Jing Yang didn't think too hard about whether there were any logical loopholes in the oaths and restrictions he read out.

no need.

The key to making oaths and restrictions does not lie in ambiguous things like words and language. Jing Yang can even make an oath without saying his true meaning at all.




To put it bluntly, oaths and restrictions are nothing more than paying a certain price in order to obtain a certain kind of power.

This is the power you crave.

This price is something you are determined to have no regrets about.

There is no room for bargaining... This is not a legal provision, and there is no need to play word games with your own heart.

In the original time and space, in order to deal with the Phantom Troupe, Kurapika wanted to get the power against the Phantom Troupe through his oath and restriction, which was the unsolvable middle finger chain; and the price he was willing to pay was This power can and can only be used against the Phantom Troupe. In order to make the oath stronger, more stable and more successful, he once again increased the stakes and used his own life as a bet. If he violated the oath, he would let his heart be pierced and die.

In Jing Yang's previous life, he had seen a lot of discussions about Kurapika's oath and restrictions.

For example, the most direct "loophole" - how to define the identity of the Phantom Troupe?

First, the opponent is a member of the Phantom Troupe, but Kurapika doesn't know. In this case, can he use the middle finger restraint chain on him? If used, will Kurapika die?

2. The other party is not a member of the Phantom Troupe, but Kurapika does not know, but due to lack of information, he mistakenly believes that the other party is. In this case, can he use the middle finger restraint chain on him? If used, will Kurapika die?

Third, the other party is not a member of the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika knows this, but due to self-brainwashing, he slowly becomes convinced that the other party is a member of the Phantom Troupe. In this case, can he use the middle finger restraint chain on him? If used, will Kurapika die?

All kinds of things...

It is undoubtedly funny for Jing Yang to look back at these assumptions today.

In the final analysis, the object of the oath and restriction is Kurapika himself! Not the Phantom Troupe!

The only thing that can determine the effectiveness of oaths and restrictions is Kurapika's own heart, his subconscious.

First, the opponent is a member of the Phantom Troupe, and Kurapika doesn't know it, so of course he can't use the middle finger restraint chain on him! The moment he made the move, subconsciously, he was using the middle finger restraint chain on non-Phantom Troupe members, and he would die the moment the chain was thrown out.

2. The other party is not a member of the Phantom Troupe, but Kurapika does not know it, but due to lack of information, he mistakenly believes that the other party is. Since it is a misunderstanding, it can of course be used! Could it be that in the comics, when Kurapika faced off against the Phantom Troupe, didn't the spiders on the opposite side have ID cards on them? What if it's a group of special actors hired by Hisoka who always tells lies?

Third, the other party was not a member of the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika knew this, but due to self-brainwashing, he slowly became convinced that the other party was a member of the Phantom Troupe... Jing Yang believed that this was not true at all. A guy whose mind is so messed up that he can brainwash himself and can't even stay awake has no way of establishing a solid oath and restriction from the beginning.

If the restriction has no effect, then the oath will also have no effect.

oath, restriction.

Power, price.

Get, give.

Jing Yang doesn't want to experience absorbing too much death energy and transforming uncontrollably, so he must be able to control the death energy absorbed by the heart. This is the bottom line!

For this, the price he is willing to pay is that he will never kill someone just to plunder the death energy.

This is his restriction.

In essence, it is a form of restraint. Restraint on the power of oath.

Just as Kurapika's oath power can only be used against the Phantom Troupe...

Therefore, when Jing Yang said he would not kill people in order to plunder death energy, he meant "people" in general.

The core key is not to kill people, but to "rob the dead energy" in the first half of the sentence.

You kill someone, kill an animal, kill any living thing... Do you think that because the other person is killed, the life force will be eaten by you? Do you really have no idea in your heart? If you can deceive others, can you also deceive yourself?

Oaths and restrictions are directed at the person making the oath.

Jing Yang understands this deeply.

Before he uttered the oath, he had already realized something in his heart. Whether the wording is rigorous or not is secondary.

If there was even the slightest wavering, the next thing would not happen...

As he finished speaking, a gray whirlpool appeared in his heart.

A flash of gray flashed across Jing Yang's eyes, and he saw a piece of chaos slowly condensing, outlining a gray human figure that was exactly the same as his own, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

A bit of white light appeared in the gray humanoid's hand, slowly spreading to one side, turning into a sharp blade of light and shadow, and placed it on his lap.

