark on his body and that even if his arms and legs were broken, he could quickly reattach them, so although he was surprised, he was not too worried. He leaned over to pick up the broken arm and walked towards Jing Yang.

Judging from Jing Yang's relaxed look, he and Xiaodi should have taken care of the other member of the Phantom Troupe outside.

Speaking of Xiaodi, she seemed to have a broken arm and was squatting not far away - Kurapika took a closer look and found that she was inspecting the body.

As expected, the other member of the Phantom Troupe had been killed by the two of them.

Babu was lying on the ground, her whole body seemed to have withered, shrunk by a full circle, her skin was shriveled, and her flesh and blood were gone. It was as if she had aged tens or hundreds of years in the blink of an eye and died at the end of her life.

This death should be caused by Jing Yang's guardian beast...

The first attack of "Reflection" will eat up the target's manifest energy. At this stage, the target will only feel weak briefly and is still very likely to avoid subsequent attacks; the second attack will eat up the remaining energy of the target. At this stage, the target will lose all power of resistance. If there is no assistance from companions, it can only be slaughtered by others; and for the third attack, the mind beast will directly eat all the target's vitality.

This was the first time that Kurapika saw Jing Yang's mind beast use its third attack on the target.

Is this what it's like to die after being drained of your life force?

"Hey!" Jing Yang called him.

Kurapika came to his senses and looked confused. Jing Yang pointed to the severed arm he was holding.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kurapika quickly returned the severed arm to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang casually slapped the severed part of his left arm, then casually tore off a piece of clothing and tied it around, and that was done.

If the position of the timely joint is wrong, the self-healing function of the star can also correct the error on its own. Otherwise, what is self-healing called?

The star's self-healing ability can even automatically fly back severed limbs and rejoin them automatically. It's just that a large item like a severed limb is too heavy, and moving it back automatically is as slow as a snail. Jing Yang is too lazy to wait.

Kurapika took a closer look and discovered the eight-armed black armor-like mind beast attached to Jing Yang's body, as well as a white ball of mind floating next to him.

The number in the mind ball dropped sharply, from "4022" to more than 3,000, and was still decreasing rapidly.

After Kurapika thought about it for a moment, he understood the tactics Jing Yang used to defeat Babu.

He uses his special mind ball, which is like a debt, to attack the enemy's defense. The mind beast's "reflection" can be activated directly after receiving blood; after defeating the enemy, Jing Yang is pulled out of his own mind energy to repay the debt, causing the mind energy to fall into the trap. When the level is low, the mind beast's "reflection" will automatically activate the instinct of protecting the master, supplying him with mind energy to replenish it.

At this moment, the energy used by "Reflection" to restore Jing Yang was just extracted from the dead Babu...

"Your leg." Xiaodi confirmed that Babu was dead and picked up Jing Yang's broken right leg.

"Oh, thank you." Jing Yang also reached for an arm from not far away, "Your hand."

"Yes. Thank you." Xiaodi took his right hand. The bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner he was carrying on his broken arm had already disbanded on its own because it was separated from Xiaodi's body and Xiaodi was not good at long-distance control of the release system. .

Kurapika was speechless for a while.

The conversation between the two people seemed not to be retrieving each other's broken limbs, but to hand them a cup of tea or help them get a remote control.

"How's yours doing?" Jing Yang tore off the pants on his right calf, pushed his right leg back and simply tied it on his right hip.

Xiao Di pulled out the sleeve of his broken arm and connected his right arm like Jing Yang did.

Kurapika said: "He refused to reveal any information about other members of the Phantom Troupe, so he was killed by the effect of 'Judgment'."

But he didn’t look for his brother with anger!

Jing Yang suddenly had an idea in his mind. When the dolphin bookshelf was farthest from him, it was only about ten meters away. As a result, "Wo Jin" died but no death energy entered his heart. It seemed that the alien space could effectively block the death energy.

Xiaodi looked at Jingyang and said, "By the way, we didn't ask her about the Phantom Troupe."

"If you keep nagging her, maybe we will be the ones who die." Jing Yang analyzed rationally and said unhappily, "Grandma, when she was caught by "Reflection" for the third time, I wanted to run... less My legs can’t run a thousand meters!”

When Babu died, a deathly energy that was both cold and hot struck Jing Yang's heart.

Jing Yang is missing a leg and can’t even run!

He can jump. With his physical fitness, jumping on one leg is faster than ordinary people sprinting, but it is unrealistic to sprint a thousand meters in the blink of an eye.

Jing Yang can only lie down and "die".

Kurapika felt that Jing Yang might be the only person who would want to turn around and run away after defeating the enemy...

Jing Yang has been very concerned about running a thousand meters.

Jing Yang didn't want anyone...anyone within a thousand meters of him to die?

Kurapika came to this conclusion.

Noticing his doubts, Jing Yang said, "Let's talk about this when we get back."

Kurapika nodded, "I'll take care of her body." He raised his hand and the little dolphin swam over like a living creature, holding the small bookshelf.

He walked to Babu's shriveled body, opened the third volume of "The Abyss" and covered her body.

Suddenly, Babu's body disappeared.

Kurapika threw her into the abyss world to keep her company with the ruins of the Kuluta clan.

"Are you collecting their bodies to exchange them for bounty?" Jing Yang said from behind.

Kurapika said: "I don't know either..."

He looked back and saw Xiaodi carrying Jing Yang, who was still unable to walk freely.

Jingyang hooked Xiaodi with his sound right arm and smiled at Kurapika: "I guess you want to wait until you resurrect your compatriots and let them see what happens to these spiders."

A complicated smile appeared on Kurapika's face, "Jingyang, Xiaodi, thank you."

"If you keep blabbering, someone will come here. Let's retreat first." Jing Yang said.

