I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 1 Silk Blood Resurrection

"Xiao Nian, do you really want to dance?"

On the edge of a steep coast about twenty meters high, a girl with short purple hair looked down at the seemingly calm sea, her eyes full of worry.

Next to her, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy who had stripped down to his shorts had a bucket next to him. He had poured cold water on his head several times and was stretching his legs. "Zi, if I don't dare to jump, I can't challenge the 'Eye of Death'. If I can't challenge the 'Eye of Death', I can't take part in the hunter test."

"So where does the internal connection between these three come from?" the girl with short purple hair complained.

The boy was ready to warm up. He took deep breaths repeatedly and took a step towards the edge of the sea cliff. The gravel rolled down and drifted in the wind. The young man couldn't help but retract his feet and complained: "Zi, it's all your fault. You kept talking and kept talking. I wasn't even nervous anymore!"

"Where do I have-ah!" The girl with short purple hair was about to retort, but the boy had already jumped down, scaring her.

She quickly looked down, and in the blink of an eye, the free-falling boy had already approached the calm sea surface twenty meters below. But what frightened her eyes was that directly under the sea where the boy fell, a black shadow It was rapidly growing in size. This sign was all too familiar to her who grew up in a small seaside town. It was a sign that a huge fish or sea beast was surfacing, and it happened to be where her childhood sweetheart Xiaonian was diving.

The boy who also grew up by the sea naturally recognized it.

Everything that was flying through his eyes seemed to slow down, every detail became slow and fast, and clear. The sea coming towards him, the slowly rising sea surface, the enlarging black shadow under the water, the breaking waves... He seemed to smell the fishy smell of the sea monster underwater, and saw the sea monster's mouth staring at him eagerly. Several heads... Hey, why are there several heads near its mouth?


A ball of waves exploded on the sea. When the girl on the cliff saw a sea monster nearly eight or nine meters wide jumping out of the sea, her face turned pale with fright and tears burst into her eyes. "Xiao Nian... I told you not to think about it." What kind of hunter...eh?"

When she looked at the lake, she didn't see the sea water around the sea monster rising from the sea being dyed red with blood. Instead, she saw four figures floating in the sea holding the sea monster's grinning mouth. She quickly wiped away her tears and recognized clearly. There were three men and one woman. The sea monster did not dare to close its bloody mouth until they let go of their hands, as if it was afraid of biting any of them.

Among them, there was the most handsome brother who was stepping in the water and looking up as if he was waving to himself and shouting something. Next to him, a black-haired girl picked up a pair of broken black-rimmed glasses from the water with a dull expression. Dumb. The other two boys with yellow hair, one tall and one short, worked together to pull out Xiaonian, who had just been swallowed whole by the sea monster, along with the sea water.

"Cough! Wow..." Xiaonian was pulled out. He seemed to be injured and frightened. He was covered in mucus and seawater and vomited several times in shock.

He screamed when he was touched by Kurapika who was swimming over. Kate touched it twice and said, "The arm is broken and a few ribs are broken."

"You, you guys..." Xiaonian looked blankly at the few people who followed the sea monster.

"Looks like there's still a bit of a concussion," Kate said.

"It's a bit heartless to jump into the sea when you have nothing to do." Jing Yang paddled in the sea water and patted the bewildered Xiaonian's arm. The latter almost fainted from the pain, "What are you doing?!"

"What's the date today?" Jing Yang asked.

Xiaonian was struggling in the sea in pain, unable to hear what he was asking, and kept choking on the water.

Kurapika sighed: "It's better to go ashore first."

Kate glanced at the five-pointed star symbol left on the diving boy's broken arm where Jing Yang had photographed it.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "I've seen yours and you've seen mine. We're even. Xiaodi, let's go!"

"Yeah." Xiaodi responded and dived into the water with him, shooting towards the land like a torpedo.

"I'm not asking for an even deal..." Kate wanted to pull off her hat, but then she remembered that it had been lost during the embarrassing drifting at sea these past few days.

Shaking his head, he held the injured young diver with one hand, diverted the water with the other, and swam toward the shore.

With two bangs, Jing Yang and Xiaodi Cannonball in front jumped out of the water. Like two humanoid sea monsters, they were nailed side by side to the slippery sea cliff several meters above the sea, and then quickly and tacitly moved forward. Climb up.

