I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 195 The Unsustainable Person

On the island of materialization, Xiaodi stood on the shore and looked out - the adjacent ring-shaped land should be the island of change.

Jing Yang has informed her of the relevant settings here through the moon sign.

Therefore, Suzaku should have been teleported to the same island as himself. Is he lost?

Xiaodi didn't make any vows. She wore the jade pendant with the divine word. By activating "Cone" and "Ling", she could ignore the fog covering the archipelago, so there was no need to do anything extra.

She jumped and fell into the sea.

As she held her breath and swam, something moved in her heart, causing the energy on her swinging feet to transform into several chainsaws.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

The chain saw spun like a propeller, stirring up a vortex of water behind her.

The droplet was dragged back by the current.


Xiaodi quickly changed the direction and angle of the chain saw on her feet. The attraction caused by the strong current under her feet slowly changed into a thrust, pushing her to swim forward.

Not only that, Xiaodi stretched out his hand and moved forward, materializing a bulging-eyed fish in the sea.


The head of Xiaodi, with his feet on the chain saw propeller, surfaced from the sea. While swimming forward, he said silently: "Ocean fish, suck in the water in a straight line in front of me."

Hoo ho ho!

The protruding fish drinks the sea water from the front whale, as if it is grasping an invisible rope and dragging the droplet forward.

In conjunction with the telescoping propeller under her feet, the speed of the droplet doubled, and it shot towards the island of change in front of her like an arrow from a string.


Jing Yang couldn't help but smile.

Xiaodi also has a lot of fantastic ideas!

His sudden laughter made Kate couldn't help but glance at him.

Jing Yang solemnly pointed around and said, "Some monsters and demons dare to pretend to be gods and ghosts. I really want to laugh!"

There were rustling sounds all around, and black things appeared one after another on the edge of the fog. They looked like human figures, but some of them did not have flesh and blood forms. Instead, they seemed to be made purely of gas.

"These are the remnants of those who died on this island in the past," Kate said. "Perhaps they were unwilling and resentful, or maybe..."

Jing Yang continued the second half of the sentence, "There is something wrong with the island itself. As long as you die here, you will definitely have thoughts of death."

Those residual ghosts walked out of the black mist. The ones that looked like humans were okay, but the ones that didn't look like humans were really weird, but what they had in common was that they had an ominous aura. They each let out whimpering and low-pitched roars, and slowly surrounded the two of them.

Jing Yang rubbed his fists, "Brother, I'm not a mind-killing master, so why do I keep encountering people with such stubborn thoughts and resentments! It's never over, right?"

"give it to me."

Kate said, reaching out and releasing a ball of air, which materialized into a clown's head.

The clown's head was floating next to him. When he saw the many ghosts around him, he immediately screamed: "It's so ghostly, it's really uncomfortable!" Pick a good number and kill them all..."


It suddenly erupted into a cloud of green smoke, a number "2" appeared in its wide open mouth, and a huge sickle several meters long extended from its originally empty neck.

Kate held the sickle and said to Jing Yang: "In 3 seconds, jump to the sky."

Ouch, what are you doing?

There won't be any Nephipeto on this island, right? !

Jing Yang secretly complained that Kate had already taken action - he picked up the huge sickle with an exaggerated size and swung it in a full circle in the horizontal direction.


The astonishing slash struck at a height of 1 meter and 360 degrees, sweeping everything within a radius of more than ten meters. All the ghosts and ghosts coming towards them were cut in half, and then the smoke dispersed into wisps of black mist, as if Integrated into the diffuse mist.

"Trick people in and make them crazy. The residual thoughts left by these people after their death can nourish the black mist. It is self-sufficient!"

Jing Yang's voice made Kate a little surprised. He turned around and saw that Jing Yang did not follow his reminder to jump up to avoid the "Waltz of Death", but instead... leaned back on an iron plate bridge, then lay on the ground, looking at the smoke. The scattered ghost figures were amazing.

"Look what I'm doing? Even if I want to avoid danger, I will choose to lean as close to the ground as possible." Jing Yang jumped up easily, patted the dust and said, "I can't fly! Once my feet leave the ground, will I What a sense of security!”

When Kate thought about it, it made sense.

"It's you, why are you suddenly showing off your telekinesis ability?" Jing Yang asked doubtfully, "Are we that familiar?"