With a thought, he activated the star mark on the rock bird and cast his consciousness over it.

Where is this stupid bird wandering around?

Jingyang differentiated for a while, then flew into the sky to find the positions of himself, Xiaodi and Kurapika. After observing from a high position, he quickly figured out the most convenient retreat route.

A series of explosions suddenly occurred at the wedding scene. At this moment, the manor was chaotic and tense, and the air was filled with vigilance. Many gangsters were coming and going, all wearing headsets and holding guns.

In the blind spot of their sight, two black shadows, one large and one small, flashed behind them. Even if he is carrying someone on his back, Xiaodi's speed cannot be seen clearly by ordinary people's naked eyes.

"It's broken!" Jing Yang suddenly shouted.

Xiaodi thought someone was being killed nearby, and there was death energy attacking Jing Yang, and he was going to transform now... But Jing Yang on his back said: "I forgot about the flaming red eyes!"

Kurapika ran ahead and said without looking back, "It doesn't matter."

It should be said that thanks to the exchange of flaming eyes between them and Si Mark, the pair of flaming eyes sent out had Jing Yang's star on them. Even if you fail to retrieve the flaming eye this time, with the star's positioning, it will be the same next time to retrieve the flaming eye...

"No, all the gifts have been absorbed by the bulging-eye fish." Xiaodi said doubtfully.

Although he was attacked from behind by "Wo Jin", Xiaodi had already given instructions to the protruding fish at that time. The protruding-eyed fish will carry out the instructions it receives, and it is not disturbed by "Wo Jin"'s sneak attacks. In the short time when Xiaodi, Jingyang and "Wo Jin" confronted each other, the protruding-eyed fish had already collected all the gifts in the room at that time. They were all eaten up.

Jing Yang curled his lips and said, "It's just to scare him. Xiaodi, let me down."

Xiaodi found that her right arm had regained consciousness and could move freely. She expected that Jing Yang's right leg and left arm would be recovering in the same condition, so she slowed down and let Jing Yang land.

This kind of self-healing speed is more powerful than the effect of my enhancement system's "Redemption"... Kurapika secretly thought, if it is a flesh wound or a broken arm, the pages of the Redemption Book should be able to heal it quickly, but like Jing Yang Xiaodi For a serious injury that involves directly breaking off an arm or a leg, it is absolutely impossible to just throw the hands and feet back to their original positions so casually and wait for them to heal.

The most likely result is that although the connections are complete, the nerves and blood vessels are healed in the wrong position and are not connected properly at all. Eventually, the hands and feet are still necrotic and cannot be used.

The recovery and self-healing effect of Star Mark is incredible.

"It's incredible."

Sisi sat in a hidden corner of the garden, watching in surprise as the injuries on his body recovered from the explosion at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A little gray bird stood above him and pecked his head hard.

"Okay, I can't move anymore, I can't move anymore." Sisi said immediately.

I don’t know what bad luck happened, but I met a woman chewing gum in the wedding garden, and then an explosion occurred.

How and why it exploded, Sisi still hasn’t figured it out yet. But after all the bad luck, I finally got lucky. A gray bird flew down from the sky.

Essi was seriously injured and wanted to recover quietly for a while, so he ignored the bird.

As a result, after the bird stayed on my back for a while, the injuries on my body began to heal quickly... This, this, even a master of the enhancement system who specializes in healing mind-like abilities, the effect is no more than this! In the end what happened?

The little gray bird gave him a final peck on the back, which stung a little. With a flutter, the little gray bird spreads its wings and flies away.

Si Si recovered as before, looking at the direction of the rock bird flying away in confusion. He was confused and couldn't understand what was going on. He could only sigh, what a miracle bird!

Dude is such a good person!

Jing Yang opened the car window and let the rock bird fly in. It was his own luck that he was seen by the possessed Yanque. After all, they were acquaintances. Seeing the guy's half-dead state, "Jing Yanque" went over and threw a star, helped him a little, and then walked away without leaving any credit or fame behind. His whole person was sublimated.

Oh, by the way, of course this car drove randomly in front of the gangster's manor.

Car door lock?

The three people here are all extremely strong, and with a casual move, the car door almost opened. The moment the siren sounded, Jing Yang exploded it with a snap of his fingers, and it became quiet. Kurapika sat down in the driver's seat with a dull expression, started to act like a car thief, and drove the two of them away.


The black car sped away on the road, and the strong wind blew the loose right front door open and closed continuously, making continuous "snap", "bang", "snap" and "bang" sounds... Kurapika's black coat disappeared, leaving only a tattered white shirt, and he drove in the front; Jingyang and Xiaodi in the back seat, one was missing a trouser leg, and the other was missing a sleeve, opened the car window , a strong wind filled the car, blowing the hair of the three people flying.

Jing Yang casually told Kurapika some of the currently known information about Death Qi.

The more Kurapika listened, the bigger his head grew. He said in disbelief: "You said you were only that big a year ago? If you continue to absorb the death energy, you may grow uncontrollably?!"

"It's just the physical age that makes it so big! Brother, here, it's already... big anyway."

Jing Yang pointed to his head dissatisfiedly.

Kurapika wanted to say more, but Jing Yang raised his finger, "Shh! Quiet, quiet, there is something going on on the other side."

The focus of his eyes was a little unfocused, and he seemed to be looking elsewhere.

Kurapika couldn't help but feel depressed, why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier? If I knew that you had such hidden dangers, I wouldn't allow you to participate in this operation at any cost!

Jing Yang didn't know what he was muttering. At the moment, his attention was focused on the... unknown name of the tool man responsible for picking up the express delivery.

Someone is following me.

And, it doesn’t look like he’s a gangster.

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