Jing Yang looked at this scene, half enlightened, and tried to touch the gray human form with his mind.


On the heart of the gray humanoid, a number slowly emerged, "24444".

This number is not completely stable. The last digit fluctuates on an average of 4. Sometimes it is "24448", sometimes it is "24441". Estimate the frequency of the change of this number, which coincides with your own heartbeat... This number , is the total amount of thoughts I have at this stage!

Jing Yang realized something in his heart, and at the same time, something inside the little gray man burst out, emitting six spots of light around him.

The six light points extended straight lines and connected with each other, creating a hexagonal pattern around the little gray figure.

Jing Yang seemed to have some realization and looked at the top of the little gray man's head.

When his eyes touched it, a black Chinese "operating system" slowly appeared above the hexagonal vertex above the gray villain's head, and a number "100%" appeared next to it.

Jing Yang looked to the right, and at the vertices of the hexagons, the Chinese words "release system" and the number "80%" slowly appeared.

Go to the right, "Enhancement System" and "60%".

Further to the right, just below the gray little man, at the bottom vertex of the hexagon, Chinese characters and numbers appear one after another, "Change System" and "40%".

Not surprisingly, the rest are naturally "Embodiment System" "60%" and "Trait System" "0%".

Such a hexagon surrounds the gray villain.

The gray villain has a sharp knife across his knees and sits cross-legged among them. His gray figure is unclear, and he has no specific facial features...

Is this the power you get from making vows and restrictions?

Is it the true face of the strange death energy in the heart?

Why does it look like a system panel...

Jing Yang complained in his heart, but he actually understood something. His oath is to control the death energy in his heart, but being able to control and use it does not mean that Jing Yang fully understands it. Perhaps because of this, the power of death, driven by his subconscious mind, has transformed into something that he can feel more intuitively, like a system panel.

He noticed that in the hexagon, beside the little gray man sitting cross-legged, there was half a gray airflow, wrapping around it like a ribbon, floating slowly.

My ability to swear and restrict seems to be similar, so I still need to give it a name.

Jing Yang thought of the things he had met before and the things he had never met before, such as the solitary figure in the world who was drunk and dreaming of life, the person who was not punished by heaven and earth for his own sake, the one who did not know who in the sky was the only one who suffered... Each of these, the name of the ability to read was given. It has to be fancy and stylish, and you should make it interesting yourself.

After thinking for a moment, Jing Yang smiled in his heart and came up with a word.

Let’s just call it..."Go to the poor blue and fall to the underworld"! Does it feel good when you think about it?

He thought together, and saw that the neighbor of the operation system in the hexagon, the number "0%" next to the "trait system" increased rapidly, "9%", "37%", "66%"... "99% ", all the way up to the top, "100%"!

"Speciality" "100%"!

oh? In other words, the ability that I gained from the oath and restriction was classified as a trait system?

Jing Yang thought like this, which made him even more surprised. But after thinking about it carefully, it turned out that something reasonable happened... When the trait system soared to 100%, the "object" adjacent to the trait system The number next to "Modification Department" actually changed, soaring rapidly from the original "60%" to 69%, 72%... 77%, 79%, and finally settled at "80%"!

The trait system is 100%. Doesn’t the materialization system adjacent to the trait system have to be 80%?

So, my originally most Muggle transformation system...

Taking a closer look, the number next to the change system is no longer the pitiful "40%", but "60%"!

Jing Yang felt relieved.

40% gives people the feeling that it is a waste of time to practice. But if it is 60%, there is a sense that although it is still a loss, it is actually not bad!

In the future, you may try to practice the transformation system more.

Since the change system has also been improved, then... He glanced at the whole situation and found that the enhancement system was still 60%, and the release system was still 80%. After thinking about it for a while, he understood that if the trait system was 100%, it should be 100%. Strengthen the system by 40% and release the system by 60%. But my initial and most primitive attribute operation system is still 100%. Naturally, I will choose the higher one between the two and calculate it as the best.

So, there is a gray little man with a fluctuating single-digit number "24445" on his heart, sitting cross-legged with his sword horizontally. Surrounded by it is a hexagonal pattern. Counting clockwise from the top of his head, the operating system 100% is in order. , 80% of the release system, 60% of the strengthening system, 60% of the change system, 80% of the materialization system, and 100% of the trait system!

Is this the approximate value my buddy has at this stage?