As if hearing the key words, Kate held the clown's head at the bottom of the huge scythe, holding the number "2" in his mouth, and introduced himself proudly: "I have a roulette in my mouth! The numbers 1 to 9..."

"Okay, let's go down." Kate interrupted with a sigh, waving her hand to collect the scythe and the crazy clown into a ball of air.

Regarding Jing Yang's doubts, he calmly said: "Nian ability requires actual practice to improve."

"Even if you say so, I won't show you my telekinesis ability..." Jing Yang complained as he walked deeper. The island is also ring-shaped and can be reached by crossing a width of 300 meters. The coast on the other side continues deep into the characteristic island in the center of the archipelago.

"I didn't think so." Kate said, "What's more, haven't you already performed?"

"When did I..." Jing Yang suddenly said, "Oh."

He had indeed used the magical power of snapping his fingers before, but Kate should be able to tell that it was more of a release-type ability.

Or maybe Kate was referring to her previous fight with the woman... If you are observant enough, you can deduce from the failure of the woman's attempt to control herself with stickers that she has already had some kind of operating system applied to her at this moment. The conclusion of ability... If you switch to more experienced old monsters like Netero and Xeno, or smart guys like Jin and Pariston, you might be able to connect your own with only these sparse information and speculations. I can't even guess the general type and characteristics of the star.

These people in Hunter World are so annoying, they will grab some details for you to analyze non-stop. The world of One Piece is better, no matter what his abilities or information is, in the final analysis, it is not about the big guys directly confronting each other, just see who has the blackest and toughest domineering power, pure drawing, the ultimate enjoyment.

The world of thought is different. If the enemy catches the shortcomings of one's abilities, it is really possible for the situation to be reversed. No matter how strong the so-called hard power is, one will lose his life.

So, if you could become a hexagonal warrior like Kurapika, wouldn't there be no shortcomings?

Jing Yang stepped on the water and headed towards the next strengthening island. Thinking about telekinesis, he suddenly asked: "Kate, do you think that woman made an oath before committing suicide?"

Kate stood on the drifting raft and asked: "Are you worried that she will have resentment after her death to haunt you?"

"I didn't think so at first, but now that you say it, I'm really worried." Jing Yang said, "She didn't commit suicide immediately after waking up. Instead, after eavesdropping on the speculation about the black mist and the oath, I exposed her. After pretending to be unconscious, she chose to commit suicide. And since she had heard about the Mist of Oath, since she had already made up her mind to commit suicide..."

"I have already committed suicide. It would be such a waste not to use the fog of oath to do something." The raft docked, Kate said to herself, "The oath and restriction, plus the stronger thoughts after death, the two are superimposed. The power...if it were all aimed at you, you might be in danger."

"Thank you so much!" Jing Yang said, stepping on the low rocks on the shore, "Suddenly I have a bad feeling..."

【Jing Yang! 】 Xiaodi's voice sounded in his mind, "Are you leaning towards me?" 】

[Well, I’ve arrived at the strengthening island. You should be in the change department now...]

【Go quickly! 】

Back in the past, Xiaodi used her fantastic ideas to quickly reach the island of change.

She threw a mental chain saw from the sea, lassoed it to the rocks on the shore, pulled herself wet to the shore, and then sucked it on her body with the eye fish. The wet seawater and salt were all cleaned up, and she felt refreshed in the blink of an eye. down.

"Bull-eyed fish, spit out all the sea water." Xiaodi held up the vacuum cleaner and discharged water to the sea surface, and the water gushed out like a pump.

She didn't want to stop at this island. She planned to continue traveling out and meet up with Jing Yang who was also coming towards her as soon as possible, but the "Ling" attached to her ears seemed to hear some movement.

After listening to the whimpering and murmurings coming and going in the black mist for a long time, Xiaodi could automatically ignore them. These sounds were something other than the murmurings.

Huh, the droplets dispersed, and the bulging-eyed fish calmed down a little.

Unlike Jing Yang, she can already use "Yin" freely, and she doesn't want to put herself in danger by using "Jue" casually.

Xiaodi stepped on the shore and groped towards where the noise came from, and soon found two groups of people fighting in the mist.

The numbers of the two sides are not equal. There are three people on one side and two people on the other side. But it seems that the side of the two has the advantage, but this advantage is decreasing. One of the three people on the side is getting stronger and stronger, and the more they fight, the braver they become. Strong.

