Jingyang and Xiaodi find Kurapika and Kate at the beach next door.

Kate put down the phone, "There is still no signal. We have to find a way to leave by ourselves."

Kurapika seemed to go around the area and said: "Whether it was before or now, I have not found the divine word on these islands - except on that arrow." He pointed to the sky where there were only white clouds. , "Now that the arrow has flown away, these islands are just ordinary islands and do not have the ability to teleport us back."

"Then we can only find a way ourselves." Xiaodi repeated. She was about to find some trees to use as materials when she suddenly remembered something. She stopped and asked the others curiously, "What vows did you make to Black Mist before?" ?"

Kate said: "I can manifest my spirit into a raft, but I can only manifest it once."

Kurapika was slightly surprised when he heard this, and said: "The oath I made is that I can manifest the aura into a boat, but it can only be manifested once."

He pointed to the coast on the inside. The small boat he had materialized was swaying with the waves. "I haven't released it yet, so it can still be used."

Then looked at Kate.

Kate said: "I can't. I also have a restriction, which is that it can only be used between the islands here."

"Isn't it necessary?" Kurapika said unexpectedly, "It can only be used once in a lifetime. This restriction is enough."

Kate said nothing.

Kurapika looked at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang said: "Mine is useless. I swore that I could control the water here..." He walked to the beach and made a move to release his mind energy to the sea water, but he took it back and said with a smile, "I did that at that time. When I made the oath, the definition of the so-called scope of this island in my mind was that strange island shrouded in black fog, not what it is now. So, forget it, there is no need to leave this sea area anyway."

Just in case, they built a second raft.

The few people present here are all masters of telekinesis. They spread out and punched a tree, and they quickly gathered enough wood.

Several thick tree trunks had their heads and tails removed and were piled on the ground.

Cutting wood is not difficult for them, not to mention Xiaodi's killer weapon like the chain saw. Even if Jingyang only uses a piece of paper, wraps it with Qi, and uses "Zhou", he can cut the thin paper The blade is as sharp as a knife...but this move consumes more mental energy and energy...

"I'll do it." Kate said, stretched out her hand to release a ball of air, and Pengdi materialized into a "crazy clown".

The clown floated beside him laughing and yelling: "There is a roulette wheel in the mouth, the numbers 1 to 9!" Different points, different weapons appear! This time the number is - 4! 』

Peng, below the crazy clown's empty head, extends the shape of a sniper rifle as tall as a man.

Kate sighed, "What's that number?"

"Ha ha! What bad luck you have! 』The crazy clown laughs weirdly.

"That's enough." Kate ignored it, grabbed the No. 4 weapon sniper rifle, walked to the beach, and pointed it at the offshore sea.

The manifested clown can actually speak... Kurapika secretly felt ashamed. Whether it was Xiaodi's bulging-eyed fish or his own little dolphin, they actually had a certain amount of intelligence and seemed alive, but at least they couldn't speak. Conversation... He suddenly noticed that Kate was holding a sniper rifle and aiming carefully at the sea surface, as if looking for suitable swimming fish.

Kurapika glanced at the horizon. The sun was setting low, and the sea was red. "It's a little late. Even if I want to leave, I have to spend the night here."


Kate pulled the trigger, and a bullet broke through the sea surface, piercing a sea monster weighing hundreds of kilograms, exploding a coquettish blood flower in the sea, leaving a trajectory hundreds of meters long.

Kate pulled up her hat and sighed: "If the weapon you conjured is not used properly, you can't replace it, and you can't make it disappear. It's really annoying."

"Hahaha! Who told you that you are so unlucky? 』The clown's head connected to the butt of the sniper rifle laughed strangely.

"Shut up. Change the number." Kate sighed again, "It's really annoying."

Kurapika was sweating inside. If he found it annoying, why should he train his telekinesis in this direction?

He turned his head and saw Jing Yang and Xiao Di sitting side by side on the piled tree trunks and logs. Jing Yang took a deep breath, as if he was high.

By the way, Jing Yang’s heart! Deadly!

Kurapika suddenly remembered that if Kate killed a sea beast at such a close range, wouldn't it mean that another death aura sneaked into Jing Yang's heart... Why did Jing Yang look like he was enjoying it? Is this guy really self-destructive and eager to accelerate his premature aging?

Kurapika was very dissatisfied with Jing Yang's self-defeat. He walked over and was about to correct his wrong thoughts, but he heard Jing Yang covering his heart with one hand and muttering to himself: "...It's not my fault, he was the one who fired the shot. ! It has nothing to do with me..."


