The tool man took the envelope for express delivery and left the Eternal Library. Not long after, he felt someone following him.

This is not a "circle", but just that Jing Yang is sensitive enough to Qi movement, and his intuition has become sharper.

In other words, one person's gaze on another person will itself cause interference in the atmosphere between the two people. It's just that this kind of interference is very slight and generally cannot be detected. However, if one of the parties is sensitive enough, if the person observing is more energetic than ordinary people or if his gaze is too unscrupulous, it will attract attention.

"One, two...four, five."

"So, these are the five people in total?"

The tool man was wearing a jacket, jeans and sneakers, with a hooded sweatshirt underneath. With the hood on, he was walking on the street, no different from any ordinary young man passing by.

After walking three streets, the five people behind me were always there.

When the tool man pretended to jump up and reached out to pat the billboard on the roadside, he took the opportunity to glance back. The Qi on the people who were following him, both in size and shape, and in the shape of the Qi naturally dissipating from the top of their heads, were not at the level of ordinary people.

"If you want to pretend to be ordinary people, you might as well pretend to be a little bit like it, right?"

"Or are you not pretending? Do you really have this strength?"

The tool man held the envelope in his arms and put his hands in his jacket pockets. While thinking about it, he raised his feet and turned into a small street on the side of the road. Looking around, you can see that there are snack bars and small commodity shops on both sides of the whole street. There are people coming and going, noisy and lively, full of life.

Ten seconds and a half later, five people who seemed to be scattered, but were actually at the same distance from each other, and even took care of each other's blind spots, quickly followed each other into the street.

"Attention, the target may have discovered us." The person walking at the front lowered his voice and said to himself, "Be ready to take coercive measures against him at any time."

"Copy that." The four people behind them walked on both sides of the small commodity store street, keeping an eye on the target a hundred meters ahead of them.

"Oh, be careful!"

A tabby cat suddenly rushed out of a shop on the roadside, and with a "ouch" sound, it happened to hit a passerby, a little girl. When the tool man saw this, he warned her and pulled the little girl away to protect her. The tabby cat pounced on him with its claws scratched, and hit him with a "thud".

"Pig or cat, what did you eat?" The tool man held the tabby cat that kept making trouble in his arms and threw it away with a smile.

"Ouch!" The big tabby cat screamed in a low voice and jumped into the crowd without looking back.

"Big brother, thank you." The little girl smiled.

"Hey, big brother, uncle, my heart can't bear it." The tool man smiled and pinched the girl's plump cheeks, "Where is your family?"

The little fat girl pointed to the roadside shop where the tabby cat rushed out just now and said, "This is my home."

The tool man snorted, "The big fat and little tabby cat just now is your family's pet?"

"Yes." The little fat girl asked curiously, "Uncle, how do you know that Xiaohua is called Xiaohua? Where did Xiaohua go?" She didn't wait for the tool man to answer, and was worried about another question.

The tool man had no choice but to comfort him: "Don't worry, all animals know home, and he will come back."

The five people who were following were scattered on both sides of the roadside dozens of meters away. Some pretended to hesitate in front of the snack bar, and some were watching at the entrance of the small commodity store. They noticed that the target was talking and joking with a little girl, and then quickly turned around. Move forward quickly.

After only a few steps, the target noticed something and stopped suddenly. The five of them slowed down one after another, and out of the corner of their eye, they noticed him walking into a shop on the roadside... a flower and bird pet shop.

After waiting for a long time, he didn't see the target coming out.

"No, take action immediately." The team leader made a quick decision, waved his hand, and quickly led the other four people into the Flower and Bird Pet Shop.

The shop assistants and customers were startled by the menacing approach of the five strangers, looking at these people in confusion.

The five people glanced in various directions in the store. Various flowers, rare plants, lizards, newts, snakes, spiders and the like in glass enclosures, and even earth monkeys locked in chains. Of course, there are various birds in hanging cages, even owls. There are all kinds of birds of prey, and it seems to be quite popular. The cages of several owls are already empty.

"There." The team leader found the target on a lounge chair in the corner of the store.

As they walked over, they were stopped by a female clerk who asked, "Excuse me..."

"Get out of the way." The five people casually pushed the female clerk aside, and found that the target on the recliner had not yet opened her eyes.

The leader frowned and took a closer look. Is this really a deep sleep?

Just right.

He quickly touched the target's body inside and out, and frowned even more. No?

He took out a mobile phone and a wallet and threw them behind for others to put away. He slapped the target awake.

