I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 202 A new beginning (Part 2)

It's bad……

Among the lush branches and leaves, Jin hid with a solemn expression. He carefully pushed aside the leaves and looked at the little boy fishing by the river. The little boy's appearance, especially his hairstyle, was 70% similar to him.

By accident, I chose Xiaojie as the target of the "magnetic" card...

Fortunately, I had quick reactions, speed, and good movement skills, otherwise I would have been almost hit by Xiaojie when I landed.

What a risk!

He groaned in his heart, made a silent grimace at the little guy's back, and turned around to leave quietly.

I really don’t know what to do!

At that time, my mind was twitching, and I was thinking about sending Xiaojie back to his hometown and letting his sister Mitt help take care of him for a while... Turning around, Jin even forgot what he was thinking at that time. He has become accustomed to doing things based on his mood. As the saying goes, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. It will be wherever it goes, and it will be wherever it is said... He really likes this kind of life where every second is full of unknowns. When he comes back to his senses, I found out that I had abandoned my biological son in my hometown for almost three years!

Even a person as unconventional as Jin knows how unreliable it is for a father to abandon his own son for more than three years...

He didn't know how to face Xiaojie again, so he kept putting it off again and again. When he came to his senses again, holy shit, it was another three years!

On the panel that looks like a virtual screen, in the teammates column of "Player1·Gold=Flix", except for Mitt, there is only Xiaojie's name.

Both Mitt and Xiaojie were in good condition, at least he didn't have to worry about this.


Looking at the portrait of Xiaojie who was now 8 years old, Jin sweated on his forehead. When he brought Xiaojie back to this whale island, Xiaojie was only 2 years old.

It’s still the old way, let’s hide first…

Kim pressed her hat.

Outside the Trial Gate, a tall figure with long black hair walked up the mountain road, "Killua, how did you know I would be back today?"


Looking at the returning Yin Ermi, the cold sweat on Killua's face became more and more intense. Finally, his arms were unable to support the trial door, and the two doors, which weighed more than 4 tons, quickly closed again with a bang.

"Young Master Yin Ermi." Jie Burong, who was next to the gate like a receptionist, said respectfully.

Yin Ermi didn't seem to see him, and walked directly to the closed door of the trial, stretching out one hand.

The heavy high-tech door felt the huge force in the palm, and it clicked, clicked, clicked, and six of the seven nested doors were closely connected. As a whole that was more than 40 meters high, they were slowly pushed open...

Killua, who was behind the door, watched his elder brother push open the sixth door of trial with one hand, and couldn't help but take two steps back. He was so shocked inside that even if it was only one of the two doors of the sixth door of trial, this was It weighs a full 64 tons!

The extremely heavy alloy safety door, nearly half a meter thick, was ajar. The safety door could not close automatically because the body of a bank security guard was stuck in the middle.

Blood dripped under the doorframe. The bank vault was empty, with a few scattered banknotes scattered on the floor. Bloodstains extend from the empty vault. The chaotic bank hall is full of bullets, bullet holes, bloodstains and corpses. Bulletproof glass is shattered on the ground, the door is cracked, the crowd is chaotic on the street at the door, and police sirens are ringing in several streets. .

A police car sped away beside him. Feitan's narrow eyes averted his gaze, and his collar was pulled up to cover most of his face. He put his hands in his pockets, walked into a building on the street, and soon reached the roof.

There was a young man with short blond hair standing on the rooftop. He was watching the battle between police and criminals dozens of meters below, while holding a cell phone and clicking away, as if he was playing an RPG game.

"Huh?" The knight looked back at Feitan and turned off the "game" of police and robbers on his mobile phone. "Oh, by the way, Li Ying is probably dead, and the new member Babu with him is probably the same. Bar."

Feitan didn't have much reaction when he heard this, he just snorted disdainfully.

"How long has it been since Babu joined the brigade and he's dead?"

Finks appeared out of nowhere. He was wearing a sportswear suit, just like a Russian gangster. He slipped over with his hands in his pockets, "First it's Kubip, and then it's Barb. Now I have to add it." New member No. 12."

The spider of the Phantom Troupe has a total of 12 legs and 1 head. It can't be any less. This is the consensus of all of them.

"There's still No. 4." Feitan's cold voice sounded a little muffled through the raised collar.

"He is probably the murderer." The knight held up his phone. The picture on the screen was not clear. He probably took the picture in a hurry. There was only the side face of a young man, and what was barely captured in the image was a strange black figure with eight arms. .

"Nian beast?" Phinks looked at the eight-armed black shadow.

"It could also be some kind of clone." Feitan said.

"Lieying must have transformed into me, and took the opportunity to use my ability to take this photo, and sent it to 'myself' as it was." The knight shook his phone, "Then the photo came into my hands. How should I say, Do you want revenge?"

"Is your brain broken? Why waste your energy on the waste that was killed." Finks said.

Feitan said: "Instead of taking revenge, it is better to let the other party join the brigade."

"He can kill Li Ying. This guy is pretty good." Finks said, "But the photo is too model-like and it's too troublesome to find, so let's forget it!"

Feitan said: "Even if a new member joins, the group leader must nod. Who of you can contact the group leader?"

Finks and Knight shook their heads.

"The last time there was news about the leader was when he found the new No. 12 Barb from Meteor Street." The knight said, "Maybe it was Madge or Franklin who followed the leader."

The three of them looked at each other in silence, and finally Finks complained: "After searching for so long with no results, it's time for the leader to give up on the treasure of the True Martial King, right?"

"Speaking of which, where is the treasure? Didn't King Zhenwu have some treasure?"