The water around Kurapika surged, and the sea monster that brought them back to land had quietly swam away. He guessed that Jing Yang would control it and then let it destroy the star on its own. During these days of wandering on the sea, if it weren't for Jing Yang's star sign, the ability to control the fish swimming in the sea, the convenient ability of Xiaodi's bulging-eyed fish, and the various supplies stored inside... they Whether they can return to land alive is still unknown.

Sometimes human power is exhausted, and in the boundless sea and in front of nature, those with the ability to read will appear insignificant.

After passing through the storm, the mobile phones of the four people were immediately scrapped. In fact, even if it is not scrapped, there is not much power left...


Jing Yang and Xiao Di jumped ashore, one on the other, like two black shadows coming towards them. The girl with short purple hair on the high bank was so frightened that she fell backwards and fell to the ground.

"So, what's the date today?" Jing Yang looked around, "What time is it in the morning?"

Xiaodi waved his hand and released a ball of energy that transformed into a bulging-eyed fish. She held up the vacuum cleaner and sucked up all the seawater on her and Jing Yang's clothes and bodies. She also looked at the purple-haired girl - she stared at the bulging fish in stunned silence until Jing Yang repeated it before panicking again. Looking down into the sea, I felt relieved when I saw Kate and Kurapika climbing up with Xiaonian on their backs.

After calming down, the purple-haired girl said: "No. 1. January 1, 1996. Well, it's morning now..." She lowered her head and glanced at the electronic watch, "5:55."

Then she saw a speechless expression on Jing Yang's face, as if he had eaten shit.

"tnnd!" Jing Yang punched the air and said, "It's still too late! - It should be too late, right?" He turned around and asked.

Kate climbed up carrying the boy who jumped into the sea on her back, "As far as I know, yes."

"The annual hunter test opens for registration in December and lasts until the last day of the month." Kate put the boy down, lifted up her shirt and took it off, "In January of the following year, the competition officially begins. So," wow, He squeezed out a splash of sea water from his clothes, "You are indeed too late."

"Are you sure it's the 1st today?" Jing Yang turned to ask the diving boy and the purple-haired girl, "The nearest one that can sign up for the hunter test... roadside machine, Internet cafe, hotel, who cares, where is it?"

In the comics, in a sparsely populated ghost place like Gonjie's hometown, Whale Island, there are self-service kiosks on the roadside that can be operated like kiosks. You can send documents for applying to participate in the hunter test. It can be seen that in this world, this thing is like a hunter license login The device is so popular.

The diving boy looked at the four of them, and then at the sea under the cliff, "Well, I'll take you there. But this year, no, last year's registration has really ended."

"Talking as we walk."

Jing Yang patted the young man's arm, "And, where the hell is this..."

He asked the young girl to lead the way, and shouted to Xiaodi and others to follow. Kate said nothing, and Kurapika wrapped his coat around his waist and followed behind without saying much. It was really sad to recall the literal wandering experience during these few days at sea... The four of them Above the head, if there is a bubble, it should be the same picture inside. It is not a computer machine that can be signed up for a hunter test, but a hot meal.

On the way, Jingyang and the others learned that the coast they finally drifted to was a small seaside town located in the middle of the west coastline of the Sansamei Continent in the ancient Ganyu Kingdom.

The Sansame Continent is the second from the left among the third and sixth continents on the left and right of the Hunter World map, and the Ancient Ganyu Country, one of v5, is the country where the Hunter Association headquarters is located. In other words, if I and others If you want, you can travel across an entire continent and spend several months all the way to the Hunter Association headquarters.

...Anyway, I can't catch up with this year's hunting test, so I might as well take a quick trip. It happens to be the end of this year in December. I won't forget to sign up this time.

Jing Yang secretly rolled his eyes.

Participating in the hunter test is of little use to him now, even if it is useful, or useless.

Naturally, Jing Yang didn't care about the "diploma" of the hunter's license, but Jing Yang understood that in terms of practice, even though he had some talent, he could only be regarded as a wild man, and he had been doing it for a long time. , I am stuck in a bottleneck just in the practice of Nianqiang, my growth is slow, and I have been stuck in the early stage of 20,000 qi. This undoubtedly needs the help of an expert to clarify my doubts.

As long as you pass the hunter test, you will enter the Hunter Association. There must be no such things as "sect inheritance", "inner sect and outer sect", "true disciples", etc., but entering into the hunting association, getting to know a few more senior hunters, and gaining some practical experience in front of professionals may be better than anything else. All strong.