The tool man woke up faintly and saw the five people staring at him eagerly in front of him and the unfamiliar environment he was in. He was immediately startled and was about to make a move when he was pressed down by the leader's hand. He lay on the recliner unable to do anything. move.

This person is so strong! Cold sweat appeared on the tool man's forehead.

"I ask, you answer." The leader asked, "Where are the things?"

The tool man said with difficulty but doubts: "What? Who are you? Why am I here? - Ah!!!"

He screamed, and it turned out that the leader immediately broke one of his fingers.

"The things you took from the Eternal Library." The team leader said coldly, "Don't play dumb with us."

The tool man broke out in a cold sweat and turned pale, "I really don't know what you are talking about! I have never been to any Eternal Library and I have never taken anything! What is going on here?" He said I feel like crying without tears. What did I do to end up in this situation? Thinking about it carefully, I should obviously be...

"By the way! I want a hunting license..."

The team leader frowned, something seemed not right. He temporarily slashed the tool man's neck with his hand knife, knocking the screaming tool man unconscious, "Go back and interrogate slowly."

Two of the remaining four people picked up the unconscious tool man and walked out of the store.

When such an emergency occurred in the store, many customers left early, but some stayed to watch the excitement.

The team leader scanned around, finally looked at the female clerk, tried to keep his voice as soft as possible, and asked: "Don't be afraid, this man is a low-level folk hunter who has killed many people. We are arresting him. Can you tell me what happened after he entered the store? I want to tell you every word and every action, all the details from when he came in to before we came in."

The female clerk looked at the surrounding eyes. The team leader asked the remaining two people to blow everyone away, and then went to deal with the dissatisfied shop owner-with one hand holding money and the other holding a gun. The female clerk went to an empty sparrow cage and recounted what happened after the tool man came in.

In fact, there was nothing to say. After the customer came in, he said he was too sleepy and tired, asked if he could get a chair to lie down on, and gave the female clerk a small tip.

"That's really all, this is the money he gave me." The female clerk said, taking out two folded 10,000 banknotes.

The team leader asked repeatedly, but in the end there was nothing more to gain, so he had to give up and take the people away.

After the bustle ended, the customers in the store also dispersed and continued looking at flowers, birds and choosing pets.

The female clerk opened the birdcage above her head, and the little sparrow inside flew out quietly.

Watching the little sparrow circle around the ceiling and fly out of the store, the female clerk suddenly let out a sigh of relief, her eyes suddenly changed, she was a little panicked, but also full of doubts.

A voice came in her mind: If those people come again, they will bite the tip of her tongue. If nothing happens, find a needle to prick the five-pointed star in the palm of your hand after a week, and everything will be fine.

The female clerk was very confused, what happened just now?

Ever since the customer (the tool man) came in and shook his hand with a smile, he suddenly seemed to have lost control of his body. There was another self controlling his hands and feet, and he went to help the customer get an owl. give him. Even if it has been specially trained, the owl is still a bird of prey, but it is extremely docile in the hands of that person. It will not move when asked, and leave when asked. Yes, the man waved his hand casually, and the owl flew out of the back door of the store. gone.

He wanted to scream and chase back, but he was frozen and couldn't open his mouth. Then he even moved a recliner by some strange means and let the man lie on it.

The man fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as he lay down.

The other voice that occupied his mind controlled his hands and feet and walked over, using his nails to scratch a small five-pointed star pattern on the skin of the man sleeping on the recliner. Not long after, the five people at the door broke in...

At the corner of the street, the two people surrounded the leader, who was talking to someone on his mobile phone.

"We were a step late and our things were taken away..."

The voice of this guy talking on the phone was very low. The little sparrow controlled by Jing Yang had really poor ears. He was standing on the eaves on the side of the other person's head, almost face to face, but he still couldn't hear clearly.

Speaking of cheek to cheek…

The little sparrow was about to make a move when the team leader below suddenly glanced over.

The little sparrow calmly lowered its head and pecked at the heel of its claws, breaking the star.

The little sparrow broke away from the control, returned to its natural state, turned its head, and finally spread its wings. It curiously looked at the big human underneath. Perhaps frightened by the other person's temperament, it quickly flew away.

Although it can't figure out the situation, it seems to be in a good mood. Farewell, cage!

"This kind of behavior doesn't look like a gang."

