I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 201 A new beginning (Part 1)

The morning sun rises, and the mountains are dry and dry.

On the top of the mountain, there is a continuous stretch of ancient palaces.


Killua flew out of the palace gate like a cannonball, with traces of fire, ice, thunder and lightning all over his face, shoulders, neck, torso, and calves.

Amidst the sounds of "boom" and "boom", his immature back, which was less than 9 years old, broke several giant trees in front of the palace. Finally, he hung on the stump of his body, hanging upside down. Through the gaps in the leaves, he could see the red sky on the horizon. Morning glow...

In front of the palace gate, a little old man who was similar in size to Killua slowly walked out, but his face was extremely old, full of wrinkles, and his head was bald. Judging from the wrinkled shape of his lips, he might have lost all his teeth.

The shape of the morning glow looks like a shark... Hey, speaking of sharks, has anyone told me about Shark Island before?

The little old man was wearing sportswear, with his hands in his pockets, looking down at Killua from the high steps in front of the gate.

"Great-grandfather." Killua jumped out from the debris of the trees.

After being knocked so far away, I thought I was dead this time. At least my back would be completely broken. Unexpectedly, I didn't seem to have any injuries. It was just a few broken ribs, some internal displacement, and a slight brain injury. Just a shock. It is estimated that my great-great-grandfather saved his hand at the last moment so as not to destroy himself.

His father and eldest brother are not at home these days, and it is not clear whether his grandfather Jie Nuo is there or not. The second brother is more useless than himself, and his mother is not a killer, so Killua was called by his great-great-grandfather to practice. A killer also has to study hard and practice hard... Thinking of this, Killua suddenly had an idea. Since he was no longer here, couldn't he leave home?

"Great-great-grandfather, will dad and eldest brother come back today?" Killua raised his head and asked.

The little old man on the senior level didn't speak, but just nodded.

Killua secretly rejoiced in his heart and shook his little arm. What's there to say? Let's finish today's practice quickly!

The little old man waved his hand at him and signaled the little guy to get out of here. That's it for today. Go back and let your mother take care of your injury.


Killua smiled and swung his fingers to the side of his eyebrows, took his pocket with one hand and went down the mountain. The little old man stared at his great-grandson's back for a while, then turned back to the palace.

"Good! Very energetic!"

Jing Yang stood on the shore with his hands on his hips and shouted at the rising sun rising on the horizon in the distance, feeling very happy.

After digesting a piece of death energy, the total amount of energy increased from the original 24,444 energy to 25,211 energy!

The amount of gas directly increased by about 800.

Converted into the total duration of "Hard", it was extended by more than 13 minutes.

Jing Yang's mind power has been stagnant for a long time. Although it is not completely incapable of growth, compared with the initial stage, he can increase it by hundreds or hundreds of qi by just practicing every day, even if he eats and drinks. Growth, now I have been working hard for more than six hours every day, but the results are very little. The growth of thoughts has exceeded three digits, which is already a rare gain... How comfortable does this make Jing Yang feel?

Now that I'm fine, digesting a piece of death energy is worth the ten and a half days of hard work I've put in now.

Moreover, Jing Yang felt that it was not the limit for a death qi to increase by 800 qi - he felt that this night's "meditation" had not been able to fully explore and digest the value of the death qi. There was still a small part of it in the process of his digestion. It was dissipated and lost. In other words, Jing Yang believed that he might still have room to improve the conversion rate of death energy per unit!

Our future is in the Dark Continent, and the future is bright!

"What are you laughing at?" Kurapika's voice came from below.

Offshore, there is a wooden boat and a handmade raft floating to the left and right. Kurapika and Kate were sitting in the realistic wooden boat one behind the other. Kate was observing the sky and sea, while Kurapika was urging Jing Yang who was in a daze on the shore.

Jing Yang jumped onto the raft with Xiao Di, Dong! winter! The raft was stressed and rocked on the sea surface.

Xiao Didi said: "Jing Yang has become a lot heavier."

When he arrived, Jing Yang was still a boy who was about 1.5 meters and less than 1.6 meters tall. He looked slender, but now he is 1.9 meters tall. His figure has become plump and his muscles are strong. He is said to be capable. It's dozens of kilograms more, can it not be heavy?

Jing Yang shouted: "Let's compete, see who can row faster and find land first!"

In the haze, a feeling came from the other side of the rising sun. It was the rock bird that followed Kurapika's instructions and remembered to peck himself every morning to activate the self-healing function of the star.