Jing Yang glanced at the half gray air that was slowly moving around the little gray figure, and with a thought, he controlled it to fly to the corner of the hexagon and inject it into the end of the transformation system!

"Change 60%" → "Change 61%"

At the same time, a single move affects the whole body. When the value of the change system moves, other systems adjacent to it will also move accordingly.

"80% of materialization" → "8% of materialization"

"Reinforcement 60%" → "Reinforcement 6%"

"Release system 80%" → "Release system 4%"

Both the operation system and the trait system are 100% top level, so naturally there will be no fluctuations.

But how is this ratio calculated?

Jing Yang estimated that the gray air flow was the last remaining death energy in his heart...

"Jingyang, Jingyang?" Xiaodi's voice "awoke" him.


The waves hit the shore, the sound of the tide and the wind flooded into my ears again.

Xiaodi waved her hands in front of him and looked at him worriedly, "Is there something wrong with the oath and restriction?"

This archipelago was really weird before. Although it seems to have returned to normal now because of the departure of the giant arrow, who knows what really happened? After Jing Yang read out the oath, he looked blankly, said nothing, and stayed in place, which was quite scary.

"Nothing went wrong. Very good, very good!" Jing Yang grabbed her hand, couldn't help but laugh, held it hard, and pointed at himself, "In the future, 19-year-old Jing Yang will not change. !”

Xiaodi blinked, "It will change next year, right? 20 years old?"

"Uh," Jing Yang said dumbly, grabbing both sides of her cheeks and tugging, "Of course, there is still natural growth."

Xiaodi looked at him and said unclearly: "Isn't it because the body can't bear it because it absorbs too much death energy?"

Jing Yang let go of his hand and said to himself: "Now, maybe I can bear it no matter how much death energy I have?"

Dude is now a panelist!

The kind you can add some more to!

From now on, just come as far as you can, and promise not to resist. I don’t kill people for the sake of death, but people die every day in this world. You can’t blame your friends for the death of others, right?

Xiaodi rubbed her reddish cheeks, thoughtfully.

"Huh?" Jing Yang looked at her warily. This girl wouldn't kill anyone she saw in the future because of what he said, right?

"Huh?" Xiaodi met his eyes in confusion.

"It's okay." Jing Yang patted Xiaodi on the shoulder and said sincerely, "Just be yourself."

"Oh?" Xiaodi still didn't quite understand.

Jing Yang smiled and asked, "Please help me change my clothes."

The body he currently wears is in tatters due to the forced growth of his body, which is really inconvenient.

Xiao Di immediately materialized into a bulging-eye fish and released a set of Jing Yang's clean clothes from among the many spare supplies stored there.

Jing Yang casually tore off the tatters on his body and began to change his clothes. However, Xiao Di noticed something strange on his chest and pointed at it.

He put on half of his T-shirt and looked down. There were several gray cracks on his chest slightly to the left, rotating counterclockwise.

He touched it and picked it lightly, "I don't feel anything. It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't itch."

Xiaodi nodded and helped him take off his T-shirt and put it on.

"It's about this, let's talk later later." Jing Yang looked at the sea, breathed out gently, took Xiao Di's hand, and turned back happily, "Let's go and see what they are doing. For now Now, have you found a way to leave..."


The black waves crashed against the deserted rocks, and the spray splashed over the two people on the shore.

Green blood dripped from Byande's fists.

At his feet, there was a big ant with a broken arm and a leg. It had been beaten with green blood, but it was still alive. It was screaming hissingly at Biyang De and Pali Stone, who was checking its body.

Pariston stood up, held his chin and muttered: "It's an ant, which may not be accurate. It has a head like an ant, but its body and limbs are more like a beast like a tiger, but it has hard scales on its body. A...I remember there was a kind of ant..."

"Chimera ant." Biyande wiped the green blood from his fist.

"Yes," Pariston agreed, "but this one is too big. As far as I know, chimera ants are only the size of normal ants."

Biyang De smiled slightly, "Everything in the Dark Continent is a little bigger than ours."

"I see……"

Pariston suddenly realized and kicked the chimera ant grinning at him in a pool of green blood. "This is just a male, the king of the chimera ants. If the giant chimera ants on the Dark Continent are the same as those here, If something like that, there should be someone around the ant king..."

"Guards." As Biyang De spoke, three black shadows flew towards them in the sea behind them at high speed.

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