In the alley at the end of the street, a tabby cat held a roll of envelopes in its mouth and walked through the crowd. Despite being overweight, the natural advantages of felines still allow Jing Yang to walk quickly and quietly, like an orange phantom.

"But to be honest, I don't know much about the gangs in the Hunter World. Maybe they have such high-quality professional thugs?"

"He said they were a step late. It seems that they knew that the letter was posted on the road and followed it. The letter arrived at the Eternal Library and was taken away by me. They arrived a step later, so they said it was a step too late. ..."

"First of all, they must not be the manpower arranged by Bulat himself. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be a step later. Maybe they should have been robbed by Xin halfway."

"Other gangsters?"

"Or... the Cajun people?"

Jing Yang really didn't want to speculate in this direction, but it seemed that no matter how he looked at it, the things he was involved in always got mixed up with these Cajun people.

What a sin!

The big yellow cat jumped up and climbed to the top of the wall. There was already an owl waiting there.

Do it quickly!

Jing Yang urged himself up. After the big yellow cat jumped up and approached, the owl stretched out its beak as sharp as an iron hook and took the rolled up envelope away.

During the collision at the door of the store, Jing Yang quickly marked the big yellow cat with a star with the help of a tool man, took out the envelope from his arms and stuffed it into the big yellow cat's mouth, bit it, and controlled it to run away... He He wanted to forget about using it up and remove the star mark from the big yellow cat when handing over, but after remembering that he had told the little fat girl that the big yellow cat would find her home, he stopped trying to peck the owl's beak. return.

I really don’t have confidence that the fat cat can find a way back, so I’d better make the journey myself!

Jing Yang controlled the big yellow cat to walk back the way he came from with fat but elegant steps, and at the same time controlled the owl to spread its wings and fly with the rolled up envelope in its mouth.

His body, along with Xiaodi and Kurapika, were already heading towards the nearest city, but there was no need for the poor owl he controlled to fly across the entire continent. But I estimate that it will take at least a few dozen kilometers to fly. Let’s see if there is a car roof to rest on along the way...

In a sparsely populated suburb, on the roof of a cheap apartment, Kurapika lay on it, blowing in the wind and watching the blue sky and white clouds drifting by.

Beside him were three jars containing solutions and flaming eyes.

No one knew what he was thinking. Not long after, a black dot flew from a distance in the sky. Kurapika stood up, materialized into a dolphin bookshelf, pulled out the sixth volume "Resurrection", put three solution tanks with flaming eyes in the book, and waved the book and the dolphins away.

The owl fluttered down and landed on Kurapika's outstretched arm.

Kurapika took the rolled envelope out of its beak, hoping that the so-called treasure map inside was not damaged.

He jumped from the roof to the balcony, opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and returned to the house.

When he arrived at Jing Yang's room, he knocked on the door and quickly opened it. There was no need to confirm at all, Jing Yang definitely knew what happened. After all, the owl that delivered the message was controlled by Jing Yang himself.

“Fuck, this is—well, what is this?”

The house was filled with various packaging boxes, and gift wrapping ribbons that had been violently opened were thrown everywhere.

Inside a gift box that was being opened in front of Jing Yang was a strange sculpture full of geometric shapes. He didn't know if it was considered a work of art, but seeing as it was inlaid with jewels, Xiao Didi didn't mind it at all. The eye fish accepted it.

Jing Yang had a great time unpacking the boxes. The gifts given by these people who were associated with the gang were all kinds of jewelry, paintings, art collections, etc. There were countless gifts. However, Jing Yang's art appreciation level is limited. In fact, he would rather they just give some gold bricks, banknotes or something, because it would be convenient for him to order them.

"You came just in time, Suzaku-san. Now you are officially appointed as the financial steward of the Xiao organization." Jing Yang crossed his legs and said solemnly, "You will be responsible for selling the stolen goods no matter how much they are confiscated this time. After that, we will set up an organization." Deposit into the account.”

Kurapika handed the envelope to Jing Yang.

He didn't express any opinion on his appointment as financial steward, but the way he stared at Jing Yang made the latter a little puzzled.

"What happened?" Jing Yang asked.

"You should know that if you go to attend the wedding this time, there is a chance that you will encounter the Phantom Troupe. Even if you don't encounter the Phantom Troupe, a group of mixed gangs gathering together, there is still a high probability of bloodshed." Kurapika asked, "And You are clearly aware of the... so-called death problem in your heart, but you still want to go to this wedding.

"Jing Yang, do you really want to absorb more death energy to make your body more mature?"

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