There are "cones" on Xiaodi's eyes and "listening" on her ears. The fog cannot block her observation. Although there are constant murmurs in the fog, the sounds of those people fighting can also be heard.

"What did you do? Nian suddenly became stronger!"

"I'm afraid I made some kind of oath to Black Mist...for example, using my life span of ten or twenty years in exchange for stronger thoughts."

"Do you think we will blindly exchange for power that can only be burned temporarily when we don't even see the mission goal?"

"No matter what, do you think you can win us over like this? Stop dreaming. The secret treasures here naturally belong to the First Prince! He is the heir to the throne."

"You two are the only ones left, and you are still talking nonsense."

"Lifespan? Ten years? Twenty years? Hahaha... Did the First Prince raise you to be so naive?"

The two warring parties in the fog were temporarily separated. The side of the two, the side that just said that the secret treasure belonged to the first prince, asked sternly: "You guys made an oath to the black fog from the beginning? What on earth is that! "

"After we die, the thoughts left behind will make the captain stronger." The two people behind the three people said, "As long as there is a trace of reluctance, as long as we are not completely willing to die for the second prince, I swear. It’s not considered true. Isn’t it very simple? After discovering the secret of the black mist, we all thought of this immediately. This is the most conducive method to complete the task, isn’t it?”

The two people on the opposite side were all numb, "You are crazy!"

How the hell is there such a thing? You haven't done anything yet, but you sacrifice everything and go completely crazy? What are you doing!

The last two of the three took out daggers, pointed them at their necks, and said calmly: "Have you forgotten? We are unsustainable people, and we have nothing to begin with."

puff! puff!

The two of them slit their necks without hesitation, and blood spurted out like splashing water.

It was also at the moment when he saw the two men taking out the daggers that Xiaodi activated the moon mark of the B-shaped ring and sent telepathy to Jing Yang. She was worried that Jing Yang was too close to her. If the distance was less than a thousand meters, he might be attacked by the death energy of these two people after committing suicide...

【Go quickly! 】

A response came quickly from Jing Yang: [Doraemon, it seems a little late...]

[Has any death energy been absorbed by you? 】

[Well, two...hiss, it's a bit hard to stand. 】


Xiaodi was a little confused and curious. She watched from a distance in the mist as the two people fell with blood spurting from their necks. After they fell, two strands of chanting birds that almost turned into substance rose up and attached to the leader. Maybe they were what they called on the captain. In an instant, the captain's Qi surged twice again, and the size and intensity of the Qi increased a lot!

What is the death energy that will be absorbed by Jing Yang's heart?

If it is the residual thoughts after death, then the two people's thoughts after their death clearly chose to attach themselves to their captain to help him strengthen his strength. However, despite this, there are still two death auras heading towards Jing Yang. My heart flew past...

[Xiao Di, what happened over there? ] Jing Yang asked, even with telepathy, his voice did not sound relaxed.

Xiaodi was more worried about Jing Yang's condition than she was curious about watching the excitement. She quietly retreated, planning to use the bulging fish in conjunction with the chain saw to quickly join Jing Yang.

[After I landed on this island, I heard the sound of fighting...]

As the propeller of the chainsaw started to start, Xiaodi told Jing Yang about the incident. Not long after, Jing Yang's voice transmission said something bad again, "I'm super, coming again?" ! 】


Above the black mist, there seemed to be thunder rolling, and a stronger and ominous atmosphere was brewing.

The black mist is billowing on the archipelago, and the sound of crazy murmurs is faint. It seems that there are countless ghosts and endless thoughts lurking. These afterimages gradually revive and piece together into a huge figure in the black mist...

"Did you see that? That's it!"

On the top of the central spire of the island of special characteristics, Jin sat on it and pointed his cell phone camera at the fog that filled the archipelago, focusing on taking pictures of the huge figure looming in the fog. He smiled and said: "If I guessed correctly, it must be the thought left by Wei Hugo = Hui Guoru! A guy like that will not be content even if he dies."

In the video call, it was Maotu Biyou who was also a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter Association. She said speechlessly: "I just asked you about some things, but I didn't expect so many things to be involved... How much do you know about unknown things? secret?"

Under the spire, Kurapika looked up and was speechless. How did the guy who called himself Jin get up there?

He looked at the minaret, carefully observing the texture on the surface and the outline shape of the entire minaret. The more he looked at it, the more doubtful he became.

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