There was a violent storm and heavy rain. The raft rose and fell with the huge waves, like surfing. Jingyang and Xiaodi held on to the gaps in the raft. He shouted loudly, "Isn't it hidden in that arrow? Have you gone to the Dark Continent?! Lao Wei is not kind!"

"Is now the time to talk about this kind of thing?!" Kurapika shouted, rolling his eyes.

The storm was mixed with rolling thunder. He and Kate clung to another materialized boat that was undulating with the waves. Every time they broke away from the waves, a sea beast would bite the rope and pull them back to prevent them from being scattered.

Their clouds were really bad. Half a day after leaving the ruined archipelago, they were drifting in the direction of the rock bird's star sensor that Jing Yang remembered in the morning, when they caught up with a sudden storm at sea.

The storm lasted for a long time, and even though the four of them were powerful telepathic users, they were helpless in the face of such a powerful force of nature.

The chaotic waves kept bumping, the storm blew from east to west, and the sky and the earth remained dark for who knows how long. All they could do was hold on to the raft and the boat tightly, and it was difficult to tell the direction...

Xiaodi patted Jingyang's hand, indicating that she was resting.

"Doraemon, it's up to you." Jing Yang said loudly.

The droplet materialized into a bulging-eye fish, pointed forward, and gave the command to activate: "The bulging-eyed fish, suck in all the storms and waves above the sea level."

Soon, the black stormy sea seemed to be drained to form an empty "pipe". A raft and a small boat were speeding in this narrow pipe, and the storm and waves behind them "bridged" closely. , also becomes more confusing.

A strong wind suddenly broke out on the island, and it rained heavily.

After listening to Palliston's thoughts, Biande turned his attention to the dying ant king.

"The queen ant is the most valuable individual in the chimera ant population." Pariston opened his arms in the rain and showed a smile that made you want to punch him. "Only the queen ant with the characteristics of feeding and mating is so It is possible to give birth to a new ant king that meets the conditions..." He also looked at the half-dead ant king on the ground, with the head of an ant and the body of a beast, and said softly, "So, it can't die. And, we need to find a new ant king. A suitable human woman."

Byande sneered impatiently: "You look like the fourth child in Nasby's family!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Yin Ermi pushed open the sixth door and came in, with a usual expressionless expression on her face. She suddenly looked at Killua, who was sweating profusely, pale and motionless, "Aren't you here to greet me? ?”

His puppet-like expression seemed to be covered with a thick shadow, and his long black hair floated slowly like splashing ink.

The terrifying momentum that he inadvertently exuded made Killua tremble almost all over.

"Killua, are you...wanting to run away from home? Who gave you such a willful idea?"

When the sea surface returned to calm, Jing Yang was lying on the raft that was almost falling apart with only his shorts on.

Xiaodi was sitting on the opposite corner of the raft carrying the bulging fish, and the head of the vacuum cleaner kept spraying water jets from the waves. He had been vomiting for ten minutes...

Jing Yang himself was not without gains. After walking through the chaotic and dangerous stormy sea, and coming out in a daze, he discovered something had changed in his little heart. He opened the death aura panel and took a look.


I don’t know when, two fresh gray auras surrounded the little gray man! It was probably because there happened to be sea beasts, fish and the like that died in the storm, and they happened to be within a kilometer of him, so there were two streams of hot death energy.

It’s not my fault!

Jing Yang touched his chest and thought to himself, it seems that from now on, brothers, it would be wise to go to dangerous places as much as possible!

The more dangerous the place, the easier it is for someone to die.

Is it okay if I'm just passing by?

He suddenly frowned and murmured to himself: "Strange... Why do I always feel like I can't remember something important for a while?"

"What?" Beside the materialized boat not far away, Kate was fine. Kurapika was hanging on the edge of the boat, so he was not vomiting or having diarrhea. However, he was indeed a little dizzy and tired and needed to slow down. He couldn't hear Jing Yang clearly for a while. What are you talking about?

Jing Yang waved his hands, suddenly stood up and sat up, turning his head to look behind him.

Just now, another star signal came out very far away.


With such a strong star mark induction, there is only one possibility. Wu Er was injured and activated the star mark's self-healing ability. If I remember correctly, I did leave instructions for it before, letting it actively stab under certain circumstances. Break the skin and activate the star to notify yourself.

It was when I spotted a certain little blonde girl.

Hunter Association Headquarters, President's Office.

Nitro squatted on one foot, stretched his other leg straight, and picked up a volleyball with his toes and thumbs, maintaining perfect balance.

In front of the computer on the assistant desk, squatting was a guy who looked like a large green pea turned into sperm. He was Nitro's special secretary, the bean-faced man.

He asked casually: "How many people signed up this year?"

The bean-faced man typed on the keyboard a few times, "There are a total of 1,880 applications for this 284th hunter test..."

"Holy crap, that's right, it's the hunter test and I haven't signed up yet!"

Jing Yang remembered, took a breath of air, and slapped his thigh, "When is the deadline? Forget it, we'll talk about it later..."

Anyway, they are now floating on the vast sea. Who knows when they will have mobile phone signal and when they will see land... Jing Yang turned his attention to the miserable moon tiger Wuer on the other side of the ocean.

He projected his consciousness and possessed it, and found that he was lurking in the woods. After pushing aside the grass, he could see from a distance that at the entrance of the Elf Playground on Ghost Island, there was a blond girl who was as delicate and beautiful as a little princess in the crowd. The girl was smiling and pressing a jewelry dealer to the ground with one hand...

"Why doesn't it work?"

In a deep mountain forest, Chrollo tried several times to no avail. He looked at the sacred glyph hidden in the blind corner of the mountain wall and fell into deep thought. Ma Qi, who was not far away, yawned and completely lost interest in King Zhenwu's treasure.

(End of Volume 1)

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