I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 196 Number One Player

"What does this thing look like to you?"

Kurapika was carefully observing the towering tower in front of him, and the voice of the man who called himself Jin came from above his head.

"Before I landed on the island, I looked at it from a distance and thought it was a tall tower." Kurapika answered. "After I landed on the island, I found that it looked more like a mountain. But when I looked at it up close, it felt like..."

The so-called spire, the so-called mountain, has been washed away by time, and its surface has been covered with moss and hung with vines, but through the gaps between these debris, some traces of the bottom can still be seen... This is the word of God. ? Kurapika carefully pushed aside some messy vines, trying to remove some moss so that he could see it more clearly, but he was worried that doing so would damage the pattern that seemed to be the divine word underneath.

Dong Jin jumped from the top of the spire and landed behind him, holding his hands in his pockets, "Did you notice it too?"

"Are you referring to these divine words?" Kurapika asked.

"I'm referring to this big guy." Jin patted the spire and looked at Kurapika, "Do you know the divine characters very well?"

"I don't know much about it. I only came into contact with it because of someone's guidance." Kurapika said, "Such a convenient writing system, I thought it would be widely spread among people with telekinesis abilities."

Jin smiled and said: "Only the Hunter Association has specialized research on divine words. Even so, it is not easy for many people to really study it to the point where it can be used for practical purposes."

Kurapika calmed down and looked up to observe the towering giant. He recalled what Jing Yang told him about the layout of the islands, and suddenly asked: "Do you know how deep this sea is?"

"Have you guessed it? The island under our feet goes down to the bottom of the sea, a total of 1,000 meters."

The energy from Jin's body emerged, rising up to form a huge skeleton knight. Judging from the size, it was much larger than the one of Kurapika.

"I come here occasionally, just to see..."

The Skeleton Knight stretched out his four huge arms and continued to extend them. The spire in front of him and Kurapika was surrounded by moss and vines. The four skeleton arms that changed his mind were still extending during the process. It grew bigger, as if it wanted to embrace the entire spire.

"This thing, in the end..."

Jin held his hands in his pockets and stayed still, but the huge skeleton knight on his body climbed higher and higher, and the four changing arms continued to exert force while hugging the huge spire.

Rumble, the whole minaret buzzed, the ground beneath my feet shook, and gravel continued to roll down on the surface of the minaret.

"You will damage the divine characters on the stone!" Kurapika warned loudly.

"Don't worry, these divine characters are deeply imprinted and won't break easily!" Jin continued to exert force and gritted his teeth, which was quite reminiscent of the future of the original time and space. A few years later, his own son grabbed the wood that he had sealed with the divine characters. The posture of breaking the box vigorously. Jin clicked, the ground under his feet collapsed due to the huge force. A steady stream of Qi continued to spurt out from his body, and he continued to speak words from between his teeth, "Besides, the divine characters are all over the entire arrow body, even if... One or two scuffs, strokes, shouldn’t be considered—what—ah!”

Kurapika was stunned, and was so shocked by the amazing momentum that he couldn't help but step back.

Is this the energy that humans can exude? !

But even the inhuman and terrifying aura in Kurapika's eyes did not shake the spire covered with divine characters at all.

The steeple stood motionless. The huge skeleton knight dispersed, and the soaring thought energy returned to Jin's body.

Jin was obviously anxious. He cursed at the minaret angrily, and finally kicked the minaret, "It's so boring!"

A sudden change occurred, and the steeple shook violently, as if it was trembling.

Kurapika said in surprise: "Why is this--wrong!"

He suddenly turned his head and looked back to the outside, only to see the fog rolling on the five-story roundabout outside, rising into the sky, and it was extremely dense. Even if his sight was attached with a "cone" with the help of the divine jade pendant, he could not turn a blind eye.

In the black mist, a huge figure slowly stood up.

Buzz! Buzz!

The spire next to them seemed to resonate and swayed continuously.

"It's not because of me, but there is something in the fog." Jin said beside him, "I guess someone used the oath to exchange for powerful power. As a result, this increasingly stronger Qi caused disaster and awakened these people in the fog. s things……"

Kurapika didn't say anything, and immediately rushed towards the black mist where the giant figure stood.

"Oh, does this kid have any friends there?"

Jin scratched his head, did he forget something?

"That's right, Kate!"