The raft carried Jing Yang and Xiao Di and flew out like arrows.

Neither of them were even paddling! The raft itself was galloping on the sea like a yacht, leaving a trail of white waves.

Kate had long noticed that there were two medium-sized sea beasts swimming in the water. Just now, one on the left and one on the right, rushed out under the water on the raft of Jing Yang and the others.

Yes, he is from the operating system...

However, when did he control these sea beasts?

Kate mused, grabbing the oar.

Are you rowing faster than anyone else? ! Kurapika almost vomited blood, this boss was so out of tune and so shameless! He picked up the oar and pushed the water hard.

Soon, he and Kate formed a tacit understanding. The two of them alternately used "Zhou" on the oars to enhance the power of ordinary wooden oars. Each stroke of the paddle would raise water waves several meters high, doubling the speed of the small wooden boat. The raft in front of Jing Yang and Xiao Di, which was dragged by the sea beast, was not much slower.

As the raft broke through the waves, Jing Yang simply lay down while enjoying the sea breeze, thinking that the power of this sea beast was still a little lacking. Even though it was swimming happily now, this was the highest speed and he would have to rest soon. After all, It's a living animal, not a real machine.

Later, we will see if there are any large marine animals such as whales or large sharks in the sea...

"Did that person tell me about Whale Island or Shark Island?"

In the room, Killua was worried about the computer screen, but he soon stopped worrying about it. Anyway, he mainly wanted to go out for a walk, so wouldn't it be enough to visit all these places?

He memorized the locations of several "Shark Islands" and "Whale Islands" on the computer map.

Killua packed lightly without any luggage and backpack, and took a quick trip while his father and elder brother were not at home. Walking quietly and silently, avoiding the angles and movements of surveillance cameras... Killua had all the necessary skills for a killer at his fingertips, and quickly ran out of his villa, feeling as if he was walking with his pocket in the Kukun Mountains in a good mood. Flying... His house is too big, and it is dozens of kilometers away from the gate that is regarded as a tourist attraction.

Behind, on the balcony of the villa halfway up the mountain, Killua's back as he left was reflected in a Cyclops-like electronic glasses. A woman wearing a long dress and a sunhat, but with a sinister look about her whole person, is the wife of the contemporary head of the Hakka family, Ji Qiu = Beat the guest.

Ji Qiu watched as he watched, holding a cup of black tea in one hand and taking a sip without any intention of moving.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Killua ran all the way and soon saw the towering ancient city wall of his home. Not far away was the courtyard gate - the majestic and heavy gate of trial.

The huge wolfdog lurking in the woods behind the door smelled the scent and approached. He got up and turned around to find Killua.


Killua waved his hand, "Sanmao, sit down quickly."

The giant wolfdog named San Mao sat down and continued to stare at the closed door of the trial - the small door next to it - with eyes without any emotion.

Killua looked up at the city wall, stretched out a hand, Kaka, the muscles on the fingers on the back of his hand swelled, and the bones seemed to become harder and thicker, so that veins bulged on the entire hand, and the nails became longer. Become sharper... He thought it would be okay to climb up the city wall, so that he wouldn't need to push the door of trial...

However, I always feel inferior! If you leave without pushing the door of trial... it would be more handsome to leave through the door of trial!

Besides, my mother may not be keeping an eye on the movement at the Trial Gate. As for the second brother Miji, Killua didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Killua walked towards the door of the trial, took a deep breath behind the door, and stretched out his hands to press against the high-tech force-sensing doors nested in layers.


The muscles in Killua's arms bulged, and his small arms actually grew stronger twice, and he slowly pushed open the first two doors, which weighed a total of 4 tons.

However, as the door slowly opened, Killua's face slowly fell. He looked at the door with panic in his eyes and cold sweat on his forehead...

"Don't be so scared, we won't eat you."

Pariston said with a smile. On the ground in front of him, lay three half-dead giant ants, all missing arms and legs. One of them was even beaten to the point where his upper and lower body were separated, leaving green pus, blood and damaged internal organs lying all over the floor. According to the habits of chimera ants, these three people who jumped up from the sea to attack him and Byande were almost the same as the three guards of the ant king.

Therefore, the three guard ants look very similar to the ant king. They are a mixture of the ant head and the torso of the beast. The three guards are the body of a tiger, the body of a lion and the body of an elephant.

