Could it be that Comrade Xiao Jin is also in this archipelago?

Jing Yang was a little ready to make a move, but also wanted to stay away from him. It is true that Jin = Fulisi is a bit unpredictable. He is mysterious, powerful, and extremely smart. The problem is that this smart brain circuit is completely different from that of normal people... The reason why the full-time hunter is nicknamed Dad Go It's not unreasonable, this guy is so out of tune!

Kate didn't know what slander he had against her master. She nodded and said, "Yes, the Island of Oath. According to the current research, for some reasons, only those with telekinesis ability can enter this island, and After entering, you must make oaths and restrictions..."

"Although, it's a bit nonsense." Jing Yang complained, "Oaths and restrictions are either subconscious tendencies that naturally form a habit, or they require deep awareness and implementation of beliefs. This belief must be firm enough to Established. How effective can a casually made oath be? Incomplete belief means no belief at all!"

Kate said: "You are right. But here, it is different."

He pointed at the mist floating around, "The environment here can ensure that any oath can be successful. As long as it is made, it will be effective."

"Any?" Jing Yang was confused.

"Anything." Kate said, "Of course, oaths and restrictions are double-edged swords. A strong oath must require huge restrictions. You have to pay as much as you want to get. This is the most basic rule of nature, even here. Exceptions will be made.”

Jing Yang pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "This is simply a trap."

"A powerful oath ability must be bound by huge restrictions, which are so-called constraints. This is the premise." He raised a finger, "Then suppose that I want a powerful telekinesis ability that must be made to take shape. , even if I have to bear the shackles of many restrictions because of it - if my desire for this ability reaches this point, then I must have realized this sworn ability myself before coming to this island, right? ? It’s not like we can only make oaths and restrictions in this hellish place.”

Kate looked at him quietly.

Not long ago, his master Jin Zou was walking in the mist on the island, smiling and talking like this: "Suppose I want a powerful telekinesis ability that can only be formed by making an oath, but because of this The need to bear the shackles of many constraints was a price I was not willing to pay before, and I did not think it was worth it - so my belief in the ability of this oath is not firm in nature. Once I leave this so-called ghost place shrouded in black fog, this On the Island of Oaths, I’m afraid I will soon break my oath by breaking the restrictions.”

"Why is this happening?" Kate asked at the time.

Jin understood what he was asking, thought for a while, and said: "I guess Zhenwu King Wei Hugo was once shaken by an oath. Perhaps his queen disappeared because of this, so that the records about this queen today are extremely... The rarity may have been destroyed by the heartbroken Wei Hugo, or it may have been directly caused by the out-of-control ability of telekinesis...

"We don't know how regretful Wei Hugo = Hui Guoru was and how much he was suffering in his heart, but he left this place probably because he wanted to relieve the pain in his heart. Regarding the oaths and restrictions, a single thought led to the result. It will be a disaster."

Rumblings came from the black mist, as if someone was whispering madly, full of sadness.

Jing Yang couldn't help but sigh, King Zhenwu, whose old age is unknown, Lao Wei, oh Lao Wei, what on earth have you done, what are you crazy about, leaving this kind of place and setting up this kind of trap?

No wonder that Edward jumped off the building in the Sky Arena. He must have been tortured by the black mist and was unconscious...

A subtle sound of clothes rubbing against each other came from behind, and Jing Yang, whose ears were attached with the word "Listen", had extremely keen hearing.

He looked back and saw that the woman bound by the rope had obviously woken up, but her eyes were still closed.

"Now that you're awake, stop pretending. Look, I haven't killed you yet, so why don't we just chat?" Jing Yang said. If my hearing hadn't been greatly enhanced, I wouldn't have been able to tell what she was pretending to be.

Kate looked at it for a moment and suddenly said: "I'm afraid she heard our conversation just now. She..."

"Is she swearing?" Jing Yang thought, and the clear heartbeat coming from the woman's chest stopped suddenly like a broken string.

A deathly aura that was both cold and hot struck Jing Yang at close range and burrowed into his heart.

Ta-ta-ta, Jing Yang stumbled back two steps, his heart beat rapidly twice, and he felt a phantom pain. He took a breath of cold air.

"Dead?" Kate leaned over and opened the woman's eyelids to confirm that it was a corpse.