Kurapika raised his head and raised a question mark, then looked at Xiao Didi. She had a rare smile on her lips. It could be seen from her face that she was in a good mood - it made no sense. When Jing Yang was attacked by death energy, Xiao Di was often better than Jing Yang himself. She was nervous, although she didn't show it on her face.

what happened?

Kurapika was confused, but also vaguely relieved and pleased. He realized that Jing Yang might have used some method to solve the hidden danger of death in his heart.

Over there, Kate's crazy clown rolled the number again, and it rolled to the number "1". There was still nothing under the clown's head, but Kate reached out and held something.

Jing Yang and the others focused their eyes and took a closer look. Under the clown's head with the number "1" in his mouth, there was an invisible sharp sword.

Invisible sword!

Logically speaking, materialized products should be “real objects” that ordinary people can see. Kate's Invisible Sword No. 1 cannot be seen directly even by telepathic users who have opened their eyes. It is a weapon of pure telekinesis with "invisibility" attached...Kate holds the Invisible Sword No. 1 and swishes a few times. , easily cut a log trunk in two lengthwise.

"Let's get ropes." Jing Yang clapped his hands, "Xiao Di will lead the way. Those Kajin friends should be able to find some military ropes on their bodies."

"Oh." Xiaodi stood up.

Jing Yang waved and asked Kurapika to follow.

Jing Yang did not explain to Kurapika his vows and restrictions, as well as the matter of "going to poverty and falling to hell".

"It's not that brother doesn't trust you, it's just that what he says to you won't work."

The three of them sat on Kurapika's embodied boat and rowed to the next island. He said to Kurapika sincerely, "Xiao Di knows because she happened to be next to me. It's none of my business. She stole it herself." listen!"

Kurapika nodded thoughtfully and asked no more questions.

Xiaodi had a question mark on her head, was I just there? How do I remember that it was Jing Yang who took my hand and went to the beach together?

Jing Yang couldn't help but laugh.

Even if Kurapika knew that he was bound by the oath of Underworld, would a good person like him still take the initiative to help him kill and harvest the death energy? It's obviously impossible. People have their own principles and bottom lines. On the contrary, if I told Kurapika with bad intentions, it would imply that the other party would kill more people for me - or at least kill more animals and beasts. This would feel awkward no matter how I thought about it.

Even if the oath is not actually violated, since I already think so and have such a preconceived concept, then even if I don't violate it, it will become a violation.

The ability to read has such characteristics - naturally, subconsciously, intuitively, this is often very important and accounts for a large proportion.

The so-called "thought" in a moment of thought vaguely refers to some kind of momentary self-realization that can only be felt and cannot be expressed in words.

Perhaps the forerunners thousands of years ago, the first to realize mindfulness, were walking hard in the storm, in the raging waves, in the snow, struggling to survive on the ice, and observing the precepts and practicing in the deep mountains. ...In an instant, I had a clear understanding, and naturally I saw the Qi entwined in all living beings in the world. Therefore, I gained enlightenment, gained transcendence, and opened the door to mindfulness.

Jing Yang's intuition is that he cannot take the initiative to tell others about his setting of "Go to poverty and fall to hell", otherwise when others kill people around him, he has the responsibility to remind them, otherwise he needs to avoid suspicion, otherwise it will be regarded as an oath... Then this kind of thought was quietly integrated into his telekinesis ability of "The sky is blue and the sky is falling".

As for Xiaodi?

The small drop is "self". No matter what happens, Jing Yang will tell her.

Except for silly things like time travel, Jing Yang felt that there was basically nothing he couldn't communicate with Doraemon about.

When Jingyang asked Xiaodi to hear his vow to "go to poverty and fall to hell", he didn't do it with the purpose of "if Xiaodi knew about it, he would kill more people for me and help me plunder the death energy"... …

They quickly landed on the next island and found the bodies of the two private soldiers of the unsustainable people and the first prince.

Jing Yang had never heard of anything that could not support the people, but Xiao Di overheard the conversation between these two groups of people and heard the words "first prince" and "second prince".

In other words, the so-called "unable to hold the people" is probably the second prince's private army?

Jing Yang and the others found some military ropes on these people, which was enough. As for the various communication devices, a small amount of cash, and messy identity documents in the clothes of their corpses, they did not touch them casually. In the end, they kicked each one , were thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

When they returned to the previous island in the concrete boat, a bonfire was lit on the land, and Kate was still busy holding an invisible sword next to it.