Kate's side is struggling.

It's not that the enemy is too powerful, but that it's too skilled. In the fog that suddenly became thicker, more and more ghosts condensed with residual thoughts emerged, rushing towards them like a tide.

"It doesn't matter to you, right?"

He embodied the "Crazy Clown", drew a sharp weapon, and cut off the ghosts one after another like mowing grass, glancing aside from the corner of his eye.

I originally wanted to continue deeper into the inner island, but I didn't expect that the young man named Jing Yang suddenly seemed to have a physical condition. He clutched his chest and looked solemn, as if it was difficult to move forward.

It didn't take long for the fog to rise and become thicker, leading to the current situation.

"I'm fine!"

Jing Yang sat on the ground, and from time to time he would snap his fingers and pop out the bullets one by one to eliminate the ghosts coming from the black mist.

Fortunately, these ghosts do not count as humans or life, and they will not emit death energy after being eliminated. Otherwise, Jing Yang estimates that he will be able to pass them now.


His heart beat wildly like a twitch, and the strange feeling of cold and heat almost made his whole heart explode.

The sounds in his ears also became erratic, veins bulged in Jing Yang's forehead, and his blood vessels pulsated. He felt that a special aura began to escape from his body... This meant that the accumulation of death energy was full, and his body was changing uncontrollably. sign! In the past, I fainted due to the death aura. When I woke up, not only did my body become larger, but the surrounding plants and other things probably became lush because of the special aura emanating from my body, and they were also ripened.

He blinked hard and saw Kate calling out to him.

In the dark mist behind Kate, a guy wearing similar clothes to the woman who committed suicide walked out. His muscles and the energy almost gushing out from his body were like the lines of an ink painting, and the visual effect was like a golden hook and an iron stroke. Vigorous and powerful, very scary... Is this the blackened Uncle Jie? !

Why did the blackened Uncle Jay come to find Kate? You're looking for the wrong person!

Jing Yang gritted his teeth and shook his head. He could get distracted at such a moment. It seemed that he was not far away from passing by.

Kate sensed the approaching danger behind her, and turned around to strike with a burst of sword light.

This is real sword light!

The sword light condensed with thought energy flew towards the blackened unknown person... By the way, it was the person Xiaodi mentioned. His companion committed suicide and sacrificed his thoughts to him through the power of the oath. Use...the stronger thoughts after death to superimpose the power of the oath, why don't you put this stack of buffs aside!

Jing Yang rubbed his eyes and shook his head vigorously to stay awake.

Xiaodi said that she heard this man talking about the first prince, the second prince, and the unsustainable people... It seems that the Kajin gang is really lingering...

Bang bang!

Jing Yang slapped his forehead.

On the ground next to him, there were new young grass blades growing one after another, squeezing through the cracks and looking up.

Kate fights with the blackened unsustainable people, and a superimposed double image appears in Jing Yang's eyes...

There are so many ghosts, who the hell can tell who wins and who loses? !

By the way, reflection!

Jing Yang remembered that before Kurapika was teleported here, he told the rock bird that stayed in place to peck its skin every day to activate the star mark on it.

In fact, the rock sparrow was used by Jing Yang as a tool bird to store the "reflection", and it originally maintained a control command to shrink its Qi slightly, so that the "reflection" would not be exposed in a normal way...

The black mist rolled in, and there were many ghost figures composed of residual thoughts rolling and crawling towards Jing Yang.


The black mist was broken open by several chainsaws, cutting these ghosts in half.

Little drops...

Xiao Di emerged from the black mist with a chain saw in her hand, mowing the grass and exterminating the ghosts. She knew something was wrong when she saw Jing Yang's condition. Although the expression on her face did not change, her feet were already beyond Jing Yang's. Coming at full speed.

Jing Yang pointed to Kate.

Kate is still fighting fiercely with the blackened unsustainable citizen... Jing Yang's vision is blurry, and he can't tell who is better and who is worse, but no matter which one of them is killed, it will undoubtedly make things worse for Jing Yang now. …

Jing Yang wanted to hold on for as long as possible, but the result was that the scene in front of him became more and more chaotic, and his consciousness seemed to be intermittently jumping between wakefulness and imitation.

Kurapika also appeared, and he really understood. He immediately transformed into a skeleton knight, trying to stop Kate's deadly battle with the blackened unsustainable people...