However, after he accidentally resolved the hidden danger of death in his heart this time, the urgency in his heart to participate in the hunter test was significantly weakened.

With the telekinesis ability of "The blue sky is as high as the sky and the underworld is falling", there is no need to worry about the upper limit when it comes to the amount of telekinesis.

If you really can’t practice it, then let’s add more at worst!

Jing Yang glanced at the death energy panel.

These days of wandering at sea, although unlucky and embarrassing, are not all bad things.

You have to eat, right?

Although there are plenty of food reserves in the bulging-eye fish, when he occasionally encounters a passing school of fish, Xiaodi will raise his hand and say a chain saw to throw it out, and he will always gain something.

Not only did he have a feast of delicious seafood, but Jing Yang also gained a lot.

The little gray man sitting in the hexagon of the dead air panel has 11 gray air currents flowing around him.

Jing Yang thought for a moment, then threw 8 "points" into the "Enhancement System" in one corner of the hexagon, and injected another 1 point into the "Release System" and "Transformation System" on both sides.

The numbers next to the Strengthening Department quickly increased from the original 60.6% to 68.6%; the Release Department and the Change Department were 80.4% → 81.4% and 61% → 62% respectively.

And because the six major departments of telekinesis complement each other, they can be said to be prosperous and affect the whole body. After the strengthening department increased by 8 points, the release and transformation systems on the left and right also increased sporadicly; when these two When each department is injected with 1 point of improvement, the strengthening department will also benefit once from the growth of the release department and the change department.

It’s a mouthful to say, but after Jing Yang took a few breaths, he allocated 10 points of death energy and the result was: Strengthening system 60.6 → 69.2%; Release system 80.4% → 82.2%; Change system 61% → 62.6% .

By the way, thanks to the improvement of the transformation system, the materialization system on the other side adjacent to it also increased slightly from 80.8% to 81%.

Jing Yang thought to himself: If you add points to one department, the other departments will follow suit. This saves you a lot of effort.

With my current upper limit expanded to 81% of the materialization system, if I practice it seriously, the difficulty should be the same as when I first practiced the release system, that is, there is basically no difficulty.

However, just because the unnecessary difficulty in practicing has been eliminated, it does not mean that Jing Yang will start practicing. Firstly, my energy is limited, and secondly, there is really no better direction for developing the mind ability of the embodied system, so I have put it on hold for the time being.

As for the 1 point of death energy left behind... Jing Yang looked at the last gray air flow surrounding the little gray man sitting unmoved in the hexagon with a new numerical value, and planned to use this last 1 point of death energy. Keep it for digestion slowly and use it to increase your total thoughts.

Tsk tsk.

Look at this hexagonal diagram bro. The worst corner also has 62.6%, which looks so pleasing to the eye.

The total number of thoughts also fluctuates slightly around 255,211.

There is still 1 point of death energy waiting to be "refined". This 1 point of death energy can be cultivated to at least several hundred. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to practice a thousand thoughts.

What a vibrant place!

With a thought in Jing Yang's mind, he transferred his consciousness to another continent, oh, the miserable moon tiger on another island far away in the ocean.

He moved Wu Er's legs and feet and was quite satisfied with his weight loss results.

"Kage Takeji" was running through the woods of Ghost Island, wandering not far from the Elf Amusement Park, secretly observing the figures of the few tourists today... He was like this that day too, possessing Takeji's body, and seeing The little blond girl who was dealing with fake jewelry dealers near the amusement park was our respectable and lovely Aunt Bisiki.

Can such a good teacher be let go? It must not be possible!

However, "Kingwu Er" quietly wanted to get closer, thinking that at least he could get acquainted without fighting, make friends or something - first of all, this island is Ghost Island, and the island is protected by the Moon Tiger. District, no matter what Aunt Bi said, she would not directly "kill the tiger with one hand"; secondly, isn't it said that all good hunters are loved by animals? Then, as an "animal", I went to get close to Aunt Bi, the best hunter. That makes sense, right?

But the result of that day was that when "Kingwu Er" stepped into a certain distance behind Bisji, Bisji's figure disappeared directly.

In the eyes of "King Wu Er", there was only an afterimage flickering, and the blond "little girl" who had just smiled and reasoned with the little profiteer just disappeared on the spot.

...Bisji discovered me long ago! "King Wu Er" realized it later.

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