He looked at Jing Yang, "You don't look good."

"It's okay." Jing Yang slowly exhaled, "I'm a soft-hearted person, but I just don't want to see people die."

As he spoke, he raised his foot and bang!

He kicked the woman's body away and fell into the sea with a "plop".

Kate: "..." Is this soft-hearted?

Jing Yang looked back and saw that beyond the black mist was the vast ocean. Looking inside, he saw layers of round islands, also shrouded in black mist.

"You don't want to paddle out with your little raft, do you?" Jing Yang said, "It's not easy in the boundless sea."

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Signing in to Become a God"

Kate said: "Of course not, I just came to the outermost side to check."

"Where's the innermost part? Have you seen it?"

Kate said directly: "It is divided into six levels inside and outside. This is the outermost roundabout. I think you may have thought of something."


Jing Yang read the number for a moment. As a telepathic person, he instinctively thought of the six systems of telekinesis.

He looked at Kate, "When you came here, which level of island were you on? Forget it, I didn't ask."

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hand again.

Kate said: "From the inside out, the second floor. When you appear here, I already know that you are an operating system. It's okay to tell you."

"So you are the embodiment system, and you appear on the island of the embodiment system." Jing Yang murmured, "The six islands inside and outside correspond to the six major systems of telekinesis ability? How do you put it? They are different telekinesis abilities. System, can’t we promise differential treatment?”

He raised his feet and drew six concentric arcs side by side on the ground. The outermost layer was the island of the operation system where they were standing. Counting from the outside inward, they were the island of the release system, the island of the reinforcement system, the island of the transformation system, and the island of the tool system. The island of the manifestation system, "...and the island in the center, the island of the trait system."

Jing Yang looked at the simple picture and said, "Specially placing the trait system at the center, it's hard not to feel that the strange black fog on this island, as well as the so-called people who swear but don't swear, are the center. There’s something weird about the trait island… Is there something dirty there?”

He looked at Kate.

Kate said: "The key to leaving this island safely may be right there."

"The hunter sees the same thing!" Jing Yang snapped his fingers and jumped onto the raft below, "Then let's go!"

"Are you a hunter too?" Kate jumped down and landed on the raft with the hat on her head, causing the waves to surge.

"It will happen in the future!" Jing Yang laughed, clasped his fingers together to gather his energy, and flicked toward the shore, boom!

The thrust of the explosion of the magical power at the snap of a finger set off waves, pushing them and the raft towards the deep island of Release System.

Kate looked back and asked abruptly: "Since you haven't sworn yet, why can you ignore the fog on the island, even leave, and see other islands?"

"Isn't it easy to take an oath?"

Jing Yang stepped on the raft, thought for a while and said, "Since I am an operator, I will make an oath to be an operator - I want my Qi to be able to freely control the sea water! But the restriction is that it can only be done in this strange and weird place. Maritime use within the archipelago makes people want to punch some old bastard. Isn’t this restrictive enough?”

Black mist surged on the sea, and the murmurs mixed with painful murmurs were distant and near. Jing Yang felt that something changed as his voice fell.

He squatted beside the raft and reached out to touch the water.

Touched by the thought energy in his hand, the sea water was like a swallow returning to its nest, obediently being dragged by him and flying upside down to follow him, commanding him at will.

Jing Yang made a weak gesture, and a ball of seawater the size of his head suddenly shrank, compressed in volume visible to the naked eye, and quickly froze into a lump of ice due to high pressure.

As Jing Yang removed his control, the sea ice quickly expanded and turned into a liquid again and fell into the undulating sea water.

"Tsk! It's interesting."

Jing Yang was very interested and took a step directly. The moment the sea surface touched the thought energy on his soles, he felt that it was compressed and condensed into ice. The sea water below was also rising continuously, forming an upward lift... Jing Yang took a few steps and actually started walking on the sea, as if he were walking on flat ground!

Kate watched Jing Yang swimming back and forth on the sea, and thought to herself that even if this was the ability to swear with the help of the fog, this person had adapted too quickly...

Jing Yang still had a lot of fun and was a little bored, "It's a pity that I can only play here for a few times and can't take it out. It's not very fun!"