It's just that no matter how big an ant is, it's just an ant. Verbal communication is naturally a luxury, and even basic communication is impossible. Pariston tried several times, and it turns out that it's like a chicken talking to a duck. These genes are mixed with beasts. Although the ants have large brains, they don't have much wisdom. The so-called behavior of protecting the ant king is not based on rational thinking, but is based on the instinct and habits of the population.

Such a large ant, not to mention the unfathomable strength of Biyang De, who can punch one, and Pariston himself...

"Huh?" Pariston was suddenly surprised.

The vitality of the giant ants from the Dark Continent is indeed tenacious. The three ant guards were beaten to such a degree that any living thing would have died, but they were still lingering on, almost dead. But suddenly, two of the guard ants with tiger and lion bodies burst out with strong Qi one after another.

However, the strong Qi that came out was more like a flash in the pan. It burst out like a bubble. The remaining energy was drained out in one breath, making the tiger-body ants and lion-body ants unable to continue to linger and breathed their last completely. On the contrary, the elephant-body ant next to them whose body was broken into two parts was not completely dead, moving in a pool of blood, smoothly. Looking in the direction of its struggle, that was the position of the ant king who had also been beaten and had his front and back legs broken off.

"The moment someone penetrates the sperm hole, it is an opportunity to master the mind, but it is also the death knell of losing one's life immediately!" Biyang De watched and laughed. These ants were beaten half to death by their attack containing the mind. At the same time, the semen pores in the body were also forced open, and the qi of the whole body leaked out from the semen pores all over the body unimpeded. He did not know the trick of "tangling" to retain it, so he died suddenly.

Biande's laughter suddenly stopped, and he and Pariston looked behind them at the same time. The ant king, who was missing a left front foot and a right hind leg, stood up shakily on his incomplete legs.

The thoughts on it were slightly unstable, but they were indeed retained and did not die due to excessive loss.

"The instinct of animals to survive has allowed you to master 'entanglement'!" Bi Yangde praised, "Interesting, even though he is an ant, he is still a strong man. I approve of you. Haha!"

The mouthparts of the ant king wriggled and made strange sounds.

"Who understands the chatter?" Biyang De was impatient and stepped forward, rubbing his fists. "This half-dead look makes people angry, so I'd better give you a ride!"

"I guess it is saying that I want to live." Palliston smiled slightly and suddenly asked, "Mr. Biyande, you cannot go to the Dark Continent. If the president of the Hunter Association is no longer there, , it should be able to be lifted, right?”

Bi Yangde stopped and when he turned around, a terrifying aura came over him.

"Don't look so scary, Mr. Biyande." Palliston said with a smile, "Throughout the ages, only those who don't stick to trivial matters can achieve great things, isn't it?"

Biyande rolled his eyes, waved his hands and said, "I won't deal with the old man. If you have the ability, go kill him yourself."

He sneered, "I promise, you won't survive the second move."

"President Netero's unparalleled strength is universally recognized. Of course I don't think I am qualified to challenge." Pariston said a few hypocritically modest words, and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Why is Mr. Biyande unwilling to take action personally?" Pariston asked calmly, "Are ambitions and dreams really not as good as the family relationship between father and son?"

"Is your brain broken?"

Biyande was furious and shouted loudly in front of the tide, "The old man will not challenge me to duel, so I am the only one to challenge him to duel. Since I challenge him to duel, I have the determination to kill him - but does he? He never If he wants to fight me to the death, it means he won't kill me! One of the two parties in the duel is determined to kill, and the other is ready to fight, so what's the point of fighting? There's no point in winning! "

Biyande poked Pariston with his thick finger and said in a loud voice: "I won't do such a boring duel!"

Palliston was greatly shocked. He calmed down for a while and said in deep thought: "So that's why you chose to wait. That's why you said, even if you have to wait until the sea is dry and the stone is broken..."

Since he is unwilling to fight to the death with Netero under unfair conditions, what else can he do to get rid of the restrictions on his body, other than competing with Netero to live longer?

The bad news is that Nitro is known for its longevity.

The good news is that Biande is Nitro's biological son, so he may not have a shorter life than Nitro, so the two of them have a lot to lose!

"Of course I am not qualified to challenge President Netero, but maybe someone can."

Pariston looked at the trembling and incomplete Ant King and showed a strange smile, "Oh, it may be the other way around. President Netero is the challenger..."

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