The firelight flickered, and a ball of thought energy was like a bubble, wrapped in a strand of blood twisted into the shape of a five-pointed star. It staggered onto a small fish flapping on the shore, forming a five-pointed star mark.

Jing Yang grabbed the small fish and threw it into the dark sea at night.

The raft was ready and it was getting dark. The four of them sat around the fire and chatted. In fact, neither Kate, Kurapika nor Xiaodi were talkative people, so they quickly dispersed. Open rest.

Jing Yang remembered that after Kate sniped the sea beast, the death energy absorbed by his heart had not yet been used.

As soon as he thought about it, a hexagonal panel appeared in front of him, in which sat a little gray man. On his chest was the number "24445" that represented his total thought capacity. There was a sharp blade lying across his knee - it was the Zhenwu King Cannian who carried the Before leaving with a giant arrow, he helped himself refine the product of the Octopus Mind Beast with the divine word.

Jing Yang named it "Yin Nian Sword".

The gray villain held his sword across his body, and there was a gray air flow entwining around him. Jing Yang thought about how to use this death energy.

He looked at the number "100%" next to the operating system. Brother Xindao claimed to be a little talented person, but he was not arrogant enough to think that he had developed the operating system's potential to 100%... In other words, this dead man The numbers marked on the aura panel are not the proficiency and development progress of one's nen ability at this stage, but represent one's maximum potential in the corresponding category.

Therefore, when you use death energy to strengthen the potential of other systems, other systems adjacent to it will also have an impact on the whole body and increase accordingly.

In this case, the best way to use death energy is to strengthen the type that you are least good at and have the lowest potential. To be specific, they are the strengthening system and the changing system. The current two systems are both around 61%. If you strengthen these two systems, the adjacent emission and embodiment systems will also rise, although the amplitude will be lower... As for your own emission and embodiment systems The current values ​​are over 80%, which is already enough.

Originally, the Yamagata training method of Shingen-ryu, the two sides of the mountain are adjacent to each other, which is only 80%.

All in all, I am currently the only one who is lame in the transformation system and needs special reinforcement.

Jing Yang already has the strengthening and changing abilities that he wants to develop, and he will just wait for the potential of these two abilities to increase before focusing on research and development.

However, Jing Yang did not intend to inject the change element into the death energy in his hand to improve it by another point.

He looked at the number "24445" on the little gray heart, and injected the gray airflow surrounding it into its chest.


Jing Yang was shocked. Unexpectedly, after the death energy was injected into the "total amount of thoughts", it did not directly increase the number, but formed a powerful thought, starting from his own heart. spread out.

"I have to digest this thought in the shortest possible time... How much you can eat depends on your ability!"

He had a clear understanding, closed his eyes and used the trick of "tangling", trying his best to retain the raging thoughts in his heart and "refining" them.

To put it bluntly, the total amount of thought is different from the six-system potential of the hexagon. Theoretical potential is more like an "innate physiological characteristic" that cannot be changed through hard work. It is just like human beings have no wings. No matter how jealous you are of birds, no wings means no wings. You can use the death energy to defeat the birds. The original shortcomings are compensated, and an extra pair of wings is grown; and the amount of thought is something that everyone can cultivate through hard work. If the amount of thought can be directly increased by injecting death energy, isn't it a gain for nothing? What about the behaviors that he and Xiaodi used to practice "Jian" every day, gritting their teeth and struggling for several hours, and being as tired as dogs every time...? It's almost like a joke.

This is also my own intuition.

Just like using death energy to inject the hexagons of the death energy panel, it only improves the potential of each department, rather than directly improving one's related proficiency. The abilities of each department still require one's own efforts to practice. Biluo Huangquan just cleared it for himself. Unnecessary resistance, so that you don't have to do twice the result with half the result in other departments just because you are an operating system.

The same goes for thinking...

Jing Yang concentrated on it, and the thought of transforming the death energy that filled his body was refined by him bit by bit, and merged into his own energy.

In the middle of the hexagon of the death panel, the numbers on the gray little heart slowly rise, 24445, 24500, 24588...

Before I knew it, the east was white.

Kate opened her eyes and woke up. There were only charred remains of the fire. She turned around and saw the boy named Jing Yang...well, he can't be called a boy now. Jing Yang was sitting cross-legged practicing, with his eyes closed and a faint smile on his lips. A red sun appeared on the distant horizon.

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