He looked at the surging black mist on the sea, "Can you regret it? It can only be used in the waters between the six continents..."

This is what I mean.

If it were changed to this, the severity of restrictions and restrictions would be reduced, and the effect of the oath ability he could exchange would also be reduced.

Maybe you can still gain the ability to control water, but you will definitely not be able to control the sea water as you like now, or even be able to walk on the sea like a flat ground.

Jing Yang had no doubt that he could get into the East China Sea Dragon Palace by pretending to use water-avoiding techniques...if the East China Sea Dragon Palace was on the seabed directly below here.

"And you?"

Jing Yang put his hands in his pockets and walked on the sea as if taking a walk, heading towards the island of the release system, "Since you can leave the island of the materialization system and come here, you must have made an oath, right?"

Kate stood on the raft and floated forward, walking side by side with Jing Yang, and said: "I can manifest the air device into a raft that can float back and forth here, but I can only manifest it once."

Jing Yang thought carefully and gave a thumbs up, "How treacherous."

"I can manifest my energy into a boat, but I can only manifest it once."

Kurapika muttered to himself at the edge of the black mist.

He stood on the edge of the island, holding the divine jade pendant in his hand, looking into the distance with the "cone" in his eyes. In the center of the sea, behind the original black mist, was a small island.

A triangular-shaped black shadow stands on the island, which seems to be a majestic spire.

After a moment of silence, Kurapika stretched out his hand, and the energy he released actually materialized into a boat.

With a pop, the boat fell to the sea. Kurapika jumped on, grabbed the wood pulp, and rowed towards the small island with a spire in front of him.

The sight of "Cone" can ignore the interference of the black mist, but the "listening" in the ears makes the murmur hidden in the black mist become clearer... Perhaps it is because the black mist is originally in the light, and the hidden murmur is hidden In the dark.

Kurapika only kept the "cone" and concentrated on paddling. The small island in front is getting closer and closer. Unlike the roundabout on the other side behind, it seems that only this small island here really looks like an island, rather than the shape that Jing Yang jokingly calls a "runway".

Before they even reached the shore, a black shadow suddenly appeared from the sea and headed towards Kurapika.

"I am a shark, I will bite you to death!"

Weird fish scales sprouted from half of the body of the black shadow, hanging in the air in a daze, dancing ferociously at Kurapika on the boat - the skeleton knight emerging from Kurapika stretched out his big hand to grab it.

Already delirious? Kurapika observed the other person, he was probably a poor person who went crazy because of the Black Mist Oath on the island.

Kurapika continued rowing, and the big skeletal hand extending from his body held the half-murloc man, and after landing, he threw the opponent aside.

"This man is already dead. It would be better for you to kill him." A figure walked slowly from the black mist in front, "It would be better for him." The other person wrapped around a bandana or a hood, and he didn't know whether it was a turban or a hat. He smiled at Kurapika.

Kurapika looked at him, then at the towering spire behind him. At this moment, the half-murloc man who was let go by the skeleton's big hand roared and rushed towards the hooded man, rolling and crawling. .


Kurapika didn't see the turbaned man's movements clearly. When the half-fish man rushed half a meter away from the turbaned man, he suddenly flew backwards, vomiting blood and fell back into the sea. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

The skeleton knight stood up from the ground, clenched his big hand into a fist, and punched the turbaned man away from a few meters away.

Kurapika looked at the other party expressionlessly, "What is that tall tower behind?"

The man in the turban was knocked back more than ten meters. He held his pocket and stuck his butt out. He jumped up like a carp. In Kurapika's shocked eyes, the energy in the man in the turban began to change, and an identical figure rose up from the ground. The Skeleton Knight also extends two large skeleton hands.

As if two hands were not enough for him, the turbaned man raised his eyebrows. The outline of the skeleton knight's anger trembled for a while, and he stretched out another pair of arms. Bang bang, the two pairs of skeleton fists collided with each other.

The man in the turban smiled at the stunned Kurapika: "Your ability is pretty good, it just happens to be useful. My name is Jin, what's yours?"

After boarding the Island of Release, Jing Yang had not even taken two steps when suddenly there was an unknown aura flowing around, approaching them.

"What's the meaning?"

Jing Yang wondered, "Are there random wild monsters spawning here?"

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