But it's too late...

Jing Yang didn't know if it was his hallucination. Above the black mist, behind the fighting Kate, Kurapika, and the blackened unsustainable people, a huge figure walked towards them... I'm super, so strong and oppressive. Feel... Jing Yang's mind has become a little confused. If he hides in the sea with a star mark on his body, will he suffocate to death? No, Kurapika no longer has a star on his body...

"What the hell is that?"

Kate and Kurapika separated and looked at the approaching giant shadow together. In front of him, the blackened unsustainable people actually looked much cuter. The black mist rolled open, and a huge hand made of black thoughts stretched out, grabbing the blackened unsustainable people and dragging them into the mist...

The sound of chewing was faintly heard in the fog.

No, Jing Yang!

Kurapika suddenly looked back and saw that something was wrong with Jing Yang, who was being held by Xiao Di. Was he going to absorb too much death energy and have his body change uncontrollably, as he said before?

"There's something wrong with this boy!"

A foot came out of the black mist behind Jing Yang and Xiao Di, "Hey, girl, what's going on with the guardian spirit beast on this young man? Could he be..."

Xiaodi raised his hand and a bulging-eyed fish appeared, looking at the intruder warily.

Jing Yang, who was still dizzy, also glanced at the visitor, showed a smile that said, "It's really you", closed his eyes and fainted completely.

Because of his coma, the "reflection" he transferred from the rock bird also became a little uneasy. Since no one attacked Jing Yang, its hostility seemed to be targeting everyone indiscriminately.

The moment Jin walked out of the black mist and stepped on the ground, an invisible thought spread out in an instant, and finally returned to him.

Nice romance

"Wei Hugo = Hui Guoru, is that you?" Jin smiled, looking at the black mist with eager eyes.

The huge black shadow didn't respond, and the sound of chewing was gone.

Kate was relieved to see Kim appear.

Is that Hugo? Kurapika couldn't believe it, but what was even more unbelievable was that he seemed to see it on Kate's head... What was this green tube? It seems to be on my head too! Even above the head of the huge black shadow that resembles a lake in the black mist, there seems to be...

There is no top of Xiao Di's head, but Jing Yang... where is Jing Yang? !

Kurapika was shocked.

Xiaodi sat on the ground blankly. Jing Yang, who was holding him in his arms, had disappeared at some point, and so had the guardian spirit beast he summoned.

"Huh?" Kate looked at the black fog. The huge black shadow in the fog dissipated like a cloud, and even the surrounding fog gradually dissipated.

"Hey, don't run away!" Jin became anxious again and shouted to the dissipating black shadow and black mist, "It's not easy - huh?" He thought of something, suddenly turned his head and glared at the girl who was sitting at a loss. Dead fish eyes, "Where is the boy you were holding just now?"

"He's gone..." Xiaodi whispered. Has it suddenly become too old and simply weathered?

She came up speculating on the worst possibilities.

Jin raised his hand and erased the "blood bar" above his head like an eraser. He looked at the fog that was not much left, then at Xiaodi's empty arms, and suddenly asked: "Did you hug me before?" Is the young man here related to the royal family of Cajin?"

Xiaodi raised her head and looked at this person seriously. He doesn't look very old.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Jin, Jin = Fulis." Jin smiled, "I guess your friend may have been taken away by the guy in the fog just now... That guy might be your friend's ancestor. , I guess they won’t do anything to him, right? So don’t worry.”

At this moment, the island beneath everyone's feet began to shake, like an earthquake, and it became more and more violent.

"Teacher, look over there." Kate pointed to the sea.

"I told you so many times, just call me Jin." Jin looked along, which was the direction he came from.

Kurapika looked at the special island. It was the thing he mistakenly thought was the spire that was making an unprecedented roar. As everyone watched, the entire island of special characteristics fell apart, and the "spire" slowly rose. On the way up, everyone also saw a huge stone pillar hundreds of meters long that it pulled out from the deeper sea. …

"It's not a tower or a mountain, it's an arrow." Jin couldn't help but smile as he watched the giant arrow slowly rise into the sky.

"Operation System·Ready Player One"

"In his childhood, Jin often imagined that he was an adventurer in the game. Unknowingly, he discovered that his body had changed and he could control himself..."

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